A0R:fcTiHfN0r3liE'XIN.GX0ISL;GRDWS';' .1? . J;. Z ....fl I Vf-- 1: .cl -art ;.rW tnf , - M ..hi . n, ri 1J I VY 1 1 'D T- i i W I VT ': - Vr.f&rfcl H I A T 'Jill l.l . 11 VOL. I , LEXINGTON, OREGON, THURSDAY JUNK 7, 1906 NO. 37 Curlou Vorlfluation of Prophecies Hero are Spangler's prophecies for 1906, published at the beginning of the year in the New York World. . The dissolution of Russia. The overthrow of Turkey. , The assasstrlatlon of the Czar of Russia. The assassination of the Sultan of Turkey. The prevention of three wars by President Ropsevelt. A protracted race war in the south. Destructive spring floods in the Uni ted States. , ., A destructive eruption of Mount Ve suvius. : The activity of Mounts Pelee and Popocatapetl. Volcanic eruptions In all parts of the ' world. The eruption of many volcanoes mow supposed to be extinct. Great loss of life at sea by storm Destruction of two Western cities by cyclones. Earthquakes in all parts of the 'world. Destructive earhquakes in Calfornia and the Philippines. Rebellion in Spain. Great disturbances all over Europe. The summer of 1906 will be hot and movements, which are to overcome In a great degree the present spirit of graft and commercialism. The United States will continue as a Vbrld power and the leader of other nations. Pennsylvania Is to have an adminis tration of the people, and the discover ies of corruption will be discovered which will drive sorfte of the guilty to suicide. . ' ' God will wreck terrible vengeance upon the Russians for the massacre of the Jews. LOCAL NEWS - W. P. McMillan went to The Dalfes Tuesday to make final proof on his homestead. F. M. Parker, and Gus McMillan accompanied him as wit nesses. The destruction, of San Francisco sho'w given in the Congrational church last evening is said, by those who at- i tended, to be about the poorest enter tainment that ever struck our town. Calvin C. Kocher, who has had charge of the Lexington Meat Market the past month, left yesterday for his home at Canby. Geo. Watson, of Michigan, is the new man in charge. FOR SALE Cheap. Quarter sec tion lanH in frv 21. Tn. I N R OS sultry throughout the' temperate zone, S1pe to north and east. All cul- wish extensive death rate. Christ will make his spirit felt a mong the people of the United States tivatable land. Now under plow. :. W. S. Wharton. A blaze In a manure pile near J. and England, in which countries there B. Carmichael's barn' called the fire ; are to be fervent religious.. ard pcJicaL-coippany out last -Saturday. The, toys. responded promptly and made a quick run. Chas Beymer is allright on the bell cord. . R. C. Warren and S. E. Lee have formed a partnership under the firm name of Warren & Leewho will han dle a general line of agricultural im plements Including threshers, well drills and gasoline engines. The'. Portland Newspaper Union wired The Wheatfield that on account of the washouts on the main line they could not ship the ready prints, so we are compelled to furnish our subscrib ers with a half sheet this week., The Ice cream stand at the Con gregational church Monday afternoon 2nd evening, vas successful In every respect. The net proceeds amounting to $36.40. The ladies, of the church desire to thank everyone for their "as sistance and patronage, i The merchants of Lexington would be Very thankful to the farmers if they would bring in their produce and do their trading a few days before the band picnic on June 2JL This will give the merchant an opportunity to SiJCW CUKK FOR KPir.EPSY - J. B. Waterman, of Watertown, 0., Rural free delivery, writes; "My daugh ter, afflicted for years with epilepsy, was cured by Dr. King's New Life Pills She has not had an attack' for over two years." Best body cleansers and life giving tonic pills on earthy 23c at W. P. McMillan's drug stars'.' visit with the farmer and enjoy the picnic. The Wheatfield has just dbmpleted arrangements with the Oregon Journal whereby we' are able to furnish the Oregon Daily Journal, including the Sunday' issue,' and The Wheatfield, one year $7. The Daily Journal and Wheatfieid one year $5. The Semi Weekly Journal and The Wheatfield one year $1.75. Advertising. Many of the largest advertisers in the country have come to the con clusion that out of door advertising is a waste of money and that no re sults come from the placing of signs on hillsides and in all sorts of con spicuous places. The concerns that do that sort of work are curtailing expenses, knowing veil that the be ginnipg of the end of their business is at hand. In addition to this there is a decided movement all over the country to do nway with the bill board honoV,' the argument against it being it3 hideousness and the marring effect on the scenery in the rural districts and its damage to contiguous property in the cities. Rochester Union and Advertiser. A Small Mueloian. 0 Jn the sunny south, at tho river's mouth. Sat a crab by the sounding sea, And he played him a tune by the light of the moon, t For a fiddler.crab was he. r -St. Nicholas. lOJld TENNJ5SKJ5 FIUHT, For twenty years V. L, Rawls, of Bells, Tenn., fought nasal catarrh. He writes; -"The swelling and soreness in side my nose was fearful, till I began applying Bucklen's Arnica Salve to the sore surface; this caused the soreness and swelling to disappear, never to re turn." Best salve in existence. 25c at W P,.Mc.Millan's drug store. The Magic Seed Box. Procure a large pill box and push the bottom ia a little way: then get some gum and stick a small portion of canary or other seed on the bot tom so as to make it appear a full box. Obtain a small bag with a little seed in it and pretend to fill the Lor, but instead of doing so only bring out a little seed on the bottom. Aft erward rub the loose seed off, and the audience, seeing the seed that is fast on, will naturally think the box is full. Then take the box in the right hand, a cap ov hat in-the left hand and cover the box and show the emntv side. Again cover the box and say: "Presto! Come back!" Turn the ho'x and show the fail side. ) ; I OLEISIHCE 'SALE. "Sr to Manv uice Hats to offer, far below, cost. Call 'before they are all gone. ( iAA IVF nrp nffprintY nrlrl Kiiifs nf rlntliinrr in nrrlpr t clpon "v1- to ; , . v Vr . c i 1 r.. 1 l . ' i r n r r , up our oiock iar ueiow c"st oi lvianuiacture. SHOESwe have those to offer at 50cts. which cost at least $2.50 to $3.00 to make, they must go in order to make room for new goods. I DRESS GOODS $1.50' values at 95 cents,. $1.00 values at GO cents, 75 cent valuer at 40 cents, Go. cent 1 values at 40 cents, 50 cent values at 30 cents, we must let them go at spine price. iW' j'L -'.cm ff'X 111 ciWFPIwl We keep every thing you use, ent and wear and buy as 1 GREAT values in Laces of all kinds, Imbroideries, etc. LADIE'S Wash Skirts one half price. Ladie's Waists one half price, just-one-half what these have for mally sold at. We are determined to clean up our stock. Ac5" in MP' fir. Will mmls COPYRIGHT I90J Jjeaci tfi roiners M mS CLOTHING CO. MIIWAUKEC. GENTS Nice Neat Filling . Suits, Coat Vest and Pants for the Low Price of $4.45 Just think' of IT. . THE Very Latest Children and Boys Suits for $2.45. CALL andv let us show you Goods and Prices that , will simply astonish . you. ' ' '" ; BOYS Shirts from 35 cents up MEN'S Shirts from 50 cts. up close as auy;store in Morrowcounty, we own O-ZX buuclings ana are in a position to handle out- busi- 0i uess right and at a close margin. We take as much pains with a small order and give it tlia same at- W- tentioa as Ave do any of our4 large customers. We V- aim to handle the best of everything, give us a chance to figure with you we can do you good. WE have just received some new Spring Work Eugg iesr Hacks. Don't buy a vehicle till you see ours and I HARNESS is advancing every day, we have bought ahead and can give you the advantage of the raise. This is no small item, harness that are high today (0 will look cheap in three months from now, leath advancing every day. BUY NOW. er HARDWARE is advancing in some lines, we are pre pared to take care of you in this line to. Come and See. ore