Lexington wheatfield. (Lexington, Or.) 1905-19??, May 17, 1906, Image 2

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    Heed's Sarsaparilla
Has surpassed all other medicines, in merit,
sales and cures.
Its success, ereat as it has been, has ap
parently only just begun.
It received more testimonials in the last two
years than any previous two over 40,000.
It has the abiding confidence of the people
the strongest proof of its unequaled worth.
It purifies the blood, cures all blood dlS'
eases, all humors and all eruptions.
It strengthens the stomach, creates an
appetite and-builds up the whole system.
It cures that tired feeling and makes the
'Weak strong.
In usual liquid, or In new tablet form.
4W ifvaca vua Avimi,
JTo Need of It.
"Can't I sell you a painless corn cur
madnni," said the peddler.
"No, you can't !" snapped the woman
of the house. "I have no painless corns.'
Then the door was shut with a sudden
slam. Chicago Tribune.
Reform Needed.
"Senator," asked the reporter, "is there
likely to be any reform legislation in the
near future?
"Fiobably not," answered the eminent
statesman, "but the conviction is growing
tint there ought to be a change in the
form of administering the oath in courts
of justice."
"In what respect?"
"Well, it i3 felt that a witness should
be sworn merely to tell the truth and
noth'ng but the truth. Telling the whole
trnlh is not only unnecessary in most
cas?s, but is sometimes highly injudi
But Found a Cure After Fifteen Years
of Suffering
A. H. Stotts, messenger at the State
Capitol, Columbus, 0., says:
"For fifteen years I
had kidney troubles,
and though I doctored
faithfully, could not
find a cure. I had
heavy backaches, diz
zy hbadacb.es and ter
rible urinary disor
ders. One day I col
lapsed, fell inensible
on the sidewalk, and
then wasted away in
bed for ten weeks. After being given
up, I began using Doan's Kidney Pills.
In a couple of months I regained my
old health, and now weigh 188 pounds.
Twelve boxes did it, and I have been
well two years."
Sjld by all dealers. 50 cents a box.
Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Portland Trade Directory
Names and Addresses in Portland of Repre
tentative Business firms.
PHOTO SUPPLIES; Kodak developing andprlnt-
...... ,., .. ..I . .... I' ........ I'ln.lr. M, fn
iiAUlu LAN IKK.NS Welster Co., Portland.
Lowest prices on Lanterns and Slides.
ELASTIC HOSIERY; Supporters, Braces; Knit to
Fit; free measurement blanks: Woodard, Clarice.
HORSES of all kinds for sale at very reasonable
' prices. Inquire 275 Front St.
TRUSSES sent on approval; we guarantee fit In
most difficult cases ; Woodard, Clarke A Co.
ARTIFICIAL EYES; every shade and shape; as
sortment sent on approval; Woodard, Clarke Co
CREAM SEPARATORS We guarantee the U.S.
Separator to be the best. Write for free catalog.
Huzelwood Co., Filth and Oak.
ilEN'SCLOTHIKO Buffum A Pendleton, sole
aKents Alfred benjamin A Co.'s correct clothes.
Everything in men's furnishings. Morrison and
Sixth streets. Opposite postollice.
POULTRY FOOD If you want your hens to lay
more egtrs write us for free particulars about PU
Portland, Oregon.
I1ANOH it ORUANS Oldest piano house on Pa
cific coast. Organs and Pianos on easy payments.
Write for list. Let us quote you a price. Alien S
Ullbert-Ramaker Co., Portland, Oregon.
iih'te courite and position secured when graduated
This offer good only for short time. Write for par
ticulars. PACIFIC TLLfiunA rti. 1JB11TU1K
tiraud Theatre Building, Portland, Oregon,
The Kind You Have Always Bought has borne the signa
ture of Chas. II. Fletcher, and has been made under his
personal supervision for over 30 years. Allow no one
to deceive you in this. Counterfeits, Imitations and
Just-as-good " are but Experiments, and endanger tho
liealth of Children Experience against Experiment.
Castorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups, It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Feverishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Vowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
The- Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
In Use For Over 30 Years.
tmi aiHTtua eoMMitv, tt uaaT tkit, siwyom oity.
flrlckH from Snncl.
A correspondent of Cardiff, Wales,
reports that grout snnd dunes extend
for miles along the north const of the
British Channel. These, in addition to
being utterly worthless for all pur
poses, are also a menace to the narrow
strip of lowlands between them and
the hills. A company of business men
have determined to put the sand to
some use, and if their works prove
profitable an Industry will be built nr.
on the dunes. The plan Is to manu
facture bricks from sand. The experi
ment has proved a success on the conti
nent where the bricks are produced In
several colors and take a glaze satis
factorily. Some experts claim that
these bricks made of sand and lime
will be the building brick of the future
In Wales and the United Kingdom.
The Hard-Working Reformer.
"Sometimes," said Uncle Eben, "It
'pears to me like a reformer was one of
deshere people dat has to talk two
hours an' a half to 'spress one o' de ten
commandments. An' dar warn't no dis
pute 'bout dat In de firs' place."
Washington Star.
How's This?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward fol
any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured by
Hall'i Catarrh Cure. . ' , . n
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo, O.
Ws tho vindarsiirned. have known F. J.
Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him
perfectly honorable in all business transac
tions and financially able to carry out any ob
ligations made by their firm.
West & Truax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0.
Waldino, Rinnan & Marvin, wholesale Drug
gists, Toledo, O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, act
Itht .lirorvlv unnn the blood and mucous sur
faces of the system. Price 75c. per bottle.
Bold by all Druggists. Testimonials free.
UallV Vamllif Pnls a ra th hnflt.
uuu m A MIUJ ..... . - ww-..
What Father Thought.
A New York teacher of Instrumental
music was one day telling the father of
a pupil, a lad of 10 years, of the prog
ress made by the boy In his studies.
"I think he is Improving a great deal,"
said the professor. "He will certainly
learn to play the piano."
"Is that so?" asked the father, much
gratified. "I didn't know whether ho
was really Improving or whether I was
merely getting used to It" Harper's
To Break In New Shoes.'
Alwavs shake in Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder.
It cures hot, sweating, aching, swollen feet.
Cures corns, Ingrowing nails and bunions. At
all druggists and shoe storei, 2Sc. Don't accept
any substitute. Sample mailed FREE. Address
Allen 8. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y.
Not that Kind of a Plaee.
"All my threats don't bother him at
all," said the collector.
"No?" replied the merchant, "said
we could go as far as we liked, eh?"
"Well er I think the place he men
tioned was farther than you'd like."
Philadelphia Press.
TITO St. V tus Dance and all Nervous Diseases
lllv Permanently cured by Dr. Kline's Great
Nerve Restorer. Send for FREE 12 trial bottle and
treatise. Dt. it. M. Jvlln. ,Ld.,iwl Arch St., rmia.,ra.
The Man on the Step.
, They were going to the matinee. She
was up In her boudoir putting on fin
ishing touches, and he was sitting im
patiently on the front steps.
"George," she called down sweetly,
"just one minute more until I find my
Fiftn minutes passed. '
"George," came from above, "wait
another second. I've lost my pin."
Twenty minutes slipped by.
"George," she continued, "don't go.
One moment A button Just Jumped off
my shoe."
Long silence. Then George' calls
wearily :
"Hurry a little, Ethel. If you get
down In another five minutes we can
make the evening performance. Mat
lnee's over long ago."
Signature of
Or the Days of Daniel Boone
The ensuing night set In dark and
stormy. A. fin uristy rain fell contin
uously on the earth. The enemy, fa
tigued with their past efforts, had ceased
to make hostile demonstrations, tad were
evidently reeolved on resting until morn
lag. Cmotain Boone, oaring placed a guard,
had prevailed on the weary defenders of
Benesborourh to lie down to sleep, to
strengthen' them for the contingencies of
the morrow.. The pioneer had laid him
self down for a couple ef hours, but at
11 o'clock arose and walked around the
works to see that all was safe, and
take care that the guard was duly re
lieved and vigilant As he was passing
the gate' he heard a gentle knocking on
the outside..
"It is some Indian trick, thought
Daniel: "but I am too old a bird to be
caught with' chsff. "Who knocks?"
'Bland Ballard. There are three of
us," added the voice.
"Let the other two speak," returned
the pioneer.
"Simon Kenton, said another voice.
"Allan Norwood," added a third.
"It's all right," said Boone, undoing
the fastenings of the gate. "No three
men were ever more welcome to any
place," he continued, as the party en
"You've had a fine time of it here, I
reckon," said Ballard.
"The hand of sorrow has pressed heav
ily upon us," replied Boone, sadly.
"I knew in the course of natur' that
some confounded thing or other would
break!" added the scout, sentimentally.
"How has it fared with you, my lads?
What news of Miss Alston?"
"It has fared but Indifferently with
us," replied . Allan. "Miss Alston, we
have reasons to suppose, is safe, although
in the power of Le Bland."
Mr. Alston, who had also been walk
ing about the words, head the name
of his daughter mentioned, and hastened
to join the party.
"It appears," continued Allan, "that
your daughter was carried away by a
jealous Indian maiden, who intended her
no serious harm."
"But where la she? Where have you
left her? Why have you not restored
her to my arms?" exclaimed Alston, -deeply,
"Softly! softly!" said the scout. "We
have done all that men could do. We
haven't been afeard to risk our lives In
her service."
'The Cherokee girl," resumed our
hero, "had witnessed an Interview be
tween her lover and your daughter,
which excited all her jealousy and ha
tred, and was the cause of her sudden
and mysterious disappearance."
"But who was the Indian maidens
lover?" asked Alston, new light stream.
Ing in upon his brain.
"He was oalled while here Le Blandi
Before I made this Important discovery
Miss Alston bad been found by Le Bland
and carried away. We pursued him
with haste, but he reached his friends,
who are keeping you besieged here, be
fore we could effect a rescue," said Nor
wood. "This young man has acted nobly,"
added the scout, with great warmth.
"He has saved my life, and Kenton's
also. I abused him at the outset, and
am sorry for it He's as brave a young
feller as ever walked, and 111 make my
word good agin a dozen, armed with any
kind o' weapons whatever. If there
should be any sort.o' blame attached to
his name, now or hereafter, this year or
next, or the year arter, I don't care
when, I warn everybody in partlc'lar
that In course o' natur' aomethin' will
"It is no more than what Justice de
mands to say that all the success that
has attended this enterprise is due to
Mr. Norwood," said Simon Kenton, with
manly frankness. "We've got good news
for you all. Otter-Lifter Is coming to
your aid at the head of his warriors,
and Is now close at hand."
"And we called at Harrodsburgh,"
added Allen, "on our return, and Colonel
Hnrrod is coming with ;two pieces of
cannon. I think we shall ot only be
able to make good the defe'nse, but de
feat the enemy and rescue Miss Alston."
"We have only bad news to tell you In
return for these glorious tidings," re
turned Boone. "Matilda Fleming and
your sister Eliza, Mr. Ballard, have been
carried off by Silas Girty and are now
In his hands."
"If we can git them two cannon Into
this place afore sunrise, and Otter-Lifter
reaches us with his warriors, It's my
opinion there'll be a confounded break
age!" exclaimed Ballard, knitting his
brows and grasping his rifle nervously.
The news which Allan and his com
panions had brought soon circulated
through the station, awakening new hope
In every heart The most experienced
of the pioneers doubted not but the fian
non could be brought to the fort under
cover of the darkness.
"We shall have to go out and recon
noiter a little and see which will be the
safest way to bring in the big dogs,"
laid the scout, referring to the cannon,
"It's rather a delicate piece of work,"
added Kenton, "but the darkness of the
night is greatly In our favor. Be on the
watch, captain, to let us In." With
these words the three men left the sta
tion once more and glided away.
Ia a little time Ballard came back to
ay that the enemy had relaxed their
rlgllanee, being, doubtless, tired out with
the length of the siege; that twenty men
from Harrodsburgh were at a short dis
tance from the fort with ordnance,
which they would now endeaver to drag
Into the station.
The rain descended In torrents, and
the night, though more Inclement, was
more favorable than ever to their pur
pose. After Incredible toil and exertion,
the efforts of CoL Harrod were crown
ed wid success, and the much coveted
cannon were at last safely lodged In
the block-house. Every heart was glad
dened by the sight of the formidable
engines of destruction and the brave
company that came with them. They
were Immediately loaded with grapeshoti
The scout was both surprised and
pleased when he discovered among the
females the pretty figure of Innis Mc
Kee; and the particulars of her appear
ance at the station, as related by Joel
Logston, gave him ' genuine feelings of
admiration and satisfaction. He affirm
ed, In the hearing of Allan and others,
that she was without question the finest
girl in the whole world, and he stood
ready, then and there, to make good the
Soon after Ballard freed his mind by
making this Important statement, he wan
observed in earnest conversation with
Miss McKee; that Is, as earnest as hia
embarrassment would allow of; for tho
scout on this occasion did appear to have
lost his usual boldness, and In the esti
mation of Kenton and Elizabeth Boonef
he was really awkward at times, bashful
and hesitating. Before the dawn of
day, Allan and his two friends had re
lated their several adventures since they
left the fort; while those who remained,
In their turn, rehearsed what had trans
pired during the siege.
It may be a fact worthy of note, In
this connection, that Simon Kenton had
much to say to Elizabeth Boone; but
as nobody took the trouble to listen, we
regret that we shall not be able to ex
plain "it all to the reader. It was re
marked, however, by Joel that Miss
Boone's pale cheeks thereupon assumed
a ruddier glow.
The subject of Miss Harrod's capture
and singular return to Harrodsburgh
was then spoken of, as the news of that
event had not reached the station. As
soon as the name of Fanny Harrod was
mentioned, the attention of young Reyn
olds was Instantly fixed upon the speak
er. With changing color and varying
emotions he listened to the tale, and ex
claimed: 'Thank heaven!" In such an emphatic
tone, when he heard the happy termina
tion of the affair, that all eyes were in
stantly turned toward blm.
"She's safe now, my lad!" said Col
onel Harrod, In a low voice to the young,
In answer to this assurance, Reynolds
pressed the colonel's hand warmly.
"It would have been Impossible to
have kept him hived up here, If he had
known that Faany was In danger," re
marked a man from Harrodsburgh, to
"He's somewhat sentimental toward
the young woman, I suppose," observed
the latter.
"Sentimental don't seem to be exactly
the word; but he's very fond of her com
pany, and people say that something
will come of It by-and-by," returned the
The morning so anxiously expected by
the inmates of Boonesborougk dawned
brightly and clearly at length; anon a
few random shots from tha enemy told
that they were also astir. Presently the
firing ceased, and Girty once more hailed
the fort. Captain Du Quesne, he went
on to state, had a few more words to
address to the Infatuated people of
Boonesborougb, Some of the young wom
en belonging to the station, had, unfor
tunately, fallen Into the hands of his
friends, the Miamis; the names of these
captives as follows: Rosalthe Alston,
Matilda Fleming and Eliza Ballard;
all of whom would be put to death,
providing the station did not Immediately
surrender unconditionally. Captain Du
Quesne had seen an Intimate friend of
Mr. Alston, whose name was Le Bland,
who entreated him In most earnest man
ner to advise Captain Boone to yield
without delay.
These, Girty added, were the last of
fers Du Quesne would make, and he
would allow them half an hour to think
of them.
Captain Boone replied that they did
not wish to think of such a proposition
for a moment, and Captain Du Quesne
was at liberty to do his worst without
delay. Moreover if he (Girty) appeared
before them again he would be Instantly
shot down, If he stood under as many
flags as he conld hold up.
This reply sent the notorious white
man off In a great rage, and the pio
neers perceived by the unusual bustle
that preparations were being made for
a grand assault.
"I wish to speak a few words to Du
Quesne before the attack is made," said
"You are at liberty to do so," replied
the captain.
Mr. Alston Immediately availed him
self of the permission, and with the flag
which Reynolds had used, presented
himself to the enemy In a conspicuous
place and signified his desire to commu
nicate personaly with Du Quesne, the
leader of the expedition. After some
demurring and a multitude of excuses
Du Quesne reluctantly apepared and de
manded to know what vaa wanted.
elnco all his morciful overtures had been
"I wish to say that I know you, and
knowing you, hold you In tho deepest
abhorrence," ropllod Alston. "You came
under my roof like a villain as you are,
undor an assumed mtiue and lu an as
sumed character. You won my conn
donee, and theroby hud It In your powor
to do me the greatest possible Injury.
Henceforth the name of Le Bland will
ever be awsoclatod with all that Is in
famous. As the only reparation which
mn stan vn.iW-A t.t a itr..m1v InllirnfT fnthnF.
I ask the restoration of my (laughter and
those young women whose names have
lready beon mentioned.
"Give your resentment to the wlndu
nd attend to the safety of yourself and
amlly. Come over to me with your
.If., a.,. l,,otAnl t o' 1anlfiil nrinna of
nuo, nuu lu.muu t. ... vj... ...
slaughter, there shall ensue a woddln
lour aaugntcr snau oecome .uauniuw
Du Quesne, and you shall own half the
nnAm An V. A auitKam knnlr AT thA TfAfV
tucky River all that portion Included In
At- I . . x r t tt I l
me purcaase 01 juajur hbhuihsuh,
turned Du Quosne.
"I would rather see my daughter slain
tha manner alreadv threatened than
to witness such a consummation as you
have tho hardihood to speak of."
Come In! come lu! exclaimed Boone
'Let us waste no more timet" ,
Du OnonA luiw ntfotulful tin HlA IIP
rangement of his forces without further
eiay. The present disposition 01 ma,
rmy was most favorable for the use of
the two pieces of ordnance.
He Is dividing his red rascals Into two
nrfPA nnptlaa In erAnr tn nfra,1r 11. nt ivA
points at the same time," said Colonel
"I think It would be well to onen fire
upon them while thoy are so compact,"
said Boone.
"Otter-Lifter, who la doubtless con
cealed in the forest yondor, will attack
them the moment he hears our fire," obi
served Allan.
"Let me point one of those guns, IS
you ploase; I belonged to an artillery
company once," -said Alston.
"He stands right at tho head of the
column there," whispered Joel Logston
In his ear. "Bring down the sight fair
and square upon him. as you would level
a rifle."
Mr. Alfrton lnnlrnri ilolihorn tplr nlnnrf
the gun, and Joel, obeying the motions
of his hand, ad lusted it to his satis
faction. Reynolds stood near, holdlna
blazing brand. Alston stenned back
and gave him a significant look. The
next Instant the block-house shook and
trembled to the thunder of the cannon,
and the head of the column sank down,
while yells of consternation arose from
many savage throats.
The pieces had been well aimed and
did terrible execution. Before the ene
my had time to recover from their first
panic both of the cannon had been dis
charged the second time, while the sound
of musketry on the left told that Ottr
Lifter had commenced the attack.
"To the rescue of the maidens!" shout
ed Allan Norwood, and, followed by thir
ty gallant Kentuckians. he rushed from
the fort.
Du Quesne had fallen at the first Are,
and Girty was tryina to rally the In
dians. The quick eyes of Joel Logston
singled him out.
"Here's for you!" cried Joel, anil the.
crack of his rifle reverberated nn and
down the green banks of Old Kentuckyi
The Infamous renegade staggered and
ten, to rise no more till the trump of
doom summons all men to judgment.
The tall figure of Otter-Lifter with his
warriors was seen struggling for a brief
Deriod in the midst of the flvl nir flnvnirno
and then, Joined by the Kentuckians, the
enemy were routed in all directions.
The siege of Boonesborough was end
ed, and Otter-Lifter announced In A lnurl
voice that the maidens were rescued.
The body of Du Quesne was found
among the slain. The victory was coin?
plete, and the joy consequent upon the
successful termination, though subdued
by the remembrance of their losses, was
deep and heartfelt Rosolthn fln(l tha
other maidens unexpectedly restored to
rue arms or ttieir anxious friends, ex
pressed their thanks to their deliverers
with grateful, eloquent looks and tearful,
expressive eyes.
Allan Norwood grew rapidly in the
good opinion of Mr. Alston, and an in
timacy of the most tender and interest
ing nature soon became apparent be
tween him and the fair Rosalthe.
Early in the following spring, Just as
the flowers were expanding,-she com
scnted to make him the happiest of men.
And thns, blest to the summit of their
hopes, we leave them to glide calmly
and blisfully down the ever-rolling
stream of life,
Star-Light gave her heart finally to
Otter-Lifter, and kept therenfter his
lodge fire bright Among Norwood's
visitors none were more truly welcome
than the humane chieftain and his Star
Llght. As for young Reynolds, Is it not writ
ten In the annars of old Kentucky that
he was so fortunate as to persuade
Fanny Harrod to become Mrs. Reyn
olds? And upon the next page Is It
not also written that Bland Ballard, the
scout offered his hand and varying for
tunes to Innis McKey. It is very cer
tain that something of this kind should
have been made a matter of authentic
record, if it was not; and possibly it was
lost, with other , important missing
archives of the "dark and bloody
Joel Logston did not long defer his
happiness, but was wedded to Eliza Bal
lard. McKee was never heard of after
the siege, and was probably among the
Of Daniel Boone we feel that It Is not
necessary to add more, nis name Is so
Intimately associated with the history
of that flourishing State, where he spent
a' great part of his remarkable life, that
It needs no eulogy from our pen to add
to Its renown. He was the first and
most distinguished among the Pioneers
of Kentucky.