Mrs. Milt'e Huffaker. 8M0KELE88 TOWN" FAR OFF. ' ' Iff -; 'v;;; Mill HAD GIVEN UP ALL HOPE, CONFINED TO HER BED WITH DYSPEPSIA. aWeMylifetoPm-itt," Says ilrs. Htiffaker. Mrs. Mittie Huffaker, R. B. No. 3, Columbia, Term., writes: "I was afflicted with dyspepsia for sev eral years and at last was confined to my bed, unable to sit up. "We tried several different doctors without relief. "I had given up aH hope of any relief and was almost dead when my husband bought me a bottle of Peruna. "At first I could not notice any bene fit, but after taking several bottles I was cured sound and well. "It is to Peruna I owe my life today. "1 cheerfully recommend it to all sufferers." Revised Formula. "For a number of years requests have come to me from a multitude of grate ful friends, nrging that Peruna be given a slight laxative quality. I have been experimenting with a laxative ad dition for quite a length of time, and sow feel gratified to announce to the friends of Peruna that I have incorpor ated such a quality in the medicine which, in my opinion, can only en hance its well-known beneficial charac ter. "S. B. HARTMAN, M. D." 1 Cu "'JflBBAPi wiiFDDDnnp nil vd flflTTfllO r5LKKR5.P0MMEL SUCKERS AW HATS.' FOLLOWING OUR SUCCEJiti AT PHILADELPHIA CHICAGO AND OTHER EXPOSITIONS WE: WON THE l HIGHEST POSSIBLE AWARD Jtf THE M. LOUIS WOKLUO JAIK I TOWER CANADIANS co.LiniitB,, TOIONTfttAN W. L. Douglas to. so o. io.oocunroros W. L. Douglas $4.00 Cilt Edge Line cannot be equalled at any price &8CyJB1 IHIICAPrfAt 2,500,000 It Will He Reached When Science Hum Whipped l Into Line. Tli Hinok('li'H city will bo tho in- evltublo coiiHoquonce of the application of modern science and advanced idcnn from both an economic ami hygienic standpoint Hut the smokelens city muHt be, by Implication, nn electrical city. It Is therefore here that tlio themo Ih best coimldcred and some of the sntlHfyliiK and encouraging ele ments compoHlng its analyula b(t set fortlu To have smokeless and electrical cities we niuat provide huge electrical centers nt the mines. We must trans mit hlgh-teimlon electricity from the central stations there to the various cities around. The limits of transmlH slon are well recognized as dependent upon the limits of insulation. These limits have not as yet been reached. It has been noted by the observers of electric progress that electric power lines are radiating farther and farther away from the home supply. It can not be said that science would have to be better known to reach tho zenith of accomplishment In this reachlng-out process. It Is not this by any means, but more the fact that precedent has. not as yet established Its basis of argument on a large enough scale. It Is more a case of where the doing is delayed, because It Is still to be done. A futile reason, Indeed, but still the one frequently of fered. The cost of a ton of coal at the mines and the cost of the power equivalent of thut ton In New York City could not represent a great enough difference but to sweepingly compete with the price we pay at pres ent But it Is not the social conse quences of a revolution like this we have to deal with, but the engineering possibilities Involved. If It were not the means even of considerably lower ing the power or electrical equivalent of a ton of coal it would still be the only method left to follow. The fact that men's minds are now dealing with vaster problems than be fore Is indicative of the time when this will be the one to Interest them. The development of millions of kilo watts and the coal-mlnlng centers of the country and the transmission of this electricity to large and small cities for distribution Is no more diffi cult to understand than the attitude we have accustomed ourselves to with regard to our water supply. The reser voir is indispensable, the pipe lines through the streets and in the houses the same. Why not coal energy in Its converted form? This Is the next great problem of the century and one not to be too highly relished by the railroads that carry coaL They as well as our selves hold this power of transforma tlon. Electricity. W. L. DOUGLAS MA KES SELLS MORI MEM'S $3. BO SHOES THAN ANY OTHER IH int. nUKLU. 1 1 fl flfin REWARD to inyons who cm I UiUUU dltprovo this lUttmont. It I could take you Into my three large factories t Brockton, Mase., and allow you the Infinite care with which every pair of (hoee le made, you would realize why W. L. Douglas $3.50 ehoei coit more to make, why they hold their shape, fit better, wear longer, and are of greats! Intrinsic value than any other 13.50 shoe. W. L. Douglaa Stroma Mmdm Mom for Mm, 02. BO, $2.00. Bay' School A Droit Shoo; $2. BO, $2,$1.TB,$1.B0 CAUTION. Insist upon baring W X.Doug. be shoes. Take no lubstltuta. None genuine Without bis name ana pnoe stamped on Dottorn. fast Color Eyelttt uiid ; they will not tutor brasty. Writs for Illustrated Catiiloff. W. I DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass. P. N. U. No. 21-06 n 'BEIT wrltlaa; to advertisers please mention mis paper. EACH VILLAGE A VENICE. Strange Relic of Ancient Cnatoma Prevailing In a German Foreat. One of the most Interesting regions in the "old fatherland" Is the so-called "Spreewald," the Forest of the Spree, situated not far from the German cap ital, In the province of Brandenburg. Each village is a little Venice, every house a little island, and these islets are, connected by bridges sufficiently raised to allow boats to pass under them. Most of the houses, with their barns and stables, rest on plies, and there is generally a strip of artificial terra firma either in front or at the rear of every building. By means of these land strips and of the bridges the slender land communication is kept throughout the district but most of the business and amusement Is carried on through the canals, which not only form the main highways but penetrate and cross and recross the whole .region. It la on these lagoons that nil traffic is conducted in boats during the period from spring, when the last vestiges of frost and Ice are disappearing, until the end of autumn. You see the letter carrier shoot up and down the canals, performing his duties In his frail craft ; the police glide leisurely along the banks, watching everything going on; peasants bring the products of their toll to the nearest towns; children go to and from school ; young mothers, dress ed In their Sunday clothes, ore rowed to church, carrying In their arms a small, queer-looking bundle from which two large eyes In a tiny face stare at the stranger In wonderment baby is going to be baptized, an impor tant moment with this strongly relig ious people. Technical World. Nicaragua la Baay. According to Consul Ryder, the presi dent of Nicaragua has Just given a re markable concession for ten years at $160 (gold) per year. The concession aire is privileged to have a collector In the custom house at Blueflelds harbor, through whose hands all shipments of rubber must pass, and he is allowed to tax It 10 cents a pound over and above the government tax of 5 cents a pound. It is estimated that the annual ship ment of rubber from this district Is 500,000 pounds, giving the concession aire a revenue of $50,000 a year, or $500,000 for the period of bis contract although It Is not to cost him more than $1,600 for the ten years. Don't Poison Baby. pOETY TEARS AGO almost every mother thought her child must have PAKEGORIO or laudanum to make it sleep. These drugs will produce Bleep, and A FEW DROPS TOO MANY will produce the SLEEP FROM WHICH THERE IS NO WAKING, Many are the children who have been killed or whose health has been ruined for life by paregoric, laudanum and morphine, each of which is a narcotic product of opium. Druggists are prohibited from selling either of the narcotics named to children at all, or to anybody without labelling them " poison." The definition of " narcotic " is S "A medicine which relieves pain and produces sleep, hut which in poisonous doses produces stupor, coma, convul' sions and death, " The taste and smell of medicines containing opium are disguised, and sold tinder the names of "Drops," "Cordials," "Soothing Syrups," etc. You should not permit any medicine to be given to your children without you or your physician know of what it is composed. CASTORIA DOES NOT CON TAIN NARCOTICS, if it bears the signature of Chas. H. Fletcher. Letters from Prominent Physicians addressed to Chas0 H. Fletcher. uniiiiii.ii.iUMiimii.iin Vegetable Preparationfor As similating die food ami Regula ting the Stomachs and Dowels of Promotes DtgfcsUon.CheeTful neas ard Resr.Contalrts neither Otoium.Morpuine nor Mineral Not Narcotic. JlxJtnnm frdulltSJ- YcaitenaktUm CtmAtdSuatr . A perfect Remedy for Constipa tion, Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea, Worms .Convulsions Jeverish ness and Loss or Sleep. facsimile Signature ol JTEW "YORK. EXACT COPY Of WRAPPER. J Dr. J. W. Dinsdale, of Chicago, 111., says: "I use your Castorla and advise lta use In all families where there are children." Dr. Alexander E. Mintie, of Cleveland, Ohio, says: "I have frequently prescribed your Castoria and have found It a reliable and pleasant rem edy for children." Dr. J. S. Alexander, of Omaha, Neb., says: "A medicine so valuable and beneficial for children as your Castoria Is, deserves the highest praise. I had It In use everywhere." , Dr. J. A. McClellan, of Buffalo, N. Y., says: "I have frequently prescribed your Castoria for children and always got good results. Id fact I usa Castoria for my own children." - Dr. J. W. Allen, of St. Louis, Mo., says: "I heartily endorse your Cas toria. I have frequently prescribed It in my medical practice, and have always found It to do all that is claimed for it" Dr. C. H. Glidden, of St Paul, Minn., says: "My experience as a prac titioner with your Castoria has been highly satisfactory, and I consider it an excellent remedy for the young." , Dr. H. D. Benner, of Philadelphia, Pa., says: "I have used your Cas toria as a purgative in the cases of children for years past with the most happy effect, and fully endorse it as a safe remedy." Dr. 3. A. Boarman, of Kansas City, Mo., says: "Your Castoria Is a splen did remedy for children, known the world over. I use it in my practic and have no hesitancy in recommending it for the complaints of infant! and children." Dr. J. J. Mackey, of Brooklyn, N. Y., says: "I consider your Castoria an excellent preparation for children, being composed of reliable medicines and pleasant to the taste. A good remedy for all disturbances of the digestive organs." GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS BearB the Sipaturft nf The Kind You Me Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. TM eiNTAUR HWMV, TT MURRAY aTRCIT, NIW YORK OITT. A business in Australia is that of lending engagement rings and wedding trousseaux. The left side of the face is usually considered by artists to be more beauti ful than the right. For a Good Complexion OR Clear Eyes I -v weet Bream I Clean Tongue - Calm Nerves a Good Temper and Poise Eat a Cascaret whenever you suspect you need it. Carry a little lOo Emer gency box constantly with you, in your Purse or Pocket. When do you need one? 1 WhenyourTongueiscoated i When you have Heart burn, Belching, Acid Risings in Throat. When Pimples begin to peep out. When ' your stomach Gnaws and Burns. That's the time to check earning Con stipation, Indigestion and Dyspepsia. That's the time to take a Cascaret. One candy tablet night and morning, taken regularly for a short time, is war ranted to cure the worst case of Consti pation or Indigestion that walks the earth. One tablet taken whenever you suspect you need It will Insure you against 90 per cent of all -other ills likely to attack you. Because 90 per cent of these ills begin In the Bowels, or exist through poor Nutri tion. Cascarets don't purge, don't weaken, don't Irritate, nor upset your stomach. They don't act like "Physio" that flush out the Bowels with a waste of precious Digestive Juice needed for tomorrow's Bowel-work. No, they act like Exercise, on the Bowels, instead. They stimulate the Bowel Muscles to contract and propel the Food naturally past the little valves that mix Digestive Juices with Food. They strengthen these Bowel-Muscles by exercising them. This stronger action, producing greater nutrition from food,' brings back to the Bowel-Muscles greater strength for self operation. The Bowel-Muscles can thus.ln a short time, dispense with any Drug assistance whatever. Cascarets are safe to take as often as you need them, while pleasant to eat as Candy. . Then carry the little ten-centbox con stantly with you in your purse, and take a Cascaret whenever you suspect you need it. One Cascaret at a time will promptly cleanse a foul Breath, or Coated Tongue. All druggists sell them over ten mil lion boxes a year, for six years past. Be very careful to get the genuine, made only by the Sterling Remedy Company and never sold In bulk. Every tablet stamped "CCC." t-FREE TO OUR FRIENDS! We want to send to oar friends s beautiful Frencn-deslened. GOLD-PLATED BONBON BOX, hard-enameled in colors. It is a beauty for the dressing table. Ten cents in stamps Is asked as a measure of good faith and to cover costot Cascarets, with which tHlsTafiity trinket is loaded. 721 Send to-day, mentioning this paper. Address Sterling Remedy Company, Chicago y New York. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Portland Trade Directory Names and Addresses in Portland of Repre sentative Business Firms. PHOTO HUPFL1KS; Kodak developing and print ings write for prices. Woodard, Clarke Co. MAOIO LANTERNS Welster Co., Portland. Lowent prices on Lanterns and Slides. KLAUTIC HOsIERV; Supporters. Braces; Knit to Fit; free measurement blunkn: Woodard, Clarice. HOKHKM of all kinds for sale at very reasonable priceB. Inquire 276 Front St. TRUSSES sent on approval ; we guarantee fit In most dllllcult cases; Woodard, Clarke A Co. ARTIFICIAL KYKS; every shade and shapi as sortment sent on approval; Woodard, Clarke Co- CREAM BEPARATORS-Wo guarantee the U.S. Separator to be the best. Write lor tree catalog. Huzelwood Co., Filth and Oak. MEN'S CLOTHINO Buffum Pendleton, sola agents Alfred Benjamin A Co.'s correct clothes. Everything In men's furnishings. Morrison and Sixth streets. Opposite postoflice. POULTRY FOOD-If you want your hens to lay more eggs write us for free particulars about PU RINA POULTRY lUEUS-Acuie Mills Co., Portland, Oregon. PIANOS A ORGANS Oldest piano house on Pa cific coast. Organs and Pianos on easy payments. Write for list. Let us quote you a price. Allen B Ullbert-Ramaker Co., Portland, Oregon. TELKORAPIIY TAUGHT Fit EE. Com plete course and position secured when graduated This offer good only for short time. Write fur par ticulars. PACIFIC TELEGRAPH INSTITUTE Urand Theatre Building, Portland, Oregon. GASOLENE ENGINES 8 to 4 horse power fully warranted, $125. All sizes and styles at lowest prices. Write for catalog, RCIERSON MACHINERY COMPANY Portland, Oregon. Dr. G. Gee Wo WONDERFUL HOME TREATMENT This wonderful Chi nes Doctor Is called great because he oures people without opera lion that are given up to die. He cures with those wonderful Chi nese berbs, roots, buds, barks and vegetables known to medical scl- ence In tbls oonutry. Through th n nt thnsj harmless remedies this famous doctor knows theactlou of over 600 different remedies which he successfully uses In different diseases. He guarantees to cure catarrh, asthma, lung, throat, rheumatism, nervousness, stomach, liver; kid neys, etc.; has hundreds of testimonials. Charges moderate. Call and see him. Patients out of the city write lor blankr and circulars, bend stamp. CONSULTATION FUKK. Address THE C. GEE WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO 162 rirst St., S. C. Cor. Morrison Mention paper. PORTLAND, OREGON. (