GENTRY'S BARBER SHOP J. E. GENTRY, Proprietor. FIRST CLASS SHAVING AND HAIRCUTTING Agent for Crcsent Steam Laundry Shop 0110 door west Lexington I'ank LEXINGTON, - - OREGON. LOCAL NEWS ,r) t n Strugs Stationery Gonfections School Supplies Joilet yJrticles Gtc. &tc. LEXINGTON, OREGON 101 OS d irst Jtfational SBank of heppner Capital Stock $50,000. Surplus and undivided profits $70,000 D C. A. RHEA, - President T. A. RHEA, Vice-President G. W. CONSER, - Cashier E. L. FREELAND,' Ass't Csh'r Transacts a. General Banking Business Four per cent paid on Time Deposits EXCHANGE ON ALL PARTS OF THE VORLD BOUGHT AND SOLD Collections made on all points at reasonable terms. SO REPUBLICAN SPEAKING JUDGE WEBSTER of Portland W. G. COLE Candidate for Joint Senator H. J. BEAN Candidate for Circuit Judge Will address the people of LEXINGTON, OREGON TUESDAY AFTERNOON MAY 29 AT 1 O'CLOCK EVERYBODY INVITED' Dr. M. A. Leach, Dentist, Heppner W. E. Leach went to Portland Tues day. Roy Chapman left for Spokane last Monday. Don't forget to say a good word for Lexington. J. A. Cresswell was a Lexington visitor Monday last. Ralph Benge is attending court in Heppner this week. N. K. Paul, of Hardrnan, is a Lex ington visitor today. J.B. Carmichael is at Heppner this week attending court. Eph Eskelson is in Heppner on court business this week Ferd Green is the new man behind the bar at the I. X. L. saloon. Mrs. W. P. McMillan and children are visiting in lone this week. Leach Bros, have a new sign on the : front of their place of business. Arvid Thomas is spending this week in the country with friends. Mrs. Cummings does sewing and; cleans and presses mens clothing. J Prof., R. B. Wilcox and wife have ! moved onto the Joe Eskelson ranch. Dr. Higgs, Specialist, eye, ear, nose and throat. Heppner, Oregon. C. H. Beymer sold his interests in the I.'X. L. saloon to J. H. Chapman Monday. Willard Graham is spending this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Brown. School closed last Friday in the Lexington school for the seventh and eighth grades. I Jack Chapman says that his home Is lonesome now since they have lost ' R. E. Green and family, or Swede burg, Mo., cousin of S. E. Lee, are now residents of Lexington. L. S. Gilbreath returned from Day ton, Wash., last Friday. He reports his father somewhat improved. Mrs. Orville Brown and ' daughter, Velma, are the guest of Mrs. Jennie Barton, of Black Horse, this week. Cal Kocher, of Portland, now has charge of the Lexington Meat Market. Mr. Kocher is a first class meat cutter, , Rev. T. P. Graham and wife went to Heppner Tuesday where Mrs. Gra ham will enter the hospital for a deli cate operation. R. A. Nichols and family, of Day ton, Wash., are in our city this week visiting relatives and renewing old acquaintances. G. D. Taylor and wife leave for Moscow, Idaho, tomorrow for an ex tended visit with their children. The Wheatfield will follow them. FOR SALE Cheap. Quarter sec tion land in Sec. 21, Tp. 1 N., R. 25 E. Slope to north and east. All cul tivatable land. Now under plow. W. S. Wharton. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Campbell, who have been spending a month with rel atives in Canada, returned last even ing. Mr. Campbell weat on to Port land to be in attendance at the grand lodge of Odd Fellows. R. C. Warren came over from Condon last Saturday returning Sun day. He states that from Eight Mile to Lexington the wheat crop looked good to him. He thinks the Lexing ton country has the best prospect of any place he has seen. There will be a republican rally in Lexington on Tuesday afternoon next, May, 29, at loxlock. Judge Webfter, of Portland, W. G. Ccle, candidate for Joint Senator and H. J. Bean, candidate for Circuit Judge, will ad dress the people on the leading issue of the campaign. Everybody Invited. L. W. Hill, one of Morrow county's successful farmers was In town Satur day and when seen by the Wheatfield man, says that while the present wheat crop has been damaged by the recent drouth, the damage Is not near C- 0 This Space Reserved For W. G. SCOTT & CO. Lexington, Oregon. in s9 l LEXINGTON MEAT MARKET i j! FAIRCEtiLD & MARLATT, Proprietors. SAL SAGES I AND LARD i FRESH AND I SALT ' I ME A TS ? HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR HIDES 1 . c LEXINGTON, OREGON, THE OFFICE w O LANE & INSKEEP, Proprietors, GENTLEMEN'S RESORT FINE WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS Sole Agents for Enterprise Beer, The kind that .made Lexington Famous. o o H First-Class Pool Table In Connection. o D LEXINGTON, 0 o OREGON S so great as was first reported. He thinks there will be a large amount of grain marketed at this station this fall. Ed. Berry is doing some artistic work with the paint brush in Lexing ton this week. lone Proclaimer. Mr. Berry Is not only doing work in Lexington this week, but has been for several weeks past. He has about decided that Lexington is the best town in the county and will probably locate here permanently, L. S. Gilbreath, local representative of Kerr Gifford & Co.,' made a trip through the wheat country the past week and states that he finds about 35 percent Increase in acreage, with a 50 to 60 percent crop and thinks there will be as much wheat marketed in Lexington this season as last with fav orable weather from now until harvest. For Sale or trade One 200 egg Chat ham incubator, model 1905. Several three quarter B. P. Rock hens. J. S. Baldwin, Lexington. TRESPASS NOTICE. All persons are hereby warned against bathing in Willow creek within sight of my residence. Parties per sisting in doing so will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. 32-36, Mrs. Jane Penland. madk happy for life Great happiness came into the home of S. C. Blair, school superintendent, at St. Albans, W. Va., when his-little daughter was restored from the dread ful complaint he names. He says: "My little daughter had St. Vitus' Dance, which yielded to no treatment but grew steadily worse until as a last resort ve tried Electric Bitterr; and I rejoice to say, three bottles effected a complete cure. "Quick, sure cure for nervous complaints, general debility, female weaknesses, impoverished blood and malaria. Guaranteed by V. P. Mc Millan's drug store. Price 50c. F. H. ROBINSON ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW NOTARY PUBLIC Practice in all Courts. Legal business given prompt and careful attention. Land Contests, Probate Work and Conveyanc ing a specialty. IONE, OREGON C. C. CHICK, MVD. ' PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Diseases of Women and Children a spec laity. Calls answered promptly Day or Night. HARDMAN, OREGON W. J. DAVIS CONTRACTER & BUILDER Estimates Furnished Lexington, - Oregon B. M. BOOHER PROMPT SERVICE REASONABLE CHARCES LEXINGTON, OREGON CARPETS I have a first class flying shuttle loom and am prepar ed to do all kinds of Carpet Weaving. Send me your rags. . , MRS. C. A. MOREY, Lexington, - - Oregort