Prisoners and Captives By H. S. MERRIMAN CHAPTER VIII. (Continued.) "Now I remember," interrupted Miss ' Winter, with her pleasant laugh; "of course. Please don't tell me any more. My stall was number number two hun dred and sixty " "Four," suggested Tyars in such a manner that it was in reality no sugges tion at all. "Yes; two hundred and sixty-four. There was an empty seat on my right hand." "And an old gentleman occupied that on your left." "My father," she explained, simply; but in the tone of her pleasant voice there waa something which made Tyars look gravely at her with a very slight bow as if In apology. Oswin Grace glanced at his sister with raised eyebrows, and she nodded almost imperceptibly. He had not heard of old Mr. Winter's death. In less skilled hands this Incident might have led to an awkward silence; but Agnes Winter had not spent ten years of her life in a whirl of society for nothing. She knew that one's own feel ings are of a strictly individual value. "You," she continued, "took the va cant seat." There was something very like a ques tion in her glance. Oswin Grace did not look pleased, and his eyes turned from one face to the other searchingly. Then she seemed suddenly to have received an answer to her query, for she turned to Helen and launched into narration gayly. "I will tell you," she said, "why these details are engraven so indelibly upon such a poor substance as my memory. It was rather a grand night; royalty was present, and the theater was almost full. In front of me were two men who id not appear to be taking an absorbing Interest in the play, for one was draw ing something which I took to be a map upon his program- " "It was a map," confessed Tyars, light ly. 'While he whispered earnestly at in tervals to his companion. I came to the conclusion that he was trying to persuide him to go and look for Livingstone, which suggestion was not well received. At last he turned round. I thought he was ad miring, or at least noticing, the new diamond star In my hair, but subsequent events proved that he was looking over my head. I' was disappointed," she added aside to Tyars. "I both noticed and admired," he ex claimed in self-defense. "There were two diamond stars, one much larger than the other. All except Oswin laughed at this feat of memory. "Well," continued Miss Winter, "at the first interval this irreproachable young man left his seat, came round, turned back the chair next to me, and hook hands with the man In the pit !" The pith of the story lay In its narra tion, which was perfect. The lady knew her audience as an able actor knows his house. By some subtle trick of voice the incident was made to redound to Tyars' credit, while its tone was distinct ly against him. The easy, cheery, honest humor of voice and expression was Irre sistible. Even the Admiral laughed as much as he ever laughed at a joke not re lated by himself. "He was," explained Tyars In his un satisfactory way, "a friend of mine." At this moment the door was opened by Salter, who announced that dinner was ready. As they were moving toward the door Oswin suddenly stopped. "Where is Muggins?" he asked. "On the mat," replied Tyars. "He was rather shy, and preferred waiting for a special invitation. lie is not quite at home on carpets yet." "I have heard about Muggins," said Helen to Tyars as they jwent downstairs together, "and am quite anxious to make his acquaintance." So Muggins was Introduced to his new friends, standing gravely on the dining room hearthrug with his sturdy legs set well apart, his stump of a tail jerking nervously at times, and his pink-rimmed eyes upraised appealingly to his master's face. He was endeavoring to the best of his ability to understand who all these well-dressed people were, and why he was forced into such sudden prominence. Moreover, he was desirous of acquitting himself well; and that smell of oxtail soup was somewhat distracting to a sea farer. He formed the subject of conversation while this same soup was being discuss ed, and Tyars was almost enthusiastic on the subject, somewhat to the amuse ment of Miss Agnes Winter, who was not a great lover of dogs. The dinner passed off very pleasantly, end many subjects were discussed with greater or less edification. Miss Winter seemed to take the lead, in virtue of her seniority' over the young hostess, touch ing upon many things with her light and airy precision, her gay philosophy, her gentle irony. Admiral Grace was the only person who succeeded In getting a piece of personal Information from Tyars, and this by the bluntest direct question. "I once," said the old gentleman, "was on a committee with a west country baro net of your name a Sir Wilbert Tyars Is he any relation of yours?" "Yes," Tyars answered, with Just suffi cient interest to prove his utter Indiffer ence. "Yes; he Is my uncle." There was a short pause ; some further remark was evidently expected. "I have not seen him for many years," b added, closing the Incident. When Mia Winter's carriage was an nounced at a quarter to eleven Tyars rose and tald good-night with an unemotional mm which might equally bar marked the beginning of intimacy or the consum mation of a formal social debt. When Agnes Winter came downstairs arrayed in a soft diaphanous arrange ment of Indian silk he was gone, and the three young people as they bid each other good-night in the hall, were eon clous of a feeling of insufficiency. None of the three attempted to define this sensation even to themselves, but it was not mere curiosity. It is worth noticing that Claud Tyars' name was not mention ed again in the house after the front door had closed behind him. And yet every person who ha'd seen hiru that evening was thinking of him ; upon them all the Impress of his singular individuality had been left. " 'Ain't wot I'd call a sailor man, eith er," muttered old Salter, thoughtfully scratching his stubby chin with a two shilling piece which happened to be In his hand as he returned to the pantry after closing the front door. "And yet there's grit in him. Sort o' bad weather' man, I'm thinkin'." ( Oswin's reflection as he slowly prepar ed for sleep were of a mixed character. He was not quite sure that the visit of his late shipmate had been an entire suc cess. His own personal interest In the man had in no way diminished, but the light of feminine eyes cast upon their friendship had brought that difference which always comes to our male acquaint ances when we introduce them to our women folk. CHAPTER IX. It was not yet 9 o'clock the following morning when Claud Tyars left the door of the quaint, old-fashioned hotel where he was staying. The usually busy streets were still comparatively empty. Washed out housemaids in washed-out cotton dresses were dusting the front doorsteps of such old world folks as were content to continue living on the eastern precincts of Tottenham Court road. As the young fellow walked briskly through some quiet streets in his dress there was this morning a slight sugges tion of the yachtsman that is to say, he was clad in blue serge, and his brown face suggested the breezes of the ocean. Beyond that there was nothing to seize upon, no clew as to what this powerful young man's calling or profession, tastes or habits, might be. He stopped occa sionally to look into the shop windows with the leisurely interest of a man who has an appointment and plenty of time upon his hands. Any one taking the trou ble to follow him would have been struck with the singularity of his choice in the matter of shop windows. He appeared to take an interest In such establishments as a general dealer's warehouse. There was a large grocer's shop on the left-hand side and here he stopped for a considerable time, studying with great attention a brilliant array of American-tinned pro duce. A tobacconist's was treated with slight heed, while the wares of a large ' optician appeared to be of absorbing In terest. The floors of St. Katherine's Dock had been open only a few minutes when Ty ars passed through the building into the London Dockl On the quay, under an iron-roofed shed at the head of the dock, a red-bearded, clumsy man was walking slowly backward and forward with that idle patience which soon becomes second nature in men accustomed to waiting for weather and tides. When he perceived Tyars he lurched forward to meet him. Tyars acknowledged his jerky saluta tion with a pleasant nod, and they walk ed away together. This burly son of the north was the man with whom Tyars had exchanged a shake of the hand one evening in a London theater when Miss Winter was seated close by. They walked the whole length of the block, avoiding with an apparent ease pitfalls in the way ring-bolts, steam pipes and hawsers. At the lower end of the basin, moored to a buoy in mid-dock, lay a strange looking little steamer. Her chief characteristic was clumsiness clumsiness of spar and general top-heaviness. Her bows were originally very bluff, and being now heavily incased In an outer armor of thick timber, the ef fect was the reverse of pretty. She was rigged like a brig, and her tall, old-fashioned funnel, rearing Its white form be tween the masts, suggested an enlarged galley chimney. Although she was the strangest looking craft in the docks, where many quaint old ships are slowly rotting to this day. It was said among the dock laborers and custom officers that the vessel had been built at Trontheim, In Norway, for a steam whaler; that she had been bought by an Englishman, and was now being leisurely fitted out under the supervision of the red-haired Scotchman who lived on board. Her destination was a pro found mystery. Some thought that she was to be a whaler, specially fitted for the "north water," others boldly stated that she was destined to opes up com merce with China by the northeast pas sage. "I think," said Tyars, critically, as he stood examining the little steamer, "that you have got on splendidly, Peters. She looks almost ready for sea." "Ay," responded the red-faced man, slowly. He was no great conversationalist. With his great head bent forward he stood beside the tall, straight man, and In his, attitude and demeanor there was a marked resemblance to a shaggy, good natured bear. "You have got the new foremast up, I see. A good bit of wood?" "Fine !" He shook his head sadly from side to side at the men thought of that piece of wood. "And the standing rigging Is all up?" "Ay." "And the running rigging ready?" "Ay; them riggers was fools." Tyars smiled in an ainutted way and said nothing. A boat now put off from the strange steamer and came toward them. A small boy standing In the stern of it propelled It rapidly with half an oar. Presently it came alongside some slimy steps near to them, and the two men stepped Into It without speaking. There was something hereditary In the awkward manner in which the boy jerked his hand up to his forehead by way of salutation. They all stood up In the boat, the older men sway ing uncomfortably from side to side at each frantic effort of the boy with tho half oar. When they reached the steamer Tyan clambered up the side first, stepping on board with the air of a man well ac quainted with every corner of the ship, He looked around him with an uncou sclous pride of possession .at which a yachtsman would have laughed, for there was no great merit in- being the owner of such a ludicrous and strange craft. Pe ters, the red-faced sailor, followed, and a minute examination of the vessel be gan. Below, on deck and up aloft the two men overhauled together every foot of timber, every bolt and seizing. The taciturn old fellow followed his employ er without vouchsafing a word of praise of his own handiwork. He did not even deign to point out what had been done, but followed with his head bent forward, his knotted fingers clasped behind his back. As it happened there was no need to draw attention to such details, for here again Tynrs displayed tho unerring powers of his singular memory. No tiny alteration escaped him. There seemed to be in his mind a minute inventory of the ship, for without effort he recalled the exact state of everything at an earlier period, vaguely designated as "before I went away." When the Inspection was finished the two men walked slowly aft, and, stand ing there beside the high, old-fashioned wheel, they gazed forward. "I believe," said Tyars, at length, "that I have found the man I want my first mate." "Aye," said the old fellow. In a non committal voice. "A royal navy man." There was the faintest whistle audible in the stillness of the deserted dock. Tyars looked down at his companion, whose gaze was steadily riveted on the foretop-gallant mast. The whistle was not repeated, but the straightforward sailor disdained to alter the form of his twisted Hps. "I had," continued Tyars, calmly, "an other very good man cook 'and steward but he died of yellow fever." Peters turned slowly and contemplat ed his employer's face before answering. "Ay." "This fellow was just the sort of chap I want. Plenty of hard work in him, and always cheerful. Sort of man to die laughing, which, in fact, he did. The last sound that passed his lips was a laugh." As they were standing there, Peters, the younger, emerged from the small gal ley .amidships, bearing a tin filled with potato peelings, which he proceeded to throw overboard. Seeing this, the proud father eyed his employer keenly, and moved from one sturdy leg to the other. He clasped and unclasped It Is hands. At last he threw up his head boldly. "And the lad?" he said, with some abruptness. Tyars looked critically at the youth and made no answer. His face hardened in some indescribable way, and from the movement of mustache and beard, it seem ed as if he were biting his lip. "There's plenty o' work in him, an' he's cheerful," almost pleaded the man. Tyars shook his head firmly. Had Miss Winter seen his face then, she would have admitted readily enough that he was a man with a purpose. "He is too young, Peters." The carpented shuffled awkwardly, his lips close pressed. "Have ye thowt on It?" he Inquired. Tyars nodded. "I'd give five years o' my life to have the lad wi' us," he muttered. "Can't do it, Peters." "Then I wlnna go without him," said Peters, suddenly. He thrust his hands into his trousers pockets and stood look ing down at his own misshapen boots. The faintest shadow of a smile flick ered through Tyars' eyes. He turned and looked at his companion.. Without the slightest attempt at overbearance, he said pleasantly: "Yes, you will, and some day you will thank God that the boy was left behind." Peters shrugged his shoulders and made no answer. For the first time In his life he had met a will equal to his own In stubbornness, In purpose. And it was perhaps easier to give la to it be cause in method It differed so entirely from his own. It is possible that in the mere matter of strength Peters was a mental match for his employer, but Ty ars had the inestimable advantage of ed ucation. The little boat was urged to the shore In the usual jerky manner, while the clumsy, red-faced sailor stood watching from the deck. He noted how Tyars waa talking to the boy, who laughed at times in a cheery way. "Ay," muttered Peters, with a short, almost bitter laugh, "there's some that is born to command." As Tyars passed out of one gate of the London and St. Katherine's Dock, a lady entered the premises by another. They passed each other unconsciously within a few yards." Had either been a moment earlier or a moment later they would have met. The Imposing gate-keeper touched his hat respectfully to the lady, who was Miss Agnes Winter. (To M eonHnnsd.1 Tea was cultivated in China 2,700 Tears before the Christian era. CARL SCHURZ. Ilnd Gained an Honorable Place , Among; Our Great Men. After having lingered botween Ufa nnd denth with a complication of dis eases for more than a week, Carl Schurz, the famous publicist, editor nnd statesman, passed awny at his homo in New York City. From a poor Immigrant, landing in this country when he was 23 years old, Carl Schurz worked his way upwnrd to a position in the foremost ranks of pub lic lire. The story of this immigrant boy reads more like a volume of juven ile Action, with the hero alwnys good and true and struggling for high Ideals, than a recital of Incidents which make up the career of the great publicist As Btateenian, soldier, editor and thinker, Mr. Schurz held the respect of the best element of this country, and many of those who fought side by side with him CARL SCIIUBZ. In the many battles for civic righteous ness In which he took a lending part be lieve It impossible for the country to measure the full value of his services to It y The life of Schurz was full of ad venture and Interesting details. He was born at LIblar, near Cologne, Prus sia, on March 2, 182!). He was edu cated nt the Gymnasium of Cologne nnd subsequently at the University of Bonn, which he entered In 1840. Gottfried Klnkel, poet philosopher and patriot, who had married Carl Schurz's cousin, was professor of rhetorics in the university. After the revolution of 1848 had broken out Kln kel headed an Insurrection, was cap tured and condemned to Imprisonment for twenty years. Schurz was engaged In the defense of Ilastadt a town and fortress In Baden, when It was cap tured. He hid in a shed for three days and finally escaped through a sewer and made his way to Switzerland and thence to Paris. There, disguised as an organ grinder, he effected the rescue of Klnkel, who accompanied him to England. Schurz supported himself In London for a while, teaching German and writing letters to German news papers, before he came to the United States in 1852. When Schurz landed In New York he could neither speak nor write the En glish language, and the political ban ners of Pierce and Scott which spanned Brondway were a sore puzzle to him. Yet three years afterward he was ad mitted to the bar in Jefferson, Wis., and Immediately entered the struggle against the aggressions of slavery, for which the Republican party was rap idly organizing. Schuri worked mainly through the Germans of the Northwest, and five years after landing In this country the Immigrant boy was nom inated for Lieutenant Governor of Wis consin and came within 200 votes of being elected. In 1858 Schurz took an active part in the Lincoln-Douglas campaign in Illi nois, and it was during this that he .'owned a friendship with Lincoln which was ended only by the death of the President In 1859 Schurz went to Bos ton, where he made an address on True Americanism, which was commented on ill over the country. One reading the ipeech would find it hard to believe that It was written by a man who sev-. in years before could not speak En glish. A year after making this address Mr. Schurz was elected chairman of the Re publican national convention In Chi cago, and supported the nomination of Mr. Seward to the last After the con tention he spoke In various States of he Union, and on the accession of Abraham Lincoln to the presidency Mr. jchurz was appointed minister to 3paln. He reached Madrid in July, iut after he realized how great a strug ;le the Civil War was to be he was ecalled at his own request In Decem ier he was appointed a brigadier gen ral of volunteers. Mr. Schurz com uanded a division of the Eleventh !orps under Howard, fought with Fre nont and Slgel, and ended his service inder Sherman in North Carolina. ( After the war Mr. Schurz was ap iolnted a special commissioner to re ort on the condition of the, seaboard nd gulf states, and after that he be- ime a special correspondent of the ew York Tribune. In 1806 he became editor of tho Detroit Tost and a year later ho moved to St Louis, whore lie purchased an interest in the WoHtlleha Post, of which ho took charge. In 1800 Mr. Schurz was eloctod Unltod States Senator from' Missouri. Ho found himself very soon forced to oppose the tendencies developed by the strenuous war period in tho party to which lie had been warmly devoted, and ho threw nsldo the party yoke by opposing tho pluns of President Grant The first open difference came with the submission to the Somito of tho treaty for the annexation of Santo Domingo, which ho fought with nil his energy. In the Liberal Republican movement he took a prominent part and was chairman of the Cincinnati convention which nominated Horace Greeley. Ho was uctlvely engaged In the Ohio can vass, supporting th6 election of Hayes as Governor on a hard money plat form, and he also took an active part in the presidential campaign which ro sultod in the election of Huyes. In 1877 he was appointed to a seat in the cab inet It was while Secrotary of the In terior that Mr. Schurz put Into opera tion tho principles nnd mothods of civil service reform, seven years before their adoption by law. Although Mr. Schurz held no public office after his retirement from the cab inet his Influence In public affairs wns felt almost to the end of his life. He wns a powerful antagonist of machine politics, and because of his strong fol lowing his co-operation In nil reform movements was welcomed. MlnUterlnl Courtenlc. When tho Rev. Frank Ritchie of St Ignatius' Church In New York wan r?c tor of the Church of the Ascension In Chicago, ho was most popular with his bishop because of his extremely high church ritualism and was known as the "black sheep of tho diocese." At a general gathering of tho clergy, Fath er Ritchie was paired off with the only colored rector In the bishop's Jurisdic tion. Tho clerical wits Joked about It "The two black sheep of tho dioceso walked together," remorked one of them. The colored brother, n broad churchman, happened to overhear tho remark. "I should like to know what I have done?" ho demanded with rancor. It was not long afterward that Fath er Ritchie went to preach In this same colored rector's church, nnd he was In troduced In this manner: "Father Ritchie will preach this even ing. Before the sermon we will sing the hymn beginning; 'My soul, be on thy guard. "Everybody's Magazine. DOWAGER EMPRESS MAY LEAVE RUSSIA. The Dowager Empress of Russia is said to have decided to leave that coun try forever. A few weeks ago she bought tho beautiful pnlace of IIvl- DOWAGEB EM PRESS OF RUSSIA. doere, near Copenhagen, and she has now bought another country seat In En gland. Her sister, Queen Alexandra, of England, It Is said, is responsible for this change and the Downger Empress expects to spend her summers In Den mark with her brother, King Frederick, and her winters In England. Method. "No matter what opinion Is offered, you express a contwry view," said tho impatient friend. "Well," answered Mr. Bllgglns, "that's a way I' have of . acquiring knowledge. A man Is more likely to give up all he knows on a subject If you get him to warm up with a little controversial Indignation." Washing ton Star. Good Morning;, Judge! "Who's dat old guy?" "Dat'g me old 'friend Judge Whelan. "Yer old friend! I s'pose you an' hlm's vlsitln' acquaintances, eh?" , "No, merely speaking acquaintances. I know him well enough to say 'Good mornln' to him every few weeks." Cleveland Leader. Unsolled. "Don't you think Brown is inclined to dally "with the truth?" "I don't think he ever touches It" Milwaukee Sentinel. Pay day comes slowly to a man who watches the clock.