LOCAL NEWS Dr. M, A. Leach, Dentist, Heppner Ice Cream at Hotel Lexington Sun day. ' - : "Made In Oregon" Exposition May 19 to 26.. ." Sheriff Shutt was a Lexington caller yesterday . ,, Ygsterday was street cleaning day In Lexington. ". . ' i 'How about.ihat new,- station: sagent foj i;exrjf6n(',.rv:;!;.!r,l' ZZ: Phllt M&tch'an jr. 'has' an ' Interesting letterJn;.(His ss,fv 'ZZtuZ ' A'cotfeirV' of-' Roy Chap-man Visited jn Lexington Monday. '"" ' ' '' ', Edrand;,Ohas.' Euf theTlre 'He'pp-' he;r,vlsli9ri. 'i9$dy,r ", " ; Several cases,' of "'"measles "are. re ported near ,Strawbewy .;-; ". . , ., lrsM.Ia 'fslloly reioy ering from her recent illness. GENTRY'S BARBER SHOP J. E. GENTRY, Proprietor. '".' " FIRST CLASS SHAVING AND .HAIRCUTTING Agent for Cresent Stoam Laundry ' : : :v '" ' Shop 0110 door west Lexington Bank LEXINGTON, - ; . OREGON.' This Space Reserved For W. G. SCOTT & CO. Lexington, Oregon. ' 4 AT W.F LEXINGTON, EX 9 n 1 II a - in ma V.. OREGON. I , Stationery "Z,-u ' ' 'V-.-- -i ; ' Lonfections School Supplies J oilet Irticles &tc. S&. first National 3$ank of Oeppner Capital Stock $50. OOO. . , . Surplus and undivided profits $70,000 C. A. RHEA. - President T. A.' RH E A, Vice- President G. W. CONSER,' - . Cashier E. L. FREELAND,: Ass't Csh'r Transacts a General Banking Business - Four per cent paid on Time Deposits EXCHANGE ON ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD BOUGHT AND SOLD Collections made on all points at reasonable terms. 2 STOVER ENGINES We have secured the agency for the Stover Gasoline Engines, Myers Pumps and Star Windmills. , . . . , ... ' ' .', See us before Buying j . . '. LEXINGTON ELECTRIC CO! Miss 'rTabfe" Tyler',' left' Sunday .' for.! her homestead on Butter 'Creelr.'' - : " : Miss Helen Sso"tt. is teaching a.three months schCol m Heppner Flats: V. v M-C3...R. C.. Hunter,' returned last Thursday 'from -. Salerrt aft'd"Pqrtland.-; , Miss-v Agnes-' 'Hammer -orders her WheaHleld sent to .l-teyl'prg,. Oregon.. If your land Is for sale" list it with John B. White. & ,Co. They sell land. ;; Jf JT Ohler'V of near' lone, ' has moved onto his Lexington.- homestead; .-'Dr. .Higgs; Specialist,", eye,, ear, nose, and throat. . Heppner, Oregon. An addition,.. Is being . built to:, the Drug Store. -; Let the good wdrk 'con tinue.;'' " , ' ; ''.., " ' , '.' John B. White was called to Hepp ner Monday on "pressing business affairs. .. - ' ''' ' -:' ; Royal Tyler was kicked by a horse the fore part of the week, but' nothing serious. . ,. ' ' . "' ':, (,-',. , : I , If Is reported that 'a. .new, delivery' and ice . wagon will be put on the streets' next week.'"' ' ;- :"' I'., Mrs. E. D.1 McMillan was the guest of Mn' and Mrs.- Olin Hodsdon the fore part of the- week.- . ? . ; ' Don't buy a gasoline Engine- until you see The Stover; sold by the : Lex ington Electric CO. '. ; ;.. , The new dynamo for the electric plant arrived last. Tuesday and Is now installed ready for use.' FOUND The best place In Morrow ccuhty to get commercial printing Is at The Wheatfield Printery. , Leach Bros are . putting out forty signs around Lexington telling the number of miles to Leach Bros, "Big Store." ' - ' Mrs. Laura Bright who has been the guest of her brother, Olin S. Hodsdon, left yesterday for her home in Missouri. . Fred Benge has purchased the In terest of his partner, Ferd Green, In the livery business. See the new ad In this issue, v ' ( Mr. Cresswell, of Pendleton, who recently purchased the Andrews ranch was in town yesterday enroute to his new possessions. . ' .- -. . ... ,. J. M. White and two sons, Claude and Nealie, ' accompanied by Bert Smith, left yesterday for the mountains with a band of horses. , ' Dr. Hunter now drives a com plete new rig, having purchased a team from James Carty and a new buggy and harness from Leach Bros. ... Shelby Lee has , moved the . E. D. Leach house. on the lot opposite The Wheatfield. , This Is one of the first buildings erected In Lexington. ' For Sale or trade One 200 egg Chat ham Incubator, model 1905. Several three quarter B. P. Rock hens. J. S. Baldwin, Lexington. J. W. Arnold, of Salem, is visiting with H. E. Burchell this week. Mr. Arnold is an old time friend of Mr. Burchell's whom he has known for nearly twenty five years. Dr. M. A. Leach informs the Wheatfield that it was impossible for him to get- away for his Lexington & LEXINGTON MEAT MARKET I 1 . FAIRCHILD. & MARLiATT, Proprietors. y ' r m, r r r-T 'a -rr r i r a t c a -r t j'JSALT I'M EATS "t !: $ AND LARD t? HIGHEST MARKET PRICE PAID FOR HIDES lM 1 LEXINGTONy OREGON. . ' ' s-rcr(rfli'rar4jcc P0ES0BS0E0 THE OFFICE LANE & INSKEEP, Proprietors." GENTLEMEN'S RESORT FINE WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS Sole Agents for Enterprise Beer, The-' kind that made Lexington Famous. First-Class Pool Table In Connection. O I k4 LEXINGTON, OS o OREGON 3 1 301 visit, he will be in Lexington 6f June prepared to do all dental work. the first kinds of $25.00 REWARD Wi1!! be .paid to anyone for the de livery of one grey horse, strayed from my ranch summer of 1904, a little ov er one year old when left, is now three years old. Branded on right stifle, has a littie white in face and a small scar an shoulder from wire cut when colt. If anyonehas taken up or finds the above described horse and will de liver same to me will receive' the a bove reward, or If anyone has bought the above descibed horse from anyone claiming this brand, and can prove same will give a little better reward. W. F. Barnett, Lexington, Oregon NOTICE. All persons who had mares bred by Sir Robert, and have not paid the fees, are requested to deposit the fees with the Bank of Lexington 'as soon as convenient. 25-tf Lexington Horse Co. R. 0. HUNTER, M. D.- PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. AH cases attended to promptly, day or night. Office over Drug Store. Residence In Boothby property. LEXINGTON - OREGON. F. II. ROBINSON : ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW NOTARY Pl'BLIC Practice in all Courts. Legal business given prompt and careful attention. Land Contests. Probate Work and Conveyanc ing a specialty. - OREGON IONE, C. C. CHICK, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Diseases of Women and Children a spec ialty. Calls answered promptly Day or Night. HARDMAN, ORECON W.J.DAVIS CONTRACTER & BUILDER Estimates Furnished Lexington, - Oregon B. M.BOOHER M. E. Church South Preaching every second and fourth Sundays, both morning and evening. Sunday school every Sunday at 10 a. m. Epworth League at 6:30 every Sunday evening. Every one cordially invited to attend these services. f ' ;. Rev; T. P, Graham, Pastor,;., PROMPT SERVICE : ,,: , ' REASONABLE CHARGES LEXINGTON, OREGON CARPETS I have' a first class flying shuttle loom and am prepar ed to do all kinds of Carpet Weaving. Send , me your rags. MRS. C, A MOREY, Lexington, :' 1 " -" ; ; ' Oregon ;