if 4 A SURE THING. LEXINGTON GROWS 1 VOL. I LEXINGTON, OREGON, THURSDAY MAY 31, 1906 NO. 36 THE CREAMERY A meeting of the Lexington Cream ery Association was held last Tuesday afternoon In the city hall, when a tem porary organization was effected. S. A. Thomas was chosen as temporary chairman and W. E. Leach as secre tary. S. E. Lee, A. Reaney, W. E. Leach, P. M. Chrlstenson, R. L. Benge, Wm. Padberg and .S. A. Thomas were selected as a committee to select a suitable site for the build ing. Mr. Waxwell, the organizer, in formed the stock holders that $4500 had been secured, this being the cost price of the plant, and that the cream ery was assured. The superintendent of construction Is expected ihere this week and actual construction work will be commenced at once. The build ing and machinery will be substantial and modern in every respect. CARD OF THANKS We wish to extend our sincere thanks to those who so kindly assisted during the recent illness and death of Chas. D. Turner. Their kindness will ever be remembered. Geo. W. Turner and other relatives. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the partnership heretofore exlstfng between J. H. Chapman and C. H. Beymer, under the firm name of J. H Chap man & Co., has this day been dissolv ed. J H. Chapman will continue the business and pay all bills against said firm. All accounts due said firm are to be collected by C. H. Beymer. Dated at Lexington, Oregon, this 21st day of May, 1906. J. H. Chapman, C. H, Beymer. LOCAL NEWS The copious rains of the past week assure a bountiful harvest. Lexing ton will ship more grain this season than last. Remember that. The band received word Tuesday not to go to Heppner for Memorial day exercises as the rain had put the streets In such condition that the pro gram could not be carried out. J.'1 A. Lewellen, of Weston, visited with Lexington friends last Thursday. This is his first trip here for nearly three years and he said he could see a great Improvement In Lexington. FOR SALE Cheap. Quarter sec tion land in Sec. 21, Tp. 1 N R. 25 E. Slope to north and east. All cul tlvatable land. Now under plow. W. S. Wharton. W. B. McAllster and wife are en joying an outlpg at Collins Springs, Wash., having left for there Monday last. H. L. McAllster has charge of the Bank during his father's absence'.. I Reports from Pendleton, Walla Walla and Echo state that great dam age was done by high water the past I few days. At Pendleton the levee gave way and a large amount of water ran through the streets. At Walla Walla several buildings were washed away. A number of railroad bridges were washed out and traffic delayed. The 0. R. & N. announce the fol lowing one way special rates from prin cipal points listed below to Lexington. For points not listed or other informa tion call on any 0. R. & N. agent or write A. L. Craig, G P. A., Portland, Oregon: Bristol, Tenn $48 00 Boston, Mass - 49 80 Chicago, 111.'. 32 90 Cleveland, 0 39 90 DesMoines, la 28 90 Memphis, Tenn 37 40 Pittsburg, Pa . 41 90 St Louis, Mo - 29 90 Kansas City, Mo 24 90 St. Joe, Mo 24 90 Omaha, Neb 24 90 Sioux City, la 24 90 St. Paul.Winn- 24 90 Money can be depoited with any 0. R. & N. agent and ticket furnished passenger In the east. :' A YEAR OF BLOOD The year 1903 will long be remem bered In the home of F. N. Tacket, of Alliance, Ky., as a year of blood; which flowed so copiously from Mr, Tacket's lungs that death' seemed very near. He writes; "Severe bleeding from the lungs and a frightful cough had brought me at death's door, when 1 be gan taking Dr. King's New Discovery forConsumption, with the astonishing result that after taking four bottles 1 was completely restored and as time has proven permanently cured." Guarante ed for Sore Lungs, Coughs and Golds, at W. P. McMillan's drug store. Price 50c and $1.00. Trial ottle free. CHAFF FROM THE STRAW STACK Too many pretty girls have fresh paint signs on their faces. You can easily fill the public eye, if you only have the "dust". After man came woman, and she has been after him ever since. After a man and a woman get mar ried, they quit buggy riding. It often happens that a duck of a man makes a goose of a husband. . The ideal wife and the ideal hus band are two of a kind that never make a pair. A Michigan paper states that "Mrs. G. M. Brown is at home looking after the grip." It might be well to in vestigate 'and see who is taking care of Mr. Brown's suitcase in the mean time. , . . ., ... School ma'am's who have fellars had better look a "leedle out." Miss Downend, a teacher of music in the Mansfield, Ohio, schools was recently let out of a job and her salary withheld because she had a beaux. She sued the board for her pay and was beaten in the courts, the jury holding that she had neglected her duties on account of her beaux. Bet that jury was made up of a lot of old moss-backs with whiskers a foot long, who, never sipped the nectar from the lips of some pretty school ma'am, nor any one else'e lips for that matter. They simply : doa't knew what life is, $25.00 REWARD Will be paid to anyone for the de livery of one grey horse, strayed from my ranch summer of 1904, a little ov er one year old when left, is now three years old. Branded on right stifle, has a little white in face and a small scar on shoulder from wire cut when colt If anyone has Jaken up or finds the above described horse and will de liver same to me will receive the a bove reward, or if anyone has bought the above described horse from anyone claiming this brand, and can prove same will give a little better reward. ' W. F. Barnett, Lexington, Oregon. It Is Dangmoim to Neglect a Cold, .. How often do we hear it remarked: "It's only a cold," and a few days later learn that the man is on his back with pneumonia. This . is of such common occurrence that a cold, how ever slight, shbuld not be disregarded. Ceamberlain's Cough Remedy counter abts any tendency of a cold to result in pneumoniB, and has gained its great popularity and extensive sale by its prompt cures of this most common ailment. It always cures and is pleas ant to take. For sale by W P. Mc Millan. NOTICE .Bathing within the Uffi,.- flf Willow Creek, is orbldden. If persisted in a-fests be made . - i . W, G. Scott, 32-36 Mayor. f ink ill jf m ijni I cjx. a Laa Uau Many nice Hats to offer, far below cost. Call before they are all gone. WE are offering odd suits of clothing in order to clean up our Stock far below cost of Manufacture. SHOES we have those to offer at 50cts. which cost at least $2.50 to $3.00 to make, they must go in order to make room for new goods. ' DRESS GOODS $1-50 values at 95 cents, $1.00 values at 60 cents, 75 cent valuer at 40 cents, 65 cent values at 40 cents, 50 cent values at 30 cents, we! must let them go at some price. GREAT values in Laces of all kinds, Imbroideries, etc. LADIE'S Wash Skirts one half price. Ladie's Waists one half price, just one-half what these have for malfy sold at. We are determined to clean up our , stock. , ms mm BTSHi Of EULfliJK COPYRIGHT mt DAVIDA0lR4 50r CLOTHING CO. MILWAUKEE. eac ers GENTS Nice Neat Filling Suits, Coat Vest and Pants for the Low Price of $4.45 Just think of IT. THE Very Latest Child ren and Boys Suits for, $2.45. CALL and let us show you Goods and Prices that will simply astonish ':. you. BOYS Shirts from 35 cents up MEN'S Shirts from 50 cts. up We keep every thing you use, eat and wear and buy as close as any store in Morrow county, we own our buildings and ate in a position to handle our busi . ness right and at a close margin. We take as much pains with a small order and give it the same at tention as we do any of our large customers. We . aim to handle the best of everything, give us a chance to figure with you we can do you good. WE have just received some new Spring Work Buggies, Hacks. Don't buy a vehicle till you see burs and get prices. HARNESS is advancing every day, we have bought ahead and can give you the advantage of the raise This is no small item, harness that are high today lQ will look cheap in three months from now, leather advancing every day. BUY NOW. HARDWARE is advancing in &ome. lines, we are pre pared to take care of you in this line to. Come and See. e Cm ' j kJJLQ ' kJC ore