Lexington wheatfield. (Lexington, Or.) 1905-19??, May 10, 1906, Image 7

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Dyspepsia Is Often Caused by Oatarri
or the Stomach Peruna Believes Ca
tarrh of the Stomach and Is Therefore
a Remedy for Dyspepsia.
To Corn Beef.
Into a large kettle put a large cup
of conrHo salt, a half cup of brown
sugar and a gallon of water. Bring
to a boll, then add a level teaspoon-
ful of saltpetre. When the liquid comes
to a boll skim off any froth that arises,
and dip tho beef (this should be In
solid pieces) Into the boiling mixture
Just long enough to close the blood
cells. Lay the meat on platters to
cool, let the brine get perfectly cold,
then lay the meat In a vessel and pour
the brine over It In a day or two
It Is ready to use. Be careful not to
set the beef and brine away until
both are really cold, or they will sour.
Bo sure also to have the meat entirely
covered with the brine. After the meat
Is boiled, serve hot or cold.
Hon. M. C. Butler, Ex-U. S. Sen
ator from South Carolina for two
terms, in a letter from Washington,
1). C, writes to tho Peruna Medicine
Co., as follows:
"I can recommend Peruna for
dyspepsia and stomach trouble. I
have been using your medicine for
a short period and I feel very much
rolieved. It is indeed a wonderful
medicine, besides a good tonic."
CATARRH of the stomach is the cor
rect name for most cases of dyspep
sia. In order to cure catarrh of the
stomach the catrrh must be eradicated.
Only an internal catarrh remedy,
such as Peruna, is available.
Peruna exactly moots the indications.
Currant In Cake.
When currants fall to the bottom of
cakes you may be quite sure that the
difficulty Is due to not having the oven
sufllcleutly hot when the cake is first
put In. A great many faults are due
to wunt of care In this respect Be
fore mixing your cake, see that the
oven is In good condition for baking.
After you put the cake in do not open
the oven door for twenty minutes; by
that time the cake will have so far
set that the currants will not fall to
the bottom.
Staffed Potatoes.
Out portions across from the tops of
hot well-baked potatoes. Scoop out
with a teaspoon all the Interior, put
into a hot bowl, add butter, hot milk
and seasoning of salt and pepper, as
directed for mashed potatoes. Iteflll
the skins, lightly piling up the mixture
quite a little above the opening In a
fluffy mass. Brush the top lightly with
butter and place back In the oven un
till well browned on top. Serve stand'
fjore of One Thins.
Teacher (at night school) What do
you know of Budapest?
Shaggy Haired Pupil Budapest Is a
disease that attacks cattle. It is invaria
bly fatal.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the iff J2$rf--
Signature of (JiaZUcAV.
Mrs. Bingo Oh, dear I do you think
that death ends all? Bingo All but the
estate. The lawyer end that. Judge.
Don't Get Wet!
will keep you dry as
nothing else will, because
they are the product of
the best materials and
Beventy years' experi-'
ence in manufacturing.
I Boston, U.S.A.
vrarnflivinrmflfl T.bf
BRAfl Toronto, Ota.
The Life of a Bag
depend en how
honestly it U made
re made on honor, of the best mater
That is why they outlive other.
You won't need to order bag o often
(f every order specifies "BEMIS.
Made for
Bcmis Bro. Bag Co.
Last Summer I had a severe attaok of Inflamma
tory Rheumatism in the knees, from which 1 was
unable to leave my room for several months. I
was treated by two doctors and also tried differ
ent kinds of liniments and medicines whioh
seemed to relieve me from pain for awhile, but at
the same time I was not any nearer getting well.
One day while reading a paper I saw an adver
tisement of S. S. S. for Rheumatism. I deoided
to give it a trial, which I did at onoe. After I had
taken three bottles I felt a great deal better, and
I oontinued to take it regularly until I was en
tirely oured. I now feel better than I have for
613 82nd Street, Newport News, Va.
Vegetable Soup Without Meat.
Into two quarts of cold water put
one small cup, each, of finely chopped
potatoes, carrots, onions, cabbage and
turnips. Simmer for two hours, add
ing salt and pepper to taste, then add
one pint of tomatoes, one tablespoonful
of raw rice and a good-sized piece of
butter. Cook one and a half or two
hours longer. Add water as needed
so that when done there will be three
or four quarts of soup.
While the damp, cold, changing weather of
Winter intensifies the pains and other disagreeable
symptoms of Rheumatism, it is by no means a
winter disease exclusively. Through the long
months of Summer its wandering pains and twitch
ing nerves are felt by those in whose blood the uric
acid, which produces the disease, has accumulated.
Rheumatism is a disease that involves the en
tire system. Its primary cause results from the
failure of the elimmative organs, the "Liver, Kid
neys and Bowels, to carry out of the system the
urea, or natural reiuse matter, inis coming m
contact with the different acids of the body forms
uric acid which is taken up and absorbed by the
blood. This acid causes fermentation of the blood,
making it sour and unfit for properly nourishing
the body, and as this vital stream goes to every
nook and corner of the body, the poison is distrib
uted to all parts. The nervous system weakens
from lack of rich, pure blood, the skin becomes fe
verish and swollen, the stomach and digestion are
affected, the appetite fails and a general diseased
condition of the entire system is the result.
Not only is Rheumatism the most painful of
all diseases, with its swollen, stiff joints, throbbing
muscles and stinging nerves, but it is a formidable
and dangerous trouble. If the uric acid is allowed
to remain in the blood, and the disease becomes chronic, chalky deposits form at the joints,
and they are rendered immovable and stiff, and the patient left a helpless cripple for life.
Every day the poison remains in the system the disease gets a firmer hold. The best time
to get rid of Rheumatism is in warm weather ; because then the blood takes on new life and
the skin is more active and can better assist in the elimination of the ppisons. With the
proper remedy to force the acid out of the blood, and at the same time build up and
strengten the Liver, Kidneys, Bowels and other organs of the body, Rheumatism can be per
manently cured. External applications relieve the pain and temporarily reduce the inflam
mation, and for this reason are desirable, but they cannot have any effect on the disease.
The blood is poisoned and the blood must be treated "before a cure can be effected.
S. S. S., a remedy made from roots, herbs and barks, is the best treatment for Rheuma
tism. It goes into the blood and attacks the disease at its head, and by neutralizing the acid
and driving it out, and building up the sour blood so it can supply nourishment and strength
to every part of the body, if cures Rheumatism permanently. S. S. S. is the only safe cure
for the disease; being purely vegetable, it will not injure the system in the least, as do
those medicines which contain Potash or some other mineral, ingredient. S. S. S. tones up
every part of the body by its fine tonic properties.
While cleansing the blood of all poisons it builds up the
appetite and digestion, soothes the excited nerves, re
duces all inflammation, relieves pain and completely
cures Rheumatism in every form Muscular, Inflamma
tory, Articular or Sciatic. If you are worried with the
nagging pains of Rheumatism, do not wait for it to be
come chronic, but begin the use of S. S. S. and purge
the blood of every particle of the poison. Write for our book on Rheumatism, and ask our
physicians for any advice you wish. We make no charge for either.
Baked Bean.
Wash the beans in several waters,
drain and put them into a gallon bean
pot Add a quarter of a teaspoonful
of saleratus and a piece of salt pork.
Fill the crock with cold water and set
aside over night Put Into the oven
Inst ns thev are and bake, nddlne
more water as It is needed. Bake for SlHffaLSS 2S.KMrM.2rJS J"S 22
at least six hours and as much longer
as desired.
Apple Cnntard Pie.
Take some good tart apples, stew till
soft mash till you have three
quarters of a pint Take four eggs and
one pint of milk, a strip of lemon peel,
a pinch of salt and sugar to taste.
Beat all together, line a pie-dish with
good, thin, short paste, fill the apple
custard, and bake in a steady oven
till the custard is set and the pastry
Cream Pie.
Make a puff paste crust and line a
pie-plate with this, then pour in a
mixture made of a tablespoonful oi
butter and a half cup of sugar, cream
ed, two well-beaten eggs, two cups of
milk, a little vanilla and two table
spoonfuls of flour all well-mixed.
Grate a little nutmeg on top of the pie
and bake.
Coffee Cnntard.
Allow a rich boiled custard to cool
until a little more than blood warm,
then beat Into it a pint of clear, black
coffee. Whip until thick and creamy,
fill glasses with the mixture, put a
spoonful of whipped cream on each
and set in the ice-chest until very cold.
Ironing Hints.
When Ironing lace lay a clean piece
of muslin over it Heavy lace, such
as crochet Irish or Russian, should not
be Ironed at all, but pinned on to a
flat surface until dry, pulling It gently
with the fingers if It seems stiff after
Short Suarareetlone.
A gas stove can be kept nice and
clean by wiping each time after using,
and once a week washing with turpen
tine. Lemons will remain good for months
If placed in a tight Jar and covered
with water. The Jar should be kept
in a cool place and the water changed
every two or three days.
In wall coverings for the kitchen
and bathroom paper with an oil finish
is now preferred to the familiar var
nish. It looks better and withstands
the effect of moisture Just as well.-,
guaranteed to give perfect results,
Bieacn ana mix colors.
One 10c oackasa colon silk, wool and cotton eaually well and Is
Ask dealer, or we will send Dost paid at 10c a oackane. Writ for free booklet how to dye.
MONROE DRUG CO.. Unlonville, Missouri.
The Watch-Dog in your
Vest Pocket
YOU can buy Health Insurance
Several good "Accident"
Companies sell It. '
Sixty dollars per year will bring you
$25.00 per week, for every week you are
But, your time alone may be worth far
more than that.
And $200 per week might not pay for
your suffering.
That's why "Cascaret" Insurance which
prevents Sickness, is worth ten times as
much money as other "Health" Insur
ance. Yet "Cascaret Insurance" will cost you
less than Ten Cents a week.
That gives you a "Vest Pocket" Box
to carry constantly.
"Indigestion" means food eaten but
only partially digested.
"Constipation" means food retained in
the body undigested too long, till it decays.
It then supplies the poisons of decay
to the system, in place of the nourishment
it might have supplied.
Isn't that a tremendous handicap worth
insuring against?
What does it cost to Cure Constipation
or Indigestion, with their train of small
and great ills, and to Insure against a
return of them?
Not so very much.
One 10 cent box of Cascarets per week,
at most, perhaps half that.
One candy tablet night and morning,
taken regularly for a short time, is war
ranted to cure the worst case of Constipa
tion or Indigestion that walks the earth.
One tablet taken whenever you suspect
you need it will Insure you against 90 per
cent of all other Ills likely to attack you. ;
Because 90 per cent of these ills feegin
In the Bowels, or exist through poor
Cascarets don't purge, don't weaken,
don't Irritate, nor upset your stomach.
No, they act like Exercise on the
Bowels, Instead.
' They stimulate the Bowel-Muscles to
contract and propel the Food naturally
past the little valves that mix Digestive
Juices with Food.
They strengthen these Bowel-Muscles
by exercising them.
The time to take a Cascaret Is the very
minute you suspect you need one, .
When your tongue is coated, a little.
When your breath is not above
When your head feels dull, dizzy, or
When you have eaten too heartily, or
too rapidly.
When you have drunk more than was
good for your digestion.
When you have a touch of HearN
burn, Gas-belching, Acld-rising-ln-throat,
or a Coming-on-Cold.
Carry the "Vest Pocket" Box where it
belongs, Just as you would your Watch,
Pocket-knife or Lead-pencil.
It costs only 10 cents. At any drug
gist. Be sure you get the genuine, made only
by the Sterling Remedy Company, and
never sold In bulk. Every tablet stamped
We want to send to our friends a beautiful
French-designed. GOLD-PLATED BONBON BOX,
hard-enameled in colors. It is a beauty for the
dressing table. Ten cents in stamps is asked as a
measure of good faith and to cover cost oi Cascarets,
With which tTHsTainty trinket Is loaded. 730
Send to-day, mentioning this paper. Address
Sterling Kemedy Company, Chicago or New York,
It was declared at Edinburgh recently
that more fishermen were drowned from
the custom of wearing long boots than
by all the storms.
power fully warranted, 112. All sizes and
styles at lowest prices. Write for catalog.
Portland, Oregon.
W. L. Douglas
W. L. Douglas $4.00 Cllt Edge Line
cannot do equalled at any price.
-SHOES icj
' psicts
Capital 2.soo,ooo
I U,UUU disprove this statement.
If I could take you Into sn y three large factories
t Brockton, Man., and show yon the Infinite
care with which every pair of ihoee If made, you
would realize why W. U Douglas $3.80 shoes
cost more to make, why they hold their shape,
lit better, wear longer, and are of greater
Intrinsic value than any other $3.80 shoe. '
W. L. Dougmm Strong Mmdu Sham for
Man, 92.BO, $2.00. Baym' School
, CAUTIQN.-ImlBt upon having wX.Doug.
las shoes. Take no substitute. None genuine
without his name and price stamped on bottom.
fait Color Emlett used ; they will not mar brasiy.
Write for Illustrated Catalog,
IV. L. DOUGLAS. Brockton, Mass.
P. N. U.
No. 19-06
WHEN writing; to advertisers pleafb
mention this paper.