Lexington wheatfield. (Lexington, Or.) 1905-19??, May 03, 1906, Image 1

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NO. 32
Poplar Bluff, Mo.
April 26. 1906.
Editor Wheatfield.
Please allow me a little space In
your paper. 1 and my little grand
daughter arrived to Poplar Bluff Sat
urday nlghf April 21st, found my sons
folks well and -anxiously awaiting to
see us, we 'njoyed our trip fine
though it was some what tiresome.
Eychanped'Sars in Kansas City .and
thence South through the Kansas Line
to Poplar Bluff via Frisco R R. we
went through a small part of Arkansaw
where the cotton, frogs and mosquitoes
grow, I do not know what thejr had
against m to take me over that route
for unless they wanted me to eat
Peaches and Muskadiaes, we see
some wonderful sights In Arkansaw
but the worst of all was tin Hoxie
Arkansaw where we actuallyirode In a
Rat box called a street car, it was
drawn by a mule, they would, just look
At usnd say, well where .are youens
from, we told them we ware from Ore
gon and they would want to know what
partaSf Arkansaw, Oregon was in so
after we had told them where Oregon
was,ithey would say oh yes youens
wasin the earth quake eb? The depot
consisted of a box car.. .They did not
Jcno' what county they lived In but
would tell you Uncle Hank had two fine
coon dogs and they bad ithelr shoulders
worn out from carrying an old muzzle
loading rifle or a Winchester. When
the train would arrive very man and
his family would come to the depot to
see the train come through, but as we
traveled up the line and into Missouri
people began to get more enlightened
and by the time we got to my sons we
found bright people again.'
Poplar Bluff Is a swell little city, Is
a Jtction of the Mo. P. & Frisco
systems. The inhabitants is about
9000, a beautiful stream runs through
the City, five schools and fine business
houses, three banks. There is nearly
as much business done here as In
Portland, they have gas and electric
lights and are making preparations for
electric street cars. To see the city
at night all lit up one would think they
were in Portland. My son lives Just
out of the corporation and has a beau- j
tiful little place and good prospects for
fruit. Everything is beautiful, of
course we have some people here who
failed to carry their umbrellas or wear
their hats last summer and the sun
had a bad effect on them and turned
them negro. I feel once more as if I
had arrived in my old home state, the
birds keep up a continous song, the
trees are all In bloom, I like this place
here very much, it is not so hot here
as when I left Oregon but don't know
;hat th summer will brine on. We
saw some beautiful country through
Eastern Kansas the fruit trees and
wheatfields look fine, wheat was up 6
or 8 Inches high, very bright prospects
for crops this year. )
With best wishes for The Wheatfield
and my friends.
Yours Very Truly
Mrs. S. Boothby.
Itl Kangeroun to Neglect a Cold,
How often do we hear it, remarked
"It's only a cold," and a few days
later learn that the man Is on his back
with pneumonia. This is of such
common occurrence that a cold, how
ever slight, should not be disregarded.
Ceamberlaln's Cough Remedy counter
abts any tendency of a cold to result in
pneumonia, and has gained its great
popularity and extensive sale by its
prompt cures of this most common
ailment. It always cures and is pleas
ant to take. For sale by W P. Mc
Robert Van Horn of Upper Black
Horse moved to Joe Meier's place on
Willow Creek last Wednesday. We
are glad to have them so near our en
terprising little town.
Mrs. Stella Morgan of Portland who
has been visiting her parents Mr. and
Mrs. R. Van Horn left Saturday for
Baker City where her husband is em
ployed as head boss in a large furniture
store. They will make their furture
home there.
Joe Meier Is on the sick list the
past few days , We hope he will soon
Making garden, planting corn and
summer following is taking the day
now. We are glad people of this
community are so industrous
Bathing within the town limits, In
Willow Creek. Is strictly forbidden.
If persisted in arrests will be made.
W. G. Scott,
32-36 1 Mayor. '
All persons are hereby warned
against bathing In Willow creek within
sight of my residence., Parties per
sisting in doing so will be prosecuted
to the full extent of the law.
32-36 Mrs. Jane Penland.
The Wheatfield prints the news.
By Henry F. Cope.
You cannot help this world by hiding
from it
Many mistake fluidity of mind for
Even the Almighty cannot use peo
who are born petrified.
You lift no one up by looking down
your nose.
Making wealth common will not
make the Ideal common wealth.
The rambling preacher seldom hits
the green pastures.
When a man Is puffed up he is
easily blown away.
It's the wabbly man who complains
that the platform is not broad enough
for him.
Heaven Is not far from him who
smiles in cloudy weather.
Sin's crown is so constructed that it
soon becomes Satan's collar.
The man with money to burn seldom"
gets up any steam.
The liar does not become a moral
athlete by his mental gymnastics. ,
The man who only sees with half art
eye always thinks the world is waiting
for his views.
As soon as a man is satisfied with
himself the angels begin to be sorry
for him.
People do not push ahead by patting
themselves on the back.
It will take men and women of iron
will to bring in the golden age.
it's a noor kind of faith' that never
feels its need of a. father until iitgeta ,
You can fatten a dear, sweet sister
into a saint on an amount of religious .
angel food that wouldn't suffice to keep ,
a full grown man from swearing.
Get Your Name on.
The Wheatfield List
Many nice Hats to offer, far below jcost. Call before
they are .-all gone. -
d - -
WE are offering odd suits of clothing m order to clean
up our Stock far below cost of Manufacture.
SHOES we have those to offer at 50cts. which cost at
least $2,50 to $3.00 to make, they must go in
order to make room for new goods.
OR ESS GOODS $1.50 values at 95 cents, $1.00 values
at 60 cents, 75 cent valuer at 40 cents, 65 cent
values at 40 cents, 50 cent values at 30 cents, we
must let them go at some price.
GREAT Values in 'Laces of all kinds, Imbroideries, etc.
LADIE'S Wash Skirts one half price. Ladie's Waists
one half price, just one-half what these have for
mally sold at. We are determined to clean up our
each SBroti
GENTS Nice Neat Filling
Suits, Coat Vest and Pants
for the Low Price of $4.45
Just think of IT.
THE Very Latest. Children
and Boys Suits for $2.45.
CALL and let us show you
Goods and Prices that
will simply astonish
BOYS Shirts from 35 cents up
MEN'S Shirts from 50 cts. up
We keep every thing you use, eat and wear and buy as
close as any store in Morrow county, we own our
buildings and are in a position to handle our busi
ness right and at a close margin. We take as much
pains with a small order and give it the same at
tention as we do any of our large customers. We
aim to handle the best of everything, give us a
chance to figure with you we can do you good.
WE have just received some new Spring Work Buggies,
Hacks. Dou't buy a vehicle till you see ours and
get prices.
HARNESS is advancing every day, we have bought
ahead and can give you the advantage of the raise.
This is no small item, harness that are high today
will look cheap in three months from now, leather
advancing every day. BUY NOW. i
HARDWARE is advancing in tome lines, we are pre
pared to take care of you in this line to. Come and
JAe 3$Lg Store