GENTRY'S BARBER SHOP J. E. GENTRY, Proprietor. FIRST CLASS SHAVING AND HAIRCUTTING Agent for Cresent Steam Laundry Shop one door west Lexington Bank LEXINGTON, - . OREGON. CW.P. MCMILLAN Stationery (Confections Sciool Supplies Joilet sJrticles h Stc. (btc. LEXINGTON, OREGON tfirst National SBankof ' Oeppner ' Capital Stock $50,000. Surplus and undivided profits $70, 000 C. A. RHEA, - President T. A. RHEA. Vice-President G. W. CONSER, - Cashier E. L. FREELAND, Ass't Csh'r II Transacts a General Banking Business g Four per cent paid on Time Deposits II EXCHANGE ON ALL PARTS OF THE JORLD BOUGHT AND SOLD Collections made on all points at reasonable terms. THE WHEATFIELD JOB PRESS IS ALWAYS BUSY LOCAL NEWS Lexington grovs steadily. Of course this count; vent vet Dr. M. A, Leach, Dentist. Heppner Boost Lexington the , best town In Morrev county. .' " ' " ' Everyone should celebrate the Fourth at Heppner, A new soda fountain has , been In stalled In the Pastime. W. E. Leach drives a handsome new rubber tired surrey. Don't let your stomach rust just be cause Morrow county went wet, It will not cost you a cent to list your land with John B. White &. Co. Dr. Higgs, Specialist, eye, ear, nose and throat. Heppner, Oregon. If your land is for sale list it with John B. Vhite & Co. They sell land. Mail from the east arrived In Lex ington last Tuesday the first for just one week. Of course, if you have anything and don't want it, the printer will take it on subscription. Get your stationery at the Wheatfield Printery and your business will never become stationary. The berry pickers returned last Friday, The boys can tell you all a bout picking berries Don't buy a gasoline Engine until you see The Stover, sold by the Lex ington Electric Co. It is said that every woman is look ing for a partner in life, and that she prefers a silent one. Many mean, wicked men admire a woman who wears a dress cut rainy day style at both end. Two valuable horses belonging to P. M. Christenson have died within the past two weeks. , . Mrs. E. D. McMillan visited at the home pf Mr., and Mrs..01in Hodsdon Saturday and Sunday. FOUND The best place in Morrow county to get commercial printing Is at The Wheatfield Printery. Very few men can handle a hot lamp chimney and repeat the ten com mandments at the same time. Christenson Brothers moved the Black Horse school about one quarter mile nearer town the past week. E. D. Leach and son, Robert, left Tuesday for Salem, Oregon, where they will make their future home. Mrs. T. P. Graham, who under went a successful operation In the Heppner hospital returned home Men day. The Stars and Stripes played ball on the Lexington diamond last Monday. The score was 12 to 13 in favor of the Stars. The corner lot of the property re cently purchased by S. E. Lee, as been selected ae the site for the new creamery The election Is over, now get down to business and make Lexington a hummer. Pull all the new business possible to this town. Harvest will commence next week in this county. P. M. Christenson In forms us that he expects to start his header next Monday. The meat market will move Into the Lee building about the middle the month. This will make them a better room than the one they are now occu pying. David E. Leach went to Heppner last Thursday and an eye removed. He returned home Saturday, and says he Is feeling much better than for some time. Miss Minnie Burgoyne remember ed the Wheatfield family with two fine boquets from their yard. Flowers can be successfully grown here with a little attention. A. J. Calkin, Lexineto'ns hew iewel- er, moved up frorh lone Monday last. He has secured rooms In the Lee building. See his card In this Issue of The Wheatfield. v A W. G. SCOTT & CO. v This Space Reserved For Lexington, Oregon. ... fr A t fP' LEXINGTON MEAT MARKET i I FAIRCHILD & MARLATT, Proprietors. I FRESH AND I SALT SAbSAGES I AND i LARD I MEATS C HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR HIDES I I LEXINGTON, OREGON. jj 7bJZ7J ytJMBtlHHiaiBSa&Ailljl ATJUHIf WU'.mfBj THE OFFICE LANE & INSKEEP, Proprietors. GENTLEMEN'S RESORT o n FINE WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS Sole Agents for Enterprise Beer, The kind that made Lexington Famous. o o fl First-Class Fool Table In Connection. o D LEXINGTON, 01 OREGON I have just received, frorh Edward B. Grossman & Co., of Chicago, a choice line of spring samples. Ladies' and Misses' Suits, Silk Shirt Waist Suits, Wash Suits, Wash Skirts, Waists, Petticoats. Cloth and Silk Skirts, Jackets and Raincoats. Any one desiring anything in this line will do well to call and look over my samples at The Wheatfield Printery. Mrs. S. A. Thomas. A party from Arlington report a sad experience of two men, who went to the new town of Roosevelt, opposite Arlington. It seems as though they went to the new town for the purpose of investing in real estate and, becom ing thirsty hied themselves to the town pump, which Is operated by a wind mill, but failed to run on account of wind,, they started pumping by hand, after working the pump for nearly one hour and not being rewarded by enough water to quench their thirst, employed a guide to direct them across the sands to the Columbia river where they at last secured water enough to subdue the burning fires within. When they reached the river their tongues were beginning to thicken and their guide had considerable trouble ' In keeping them from drinking to much. The Very Best Remedy fur Bowel Trouble. Mr. M. F. Borroughs, an old and well known resident of Bluffton, Ind., says: "I regard Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy as the very best remedy for bowel trouble. I make this statement after having used the remedy In my family for sev eral years. I am never without It." This remedy Is almost sure to be need ed before the summer Is over. Why not buy It now and be prepared for such an emergency? , For sale by W. P. McMillan.' - ; ' " - ' F. H. ROBINSON ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW NOTARY PIBLIC Practice in all Courts. Legal business given prompt and careful attention. Land Contests, Probate Work and Conveyanc ing a specialty. OREGON IONE, C. C. CHICK, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Diseases of Women and Children a spec ialty. Calls answered promptly Day or Night. HARDMAN, OREC0N W..J. DAVIS CONTRACTER & BUILDER Estimates Furnished Lexington, - Oregon B. M. BOOHER PROMPT SERVICE 1 REASONABLE CHARGES LEXINGTON, OREGON CARPETS I have a first class flying shuttle loom and am prepar ed to do all kinds of Carpet Weaving. Send me your nigs. j MRS. C. A. MOREY, Lexington, OregdU