GENTRY'S BARBER SHOP J. E. GENTRY, Proprietor. FIRST CLASS SHAVING AND HAIRCUTTING B Agnt for Cresent Steam Laundry Shop one door west Lexington Bank LEXINGTON, - . OREGON. 3) rags ' j Stationery ' Qonfections " jj? cj School Supplies k V toilet Articles 1 LEXINGTON, OREGON 1 m 3"irst National 3$ank of Jeppner u fas Qapital Stock $50,000. Surplus and undivided profits $70, 000 C. A. RHEA, - President T. A. RHEA, Vice-President G. W. CONSER, - Cashier E, L. FREELAND, Ass't Csh'r Transacts a General Banking Business Four per cent paid on Time Deposits EXCHANGE ON ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD BOUGHT AND SOLD Collections made on all points at reasonable terms, Jl BAND PICNIC The Lexington Band will entertain the peo pie of Morrow county with a grand picnic at LEXINGTON, OREGON ON THURSDAY, JUNE 21 STREET PARADE AT 1 0 A. M. COUNTY SHERIFF, E. M. SHUTT i and others will be present and deliver interesting, addresses EVERYBODY WELCOME An interesting programme is being prepared ' that will amuse all LOCAL NEWS Next Thursday, Is Picnic day in Lexington. Come to town next Thursday. Dr. M. A. Leach, Dentist, Heppner Phelps Bros, place a card In this Issue. ' Cronan & McArthur have an ad in this Issue. Don't forget about the band picnic next Thursday. Boost Lexington the best town In Morrow county. A. Reaney took a load of hogs to ! Heppner Tuesday. Read the Supplement In this issue of The Wheatfield. R. L. Benge is having a wood shed erected on his residence property. F. M. Lovegreen, of Eight Mile, was trading in Lexington Tuesday. ' Before you buy a cream separator, see the DeLaval. Warren & Lee. V. B. McAlister and wife returned from their pleasure trip last Saturday. Dr. Hii'gs. Specialist, eye. ear. nose and throat. Heppner, Oregon, j S. E. Lee received a shipment of DeLaval Cream Separators this week. Lexington needs several more dwell ing houses. Now is the time to build FOR SALE Piano header with three boxes and one wagon. Enquire at this office. Mrs. W. P. McMillan and children are spending this week with her par ents In lone. Jack Lane and Pete Beymer left yesterday fsr a few days outing at McDuffy Springs. Get your stationery at the Wheatfield Printery and your business will never become stationary. Emmet, the young son of A. K. Fuller, fell from a horse yesterday dis locating the elbow. Don't buy a gasoline Engine until you see The Stover, sold by the Lex ington Electric Co. The awning In front of. The Office saloon and Barber shop, Is receiving a coat of paint this week. Mr. Cronan, of the hardware firm of Cronan & McArthur, of lone, was a Lexington visitor Sunday. C. L. Porter and wife, of Platsburg, Mo., are the guests of Mrs. Porters sister, Mrs. E. E. Thomas. FOUND The best place in Morrow county to get commercial printing Is at The Wheatfield Printery. Ed. Berry has sectlred rooms in our city for a shop and has moved his out fit here. Lexington looks good to Ed. Dr. Fred Hunter is at Hoquiam, Wash., this week taking the examina tions before . the Washington State Duaru. Those who have ' been reading the continued story in The Wheatfield will find two installments of the story In this Issue. There is good Indications that the slaughtering pens of Fairchild & Mar latt, of Heppner, will be removed to Lexington. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Campbell and family, of Pendleton, are the guests of their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs Andrew Reany. R. M. Thomas, assistant superin tendent of the Railway Mall service, of Chicago, yisited with his brother, E. E. Thomas, this week. J. V. Grimes received word yester day that his father, who is living near Salem, was seriously ill. . Mr. and Mrs. Grimes departed on this mornings train to be' at his bedside. Perry C. Cork, son of Theodore Cork, died last Sunday after a linger ing illness. Perry'was born In Oregon June 11, 1886, and while yet a child his family moved to the Eastern states afterwards coming back to Oregon. J The funeral was held from the M. E. church, Monday afternoon, June 11, his twentieth birthday. Rev. T. P. Graham preached the funeral sermon. A large concourse of friends followed i Thw Space Reserved For 0 I w. G. SCOTT & co. Lexington, Oregon. g LEXINGTON MEAT MARKET t FAIRCHILD & MARLATT, Proprietors. FRESH AND I SALT I MEATS 5 iff SAbSAGES I AND i LARD (? HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR HIDES I LEXINGTON, OREGON, STHE OFFICE LANE & 1NSKEEP, Proprietors. GENTLEMEN'S RESORT FINE WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS Sole Agents for Enterprise Beer, The kind that made Lexington Famous. First-Class Pool Table In Connection. 2 LEXINGTON, lko II o OREGON S xoxJ the remains to their last restfng place, in the Lexington cemetery. The Wheatfield extends sympathy to the bereaved father, brothers and sisters. We have been accused of saying ihat the picture show, alleging to show the destruction of San Francisco, was not up to standard, .because it was given In the Congregational church, and that we were working against that church. We will state publicly that anyone making such an allegation is stating a falsehood, as we have no de sire to knock anv institution in our town. We have in the past and will in the future do all in our power to as sist in upbuilding Lexington in every way possible regardless of those who delight in prevaricating and attempt ing to destroy every enterprise that does not meet their personal views. I have just received, from Edward B. Grossman & Co., of Chicago, a choice line of spring samples. Ladies' and Misses' Suits, Silk Shirt Waist Suits, Wash Suits, Wash Skirts, Waists, Petticoats. Cloth and Silk Skirts, Jackets and Raincoats. Any one desiring anything in this line will do well to call and look over my samples at The Wheatfield Printery. Mrs. S. A. Thomas. The Very Best Remedy for Bowel Trouble. Mr. M. F. Borroughs, an old and well known resident of Bluffton, Ind., says: "1 regard Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as the very best remedy for bowel trouble. I make this statement after having used the remedy in my family for sev eral years. I am never without It." this remedy Is almost sure to be need ed before the summer Is over. Why not buy It now and be prepared for such an emergency? For sale by W. P McMillan. F. H. ROBINSON ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW NOTARY Pl'BLIC Practice in all Courts. Legal business given prompt and careful attention. Land Contests. Probate Work and Conveyanc ing a specialty. OREGON IONE, C. C. CHICK, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Diseases of Women and Children a spec ialty. Calls answered promptly Day or Night. HARDMAN, ORECON W.J.DAVIS CONTRACTER & BUILDER Estimates Furnished Lexington, - Oregon Homer Ferguson .... GRAYING UNO Tfi PROMPT SERVICE REASONABLE CHARGES LEXINGTON, OREGON CARPETS I have a first class flying shuttle loom and am prepar ed to do all kinds of Carpet Weaving. Send me your rags. MRS. C. A. MOREY, Lexington, - - Oregon