ME LEXINGTON IECTFIELD " Published Every Thursday 'i at ' LEXINGTON, OREGON S. A. THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor. OFFICIAL PAPER TOWN OF LEXINGTON Subscription, per year, - $1 .00 Advertising rates on Application Entered as second-class matter October 6, 1905, at the post office at Lexington, Or egon, under the Act cf Congress of March 3, 1879. THURSDAY JUnE 7, 1906. THE ELECTION Last Monday was election day in Lexington and according to the time honored custom adopted by all regular and well governed newspapers we are compelled to state that it passed off quietly. Lexington precinct polled a good vote, in fact one of the heaviest in the history of the precinct. The entire republican ticket received good majorities with the single exception of governor. Every constitutional amend ment except Equal Suffrage was car ried by safe majorities. On the local option question the was 32 for and 79 against the measure. The following precinct officers were elected, Justice of the Peace, J. M. White; Constable, , Homer Ferguson. The following shows the unofficial total vote of the county: ' For Senator, regular term, Bourne 599, Gearin399, Paget 85,Simola 81; short term, Gould 131, Mulkey 739, Stevens 180; Governor, Amos 46, Barzee 92, Chamberlain 532, Withy combe 529; Supreme Judge, Bright 72, Eakin 606, Hailey 423, Robbins 1 12; Secretary of State, Benson 681, Brown 128, McDaniel 78, Sroat 259; State Treasurer, Butler 79, Cook 121, Matlock 294, Steel 638; Superinten dent Public Instruction Ackerman 771, Hosmer, 164, Sheak 117; Attorney General, Brix 131, Crawford 670, Mil ler 260, Rutherford 74; State Printer, Cooper 129, Dunniway 672, Hawk 64, Taylor 314; Commissioner of Labor, Ho.'f 752, Richards 242; Represena tive to Congress, Ellis 647, Graham 312, Paul 116, Stone 83; Circuit Judge, Bean 603, Siillman 495; Joint Senator, Cole 617, Pierce 365, Swift 157; Representative, Gay 210, Hadley 202, Slusher 672; Sheriff, Aiken 191, McGee'282, Shutt 705; Clerk, Akers 543, Hill 852; Treasurer, Gibson 1 18, Noble 881, Scrivner 97; Commission er, Adkins 282, Burroughs 157, Griffin 633; Surveyor, Heath 362; Prohibi tion, Yes 451, No 513 The 0. R. & N. announce the fol lowing one vay special rates from prin cipal points hsted below to Lexington. For points not listed or other Informa tion call on any 0. R. k N. agent or write A. L Cratg, G. P. A.. Portland. Oregon: Bristol, Tenn ..$48 00 Boston, Mass. .. 49 80 Chicago, III 32 90 Cleveland, 0 39 90 DesMotnes, la 28 90 Memphis, Tenn-. 37 40 Pittsburg, Pa 41 90 St Louis, Mo 29 90 Kansas City, Mo 24 90 St. Joe, Mo 24 90 Omaha, Neb 24 90 Sioux City, la 24 90 St. Paul, Minn- 24 90 - Money can be depoited with any 0. R. & N. agent and ticket furnished passenger in the east. j) Q Oregon SHQipLlNE AND $25.00 REWARD Will be paid to anyone for the de livery of one grey horse, strayed from my ranch summer of 1904, a little ov er one year old when left, is now three years old. Branded on r'2 stifle, has a little white in face and a small scar on shoulder from wire cut when colt If anyone has taken up or finds the above described horse and will de liver same to me will receive the a bove reward, or if anyone has bought the above described horse from anyone claiming this brand, and can. prove same will give a little better reward. W. F. Barnett, ' Lexington, Oregon. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore existing between J. H. Chapman and C. H. Beymer, under the firm name of J. H Chap man &. Co., has this day been dissolv ed. J H. Chapman will continue the business and pay all bills against said firm. All accounts due said firm are to be collected by C. H. Beymer. Dated at Lexington, Oregon, this 21st day of May, 1906. J. H. Chapman, C. H, Beymer. HOW TO BUKAK UP A COLD It may be a surprise' to many to learn that a severe cold can be com pletely broken up in one or two days' time. The first symptoms of a cold are a dry, loud cough, a profuse watery discharge from the nose, and a thin, white coating on the tongue. When Chamberlain's cough remedy is taken every hour on the first appearance of these symptoms. It counteracts the ef fect of the cold and restores the sys tem to a healthy condition within a day or two. For sale by W. P. McMillan. STOCKHOLM BUS B1E.KTINO Notice is hereby given that a meet ing of the stockholders of the Lexing ton Creamery Association will be held on Saturday, June 30, 1906, in the city hall, in Lexington, Oregon, at I o'clock p m. ' W. E. Leach, Temporary Secretary. A M1KACULOUS CUKK. The following statement by H. M. Adams and wife, Henrietta, Pa., will interest parents and others. "A mirac ulous cure has taken place in our home Our child had eczema 5 years and was pronounced incurable, when we read about Electric Bitters, and concluded to try it. Before the second bottle was all taken we noticed a change for the better, and after taking 7 bottles he was completely cured." It's the up-to date blood medicine and body building tonic. Guaranteed. 50c and $1 .00 at W. P. McMillan's drug store. rw w w BOB HARDWARE 2 We have a complete line of hard ware consisting of a full line of Gran iteware an all cooking utensils, also tinware. Before purchasing a stove come and see the Charter Oak. Men's and Boys Golf and Negligee Shirts, all sizes, new and up-to-date. Many different styles to choose from and we make yon special prices. 'Ladie's Linen Dusters, come and see them before buying material to make IS one. They are just what you need in the dust. O Ladie's muslin gowns, neatly trimmed with tucks, insertion and embroidery Special prices OOcents to $1.75. Q Muslin Skirts trimmed with lace and embroidery Special price $1.25 to $3.50 We save you money, our expenses are small, we buy careful and look after, Q the wants of pur customers.. LEXINGTON,. TT & CO. ' - OREGON o UNKNOWN FJUKNDS There are many people who have used Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy with splendid results, but who are unknown because they have hesitated about giving' a testimonial of their experience for pub lication. These people, however, are none the friends of this remedy. They have done much toward making it a household word by their personal , re commendations to friends and neigh bors. It Is a good medicine to have in the home and Is widely known for its cures, of diarrhoea and all forms of bowel trouble. For sale by W. P. McMillan. ..THE PASTIME. . . J.. V. GRIMES, Proprietor. CANDIES, NUTS, FRUITS, CIGARS, TO- K BACCO,. SOFT DRINKS, POOL AND M . K w Lexington, - - - , Oregon g M M xxzxrxrxxxxxxxxiixrxsxzxxaxxxxaxxrxisixxizxixxxxiixxx A. J. CALKIN.... JEWELER Watchmaker and Registered Optician TO Salt Lake, Denver, Kansas City, Chicago, St- Louis, New York. Ocean Steamevi for HnnFrimrliioo leave Portland at 8 P. M. every II fill day. Tioktl to anil from all point of the Unlt- - eil Statei and Europe. Trains Leave Lexington, Dally, ex cept Sunday, - 9:25 A. M. Trains Arrive at Lexington, Daily, ex cept Sunday - o.iu r . m. Trains Connect at Heppner Junction with Main Line trains for all points East and West. , ) " A.'L. CRAIG, G.P. A. Alii Work Guaranteed Repairing a Specialty Lexington, - Oregon THEM. W. OF A .Excelsior Carap. No. 9873, meet in Artisan. Hall evary 4th Tuesday night of the month. E. E. Thomas. F. F. Klite. Clerk. V. C. LEXINGTON . FLOUR MILLi 5 JOS, BURGOYNE, Proprietor g 6 Manufacturers of, & Flour Graham Flour a Hjf Whole Wheat Flour $ Rolled Barley - Mill Feed I Rolled Wheat f I LEXINGTON, - - - OREGON I X L. SALOON ': J. H. CHAPMAN & CO.,- Props INES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS, FRESH BEER ALWAYS ON DRAUGHT' r GOOD POOL TABLE IN CONNECTION LEXINGTON, OREGON . ...... ,Cft I JOHN B. WHITE 5 GENERAL BLACKSMITHING $ HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY A e . . Work Neatly Executed Charges Reasonable jj i rvi wrTnw racr ri d 1 Jiu. u.-