I HE LEXINGTON WHEATFIELD Published Every Thursday ' at LEXINGTON, OREGON S.A.THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor. OFFICIAL PAPER TOWN OF LEXINGTON Subscription, per year, - $1.00 Advertising rates on Application Entered as second-class matter October 6, 1905, at the post office at Lexington, Or egon, under the Act cf Congress of March 3, 1879, THURSDAY MAY 31, 1906. REPUBLICAN TICKET For U S Senator (short term) F. W. MULKEY For U. S. Senator (regular term) JONATHAN BOURNE, Jr. For Congress 2nd Dist. W. R. ELLIS For Governor . JAMES WITHYCOMBE. For Secretary of State FRANK W. BENSON For State Treasurer GEO. A. STEEL For Supreme Judge ROBERT EAKIN For Attorney General A. M. CRAWFORD . For Supt. Public Instruction J. H. ACKERMAN For State Printer W. S. DUNNIWAY For Labor Commissioner 0. P. HOFF For Circuit Judge H. J. BEAN For State Senator W. G. COLE For Representative W. M..SLUSHER For Sheriff E. M SHUTT For County Clerk W. 0. HILL PROHIBITION TICKET. For Joint Representative: H. C. GAY. For Commissioner: J. J. ADKINS. For County Treasurer: W. P. SCRIVNER For Coroner: J. L. YEAGER. THE DAIRYMN'S OPPORTUNITY. ' Cream is being shipped into Port land from California, Utah and Idaho, to be made into butter. Of course, It Is easy to understand why the farmers ship cream such great distances. fcawiiTS OREGON HOjgfLlNE AND --T0 Salt Lake, Denver, Kansas City, Chicago, St- Louis, New York., Ocean Steamer for Hmifrmicldco leuve Portland at 8 P. M. every Hfth day. Hazelwood and other butter manufac turers are building up a big butter trade and they have to get sufficient cream to supply that demand. They pay for cream on the basis of the sell ing price of first-class butter, which gives the dairymen a chance to dis pose of their product on a market that makes their dairies profitable. Our farmers are overlooking a great opportunity if they do not take advant age of the chance that will soon be of fered them at the home creamery. The demand for cream is increasing all the time, and is steady everyday in the year. Every farmer should invest in good, cream producing cows, and build up a herd that will be a constant and steady source of income. The price paid for cream is bound to earn a big profit for the dairyman as cream Is now bought on the basis 'of the sell ing price of butter into which it is made. With this butter bringing a price that makes it profitable for dairy men to ship cream one thousand miles, it certainly assures the dairy men of Morrow county a greater profit. Dairying will do more for this coun try in the long run than any other branch of agriculture. The check for the cream comes every month, and there's no such thing as crop failure. A dairy community is independent of hard times. People must and will have butter, and they will pay more for fresh, pure butter than they will pay for ordinary butter. The dairyman gets the benefit of this as the cream ery gets the highest price for butter. Get two or three cows and be ready for the creamery when it Is ready to start in. Feed the skim milk to the pigs, or feed It sour to the chickens. Keep the promising heifer calves and build up your herd. Send the steers and unprofitable cows to the butcher. Raise your own forage crops and feed everything you raise. Your farm will Increase in fertility and value. Invest your money in good cream producing cows and you will be growing rich and Independent. Sciatica Cured After Twenty Years of Torture. For more than twenty years Mr. J. B. Massey, of 3322 Clinton St., Minneapolis, Minn., was" tortured by Sciatica. The pain and suffering which he endured during this time is beyond comprehesion. Nothing gave hint any permanent relief nufll he used Chamberlain's Pain Balm. One ap plication of that liniment relieved .the pain and made sleep and rest possible, and less than one bottle has effected a permanent cure. ' If troubled with sciatica or rheumatism why not try a 25-cent bottle of Pain Palm and see for yourself how quickly it relieves the pain. For sale by W. P McMillan. STOCKHOLM MKJbTINrt nuiiv io iiicujf givdi mat a uiwvt- Ing of the stockholders of the Lexing ton Creamery Association will be held JLl kCtlUIUCtJT, JU11C UV, 17W, III 111 city hall, in Lexington, Oregon, at 1 - ' ! I- - U fclUUH p 111. ' W. E. Leach, Temporary Secretary. Tlekti to and from all point of the Unit ed States and Kuroue. Trains Leave Lexington, Daily, ex cept Sunday, - vo a. m Trains Arrive at Lexington,- Daily, ex cept Sunday - 5:10 P. M. Trains Connect at Heppner Junction with Main Line trains for all points East and West. A. L. CRAIG, G. P. A. HAD A CLOSK CALL "A dangerous surgical operation, in volving the removal of a malignant ul cer, as lajge as my hand, from my daughter's hip, was prevented by the application of Bucklen's Arnica Salve," sass A, C. Stickel, of Miletus, W. Va. "Persistent use of the Salve complete ly curkd it." Cures Cuts, Burns and Injurses, 25c at W. P.. McMillan's. fill WvMLtll9 ' irJAx I llI'M J " : O HARDWARE We have a complete line of hard ware consisting of a full line of Gran iteware in all cooking utensils, also tinware. Before purchasing a stove come and see the Charter Oak. 0 Men's and Boys Golf and Negligee Shirts, all sizes, new and up-to-date. Many different styles to choose from and we make you special prices. Ladies Linen Dusters, come and see them before buying material to make O ne. They are just what you need in the dust. Ladie's muslin gowns, neatly trimmed with tucks, insertion and embroidery bpecial prices 90cents to $1.75. O Muslin Skirts trimmed with lace and embroidery O Special price $1.25 to $3.50 o We save you money, our expenses are small, we buy careful and look . after the wants of our customers. o f" a ETT & CO. o LEXINGTON, OREGON 2 FAMOUS STRIKE BREAKERS The most famous strike breakers In the land are Dr. King's New Life Pills. When liver and bowels go on a strike, they xuickly settle the trouble, and the purifying work goes right on. Best cure for constipation, headache' and dizzi ness. 25c at W. P. McMillan's. Boost Lexington the best town in Morrow county. Not If an Rich as Rockefeller. If you had all the wealth of Rocke feller, the Standard Oil magnate, you could not buy a better medicine for bowel complaints than Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. The most eminent physician can not prescribe a better preparation for colic and diarrhoea, both for children and sdults. The uniform success of this remedy has shown it to be superior to all others. It never fails, and when reduced with water and sweetened, Is pleasant to take. Every family should be supplied with it. Sold by W. P. McMillan. ..THE PASTIME 9 J, V. GRIMES, Proprietor. ZZIIIXIIIXIZXZIIXIilKIIXIKXXZ-IKXIIieiXZIXXIlZXIIIIZZ w M ' M M M w K (JAND1ES, HUTS,. FRUITS, CIGARS, TO- ft BACCO, SOFT DRINKS, POOL AND - BILLIARDS. BACCO, SOFT DRINKS, POOL AND 8 - BILLIARDS. jj H M fi Lexington, - - - "Oregon l iizzzzxizxzzzzzzixzzzazzzzazzzzarzzzarzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz THEM.W. OF A. Excelsior Camp. No. 9873, meet in Artisan Hall every 4th Tuesday night of the month. E. E. Thomas. F. F. Klitz, Clerk. V.C. LEXINGTON f FLOUR MILLf & JOS, BURGOYNE, Proprietor 0 ju Manufacturers of , A Flour . Graham Flour A Whole Wheat Flour 9 1 Rolled Barley - Mill Feed Rolled Wheat , f I LEXINGTON, - - - OREGON I X L SALOON J. R CHAPMAN & CO., Props NES, LIQUORS D CIGARS. FRESH BEER ALWAYS ON DRAUGHT o GOOD POOL TABLE IN CONNECTION LEXINGTON, OREGON I JOHN B. WHITE t GENERAL BLACKSMITHING $1 HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY V 1 Work Neatly Executed Charges Reasonable , LEXINGTON, OREGON. , &,4.4.4,4. 4 4 4 a44, 44 a 44,