Lexington wheatfield. (Lexington, Or.) 1905-19??, June 14, 1906, Image 3

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At any rate, you seem to be
getting rid of It on auction-sale
principles: "going, going,
fi-o-n-el" Stop , the auction
with Ayer's Hair Vigor. It
checks falling hair, and always
restores color to gray hair. A
splendid dressing also." Sold
for over sixty years.
" Mj hair eme out no badly J nearly lost It
all. I had heard so much about A Tor's Hair
Vigor I thought I would glr It a trial. I did
o Hhd It completely stopped t lis falling, and
msde my hair grow very rapidly." Mauy 11.
FlKl,D,Northriuld, Mans.
Had by J. 0. Ayer Co., Lowell, Mass,
Alio manufeotarers of
lie Head the Slurna.
One morning two young women en
tered tlio Kaltvllle grocery, and nfter
Bonie discussion bought a pound of
dates, two pounds of glnfcersnups and
two pounds of crut-kurs.
"Stopping ut MIhk Gray's?" Inquired
the clerk, as ho tied up the bundles.
"Yes," suld one of the young women,
with evident surprise.
"Came about yesterday forenoon?"
said the clerk.
"How did you know?" asked the oth
er young woman, curiously.
"Urn. Well, I can most generally
tell," said the clerk, without glanctng
nt the objects of his mlnd-readlng, as
lie twitched a knot In the string. "You
see, It's pretty drizzly and muddy to
day, and I knew there wouldn't be any
body's boarders but Miss Gray's feel
the need of coining out here such weath
er; and long us you didn't come till to
day, I knew for sure you couldn't have
been here morc'n one day. Three meals
is about the average."
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by local applications as they cannot reach the
diseased portion of the ear. '1 here is only one
way to cure deatuess, and that in by constitu
tional remedies, liealnesa la caused bv an In
flamed condition of the mucouii lining of the
Eustachian Tube. W hen this tube is inflamed
you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hear
ing, and when it is entirely closed, Deafness is
the result, and unions the Inllammation can be
taken out and this tube restored to its normal
condition, hearing will be destroyed forever;
Dine cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh,
which is nothing but an inllamed condition oi
Ihe-mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for any
case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can
Dot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Bend for
Circulars, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0.
Bold by Druggists, 76c.
Hall's Family 1'UU are the best. .
Intelligent Critic.
"Hal ha! That was a funny Joke
you wrote about the fellow who didn't
know a 'bunker' from a 'stymie,' " said
the golfer.
"Made a hit with you golfers, eh?"
replied the funny man.
"Yes. Such ignorance is laughable."
"I' suppose so. Say, what are 'bunk
ers' and 'stymies,' any way ?" Phila
delphia Ledger.
Mothers will find Mr". Wlnslow's Soothing
Syrup the best remedy to use for their children
during the teething period.
A Caution Financier.
"Do you favor government owner
ship of railways?"
"I don't know," answered Farmer
Corntossel. "It 'ud be all right if we
could alius be sure of sharin' profits,
but I've got trouble enough with taxes
without dlggln' down to pay deficits.'
Washington Star.
Bt. Vitus' Dance and all Nervous Diseases
permanently cured by lr. Kline's ureal
Serve Restorer, riena for t itKB sziriat Dome, ana
treatise. Dr.it. ILKlin. ,Ld.,81 ArchBt.,Pulla.,Pa.
Indianapolis Transportation Facilities.
Indianapolis has 18 railroads, reach
ing all the important cities of the Cen
tral West, and 14 interurban electric
lines and connections extending from
25 to 75 miles in every direction.
These bring into Indianapolis an
enormous trading population. From a
iadius of 50 miles more than 25, COO
manufacturers and dealers come to In
dianapolis for their supplies. Editors
and publishers will visit Indianapolis
in June, the occasion being the annual
convention of the National Editorial
Fallacr Abont Jeweler.
Jewelers, when watches are with
them for repairs, are frequently Insult
ed with the remak :
"I trust there is no danger of crys
tals being substituted for the Jewels in
the works of my watch,"
For a great many persons think there
are dishonest jewelers who make a
practice, with "full-jeweled" watches,
of substituting crystals for the Jewels
at an enormous profit
As a matter of fact there Is no truth
In this suspicion. A Jeweler, no matter
how dishonest, could not steal the Jew
els in a watch, for they are valueless;
they only cost 10 cents apiece.
In antique watches the Jewels were
often costly. In modern watches they
are never worth more than $15 a gross.
Whan Anntle Wsi Hlleneerl.
"Auntie" was showing off her little
nephew, aged 2, to an admirer, who
was (calling upon her for.-.tue second
time. iWwaH u Very bright 'ybuugster
and during a pause in his performances
specially requested by "auntie,'.', bo
suddenly remembered the way slio had
been tensing him before the taller ar
rived and decided to turn the Jables on
her. So he pointed a chubby finger
nt tlm door and said, "My rugT"'' 1
Auntie at once caught the spirit of
the thing and cried emphutlcally, "No,
my rug!" ' ; .
"My dross," said her little nephew,
pointing to auntie's gown.
"No, my dress," replied auntie, de
lighted to, have an opportunity to show
bow cute he was. i , . ,
Then the little boy sidled over to the
caller and pointing at him, cried "My
man !"
Silence on the part of auntie. Bos
ton Eagle.
Planting; Corn In Panama.
"Anyone who is willing to work can
get rich In the Itepubllc of Panama,"
said Dlllwynn M. Hazlett to a Kansas
City Journal writer. "It costs 10 cents
a bunch to raise bananas and there is
always sale for them at 30 cents a
bunch. Three crops of corn can be
raised a year and no cultivation is re
quired. A man walks along and drops
the corn In the footprints he makes
and a native follows and covers the
corn with his big toe. That Is all there
Is to do until It is time to gather It"
Rooms Named for States.
"In a little town in the backwoods of
Mississippi," remarked a traveling
man, "there Is a peculiar hotel. It is
just like any other hotel except In the
way the rooms are named. They are
not numbered, as is generally done, but
each room Is named for a State, of the
United States. When I stopped at the
place I was assigned to a room called
'Delaware.' It was correctly named,
too, for It was one of the smallest
rooms In the house. The man who was
occupying 'New Hampshire' made com
plaint to the landlord that the man In
'Maine' was drunk and boisterous and
thus keeping him awake. This seemed
strange when we recall that Maine is
a prohibition State. Two men up In
'Montana' were keeping up the repu
tation of the wild West by engaging in
a nlosy poker game. A big, fat capi
talist had 'New York,' which was the
best room In the house. The room
named for Alabama is too ordinary for
anything, and a farmer was occupying
It the night I was there. It was funny
to' stand In the office and hear a bell
boy tell the clerk that towels were
wanted in 'Iowa' and that the fellow
in 'North Dakota' was kicking like a
steer because he had no fire, 'Be sure
to call the man in "Florida" at 5
o'clock in the morning,' said one of the
employes. And thus It went. This
hotel is a curiosity to the traveling
public. It Is conducted by an eccentric
old fellow, but where he conceived the
Idea of naming rooms after States I do
not know." Birmingham Age-Herald.
Home Grown Tea. .
This year 12,000 pounds of choice
tea will be shipped from what is at
present the only tea farm In the West
ern Hemisphere. This farm Is at Som
ervllle, S. C. In the face of difficulties
that at times seemed Insurmountable,
but on the other hand with the kindly
assistance of the United States gov
ernment, the Somervllle tea farm has
grown to a point where It can offer
serious competition with the best
grades of tea shipped from China, In
dia, Formosa or Java. But, above all,
it has been demonstrated that barring
the question of labor, the finest tea can
be successfully grown at home. Tech
nical World Magazine.
The Sacrificing Spirit.
"What are you going to give up dur
ing Lent, Belle?"
"How can you stand It when you love
them so?"
"Well, Mame, George brings me such
cheap ones and I don't dare take them
from any other man, you know." Bal
timore American.
A Rochester Chemist Found a Singular'
ly Effective Bleuiclne.
William A. Franklin, of the Frank
lin & Palmer Chemical Co., Rochester,
H. Y., writes:
"Seven years ago
I was suffering very
much through the
milure of the kid
neys to eliminate
the uric acid from
my system. My
back was very lame
and ached if I over
exerted myself in the least degree. At
times I was weighed down with a feel
ing of languor and depression and suf
fered continually from annoving irregu
larities of the kidney secretions.
I procured a box of Doan's Kidney
Pills and began using them. I found
prompt relief irom the aching and
lameness in my back, and by the time
I had taken three boxes I was cured of
all Irregularities."
Bold by all dealers; 50 cents a box
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Care of the. Itefrtarerator.
If a dish , containing a good-sized
lump of unslacked Hhie Is . placed on
a shelf in the refrigerator It will ab
sorb the moisture and bo help prevent
mold and keep the food from spoiling.
If . "through care'lessmess butter,
grease, etc., has come in contact with
the zinc lining of the refrigerator and
there Is a musty smell which cannot
be removed with washing soda, mix a
quart of quick lime and apply with a
paint brush to every part of the zinc
lining top as well as bottom and sides,
washing it on thick like paint. If the
trays cannot be made sweet by the use
of strong soda water and drying in the
hot sun, paint them also with the thick
lime wash.
Irian Stew.
Six lean chops, put into a saucepan
with two onions and a teaspoonful of
butter, and quickly browned. Add one
pint of cold water; skim off fat; add
a teaspoonful of salt one-third of pep
per; simmer very gently-one and one-
half hours; skim; add a teaspoonful
Worcestershire sauce, one-half dozen'
potatoes; cover close; simmer another
One bowl chopped meat various
cold pieces will do one can tomatoes,
one onion, sliced fine, butter size of an
egg, one egg, beaten, one cupful sweet
milk, a pinch of salt one-quarter of a
green pepper or pinch of cayenne.
Cook fifteen minutes before adding egg
and milk ; stir it in and when It bolls
serve with or without crackers or dry
Fruit Wafer.
Mix well together a cup of chopped
figs, a cup of seeded raisins, a cup of
minced dates, a cup of chopped nut
meats. Tut all through the meat chop
per twice to make line. Strew confec
tioners' sugar on the pastry board, put
the fruit on this, add vanilla or lemon
Juice and knead ' until well-blended.
Roll out and cut, or make Into little
A Good "Left-Over" DUh.
Cut the corn from three or four ears
left from dinner and add to It six or
eight potatoes, cut into pieces. Put
into a snider enoueh milk to almost
cover the vegetables and when hot stir
them in. Season with salt, pepper and
butter. Stir constantly to prevent
burning. Cook about twenty minutes,
or until the milk is thick and creamy
'Whole-Wheat Hifflni,
Sift with a quart of whole wheat
flour a teaspoonful of salt and two
teaspoonfuls of baking powder. Add
three cups of rice milk into which
have been stirred two well-beaten eggs,
Beat In a tablespoonful of melted short
ening and beat for five minutes before
pouring into greased and warm muf
fin tins. Bake In a quick oven.
Frnlt Conserves.
One quart of rhubarb; one pint of
currants; one pint of raspberries; one
pound of English walnuts; the Juice
and rind of two lemons; the Juice and
rind of two oranges; one pound of
seeded raisins; six and a half pounds
of granulated sugar. Cook all together
until thick. This Is a good accom
paniment for meats.
Beef Risaolea.
Mince and season cold beef, flavor
It with mushroom or walnut ketchup.
Make of beef ' dripping a thin paste;
roll It out in thin pieces about four
Inches square, put some of the beef in
the center of each, fold the edges neat
ly over It and fry them in drippings to
a light brown. . The paste can hardly
be rolled too thin.
Bntter Scotch.
Wet a pound of brown sugar with
a half pint of water and two table
spoonfuls of vinegar. Put into a porcelain-lined
saucepan and boil for ten
minutes. Add four tablespoonfuls of
butter and cook until a little hardness
when dropped Into cold water. Pour
Into buttered tins, and, as It hardens,
mark off Into squares.
Cutlet of Cold Mutton.
Cut the remains of cold loin or neck
of mutton into small cutlets, trim off
some of the fat, season and dip thein
in a beaten egg, roil In breadcrumbs
and fry in boiling lard to a nice brown.
Arrange them neatly on a platter and
pour around them a good gravy or
hot tomato sauce.
Peanut Salad.
Shell and skin roasted peanuts and
soak for an hour in salad oil. Drain,
chop fine with half as many pitted
olives, and as much celery. Season
with salt and pepper, and scatter over
leaves of crisp lettuce. Serve with a
cream dressing. .,
iifaili jiij uiiiiiiuiii
The Kind You Have Always
ture of Clias. II. Fletcher, And, ha&been made under his
personal supervision for over 30 years. Allow no one
to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and
Jnst-as-good ' are but Experiments, and endanger the
health of ChildrenExperience against Experiment.
.. Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing1 Syrups. It is Pleasant. It.
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic -substance.
Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
The KM You Have Always Bought
Bears the
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Grandfather's Cure for
4S REAT medicine, the Saw-
to buck.
U 1 ( Two hours a day sawing
sail ' wood will keep anyone's
Bowels regular.
No need of pills, Cathartics, Castor
Oil nor "Physic," If you'll only work the
Sawbuck regularly.
Exercise is Nature's Cure for Consti
pation and, Ten-Mile walk will do, If you
haven't got a wood pile.
But, If you will take your Exercise in
an Easy Chair, there's only one way to
do.that, and make a Success of It.
Because, there's only one kind of
Artificial Exercise for the Bowels and Its
name is "CASCARETS."
" Cascarets are the only means to exer
cise the Bowel Muscles, without work.
They don't Purge, Gripe, nor "upset
your Stomach," because they don't act
like Cathartics.
They don't flush out your Bowels and
War of the World.
Deacon Hardesty I'm sorry to hear
that you are dissatisfied with your preach
er. He is a most excellent man.
Brother MeGinnis (of another congre
gation) Oh, yes, and he's a good preach
er; but he doesn't draw well. We have
a chance now to get a man who has just
been tried' for heresy.
You Can Qet Allen's Foot-Eaa FREE.
Write Allen 8. Olmsted, Le Roy.N. Y., for a
free sample of Allen's Foot-Ease. It cures
sweating, hot swollen, aching feet. It makes
new or tight shoes easy. A certain euro for
corns, ingrowing nails and bunions. Ail drug
gists sell it. 25c. Don't accept any substitute,
Blu and Proposals,
"Has Count Fucash made a proposal
for your daughter's hand?"
"Not exactly," answered Mr. Cumrox.
"He is waiting for me to put in bids
for a title." Washington Star.
Forty yeara a$o and after mwy years
of use on ue eastern coast,, i ower a
WntOTM-nnf filled Coats were Introdja'd
irt the West and were called 51ickera by
IaI - - . 1 V 1 a ..nlsln
rome has come into such fenerol use' that
it 1 frequently though wronjfully applied
to many substitutes. You want the jenuine.
Zm Look tor vni ijn or in nsn.ana
Knune lower on we puiiru.
TOWCR UMPIAW W,imilrt. imuriio.CAH.
. .V
Boutrht has borne the signa
Signature of
Intestines with a costly waste of Digestive
Juice, as Salts, Castor Oil, Calomel,
Jalap, or Aperient Waters, always do.
No, Cascaret3 strengthen and stimu
late the Bowel Muscles instead.
These are the Muscles that line the)
Food passages and that tighten up when
Food touches them, thus driving that
Food on to its finish.
They are the Muscles that turn. Food
into Strength through Nutrition.
Well, a Cascaret acts on your Bowel
Muscles as if you had just Sawed a cord
of wood, or walked ten miles.
That's why Cascarets are safe to take
aontinuously In health; and out of health.
Because they move the Food Naturally,
digesting it without waste of tomorrow's
Gastric Juice. -
They thus work all the Nutrition out of
It before it decays. . . ,
The thin, flat, Ten Cent box Is mads
to fit your Vest Pocket, or "My Lady's"
Purse. )
Carry it constantly with you and take)
a Cascaret whenever you suspect you
need one.
Thus you will ward off Appendicitis
Constipation, Indigestion, and other
things besides.
Druggists 10 Cents a Box.
Be very careful to get the genuine.
made only by the Sterling Remedy Com
pany and never sold In bulk. Every tab
let stamped " CCC."
We want to send to our friends a beautiful
French-designed. GOLD-PLATED BONBON BOX,
hard-enameled in colors. It is a beauty for the
dressing table. Ten cents in stamps is asked as a
measure of good faith and to cover costof Cascarets,
With which tlils'aalnty trinket is loaded. US
Send to-day, mentioning this paper. Address
Sterling Remedy Company, Chicago or New York
I The House of Representatives costs $3,
I 000,000 a year and the Senate $1,400,000.
HOWAHD K. BURTON.-Assayer and Chemist.
1 Leadvllle, Colorado. Specimen prices! Uoiil,
Silver, Ltad, 1 ; Hold, Bllver, 75c; Gold, We j Zinc or
Conner, II. Cyanide tents. Mailing enveloDHs nuii
I hill price list sent on application. Control and I'm-
pire wnrK Bouciteu. itelerence: Carbonate Na
tional Bank.
Portland Trade Directory
' Names and Addresses in Portland ot Repre
sentative Business Firms.
MAGIC LANTERNS Welster Co., Portland.
Lowest prices on Lanterns and Slides.
HORBE8 of all kinds for Bale at very reasonable
prices. Inqulrj 276 Front Bt.
CRKAM SEPARATOns-Ws guarantee the U.S.
Beparalor to ba thebeBt. Write lor free catalog.
Uazelwnod Co.; Finti and Oalc.
MEX'HCLOTHINO-Bultnm Pendleton, sol
UKenis Alfred Benjamin A t'o.'s correct clothes.
Kveryihlng In men's furnishings. Morrison and
Blxth streets. Opposite postolllce.
POULTRY KOOD If you want your hens to lay
more egfts write us for free particulars about PU
RINA Poultry feeds-acius miu Co,
I'ortl and, Oregon.
PIANOS A ORGANS-Oldest piano house on Pa
clllo coast. Organs and Pianos on easy payments.
Write for list. Let us quote you a price. AlleuJfc
Ullbert-Ramaker Co., Portland, Oregon.
WANTED Men and Women to learn Burner trade
In ekht weeks; graduates earn Irom (15 to
weekly; expert li s rtictors; catalog freej Moler
Hysti in of Colleges, 86 N. Fourth St., Portland.
plete course and posit on secured when graduated
i'his offer good oidy for short time. Write for par
Grand Theatre Rulldlng, Portland, Uregon.
P. N. U.
No. 24-06
HEN writing; to advertisers pleas
mention ibis paper.