.. . t . . - u. & jr A SURE THING. LEXINGTON GROWS VOL. I LEXINGTON, OREGON, THURSDAY MAY 24,, 1900 NO. 35 LEXINGTON LEXINGTON CREAMERY At a special meeting of the Im provement League last Monday after noon It was decided to build a Cream- j ry at Lexington. J. W. Maxwell, of ! Walla Walla, representing the Hast ings Industrial Co., was present at the meeting and submitted plans and spec ifications for the building and machine ety. The new creamery will be large enough to handle the cream from 1000 cows, and is to be equipped with first class modern machinery throughout. The plant when complete will cost $4500, of which amount $1000 was subscribed by those present at the meeting. It Is proposed to Incorporate and sell the remaining stock to our citizen at par value of $100 per share. Present prospects indicate that the Creamery will have the milk from 150 cows to start on, which Insures the success of the enterprise and will place about $800 pSr month with the farmers of this community. This company has erected a number of creameries throughout the Inland Em pire, all of which are in successful operation, the last one having been just completed at Echo. The com pany bind themselves to have the plant installed and ready for operation within sixty days from the acceptance of the contract. It will require about thirty days to complete the organiza tion aed dispose of the stock and we feel safe in saying that by September , 1st the Lexington Creamery will be . in operation and turning out a good grade of butter as well as distributing dol lars among i( patrons. AN OPEN LETTER Portland, Oregon, May 15. To the voters of Oregon, Greeting: Gentlemen: The undersigned submit to you a few of our reasans for asking you to ratify, by your affirmative votes, the' Amendment granting equal rights to women, which has been placed before the voters through a petition numer ously signed by the- men of Oregon un der the initiative and referendum. This movement has grown under your management from the small be glnlng known as the Married Woman's Sole Trader Bill, enacted by your Leg islative Assembly in 1872, until it has reached such vast proportions as to at tract the attention of ' the civilized world. A Constitutional Amendment proposing women's enfranchisement, submitted to you in 1884, brought us an affirmative vote of 1 1 ,223. This Amendment -was again submitted to your suffrage by Legislative initiative in 1900, bringing us a vote of 26,265 Although the population of the com mercial centers had . doubled in 16 years, the 'o" vote was only in creased by 226, While the "Yes" vote was augmented by 15,042. This, to us. is a palpable augury of the triumph i which we confidently look to you to consummate, for us on the 4th day of June by placing "X" between "302" and "Yes" on your ballots. .. Do this ' and you will honor our flag of truce,, the oply power we can offer In our de i fense against the balloted forces of the. opposition." Do this, and you will hon or Oregon, your mothers and your selves. And your petitioners will ever pray: Abigail Scott Duni way. ' Honarary President Oregon Equal Suffrage Association and State Federation of Wo man's Clubs. 1 Mrs Henry Waldo Coe President Oregon E. S. A. Charlotte M. Cartwright " President Woman's Pioneer Auxiliary Association. Sarah N. Evans, Piesident Oregon Federation of Women's Clubs. . ., 'Esther C. Pohl, M. D., President Women's Medi cal Association. COUNTY NEWS. NOTICE Bathing within the town limits, in Willow Creek," Is strictly forbidden. If persisted in arrests will be made. , W. G. Scott,, 32-36 Mayor. A YEAR OF BLOOD The year 1903 will long be remem bered in the home of F. N. Tacket, of Alliance, Ky., as a year of blood; which flowed so copiously from Mr, Tacket's lungs that death seemed very near. He writes; "Severe bleeding from the lungs and a frightful cough had brought me at death's door, when I be gan taking Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, with the astonishing result that after taking four bottles I was completely restored and as time has proven permanently cured." Guarante ed for Sore Lungs, Coughs and Golds, at W. P. McMillan's drug store. Price 50c and $ 1 .00. ;,.TrifJ bottle free. Heppner Gazette Salmon are running by the thousands in the John Day at the present time. In the Spray country many are being caught by the residonts of that district. Sheriff E. M. Shutt went to Irrigon yesterday. From Irrigon he will go to Portland to bring his son, Lawrence home.. The boy, who has been underf the care of the best physicians, is gradually loosing his eyesight. Heppner Times S. E. Notson received the sad in telligence Tuesday of the death of a sister at' Hamburg, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Consor, of Port" land, visited the past week with Mr and Mrs. George Consor of this city, having come up at this time to attend the wedding of their son, Earl to Miss Willetta Leezer. As stated in our last issue, that some of the farmers of Morrow coUnty were unduly exercised over the crop prospect, has proven to have been true. The copious rains that have fallen dur ing the past week have entirely put fall swn grain out of danger of drouth, and insures a good yield, The news was received here Tues day afternoon that a couple of tramps had held up a man and robbed him on Butter creek, and that a posse of men overhauled the robbers, and In the fight that ensued, one of the. robbers was killed, Later reports indicate that the man killed was a demented sheepherder. ; lone Proclaimer A. Walker and wife left for Port land yesterday where he will enter the real estate and brokerage business, ' $25.00 REWARD Will be paid to anyone for the de livery of one grey horse, strayed from my ranch summer of 1904, a little ov er one year old when left, Is now three years old. Branded on right stifle, has a little white in face and a small scar on shoulder from wire cut when colt If anyone has taken up or finds the above described horse and will de liver same to me will receive the a bove reward, or if anyone has bought the above described horse from anyone' claiming this brand, and -can prove same will give a little better reward. ' W. F. Rameff. Lexington, Oregon", ' , It In Dangerous to Neglect a Cold, How often do we hear it remarked: "It's only a cold," and a few day? later learn that the man is on his back with pneumonia. This is of such common occurrence that 'a cold, how ever slight, should not be disregarded. Ceamberlain's Cough Remedy counter abts any tendency of a cold to result iri pneumoniB, and has gained Us great popularity and extensive sale by its prompt cures of this most common ailment. It always cures and is pleasr ' ant to take. ' For sale by W P. Mc Millan. Many nice Hats to offer, far below cost. Call before they are all gone. WE are offering odd suits of clothing in order to clean up our Stock far below cost of Manufacture. SHOES we have those to offer at 50cts. which cost at least $2.50 to $3:00 to make, they must go in order to make room for new goods. DRESS GOODS $1.50 values at 95 cents, $1.00 values at 60 cents, 75 cent value j at 40 cents, 65 cent values at 40 cents, 50 cent values at 30 cents, we must let them go at some price. GREAT values in Laces of all kinds, Imbroideries, etc. LADIE'S Wash Skirts one half price. Ladie's Waists one half price, just one-half what these have for mally sold at. We are determined to clean up our ' stock. eacA SBrotfi ers GENTS Nice Neat Filling Suits, Coat Vest and Pants for the Low Price of $4.45 Just think of IT. THE Very Latest Children and Boys Suits for $2.45. CALL and let us show you Goods and Prices that will simply astonish ' ' - " you. BOYS Shirts from. 35 cents up MEN'S Shirts from 50 cts. up Em 00 K 1 1 We keep every thing you use, eat and wear and bay. 4S close as any stor in Morrow county, we own! o'U'f uuimnijjjauu uiv. 111 a jjusiuuu l0 HUDUie Olir DUS1- ness right and at a close margin. We take as much pains with a small order and give it the same at tention as we do any of our large customers. We aim to handle the best of everything, give us a chance to figure with you we can do you good. WE have just received some new Spring Work Buggies, Hacks. Don't buy a vehicle till you see ours and get prices. , HARNESS is advancing every day, we have bought ahead and can give you the advantage of the raise. This is no small item, harness that are high today will look cheap in three months from now, leather advancing every day. BUY NOW. HARDWARE is advancing in eome lines, we are pre pared to take care of you in this line to. Come and See. Jie SB La Store