Lexington wheatfield. (Lexington, Or.) 1905-19??, May 10, 1906, Image 3

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Acreage North and South of Bend Com
ing Under Cultivation.
Bend Much new land 1b being cul
tivated near Bond. North lion what is
known as the Powell ButtoB district,
ciio of the best agricultural sections in
the Deschutes valley, extending from
tho oaHtom extremity of the buttes to
the old channol of the rivor, eight miles.
It is one immense plowod field, broken
in only a few places. This area is be
ing increased rapidly, and in a short
time all tillable land in the district
will be producing. Throe years ago
there were only a couple of housos be
tween Bend and Prinevillo. Fences and
other signs of habitation wore equally
Another district rapidly developing ik
that under the Arnold ditch, five to six
miles south of Bond. Settlers here are
putting up substantial housos that would
be a credit to any city; thoy are not
small shacks as so many dwelling housos
are in a now country, but in many in
stances are two stories and well paint
ed. Much new land is being seeded in
this district. Fences are being built,
new pcrmanont roads made to run on
section lines. Less than two years ago
one could go south from Bend fifty to
sixty miles, and in that distance find
Bcarcely a house; now, within seven
miles of Bend, along what is known as
tho Ico Cave, road, there are thirty
houses, with much land in crops each
Endowed Scholarships.
Willamette University, Salem Direct
ors of the Oregon Children's Aid So
ciety have ordered that funds of the
society shall be given to the Willam
ette Endowment Association of Willam
ette University, to be maintained as a
trust fund to aid noedy and worthy or
phans, or half-orphans who wish to at
tend the university. Each individual
will be allowed $100, and. as the in
come is about $300, this will provide
for three students annually. The fund
will be non-sectarian, and benefits are
to be secured by competitive examina
tion. A standard of 85 per cent in
scholarship must be maintained. Re
port of expenditures will be given to
the society each year.
Wells Are Spouting Water.
Arlington Wells bored for oil pros
pects two years ago, in which water
came to the surface level, have become
active artesian gushers since .the hour
of the destructive earthquake in Cali
fornia. These wells are located at Car
ley, Wash., a few miles northeast of
Arlington, and had been sunk by pros
pectors in the hope of securing a flow
of crude petroleum. Results were not
up to the anticipations of those who
planned the exploitation, and the en
terprise was abandoned. Water from
the principal well is being thrown ten
feet into the air, and the flow has been
continuous and even in volume since
the earthquake in San Francisco.
Substitute Tills for Bridges.
Albany Fills are taking the place of
bridges in Linn county wherever the
change is practicable. In a great many
places this change has been made. In
two instances fills 350 feet long were
made. Bridges are short-lived in this
climate, and a constant source of ex
pense to the county. Permanent fills
cost but littlo more than a new bridge,
which will stand but a few seasons.
The county court has ordered road su
pervisors to supplant all wornout
bridges with fills whore material is
available. In all cases where there
are long approaches to bridges, stand
ing only a short distance above the
ground, fills are ordered.
Compels Another Survey.
Drain The recent calamity in San
Francisco has made necessary a resur
vey of the first twenty-five miles of
the proposed Drain-Coos Bay Railroad,
beginning at this place. The maps and
profiles of the final survey were de
stroyed in the conflagration. The engi
neer, F. D. Brown, was ordered back
from North Bend on Coos Bay, which
point he had almost reached, and will
begin at once the resurvey. Mr. Brown,
brought his entire crew with him, and
thinks it will only require from two to
four weeks to complete the work.
Creamery at Latourell Falls.
Bridal Veil Latourell Falls is to
have a creamery. Eepairs and im
provements are being made on a two
story building 30x60 feet. Concrete
floors will be provided and an engine
will be installed, with machinery to han
dle the product supplied by farmers in
the vicinity. The enterprise is pro
jected by Newton Courter, of Latourell
Falls. .
High Price for Sheared Sheep.
Baker City Lee Brothers, of this
city, have purchased the entire flock of
sheep of Oliver, in the John Day coun
try, for delivery after shearing at the
high price of more than $3 a head, in
cluding yearlings, lambs and ewes. The
exact figures are not given out It is
one of the largest sales of the season.
Government Inspector Finds Scab
Among Oregon Sheep.
Pendleton That scab among sheep
is more prevalent in Eastern Oregon
than last year is maintained by R. A.
Ramsay, supervising inspector of the
United States bureau of animal indus
try, who has been investigating condi
tions. Mr. Ramsay came from Montana at
the instance of sheep buyers in that
state, who desire to have quarantine
regulations made less rigid in Oregon
in order to pormit them to ship stock
from Oregon to Montana without dip
ping. From reports received by Mr. Ram
say from federal inspectors, county
stock inspectors and sheepmen them
selves, ho is convinced that conditions
are worso than last year. Consequently
he says quarantine regulations cannot
be relaxed.
Plan Union High Schools.
Albany To secure high school facil
ities in rural communities, different
school districts in Linn county are
planning union high schools at central
points. In Jordan Valley five districts
will join next fall, and besides main
taining separate schools of eight grades
will establish one high school for all
pupils who have completed eighth-grade
work. Under present conditions rural
.districts must send children to one of
the larger towns for high school train
ing. If the experiment at Jordan Val
ley proves successful, the plan will be
followed in other parts of the county.
Bigger Demand for Oregon Sugar.
La Grande One of the immediate ef
fects of the San Francisco disaster on
La Grande is an increased demand for
the product of the local sugar factory.
During the past week the factory has
sent out seventeen carloads of sugar to
points that have heretofore depended
largely on San Francisco for their sup
ply. While the factory has been supply
ing places eastward as far as Boise and
shipping westward to Pendleton and
Walla Walla, no such " extensive ship
ments have before been made at this
time of the year.
Investigate Umatilla Troubles.
Chemawa Dr. Charles E. McChesney,
United States supervisor of Indian
schools and special inspection official,
passed through here, en route to Pen
dleton, to investigate troubles on the
Umatilla reservation between the super
intendent, tho,Indians and the stock
men. Dr. McChesney has been in north
ern and southern California, locating
remnants of the Chinook and confeder
ated tribes of the Pacific coast.
Wheat Club, 71c; bluestem, 71
72c; rtd, 69c; valley, 6970c.
Oats No. 1 white feed, $27.6028;
gray, $27 per ton.
Barley Feed, $23.5024 per ton;
brewing, $2424.50; rolled, $24.50
Hay Valley timothy,$1213; clover,
$7.608; cheat, $67; grain bay, $7
8; alfalfa, $12. .
Fruits Apples, $23.00 per box;
strawberries, $1 251.65 per crate.
Vegetables Asparagus, 75c$1.25
per box; cabbage, 2 2c per
pound; cauliflower, $2.25 per crate;
celery, $5.00 per crate; head lettuce,
25c per dozen; onions, 1015c per
dozen; radishee, 20c per dozen;
rhubarb, 34c per pound; spinach,
90 per box; parsley, 25c; turnips, tl
1.25 per sack; carrots, 6575o per
sack; beets, 85c $1 per sack.
Onions No. 1, 3c per pound.
Potatoes Fancy graded burbanks,
80870o per hundred: ordinary, 50
60c; new California, 4c per pound.
Butter Fancy creamery, 17)6 20c
per pound.
E?gs Oregon ranch, 1818c per
Poultry Average old hen, 1415c
per pound; mixed chickens, 13)14c;
broilers, 2022c; young roosters,
12 13c; old roosters, ll12Jc;
dressed chickens, 1616c; turkeys,
live, 1718c; turkeys, dressed, choice,
2023c; geese, live, lOiaillc; geese,
dressed, lOtailc; ducks, 1718c.
Hops Oregon, 1905, 1212c.
Wool Eastern Oregon average beBt,
1621c; valley, 2426c per pound;
mohair, choice, 28(?30c.
Veal Dressed, 87c per pound.
Beef Dressed bulls, 3c pir pound ;
00 78, 4)5c; country steers, 66c.
Mutton Dressed, fancy, 88)cper
pound; ordinary, 56c; lambs, with
pelt on, 910c.
Pork Dressed, 78c per pound.
$100,000,000 FOR REBUILDING.
New York Syndicate Offers Capital
Palace Hotel Restored First.
San Francisco, May 2 According to
a telegram received by W. F. Herrin,
chief counsel of the Southern Pacific,
$100,000,000 for rebuilding San Fran
cisco will be supplied by a syndicate of
Now York capitalists, who have already
been approached on the matter by
United States Senator Frank. G. New
lands. The plan provides for the organiza
tion of a syndicate with a capital stock
of $100,000,000. Fifty per cent of this
will be subscribed in stock, whilo the
remainder will be represented by the
realty, With the cash the work will be
commenced at once of rebuilding the
business section of the city. Among
the first edifices to be restored will be
the famous Palace Hotel, in which Sen
ator Newlands holds a controlling in
terest. The telegram has been read to the
members of the finance committee and
discussed by it in a tentative way. So
far it has met with unqualified ap
Pardee Finds Much DistressBur
bank's Garden Is Saved.
Oakland, May 2 Governor Pardee
has returned from Santa Rosa, where
he inspected the ruin wrought by the
The Governor said that the pressing
need of Santa Rosa at present is money.
The debris must be cleared away before
business can be resumed. It is estimat
ed that $147,000 will be required to do
this work. There is call for $25,000 or
$30,000 for immediate needs.
Governor Pardee said that the con
ditions at Santa Rosa were depressing,
but the townspeople were brave-hearted
and had faced the calamity with sturdy
determination to recover.
A remarkable escape from injury was
that of Luther Burbank, the world-famous
horticulturist. His home and ex
perimental gardens were undisturbed.
Mr. Burbank saved his valuable col
lection of photographic negatives. These
were unbroken, though the other half
of the gallery in which they were stored
was smashed to splinters.
Operators Will Operate, Strike or No
Scranton, Pa., May 2 Notwithstanrt.
ing that many of the leading operators
in this part of the anthracite field are
of the opinion that a strike will not be
declared, every company is making
preparations to resume work in case a
strike should be declared at tha ennvon
tion,' which will be opened in this city
on Thursday.
The Delaware, Lackawanna & West
ern Company is laying plans for the op
eration of all its . collieries and wash
eries as soon as a strike is declared. This
company produced about 180,000 tons
during the past month, which is nrob
ably as much as the combined output of
all the other companies.
Many other
said, a large force of men engaged wait
ig iur me result or tie convention,
Citizens Will Confer and Bring Pressure
on Governor.
San Francisco, May 2.The urgent
importance of calling an immediate ses
sion of the legislature was the principal
matter of discussion at this morning's
meeting of the general committee. After
hearing the views of several members,
the Mayor announced he would ftppoint
a special committee of forty to confer
with the other bodies recently formed,
and that a full report would be present
ed to the Governor at once, setting
forth the need of an early legislative
session. One of the most important
things that will be asked of the legisla
ture will be the extension of leases from
fifty to ninety-nine years. It is ex
pected that this will give the smallor
landowners a chance to recoup their lost
General Strike in Poland.
St. Petersburg, May 2 Mayday was
celebrated yesterday only in Poland
and Finland. The Socialists of the rest
of the empire, having decided to follow
the Russian calendar, attempted to ar
range demonstrations for May 14. In
Poland the suspension of industrial ac
tivity was thorough. In Warsaw there
was a complete strike, affecting fac
tories, stores, restaurants, street rail
ways, cabs and newspapers, but no dis
order has been reported up to midnight.
The Socialists of St. Petersburg have
ordered one day's strike on May 14
and some trouble is feared by the au
Washington, May 2. Senator Smoot
will not be unseated. According to the
action of the committee today, it will
require a two-thirds vote to' unseat
Smoot, and two-thirds of the Senate is
not opposed to him. His case may not
be brought out of committee.
President .Sends Message to Con
gress on Standard Oil.
Garfield Tells Many Devices by Which
Monopoly Crushed Competition.
Remove Defects in Law.
Washington, May 5. President Roose
velt today transmitted to congress the
report of James R. Garfield, commis
sioner or corporations, givintt the re
sults of his investigation of the subject
of transportation and freight rates in
connection with the oil industry.
in nig message the president ex
presses the view that the report is of
capital importance, because of the ef
fort now being made to secure such en
largement of the powers of the inter
state commerce commission as will con
fer upon the commission power in some
measure adequate to meet the clearly
demonstrated needs of the situation.
The facts set forth in the report, he
declares, are for the most part not dis
puted. I hat the Standard Oil Company has
benefited enormously up almost to the
present moment by secret rates, many
of which were clearly unlawful, the
president says the report clearly shows,
the benefit thereby secured amounting
to at least three-quarters of a million
dollars a year.
'the statement is added that the de
partment of justice will take up the
question of instituting prosecutions in
at least certain of the cases, and the
hope i expressed that congress will
enact into law the bill of Senator Knox
to correct the interpretation of the im
munity provision rendered in Judge
Humphrey's decision.
lhe president calls attention to that
feature of the report regarding the
manner in which the law is evaded by
treating as state commerce what in real
ity is merely a part of interstate com
merce. He says it is clearly shown:
"That this device is employed on
the New York Central Railroad, as well
as on many other railroads, in such fash
ion as to amount to thwarting the pur
pose of the law, although the forms of
the law may be complied with."
it is unfortunately not true, he says.
that the Standard Oil Company is the
only corporation which has benefited
and is benefiting in wholly improper
rasnion Dy an elaborate series of rate
The sugar trust, he adds, according
to the results of the investigation now
in progress, rarely, if ever, pays the
lawrui rate lor transportation.
tie, declares that m the effort to pre
vent the railroads from uniting for im
proper purposes, ' ' we have very unwise
ly prohibited them from uniting for
proper purposes; that is, for purposes of
protecting themselves and the general
puDiic as against the power of the
great corporations."
He favors as an element of competi
tion the passage of some such law as
that which has already passed the house,
putting alcohol used in the arts and
manufactures on the free list and keep
ing the fee to oil and coal lands of the
Indian tribes or on the public domain in
the government, the lands to be leased
only on such terms and for such periods
as will enable the government to en
tirely control them.
Southern Pacific Says Few People Left
City Permanently.
Chicago, May 5 According to official
figures, the Southern Pacific Company,
during the exodus from San Francisco
following the earthquake and the great
fire, carried 300,000 free passengers.
This total is for the nine days from
April 16 up to and including April 26.
Of these passengers, 67,000 were carried
to interior California points, 7,684 to
other states and 226,000 to suburban
points around San Francisco bay. The
value of these free transportations is
estimated at $456,000. This comprises
only the movement from San Francisco;
figures as yet not having been compiled
on the free transportation from Santa
Rosa, Vallejo, Sacramento and Stock
ton. In the opinion of Traffic Manager
Fee, the most encouraging feature of
the situation is the fact that not only
are most of the refugees staying in Cali
fornia, but that three-fourths of them
have found temporary homes within
easy reach of the city '
Rates Raised Wantonly.
Chicago, May 5 Declaring that the
railroads were oppressing and discrim
inating against its members, and had
been so doing for the past six years,
the American Shippors' Association met
today at the Auditorium Annex and de
cided to enlarge its scope and influence.
The association at present includes a
majority of the large shippors of the
country, and it is probable in the near
future the interstate commerce com
mission will be petitioned to make a
thorough inquiry into the railroads' ac
tions in arbitrarily increasing the
freight rates on a number of classifi
cations in the last six years.
Mint Paid Out Over $7,000,000.
San Francisco, May 5. The United
States mint, which is being used as the
general clearing house for the banks,
has paid out between $7,000,000 and
$8,000,000 to depositors since it opened
Tuesday last.
In a Condensed Form lor Our
Busy Readers.
Resume of the Less Important but
. Not Less Interesting Events
of the Past Week.
Senator Heyburn's illness has be
come more serious.
The Czar is in a panic over what
parliament may do.
The Southern Pacific has hauled 1,058
cars of supplies to San Francisco.
General Greely says there is sure to
be more suffering in San Francisco.
The louse committee has killed the
bill abolishing land office receivers.
San Francisco has plenty of food on
hand for ten days, with more on the
way. The management of San Francisco
has been restored to the municipal
The new Russian cabinet claims to
be Liberal, and denounces Witte as an
Great Britain has sent an ultimatum
and a fleet to Turkey. She is support
ed by the other powers.
Two passenger trains of the Pennsyl
vania road collided near Altoona, Pa.
Twenty-five people are dead or injured.
Geologists investigating the cause of
the San Francisco earthquake have
found an immense crevice in the moun
tain range near Redwood City.
The new Russian cabinet is composed
of reactionaries.'
San Francisco's water supply is now
safe, but short.
Idle men in San Francisco are refused
food and made to go to work.
San Francisco banks have reopened
and are doing a good business.
A new copyright law has been com
pleted, but its passage by congress is
Military forces are after another ban
dit band in the province of Cavite, Phil
ippine Islands.
Attorney-General Moody is preparing
to prosecute the Standard Oil and rail
roads for rebating.
People of Zion City fight shy of meet
ings held by Dowie, at which he at
tempts to explain recent events.
The United States has been accused
of buying the plans of the British bat
tleship Dreadnaught from a naval of
ficer who stole them.
James D. Phelan says the condition
of thousands in California is pitiful,
and it may be necessary to issue an
other appeal for public aid.
Dowie is fatally ill with dropsy.
Hermann's trial has been set for the
first week in June.
China opposes the immediate opening
of Manchurian ports.'
Father Gapon has been executed by
rebels for betraying them.
The Senate committee haa disagreed
on procedure in the Smoot case.
Democrats elected their mayor and
ten councilmen in the Omaha eity elec
tions. The California earthquake formed an
island in Bolinas Bay, 30 miles from
San Francisco.
San Francisco banks are paying de
positors through the mint, and the
money stringency has been lessened.
The labor situation in France is grow
ing worse. Cavalry has been called to
tho scene of the rioting, and many
workmen have been trampled under
foot by troopers' horses.
The California earthquake revealed
a big graft in the erection of Stanford
University buildings. Structures for
which $6,000,000 were paid cost the
contractor but $3,000,000.
Senator Heyburn is seriously ill.
Witte 's resignation as premier of
Russia has been accepted by the czar.
Hearst has asked congress to appro
priate another $2,500,000 for California.
Three men were fatally injured in a
riot between striking miners and Penn
sylvania constabulary.
Each side claims a majority of the
senators in the question of court review
on the railroad rate bill.
Senator Morgan has a plan for the
construction of the Panama canal which
he has brought before the senate.
The French government has arrested
many labor leaders, imperialists and
anarchists and is preparing for an out
break. Millions of Chinese are learning Eng
lish and are translating foreign scien
tific books. The Chinese Reform Asso
ciation has worked wonders among the
The supply of food at San Francisco
is running low. Mayor Schmitz has is
sued a statement saying anything in
the way of funds, clothing and provi
sions, can be used.
Prince von Radolin will likely be
named as the successor of Chancellor
von Buelow.