GENTRY'S BARBER SHOP J. E. GENTRY, Proprlitor. FIRST CLASS SHAVING AND HAIRCUTTING Agent for Cresent Steam Laundry Shop one door west Lexington Bank LEXINGTON, - - . OREGON. $ Stationery p J? c . (h J Kontections k School: Supplies Doilet Trlicles Sic. Glc. LEXINGTON, OREGON BAND PICNIC LEXINGTON ORE. THURSDAY, JUNE 21, 1906 PROGRAMME 10 O'clock Grand Street Parade, consisting of Liberty Car, Band and Citizens in carriages and on horseback. Parade will form in front of Congregational church at 10 o'clock sharp. 11 O'clock Address, in the grove, by Sheriff E. M. Shutt, of Heppner. - -Music by the band PICNIC DINNER 1:30 P. yM. Music by the band, which will be followed by Recitations - Instrniental and Vocal Music 4:30 P. M. Foot Race, for boys under 12, ' free for all, 50 yards. 1st prize, 50 cents in cash. 2nd Pocket Knife, value 50c. ( 3d 25 cents in cash. T3oys Sack Race 15 and under, 1st 50 cents 2d 35 cents. Fat Man Race 200 pounds and over, 1st Handsome Pipe and package of Tobacco. 2d Years subscription to the Wheatfield. Girl Race Free for all under 12. 1st 50c 2d 25c. 3d Bunch of firecrackers. Oirl Race Free for all under 60. 1st 50c. 2d 25c. 3d Package Calling Cords. All the above exercises held in the grove. S P. M., in town, Practice run by Volunteer Fire Department, , v DANCING IN PAVILLION All Day and Night. BEAUTIFUL FIREWORKS in the evening. LOCAL NEWS Dr. M. A. Leach, Dentist, Heppner John White vent to Heppner Tuesday- i'. John White was In Heppner yester day. J. H. Chapman spent Sunday in Portland, . "", Dr. M. A. Leach, Is In Lexington this week. J. V. Grimes returned from Salem Tuesday last. Boost Lexington the best ,town In Morrow county. Frank Carr, of Heppner, Is spending a few days In Lexington. Dr. Hlggs. Specialist, eye, ear, nose and throat. Heppner, Oregon. E.'A. Pointer and wife and Mrs. B. M. Booher made a trip to Heppner yesterday. FOR SALE Piano header with three boxes and one wagon. Enquire at this office. Dan P. Doherty has had charge of the Pastime during the absence of J. V Crimes. Get your stationery at the Wheatfield Printery and your business will never become stationary. John B. White went to Heppner Monday. There seems to be an at traction In Heppner for our City Re corder. Today Is picnic day in Lexington and it is expected that a good crowd will be In town and a fine time is as sured for all. Remember that next Sunday is regular service day at the Methodist church, preaching by the pastor at 1 1 a. m. and 8 pm. Why are you a buzzard or a dove? Go and hear Rev. T. P. Graham's sermon at the Methodist church next Sunday evening and find out. The Lexington band, one .of the best musical organizations In this part of Eastern Oregon, has been engaged to furnish music at the Heppner cele bration. . Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Burchell were shopping in Lexington last Saturday. Mr. Burchell has some good looking grain but is too modest to say much about It. C. C. Boon was in Lexington Mon day. He said he understood that John White was at work on the Creamery building and came to town just to see him work. Home grown new potatoes were on the market Monday, from the garden of Dr. R. C. Hunter. The Wheat field family was remembered with a nice mess. We failed to mention in last weeks Issue that J. H. Helms and family, formerly of Blalock, had moved to Lexington. They are occupying one of the houses on the Penland property, S. M. Green and brother, Ben, de parted last Saturday for Angora, Colo rado, where they will make their fut ure home. The Wheatfield will keep them posted on Morrow county affairs. Work on the creamery Is being hur ried along. The building will soon be enclosed and will be ready for the ma chinery on arrival, The main building Is 24x32 feet with an L 12x20 feet. This creamery will have a capacity of 1000 pounds of butter per day. Word was received In Lexington Saturday that It was the father of Mrs. Grimes instead of Mr. Grimes that was ill at Salem. E. D. Leach was operated on, Wednesday of last week, for appendicitis and cancer of the stomach. The report stated that he was In a critical condition. The Wheatfield has just completed arrangements with the Oregon Journal whereby we are able to furnish the Oregon Dally Journal, Including the Sunday Issue, and The Wheatfield, one year $7. The Dally Journal and Wheatfield one year $5. The Semi- Weekly Journal and The : Wheatfield one year $1.75. ft This Space Reserved For W. G. SCOTT & CO. t Lexington, Oregon. t I ! LEXINGTON MEAT MARKET FAIRCHILD & MARLATT, Proprietors. l FRESH ArsD I SALT I MEATS 9 SAbSAQES a rn 5 LARD C C HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR HIDES LEXINGTON, OREGON. J pa, M THE OFFICE "Tl o LANE & INSKEEP, Proprietors. GENTLEMEN'S RESORT o FINE WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS i Sole Agents for Enterprise Beer, The kind that made Lexington Famous. o o H First-Class Pool Table In Connection. II 9 LEXINGTON, O JQ O OREGON 2 101 02 ,0 3irst Jtfational 3$ank of Oeppner n Capital Stock $50,000. Surplus and undivided profits $70,000 II C. A. RHEA, President G. W. CONSER, - Cashier T. A. RHEA, Vice-President E. L. FREELAND, Ass't CshV D Transacts a General Banking Business Four per cent paid on Time Deposits EXCHANGE ON ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD BOUGHT AND SOLD fc Collections made on all points at reasonable terms II The Lexington Creameoy Co. was Incorporated the past week. W. E. Leach, Andrew Reaney, R. L. Benge, S. E. Lee, Wm. Padberg, W. P, McMillan and S. A. Thomas being the Incorporators. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, June 18, 1906. Notice Is hereby given that SAMUEL J, DEVINE, of Lexington, Oregon, has filed notice of his Intention to make final five-year proof In support of his claim, viz: Homestead Entry No. 8647 made Nov. 9, 1900, for the W NWtf and W SWtf, Section 35, Township 1 North, Range 25 E., W. M., and that said proof will be made before J. P. Williams, U. S. Commissioner, at his office in Heppner, Oregon, on July 21st, 1906, He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, the land viz: Nels Nelson, Les A. Langley, James Hamilton and George White, all of Lexing ton, Oregon, Michael T. Nolan, 6-21-7-19 Reglajer. Knowledge Is no burden. Better be silent that talk 111. At the end we see who wins. An estate Inherited Is not valued. They always talk who never think. All do not bite that show their teeth. A button is a small event that la always coming off. Broken friendship may be mended but can never be made sound. The Very Beit Remedy for Bowel Trouble. Mr.. M. F. Borroughs, an old and well known resident of Bluffton, Ind., says: "I regard Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as the very best remedy for bowel trouble. I make this statement after having1 used the remedy In my family for sev eral years. I am never without it." This remedy is almost sure to be need ed before the summer is over. Why not buy it now and be prepared for such an emergency? For sale by W. P McMillan.