Lexington wheatfield. (Lexington, Or.) 1905-19??, June 14, 1906, Image 1

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NO. 38
Mrs. E. A. Beymer went to The
Dalles Tuesday to make proof on her
homestead. C. H. Beymer and F.
M. Parker accompanied her as wit
nesses. Mr. Stull, superintendent of building,
of the Hastings Industrial Co., of
Chicago, arrived In Lexington Friday
and construction work on the new
creamery was commenced Monday.
We don't believe there Is another
town In the state, "with Lexington's
population, that can show the Improve
ments that Lexington can. A splen
did flouring mill, water system and
electric lights, In a town of 325 Is
going some. '
Heppner will hold a two days cele
bration, July 4th and 5th. All other
towns In the county are expected to
aid In making this the grandest cele
bratlon in the history of Morrow county.
Don't fall to attend as you will miss it
If you miss it,
lone Proclaimer
E. L. Padberg returned Saturday
from Portland, slightly Improved in
Luck means rising not later than
six o'clock In the morning, living on a
dollar a day if you earn two, minding
your own business, and not meddling
with other people's. Luck means the
appointment you have never failed to
keep, the train you have never failed
to catch. Luck means, trusting in
God and your own resources.
Heppner.Cazette .
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Ayers came in
from Parker's Mill, Tuesday. Mr.
Ayers who recently received a fracture
of the ankle is rapidly improving.
Reports from all over Morrow coun
ty are to the effect that the wheat
crop Is making a wonderful growth
since the rains have fallen. Wheat
that was badly burned from the dry
weather Is taking on new life and will
now make a fairly good crop. ' In the
Eight Mile country there Is every Indi
cation of a heavy yield,, some of the
fields giving promise of 30 bushels to
the acre. Grass is also making a vig
orous growth and there will be plenty
of feed for stock.
Heppner Times
Mose Ashbaugh was In town yester
day, and stated to the Times that the
Eight Mile wheat crop is coming out
very rapidly.
A big grain crop Is assured in Mor
row county even if we get no more
rain. The ground is thoroughly soak
ed, and it is believed that the yield will
be more than an average crop.
Sheriff Shutt has appointed as his
deputy for the next two years Augustus
M. Mallory, of lone, who will take
charge of the office work the first Mon
day In July. Gus Is the eldest son of
W. L. Mallory, a Morrow county pion
eer, and young man of fine ability and
exemplary habits. He is; a graduate
of the Heppner high school, and spent
one year at the Willammette Univer
sity.' Sheriff Shutt is confident that
his'selection will give good satisfaction
to the people of Morrow county.
. County Clerk Elect, W. 0. Hill has
chosen for his deputy forhis official
tsrm Lorell D. McCall, who is well
known in Heppner, having been fore
man in the Times office for about
three years. Lorell is a young man of
good character and habits and Is thor
ough In all his work, has a good busi
ness education, Is a very swift type
writer, shorthand writer and a good
penman. Owing to McCall's splendid
clerical ability the Times feels confi
dent that Mr. Hill has made no mis
take In choosing him for his deputy.
To give advice after the mischief
is done, Is like administering medicine
after death.
FOR SALE Cheap. Quarter sec
tion land In Sec. 21, Tp. I N., R. 25
E. Slope to north and east,1 All cul
tivatable land. Now under plow.
' J. B. Waterman, of Vatertown, 0.,
Rural free delivery, writes; "My daugh
ter, afflicted for years with epilepsy, was
cured by Dr. King's New Life Pills
She has not had an attack for over two
years." Best body cleansers and life
giving tonic pills on earth. 25c at W.
P. McMillan's drug store.
Every little helps some.
In the good old summer time.
Let 'er rain boys. Don't get the
Watch the small boys during the
school vacation.
If you can't mend your ways adopt
some new ones.
There ar some men who might be
worse than they are, but they don't
know it.
Blessed Is the man who married a
good cook. This Is the strawberry
short cake season.
An editor perpetrated an awful pun last
week. Speaking of the hen, he pre
dicted its son would never set, At
last reports the editor was up a tree
begging for mercy
The best thing abou the elbow
sleeves the Lexington girls are wear
ing this spring is that the girls can go
right from the parlor to the kitchen
and wash dishes without having to
changing their clothes.
For twenty years W. L. Rawls, of
Bells, Tenn., fought nasal catarrh. He
writes; "The swelling and soreness in
side my nose was fearful, till I began
applying Bucklen's Arnica Salve to the
sore surface; this caused the soreness
and swelling to disappear, never to re
turn." Best salve in existence. 25c at
W. P. McMillan's drug store. ' ,.
A thing that costs you nothing usual
ly is worth about what .it costs.
There is no way of mixing honesty
with dishonesty, fairness with unfair
ness, or truth with falsehood.
Tact is that wonderful quality that
renders Its possessor stone deaf . or
blind in an uncomfortable situation.
Sarah Bernhardt says man's attire
is ridiculous It may be so, but the
lady must admit that she can't see
through it.
Cultivate a becoming dignity but do
not forget the great army of others
who may be equal, If not superior to
The New York World gravely asks
Are pretty teachers best?" Homely
old ladies will consider such a question
Lives of laboring men remind us, .,
We may make a pile sublime,
If the public does not find us
Out and start us doing time.
A New York man has been sen
tenced to kiss his wife once a day for
a year. If the lady has a proper sense
of the fitness of things she will care
fully refrain from eating onions-
MaiYy nice Hats to offer, far below cost; Sail Wore
they are all gone.
W E afe offering odd suits of clothing in order to clean
up our Stock far below cost of Manufacture.
SHOES we have those to 'offer at 50cts. which cost at
least 2.50 to $3.00 to make, they must go in
order to make room for new goods.
DRESS (aOODS $1.50 values at 95 cents, $1.00 values
at 60 cents, 75 cent value. at 40 cents, 65 cent
values at 40 cents, 50 cent values at 30 cents, we !
must let them go at some price.
GREAT values in Laces of all kinds, Imbroideries, etc.
LAKE'S Wash -Skirts one half price. Ladie's Waists
one half price, just one-half what these have for
mally sold at. We are determined to clean up our
llV'mi david Mun t soar
'MSsSa clothing ql
GENTS Nice Neat Filling
Suits, Coat Vest and Pants
for the Low Price of $4.45
Just think of IT.
THE Very Latest Children
and Boys Suits for $2.45.
CALL ani let us show you
Goods and Prices , that
will simply astonish
you. . t
BOYS Shirts from 3$ cents up
MEN'S Skirts from 60 cts. up
We keep every thing you use, eat aud wear and buy as
close as any store in Morrow county, we own our
buildings and are in a position to handle our busi
ness right and at a close margin. We take as much
pains with a small order and give it the same at
tention as we do any of our large customers. We
aim to handle the best of everything, give us a
chance to figure with you we can do you good.
WE have just received some new Spring Work Buggies,
Hacks. Don't buy a vehicle till you see ours and
get prices.
HARNESS is advancing every day, we have bought
ahead and can give you the advantage of the raise.
This is no small item, harness that are high today
will look cheap In three months from now, leather
advancing every day. BUY NOW,
HARDWARE is advancing in some lines, we are pre
pared to take care of you in this line to. Come and
J?eacA 3$roti