p o LEXINGTON BANK o Branch of BANK OF HEPPNER S..E. CARR President W. S. WHARTON VAWTER CRAWFORD Cashier ' ' Asst-Cashler CAPITAL STOCK 50,000.00, FUIXY PAID o Loans made at Eight per cent. , Four per cent, in terest paid on Time Deposits. A GENERAL LAND . AND REAL ESTATE Businesss done by cALISTER q UUUU Y ileal Laiiud auu onuito iuhh uuio-iui Sale at Reasonable Prices. Office in Bank O LEXINGTON, OREGON O S' DeLONG'S studio High Class Portraits. s. Reasonable Prices. All the latest style Mounts. ' Developing done for Amateurs. JAMES DELONG OREGON LEXINGTON, -' - i I RED FRONT LIVERY FRED BENGE, Proprietor First Class Rigs Careful Drivers Special attention to Commercial Men LEXINGTON, OREGON. WHEN YOU HAVE A COLD ALWAYS TAKE Chamberlain's Cough Remedy II 1 (amona for its eona and ou X- ware Of depended upon. It cow teraota any tendency of a opld to NeuH in pneumonia. IT IS 5 ATE AND SUIL sjrlrle 93c Larg 50 m Advertise la The Wheatfleld. CongregationaJ Church Preaching service at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. every third and fifth Sunday of each month. Sunday, School 2.30 p. m. every Sunday. Rev. J. L. Jones, Pastor. Hotel Lexington Opposite Leach Brothers, store, Mrs. Dan P, Doherty, Prop. Good meals served. Newly furnished, refitted with hot and cold water. Strict attention to guests. Rates one dollar per day and upwards. LEXINGTON ' OREGON. LOCAL NEWS W. P. McMillan opened his ice cream parlor last evening. Lovers of nice Ice cream should call at the Drug store. : ' The ladies of , the "Congregational Church will serve Ice cream and cake In the Congregational ' Church on election day. Everybody invited. Dr. R, F. Hunter, son of Dr. R. C. Hunter, arrived in Lexington Monday where he will visit with his parents a short time. He has net yet decided on a location. S. E. Lee has embarked In the real estate business and has opened offices in -the' building recently purchased from Mrs. E. D. Leach and .moved onto the lots opposite The Wheatfleld Prlntery. See his ad in this Issue. All persons breeding mares to the Jack "Billy",' and knowing themselves indebted to me for the service are re quested to call at Lexington Bank and make settlement. ,., I need the money. C. R. McAlister, The 0. R. & N. announce the fol lowing one way special rates from prin cipal points listed below to Lexington. For points not listed or other informa tion call on any 0. R. & N. agent or write A. L. Craig, G P.' A., Portland, Oregon: Bristol, Term -$48 00 Boston, Mass 49 80 Chicago, 111.-- 32 90 Cleveland, 0 39 90 DesMoines, la 23 90 Memphis, Tenn 37 40 Pittsburg, Pa 41 90 St Louis, Mo 29 90 Kansas City, Mo.- 24 90 St. Joe, Mo 24 90 Omaha, Neb - 24 90 Sioux City, la ....-24 90 St. Paul, Minn , 24 90 Money can' be depoited with any 0. R. & N. agent and ticket furnished passenger in the east. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of the Interior. . Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, 1 . April 16, 1906 ' ' Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his Inten tion to make final proof in support cf his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore J. P, Wijliams, U., S. Commissioner, at his office in Heppner, Oregon, on' May 22nd, 1906, viz: HARVEY L. McALISER of Lexington,' Oregon, on H. E. No. 10340, for the SW, Section 27, Tp. 1 (North, Range 26 E., W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Martha Scott, T. M. Scott, of Lexington, Oregon, L. W. Hill, W. A. Andrews, of Heppner, OrJgon. Michael T. Nolan, 4-19-5-17 Register NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon April 16, 1906, Notice is hereby given that the follow ing named settler has filed notice of his in tention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be, made before the Register and Receiver at- The Dalles, Oregon, on June 6th, 1906, viz: william p. McMillan, , of Lexington, Oregon, on H. E. No. 7898, for the SE NW, Lots 3 and 4, Section 4, Tp. 1 S., R. 25 E., W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: H. H. Wheeler, V. E. Leach. F. M. Par ker, S. G. McMillan, all of Lexington, Or egon. Michael T. Nolan, 4-26-5-31' Register. NOHCB FOR PUBLICATION. I Department ofdhe Interior. x Land Office at The Dalles, Oregon, May 7, 1906. Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of her In tention to make final proof in support of her claim, and that said proof will be made before the Register and Receiver, at The Dalles, Oregon, on June 13th, 1906, viz: ELIZA A. BEYMER, ' . of Lexington, Oregon, on H. E. No. 7369, for the SH SWX- NW SWtf and SWtf NWtf, Section 15, Township 1 S. R. 25 E.W. M. She names tht following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz: . John p. McMillan, S. G. McMillan, Frank M. Parker, Charles H. Beymer, all of Lexington, Oregon.' v Michael T. Noun, 5-10-6-7 Register. w. p. McMillan's LUMBER YARD LUMBER.' DOORS,, WINDOWS, SHINGLES ' WOOD AND COAL Lexington, Oregon TEACHERS WANTED MW1IHHBJH IWiaia, IMIMIMJMM'tWLTO.iait MiiMwniiiMBMiamOTiimmMm n 7triTrniiTT'inrnrirninrn,nirii'(ir-i The demand for good teachers in the western states is greater than the supply. Cood teachers can always get jobs, paying from $50 to $100 per month. We Prepare You for the Teachers' Examinations The first thing neccessary is to get a certificate. Our Teachers' Preparatory course gives the review which every teacher needs to pass the county examination, -We Teach You How To Teach Our normal courses in methods of teaching are equal to a reg ular normal training school bourse. We Help You Get A Position Through our Teachers' Agency, we are able to find good paying positions for many well qualified teachers. Many school boards look to us to aid them in filling vrcancies in their schools. If you want to know more about this, write for our booklet, "Where Teaching pays," and for information about our courses for teachers. It will cost you nothing but the price of a postal card. SBrdwi School of Qorrespondence 241 South West Temple Street, Salt Lake City, Utah o p; T pp REAL ESTATE 80 Acres 4 miles from station. All wheat land. A great bar gain at $20. per acre. ' 160 Acres 8 miles from railroad station. $16 per acre. 320 Acres 2 miles from station, good well. This won't keep long at $22 50 per acre y 160 Acres 3 miles from railroad station, running water, A snap for someone. See me. t 3000 Acres 15 miles from station, running water. All tillable, goes at $10. per acre. 640 Acres 12 miles from railroad station. All farm land. $10 per acre. 80 Acres 2 miles from station. 40 acres alfalfa land. Good buildings. Cheap, see me. ' ' 320 Acres 4 miles from station. Good house and barn, wind mill and water system. -All under cultivation, 320 Acres 2 miles from station. All In crop, $20 per acre, crop included. 1 60 Acres 4 miles from station. All in grain, $ 1 6 per acre. Call on or address me at a: LEXINGTON, OREGON B O SIR ROBERT IMPORTED PERCrfERON STALLION ' Will stand the season of 1 906 as follows: Monday and Tuesday, March 26 and 27, at Lexington Livery stables. Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, March 28, 29 and 30, at lone. Satur day, March 31, at Dorman's ranch on Rhea Creek; Sunday and Monday, April 1st and 2d, at Wm. Padberg's ranch on Clark's Canyon. Thereafter every ninth day at the above places. The Chas. L. Rea, 1906 lmpregnator used by an expert, when advisable. Frank Parker, ) Andrew Reaney Owners Wm. Padberg ) The Wheatfleld prints the news. Christenson Brothers CONTRACTORS&BUILDERS Plans and Estimates furnished See us befofe feulldlngr LEXINGTON, OREGON. ARTISAN Lodge Meets every Satur day night at 7 o'clock, up stairs fn Artfc hall C. W. r.hri....- Ethel Wilcox, Sec. I. O. O. F. Lexington lodge No. 168. i-eeis every Wednesday evening at 7 n. m C. W. Christenson M. F. Parker Se0' N. C REBEK AH. Holly lodge No. 139 Lexington. Meets the first and third Tuesday of each month at 7:30. Ina Leach EllaBenge S0' N. G