Lexington wheatfield. (Lexington, Or.) 1905-19??, May 31, 1906, Image 2

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S. A. THOMAS, Publisher
Id a Condensed Form for Our
A Resume of the Less Important but
Not Less Interesting Events
of the Past Week.
A general strike threatens Russia.
Graft exposures are injuring A meri
can trade abroad.
The Russian premier will refuse the
demands of parliament.
A number of aged Chinese made des
titute by the San Francisco fire will be
sent home by their countrymen.
A severe wind and rain storm which
has swept Texas resulted in seven
deaths and great ' loss to wheat, oats,
corn and other crops.
The Standard Oil investigation at
Cleveland, Ohio, showa that independ
ent oil companies were driven to the
wall with the help of railroads.
Cold rain at San Francisco has made
camp life disagreeable. It is feared
throat and lung trouble may develop
among the less robust as a result.
Two men have been convicted in
Kansas City of giving freight rebates.
Georg H. Crosby, traffic manager of
T? i-l 1 n nttswt 4via1 of flia lama 1 m A
was acquitted.
The Interstate'Commerfle commission
Investigation at Philadelphia into al
leged discriminations by railroads
shows that those companies refusing to
give stock to the railway officials had
been practically ruined.
Rival factions in Russia are brewing
a revolution.
British Fear That Another Great War
May Come in South Africa.
Pretoria, May 25. The garrison here
has been ordered to prepare to take the
field, and it is understood that similar
orders have been sent to every com
mandant of British troops in South
Africa The situation in Natal is
growing more and more serious daily
and advices received from the troops
that are operating against Bambata
show that he is receiving reinforce-
ments from nearly every tribe in Zulu-
Arms and ammunition, are also being
sent to him, and all efforts of tbe colo
nial authorities to put a stop to this
traffic have proved futile. Zulu spies
are everywhere and are apparently able
to keep the leaders posted as to field
plans, as no sooner is a trap set for the
rebels than they escape from it. They
have also captured several convoys.
The fact that the colonial troops have
been unable to make any headway
against the rebels, and that British
regulars are to be called on, indicates
how serious the situation is. Tbe
authorities are hardly in a position at
present to enter into a great Zulu war,
and it is understood that they will bend
every effort to crush Bambatal within
the next few days. All the regular
troops that can be spared are to take
the field against him, while the colo
nials will act with them and will also
try to prevent any other Zulu tribes
from reaching Bambata until he can be
Many Chinese are being smuggled
' onto the canal zone.
Russia is Bending hundreds of polit
ical prisoners to Siberia
An American woman will climb the
highest peak in the Andes
The Denver city election contest may
be carried to the federal courts
Opponents of Smoot are seeking to
drag Roosevelt into this quarrel.
The union of the Cumberland and
Presbyterian churches has been com-
Many gala day festivities have been
arranged in Spain in connection with
the wedding of King Alfonso.
Great Britain denies that an agree
ment exists with Russia affecting Per
sia, Thibet and Afghanistan.
Two young natives of India have
entered the Oregon Agricultural col
lege to study American scientific farm
Chairman Tawney of the house ap
, propriation committee, believes a large
majority of the bouse favors a lock
There is a rumored alliance of Rus
sia, Austria and Germany.
Forest reserve states are to get a
share of the timber revenue.
- Tbe movement to
the senate has been
The pope is greatly improved. He
laughs at the idea of his life being en
dangered. More bodies are being found by la
borers clearing away the debris in San
expel Smoot from
abandoned for this
Three Turks have been arrested on
suspicion of having murdered Consul
Stuart in Russia.
San Francisco banks have opened for
business and are receiving more money
tnan tney pay out.
. The injunction against the union of
the Cumberland with the old Presbyte
rian church has been denied.
Louisiana doctors claim to have
found a cure for leprosy, having cured
three sufferers from the dread disease.
George F. Baer, president of the
Heading road, says there is no grafting
among the officials of his line, as they
are above such things.
Miss Nance O'Neill, the actress, has
become bankrupt through the San
Francisco disaster. She lost all her
scenery, costumes and stage effects.
Torrents of inud from Vesuvius are
causing death and panic.
Marines are being rushed to Panama
to avert a revolution at the time of the
general election, June 20.
Estimates have been made for con
tinuing work on the Panama canal to
June 30, 1007. The total amount is
S. A. D. Puter, wanted in Portland
in connection with the Oregon land
fraud cases, has been captured in Ala
meda, a suburb ef San Francisco.
Favored Merchants Testify Against
Burlington Road.
Kansas City, May 25. Testimony of
unusual interest was brought out this
afternoon in the United States court in
the trial of George H. Crosby, traffic
manager of the Burlington railway
George L. Thomas, of New York, i
freight broker, -and L. B. Taggart, his
clerk, on a charge of conspiracy in re
bating railroad rates.
Tbe principal witnesses were George
A. Hart on, of Barton Brothers' Shoe
Company; George W.Taylor, of Robert
Keith Furniture Company; E. W
Freyschlag. of the Freyschlag Mercan
tile Company, all of this city, and
Walter Kelby, of New York, cleric in
1904 and 1F05 for Thomas.
The testimony showed that the firms
mentioned received large sums of
money from mysterious sources after
freight bills had been paid; sometimes
in express packages, always from New
York, but none knew who sent it. On
the stand Freyschlag frankly referred
to an agreement with Thomas whereby
nil nrm was to receive 25 per cent re
bates on freight bills, and told how the
money was deposited iu New York to
toe firm's credit by one Jackson, whom
ne did not know.
He could not remember whether he
or Thomas had suggested the use of the
name. At first he said that the idea
was his, but on cross-examination he
changed and said that he could not re
member. He admitted that the name
was used to hide "this business," a
term all the witnesses today employed.
rrtUaVi IViaV ZOt I hmiflA muh tmlair on iitmoiial nnatm swt
aSUino-oiK MftV 25. Tlift aanara Innprnr! Williuma rha mlntU
?iBy !?ed tlie Agricultural appropria- er, demanded the ayes and noes on i
T "'' carrying an appropriation of motion of Adams, of Pennsylvania, to
f(O00,000. and. without n
debate or an objection from any source, further consideration of the diplomatic
ou u u as an amendment the bill and consu ar bill. Th s was refused
providing for an inspection of frh
meats intended for domeetio consump-
A number of other bills
ti . .
me sea level Panama canal bill
made the unfinished business
The message of the house, declining tive on a rising vote, stating that but
vu accept tbe senate amendment tn th short timn hatnrm it. haA k.n
railroad rate bill was received, but the strated that a nnnrnm wan nroonnf. 1QK
the speaker holding that one-fifth of
the members present had not risen to
demand the ayes and noes.
I demand that the otter side be
taken," called out Williams.
The speak ir refused to take the nega-
senate conierees were not named. The
senate adjourned until Monday.
wasn:ngton. Mav 25. In th
of representatives today the question of
veracity was raised between Cooper, of
r . a r-w . -
"iBuooBin, and Hepburn, of Iowa, over
conversation in wh eh th nttnr i
alleged to have partcipated with a
member of the senate and in whinh
cooper asserted, the member of the
house and the senator referred tn
agreed tnat the so-called express com
pany amendment to the railroad rate
Dili Bnould not remain in the bill.
ine House was turbulent during thn
wuu.ucibuiuu ui mo ruie senainc me i a i ... . .. ....
rate bill to .ni.n th- i Z "i"" ?" tneimmigration bin were
w wvmw. VUU icni ill II in II V 1 . J- I n 11'.. t m m n .
members being that the rule. whi,h "I " 1UDDam aweary, Bacon,
ocuu, rauerson and others. The bill
was still under consideration when the
senate adjourned.
Tuesday, May 22.
Washington, May 22. The senate
today devoted the greater part of the
session to consideration of the immi
gration bill, but before it was taken up
lucrum ber made a personal statement
contradicting an article printed in the
new lork Tribune that the railroad
rate bill had been so amended at his
instance as to render it ineffective.
Previous to that time also the senate
adopted a resolution directing the com
mittee on privileges and elections to
consider the course to be pursued in
tne case oi .Burton
mmense Loss of Life at Unianka.
Victoria, B. C, May 25. Mail ad-
vices from the Orient state that an
earthquake causing great loss of life
and considerable damage to property
occurred at the beginning of May at
Uniankai and vicinity, in Mongolia.
The Pekin Times reports that a chasm
several feet wide was caused by the
earthqqake. .
The walled city of Uniankai was al
most completely destroyed, the loss of
life being very heavy. Officials at
Pekin had received news that the ca
lamity was of exceptional severity and
arrangments were being made for the
relief of the people in distress.
Severe shocks are also reported from
Fokien province of China, the most
disastrous in Chuen Chou prefecture,
where many buildings were destroyed;
the loss of life was unknown.
Metcalf Gives Evidence. '
Washington, May 25. Secretary
jnetcair, complying with a resolution
of the house, has sent to that body a
long report from Commisisoner General
Sargent, of the Immigration bureau,
giving the history of the enforcement
of the Chinese exclusion law. The last
chapter deals with the Chinese boycott
ot American goods and reproduces offi
cial proclamations of Chinese officials,
which, despite assertions to the con
trary, show that the Chinese govern
ment is at least not discouraging the
Hermann's Trial In June.
Washington, May 25. The trial of
Representative Hermann is now sched
uled to take place in this city between
June 5 and 10, unless some unforeseen
obstacle should arise. Francis J.
Heney has notified District Attorney
Caker that he will come back to Wash
ington to conduct the prosecution. It is
probable the case will be disposed of in
three or four days.
disagreed to the senate amendments en
dioc, mignt have au influence on thn
conierees and give them an nnnnrtn.
nity, if they so desired, to vote out the
express company amendment, the
amendment relating to pipe lines and
me sieeping-car amendment.
Thursday, May 24.
Washington, May 24. The senate
entered today upon the consideration of
the agricultural appropriation bill,
Male criticised tbe. provision permit
ting the secretary of agriculture to ex
tend to 30 days the fortnight's leave
now allowed to employes outside the
city of Washington, expressing the
opinion that the practice is growing
rapidly, and that it will soon extend to
all the poetofficea of the country if not
cnecked. lie spoke of tbe general de
mand for government employment, sav
ing that such employes became "a hun
gry, porsistent band ot mendicants,"
and that congress is dragooned, impor
tuned and browbeaten by the demands
of this organized band of subordinates.
Hale referred to the possibility, of pen
sioning government employes.
The free alcohol bill was passed by
tne senate praculally as it came from
the house.
Washington, May 24. Speaker Can
non, with tbe memory of yesterday s
proceedings in bis mind, took a new
tacx today when the house of represen
tatives met, by sending word to Curtis.
TT i . . . . ...
oi Kansas, to raise tne point of "no
quorum" when a dviision was demand
ed by Williams, of Mississippi, on the
vote to resume consideration of the
diplomatic and consular bill. Mr.
Curtis made the point of "no quorun
taking the wind out of Williams' sails,
the "call of the house" proceeding un
der Republican demand instead of on
the demand of the leader of the minor
ity. A quorum was present, the vote
being, Ayes 222, noes 21, present 19.
Washington, May 22. For an hour
or more today the house of repreaena
tives could not decide whether to go
into committee of the whole on the
diplomatic and consular bill, or to
follow the lead of Gardner of Massa
chusetts to take up consideration of the
immigration bill.
Assisted by Williams, the minority
leader, Gardner led a mild filibuster
against taking up the diplomatic bill,
and endeavored to delay matters by
raising a number of parliamentary
points, Ine Republicans, however,
had a quorum present, and eventually
the diplomatic bill was taken up and
general debate began and continued
till 5 o'clock.
The senate bill authorizing the eon
sturction of a dam across the Pend
d'Oreille river in the state of Washing
ton was passed.
Monday, Mry 21.
Washington. May 21. The legisla
tive, executive and judicial appropria
tion bill was passed by the senate to
day within three hours from its read
ing. It carries appropriations aggre
gating $29,815,259, an increase of $59,
345 over the amount reported to tbe
senate. A number of unimportant
measures were passed and at 8:d0
o'clock consideration was given to pen
sion bills.
Wednesday, May 23.
Washington, May 23. In addition
to passing a half dozen bills to which
no objection was made, the senate de
voted its entire session today to the im
migration bill, which was passed just
before the hour of adjournment. The
major portion of the discussion was de
voted to the provision for supplying in
formation concerning the different sec
tions of the country to newly arrived
Tbe bill consists of a series of amend
ments to the existing law, all of them
intended to permit stricter regulations
for keeping out the defective classes of
aliens. The head tax is increased from
2to$5. ,
An amendment requiring an educa
tional test for immigrants and also re
quiring that no imm'grant carrying less
man ijo should be admitted was pre
sented by Simmons, who spoke in sup
port of it. Lodge offered a substif ute
confining the test to an educational re
quirement and providing that no alien
more than 16 years of . age who cannot
read in some language shall be admit
ted except members of the iamilies of
male adults now residing in the United
States. Simmons accepted the substi
tute and it was adopted.
Washington, May 23. When the
Washington, MayJ 21. Decided op
position developed today in the house
of representatives against the passage
of the bill to extend the time fot the
completion of the Alaskan Central railway.
Williams, of Mississippi, insisted
that the bill was obnoxious because it
exempted the property from license tax
and tax on its railway during the per
iod oi construction and lor nve years
thereafter. He believed that every
individual as well as every corporation
should pay his proportionate share of
the tax burden.
Largest Town In Alaska Suffers Heavy
Loss, Including Foodstr.Ts,
Fairbanks, Alaska, May 22. Fire
has broken out here and is threatening
the town withdstruction. The Wash-ington-Alaoka
bank is burned. The
flames have crossed First and Second
avenues, and are rushing up CiiBhman
Btreet with great speed. The National
bank 1b doomed.' Nothing can save the.
Seattle, May 22. A Bpecial to the
Post-Intelligencer tonight states that
the entire business section ol the town
of Fairbanks, Alaska, was destroyed by
a fire which started in the Fairbanks
building, a three-story frame structure,.
at 4 o'clock yesterday afternoon.
Details of the disaster are very meag
er, but it ia feared that the food supply
of the town has been destroyed and
great suffering may result.
Nothing was left standing in the-
section lying between the water front
and Third avenue and Staoey and Tur-
ner streets. The work of the fire fight
ers was centered on the block of ware
houses owned by tLe Northern Com
mercial company, in order to protect
the food supply of the town, and th
result is still in doubt.
The loss is estimated at tl. 000.000.
and it is announced that tbe heaviest
interests of the town are already pre
paring to rebuild.
No lives were lost.
Fairbanks is a mining town on the
banks of the Tanana river in Alaska
It is the entrepot for the miners in the
great Tanana section, one of the richest,
gold-producing regions in the great,
country in the north that was bought
from RuHsia by the United States. The-
output of the Tanana mines has been.
enormous, and the town has lately as
sumed the proportions of a citv. beinir
credited with a populaion of about 15.-000.
Conferees Will Recommend Foraker's;
Original Plan.
Washington, May 23. An agree-
ment on the statehood bill will be em
bodied in a conference report which
will be reached this week, according
Jo information today. What the terms
this agreement will be cannot be
stated with preciseness, as the report
has not yet been drafted. The plans
which seem to be acceptable to both
sides, however, are:
That Oklahoma and Indian Territorv
shall be admitted as one state at once;,
that Arizona and New Mexico shall be
allowed to vote separately on the ques
tion ol being joined in one state; that
the vote shall be cast at a regular terri
torial election, when officers of the ter
ritories are voted for.
The proposition is generally known
the Foraker amendment of a year
Saturday, May 19.
Washington, May 19. The house
arose today in its wrath and put to
eternal sleep a measure that it had pre
viously passed, making it a peniten
tiary offense for any official or employe
of the government, including senators
and congressmen, to make public any
secret information that would have an
enect upon tne market value of any
American products. The bill original
ly passed the house some weeks ago
without discussion, and was intended
to remedy a defect in the law as expos
ed by the recent cotton scandal in the
department of agriculture. It was
amended by the senate, and the report
of the conferees brought tbe matter to
the attention of the house today.
After a heated debate in which the
measure was attacked as vicious legis
lation by McCall of Massachusetts,
Grosvenor, of Ohio, and Crumpacker,
of Indiana, Republicans, and defended
by Burleson, Democrat, of Texas, its
author, and Chairman Jenkins, of the
judiciary committee, tbe house, by a
record vote of 107 to 66, tabled the
bill, having refused in the first instance
to agree to the report of the conferees
Should Continue Filibuster.
Washington, May 21. Democratic
members of the house of representatives
today were signing an indorsement of
an action of Williams, the minority
leader, in filibustering in the house for
the purpose of hurrying action on the
statehood bill. The indorsement was
drawn by Henry, of Texas, and was
circulated by Beall, of that state. It
asks Williams to continue to demand
roll calls on every motion which can be
made lu the passage of bills or the adop
tion of resolutions and raise the ques
tion of no quorum when possible.
Back to the House.
Washington, May 22. The railroad
rate bill was considered for three hours
tonight by the house committee on in
terstate and foreign commerce and the
decision reached to recommend disa
greement to all of the senate amend
ments and to send the bill to confer
ence. The committee will not ask that
instructions of any character be given
to the house conferees. There was no
disposition to criticize the amendment
conferring Jurisdiction on the courts to
review orders made by tbe Interstate
Comnerce commission.
Garfield Preparing Further Sections.
of Report on Methods.
Washington, May 23. Commission
er of Corporations James R. Garfield
stated today that he would submit to
the president further information on
the result of his investigation of the
oil industry. It has not yet been de
termined, however, whether this will
be in one single report or several sepa
rate reports. The report recently sub
mitted to congress covered the question
of transportation and freight rates, and
Mr. Garfield is now engaged in prepar
ing reports on the production and
ing of oil. the control of Dine li neR. or.
ganization, foreign trade and conditions
and competitive methods. Tho Hot.
for the first four has practically all
been received, and the report on com.
petitive methods is well under way.
Mr. Garfield said he did not believa h
would be able to submit to the rrHl.
dent any of these reports before the ad-
ournment of congress.
Readjust Philippine Coinage.
Washington. May 23. Senator T.nAa.
today introduced a bill at the
of Secretary Taft for a readjustment of
the ratio of the Philippine coinage and
ior an increase in tbe elasticity of the
present system. The bill is framed
upon the recommendations of the Phil
ippine commission contained in thn
annual report and in brief authorizes
the commission, with the consent of
the president, to change the weight and
fineness of the silver peso and to recoin
the existing peso so as to adinst it t.
tbe change.
Japanese Send $30,000 More.
Washington.May 23. The
National Red Cross received $30,000
today from the Japanese Red Or. fn
the relief of the San Francisco earth
quake sufferers. This brinm th tt.l,
Japanese Red Ctobs contribution tn.