J ; THE LEXINGTON WHEATFIELD Published Every Thursday at LEXINGTON, OREGON S. A. THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor. OFFICIAL PAPER TOWN OF LEXINGTON Subscription, per year,' - $1.00 Advertising rates on Application Entered as second-class matter October 6, 1905, at the post office at Lexington-, Or egon, under the Act cf Congress of March 3, 1S79. THURSDAY MAY 17, 1906. REPUBLICAN TICKET For U S Senator (short term) F. W. MULKEY For U. S., Senator (regular term) 1 JONATHAN BOURNE, Jr. For Congress 2nd Dist. W. R. ELLIS Fcr Governor JAMES WITHYCOMBE For Secretary of State FRANK W. BENSON For State Treasurer GEO. A. STEEL For Supreme Judge ROBERT EAKIN For Attorney General A. M. CRAWFORD For Supt. Public Instruction J. H. ACKERMAN For State Printer W. S. DUNNIWAY For Labor Commissioner 0. P. HOFF For Circuit Judge H. J. BEAN For State Senator W. G. COLE For Representative W. M. SLUSHER For Sheriff E. M SHUTT Fcr County Clerk W. 0. HILL ' COUNTY COURT Claim docket of County Court, May Term: Johan Troedson, 4.60; Sam Mead ows, 6; G. F. Parker, 1 ; J J McGee, 18; J N N Beeler 7.50; R W Bear den, 16.50; Chas Conner, 98.50; P C Cresswell, 120.25; Samuel Devine, 375.75; Heppner Times, 50.60; J N Beeler, 46.25; L A Williams, 10.50; L Victoria Hamilton, 50; Rhea & Welsh, 97.75; Andy J Cook, 1 12; Pa cific Printing Co, 2.65; E F Neal 14; Mrs E F Neal, 120; S I Stratton, ' 133.33; E G Noble, 83.33; Bill Ayers, 120; TW Ayers, 150; W S Conner, Salt Lake, Denver, Kansas City, Chicago, St- Louis, New York. Ocean Steameri for HaiiKranoUco leave Forlland at 8 P. M. every fifth day. Ticktf to anil from all point of the Unit ed State) and Kurupe. Trains Leave Lexington, Dally, ex cept Sunday, - ' 9:25 A. M Trains Arrive at Lexington, Daily, ex wp N J 0REG0N Jilt QRMQN fP SuOjpLlNE 'WimohPacmg TO cept Sunday - 5:10 P. M. Trains Connect at Heppner Junction with Main Line trains for all points East and West. A. L. CRAIG, G. P. A. 200; J G Crawford, 120; W 0 Hill, 120; E M Shutt, 333.33; Heppner Gazette. 85.10; Irwin Hodson Co, 65. 20; Glass & Prudhomme, 3; Redfleld & VanVactor, 29.50; James Fitz, 31. 50; F C Friederick, 3; N L Shaw 19; Sam Esteb, 35; CT Walker, 10.70; L A Williams 21; W R Cochran, 30; Geo Whlteis, 13.15; John Rasmus, 1.90; Geo Whiteis, 20.55; John Ras mus, 4.20; Geo Whiteis, 18.65; John Rasmus, 1.20; Geo Whiteis, 9.45; J L Yeager, 2; Heppner L & W Co, 73.05; W H Clark, 19; Joe Cresswell, 3; J T Williamson, 3; Elizabeth Lang, 12.70; Mrs Brock, 30; K G Warner, 10.20; Louis & Pleiss, 8; Mrs J F Deos, 1.84; A K Higgs, et al, 211.64; Fred Lucas, 25; F M Griffin, 1 1.60 Vawter Crawford, 363.33; C H Bey mer, 3.80, Mrs E A Beymer, 3.80; Dr R C Hunter, 8.80; Dr Alex Reid, 5; Telephone Co 10.80; H W Sftton, 16.80; Slocum Drug Co, 69.80; F B Kistner, 35; S P Devine, 1000; E M Shutf, 7; Current Ex, 14.60; A M Slc cum, 72; Mrs T L Dortnan, 12.25; S P Devin, 220.50; H W Sitton, 5; J N Hollenbrock, 563.75; W. J Blake, 555.85; Mrs Joe Osborne, 16; J K Conner, 15.55; Ed Daikey 24.55; Lon Sullivan, 23.50; J J McGee, 23; H Scherzinger, 14; W B Finley, 2.50; Ralph , 2.60; D F Warner, 9; R W Turner, 5; H Scherztnger, 6; T J D Jones, 8.50; W 0 Minor, 9.80; J J McGee, 13; H Scherzinger, 2 50; W C Ldcy, 2.40; Jack Matlock, 2.50; Edgar Ayers, 2.50; J J McGee, 24.80; RW Turner, 10.80; Emil Grotkopp, Edgar Ayers, 5,80; E D Leach, 4.8Q; J P Williams 3.20; T W Ayers, 69.90; W. G. McCarty, 10. Judges and Clerks of Primary Elec tion, 375.20. The total cost of the Primary election was $533.75. The amount of the road account was $3480.50. The total bills paid by the court was $6940.45. Sciatica Cured After Twenty Years of Torture. For more than twenty years Mr. J. B. Massey, of 3322 Clinton St., Minneapolis, Minn., was tortured by Sciatica. The pain and suffering which he endured during this time Is beyond comprehesion. Nothing gave him any permanent relief nutil he used Chamberlain's Pain Balm. One ap plication of that liniment relieved the pain and made sleep and rest possible, and less than one bottle has effected a permanent cure. If troubled with sciatica or rheumatism why not try a 25-cent bottle of Pain Palm and see for yourself how quickly it relieves the pain. For sale by W. P McMillan. LOCAL NEWS Sheriff Shutt was a Lexington visit or Tuesday. Get your stationery at the Wheatfield Printery and your business will never become stationary. Frank Sheridan, one of the unfort unate ones from San Francisco, is now employed by Leach Bros, of this city. FOR SALE Cheap. Quarter sec tion land in Sec. 21, Tp. 1 N R. 25 E. Slope to north and east, All cul- tivatabfe land. Now under plow. W. S. Wharton. Barred Plymouth Rock eggs for hatching. $1 for 15 eggs from the Swede Canyon Poultry Yard. P. M. Christenson, Lexington, Ore. LEXINGTON f I . FLOUR MILLS jS , JOS. BURG0YNE, Proprietor n ' 0 jjju Manufacturers of fik k Flour Graham Flour A I Whole Wheat Flour 1 Rolled Barley - Mill Feed I J . .. Rolled Wheat' . LEXINGTON, - - - ; OREGON 1 III IB I .. !$ Afen's and Bovs Golf Many different styles to Ladle's Linen Dusti'i'tycome and see them before O one. Thev are inst what A J J p Ladie's muslin gowns, neatly trimmed with tucks, Muslin Skirts trimmed with lace and embroidery We save you money, the wants ot our customers. i I LEXINGTON, ' I have just received, from Edward B. Grossman & Co., of Chicago, a choice line of spring samples. Ladies' and Misses Suits, Silk Shirt Waist Suits, Wash Suits, Wash Skirts, Waists, Petticoats. Cloth and Silk Skirts, Jackets and Raincoats. Any one desiring anything in this line will do well to call and look over my samples at The Wheatfield Printery. Mrs. S. A. Thomas. Not if as liich as Jiockefeller. If you had all the wealth of Rocke feller, the Standard Oil magnate, you could not buy a better medicine for bowel complaints than Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy. The most eminent physician can not prescribe a better preparation for colic and diarrhoea, both for children and sdults. The uniform success of this remedy has shown it to be superior to all others. It never fails, and when reduced with water and ' sweetened, is pleasant to take. Every family should be supplied with it. Sold by W. P. McMillan. 1HEM.W.OFA .Excelsior CamR. No. 9873, meet in Artisan Hall every 4th Tuesday night of the month. E. E. Thomas. F- F- Klitz, Clerk. v- c- HARDWARE 2 We have a complete line of hard ware consisting of a full line of Gran- iteware in all tinware. Before come and see the and Ncp-lifep Sliivvs. nil -0Q-- choose from and we ninke you von nrorl in the dnsr ,-" -' " special our expenses are small, we ..THE PASTIME.. J. V. GRIMES, Proprietor. gj CANDIES, NUTS, B BACCO, SOFT DRINKS, POOL AND & M P.TT T T A T? TYQ M M - - ' - - - - AJ - m Lexington, l zzjiizzxzzrzizizzxzzazzzxazizzazizzazxzzzzzzizxzxxzx La J. H. CHAPMAN & CO., Props INES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. FRESH BEER ALWAYS ON DRAUGHT r, GOOD POOL TABLE IN CONNECTION LEXINGTON, OREGON TM TTv T T j jUHIN a. wniiti , t GENERAL BLACKSMITHING $ & HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY j ft : 4 Work Neatly Executed LEXINGTON, OREGON. cooking utensils, also purchasing a stove A Charter Oak. si7( - now mid nn-rn-dnie. I: ; ' -- r ay special prices. buying material to make J insertion and embroidery j prices uucems to L.io. Mi Q Special price $1.25 to $3.50 buy careful and look after , Q OREGON I FRUITS, CIGARS, TO- - - - - - - 'r - kj M M Oregon M 3 TT TT TTHl" Charges Reasonable 2 9 M M M M K. M H M H M 1 ad'aaauauu