V BAND PICNIC AT LEXINGTON THIS THURSDAY IP1 ft 1 ... I ' If 1 4 Id VOL. I LEXINGTON, OREGON THURSDAY JUNE 21, 190G NO. 39 COUNTY NEWS. Heppner Tlme3 i " Phil Metschan and family were pas sengers for Portland Saturday. Phil will return in a few days', but his family will remain away during the summer. Mrs. Alzina Manning, a former resi dent of Heppnr, who has been visiting with relatives and friends In Morrow county past three weeks, left Tuesday morning for her home In Princeton, Maine. William McLean, state veterinarian, of Portland, was here the first of the week to examine some horses north of lone for glander. It is reported that he caused one horse to be killed, fum igated the stables and took other pre caution to stamp out the disease to prevent its spreading. B. F. Swaggart, who was in Heppner the latter part of last week, reports crops doing well, and that he has even better wheat on his ranch north of Lex ington than he had last year. Mr. Swaggart had just returned from Pen dleton, where he had been visiting his family. He informed the Times that his son Grover has just graduated from the Pendleton high school aud will now come, home and take charge of the ranch. Heppnsr Cazette The dance given by Clyde Wells In Roberts' hall, Saturday night, was well attented, and all that were there report a pleasant time. , Henery Hedges, who has a ranch two miles east of Bend, recently Im ported some tea plants and they are do ing well These are said to ' be the first tea plants ever tried In Oregon. It Is said that the climate of Chinawhere tea is so extensively cultivated, is very similar to that of Central Oregon, lone Proclaimer Frank Young was In ' lone Monday from the Gooseberry country and reports the crops In that locality to be looking exceptionally good. J. W. Benson, who with his wife arrived from Wilkesbarre, Pa., sevral days ago for a visit with his father, W. G. Benson, has accepted a positino of T L. Dorman and expects to locate here permanently. Jacob Bortzer and family could not stand the city life any longer.- Mr. B. made his start in the world growing wheat, and he still has a few thousand Invested in a crop, so he moved out to the ranch Monday where he could see it grow and will be on the ground dur ing harvest time. CHAFF FROM THE STRAY STACK Pull may get ycu a good position but it generally takes push to hold it. The hammock season is new here, much to trie delight of the young folks. Ninty-five percent of the natives cf Porto Rico are afflicted with a disease called the "lazy worm." It wholly unfits them for active toil. There are people right here who have the same disease. f ' , ' The pupils had got as far as the word "hypocrites." None of the children could explain what it meant. One thought that , It meant "big feeling" another thought a hypocrite was a "big animal that wallers in the mud." So the teacher explained; "A hypocrite, children, is a person who pretends to be what he is not, such as, one may be pleasant to your face, but soeaks ill behind your back." "Please inarm," cried a little boy eagerly rais- ing his hand then my pa 'aint no hypocrite" cause he said you were a confounded old maid, and he'd just's leave tell yer so yer face." To run a newspaper all a fellow has to do Is to be able to write poems , dis cuss the tariJf and money questions, umpire a base ball game.report a wed ding, saw wood, describe a fire so that the readers will shed their wraps, make $1 do the work of ten, shine at a dance, measure calico, abuse the liquor habit, test whiskey, subscribe to charity, go withour meals, attack free silvir; wear diamonds, invent advertisements, overlook scandal, appraise babies, deligh pumpkin raisers rpinister to the afflicted, heal the. disgruntled, set type, mould opinions, sweep the office, speak at the prayer meeting, stand in with everybody and everything. Ex. liONG TEXNKSEJi TIGHT, For twenty years W. L. Rawls, of Bells, Tenn., fought nasal catarrh. He writes; "The swelling and soreness in side my nose was fearful, till I began applying Bucklen's Arnica Salve to the sore surface; this caused the soreness and swelling to disappear, never to re turn." Best salve in existence. 25c at W. P, McMillan's drug store. r Pp as you ought, come what may. I Mabel married Arthur and was ! thenceforth wedded to Art. I J Many men try to find the deserving poor by looking In a mirror. m;w cukk rou ki'ILi;psy ' J. B. Waterman, of Watertown, 0., Rural free delivery, writes; "My daugh ter, afflicted for year's with epilepsy, was cured by Dr. King's New Life Pills She has not had an attack for over two years." Best body cleansers and life giving tonic pills on earthy 25c at W. P. McMillan's drug store, f uaas: WHZIJ ALWAYS TAHE 1 3 ji o OREGON Aim T0 Salt Lake, Denver, Kansas City, Chicago, St- Louis, New York. Ucobii Steamers for SsmKrHHoUoo lTe Portland at 8 P. M. every fifth day. Tickta to and from all point of the Unit ed States and Kuroie. Trains Leave Lexington, Daily, ex cept Sunday, 9:25 A. M. Trains Arrive at Lexington, Daily, ex cept Sunday - 5:10 P.M. Trains Connect at Heppner Junction with Main Line trains for all points East and West. A.. L. CRAIG, G. P. A. It ia famous for its cures end et& al ways bo depended uon. It coun teracts an; tendency of a cold 10 result in pnouraonia. IT IS SAFE AND SUEE. JPrlc 25e. Lrg ! SO cam. PHELPS BRO'S Dealers in tec LIGHT HAULING A SPECIALTY . RATES , REASONABLE LEXINGTON. - ORKGOJf 1 "y r7"" - ' " mmm 1M MJ Many nice Hats to offer, far below cost. before thev are all gone. W E ai"e offering odd suits of clothing in. order to clean up our Stock far below cost 'of Manufacture. o QHnFQ wp bfive those to oitfer at T0rrs which rnsr at UIIVL,U ' - - " " ' wv " least $2.50 to $8.00 to make, they must go in order to make room, lor new goods. DRESS GOODS .50 values at 95 cents, $1.00 values 'at 60 cents, 75 cent valuer at 40 cents, 65 cent Valuesrat 40 cents, 50 cent values at 30 cents, we must let them go at some price. GREAT values in Laces of all kinds, Imbroideries, etc. LA DIE'S Wash Skirts' one half price. Ladie's Waists one half price, just one-half what these have for mally sold at1. We are determined to clean up our stock. i " tli in o- von use. eat and wear and buy a olncf n? nnv store in Morrow cduntv, we own our ) buildings aud are in. a position to handle our busi ness right and at a close margin. We take as much pains with a small order and give it the same at tention as we do any of our large customers. We aim to handle the best of everything, give us a chance to figure with you we can do you good. COPYRIGHT I90J DAVID ABLER A SONS:' CLOTHING CO. MILWAUKEE, 0 u eac A tA roiners ... : "'.!', C .. Nice Neat Filling Suits, Coat Vest and Pants for the Low Price of $4.45 Just think of IT. THE Very Latest' Children and Boys Suits for $2.45. CALL and let us show you Goods and Prices, that -, will simply astonish ; you. BOYS Shirts from 35 cents up MEN'S Shirts from 50 cts. up WE have just received some new Spring Work Buggies, Hacks. Don't buy a vehicle till you see ours and get prices. HARNESS is advancing every day, we have bought ahead and can give you the advantage o the raise. This is no small item, harness that are .high today will look cheap in three months from now,, leather advancing every day, BUY NOW. HARDWARE is advancing in eome lines, we are pre pared to take care of you in this line to. . Come and See. " ore