1 f - Ji 4,'- "PE-RU-NA WORKED SIMPLY MARVELOUS Suffered Severely With Headaches Unable to Work Miss Lucy V. McGivney, 452 3rd Ave Brooklyn, N. Y., writes: "For many months I suffered severely from headaches and pains in the side and back, sometimes being unable ta attend to my daily work. "I am better now, thanks to Peruna, and am as active as ever and have no more headaches. "The way Peruna worked in my cast) was simply marvelous." We have in our files many grateful letters from women who have suffered with the symptoms named above. Lack of space prevents our giving more than one testimonial here. It is impossible even to approximate Peruna has relieved, or the number o' women who have been restored to health and strength by its faithful use. A Great Campaigner, Congressman Thomus Hedge, of Iowa, holds thnt Leslie M. Shaw, secre tary of the trensury, Is one of the best political campaigners In the country. "Nobody ever gets away," said Hedge, "If Leslie gets a chance to address him personally. In one campaign he car ried a splendid new watch. After ad dressing an audience be -would circu late among the voters, nylng to this man and that : 1 wish you would give me the correct time, I am afraid of los ing my train.' Of course, each man complied, feeling flattered at the re quest. Sbaw used to ay It was hard on the wo ten, but he believed the votes he made In this way more than made up." Indianapolis News. A policeman who had been on the force of London six years has been sent to prison for stealing milk from doorsteps. BEST BY TEST " have tried all kinds of waterproof clothing and have never found anything at any price to compare with your Fish Brand for protection from all kinds of weather." (Th name tnd idtfrMi of the writer of tfifl unwliciud letter may bu liad upon application) Eigliest Award World's Fair, 1904. . A. J. TOWER CO. The Sign of theFuh Boaon, U.S.A. eCjWER3f TOWER CANADIAN :tta! CO.. LIMITED Toronto. Cud. 'ASflBRAf4' Hahtrt of Wanantti Wti Weathtr Clothing : Send Your ! Eastern Friends a copy of our handsomely I illustrated 88-page book, "Oregon, Washington, Idaho X and Their Resources," which X tells all about this section of the Union, where there are more openings in every line of Industry than anywhere else in the United States. Four cents in postage. Halted ( lumtler. This makes n nlee dish for lunch, and may ho made from pieces of cold boiled Huh left over. Cut four good sized, cold, boiled potatoes Into dice, I'lck Into shreds sufllcleiit cold cooked fish to make one pint. Make one pint of cream sauce. Chop one onion One; ulso one tableniiooiiful of parsley. Put a layer of suuee In the bottom of a baking dish, then a layer of fish, one of potatoes, a sprinkling of suit, pep tver, onion and parsley. So continue until dish Is full, having lust layer sauce. Sprinkle with crumbs and hake lu a moderate oven twenty minutes. Baked Ilraim. Soak one quart of beans over night In water to cover. In the morning cov er with water, to which one-hnlf tea spoonful of soda has been added. Boll slowly until the skins begin to burst and struln off the water. IMace In a bean crock and cover the beans with liquid composed of two cups of hot wuter, one-quarter cup of molasses, one half teuspoonful of mustard and one half teasiKxmful of salt, adding more hot water If necessary. Half bury oue half pound of salt pork In the top of the beans and buke for eight or nine hours. Oyatcr and Tripe), Roll some tripe until tender, then cut It in pieces one Inch square. Melt three level teaspoonfuls of butter in a saucepun and add the same amount of flour. Stir smooth and add slowly two cups of milk; cook until smooth. Add one cup of the tripe squares and cook five minutes. Now add one pint of oysters drained and cook four min utes, or until the edges curl slightly. Season with salt and pepper and turn Into a serving dish. Sprlnkly the top with a teaspoonful of finely minced parsley. A Sabntitntc for Ilatn Water. As a substitute for rain water, the following method for making hard water soft Is useful. Set a laundry tub full of water, Into which has teen put two pounds of common soda, to stand all night In the morning iur off the water (leaving the white Bediment at the bottom of the tub) and it will be perfectly soft The simple plan of boiling water has the effect of soften ing It somewhat but Is not nearly so efficacious In counteracting "hardness' as the method advised. Dear Sirs My body broke out with a rash or eruption which in spite of all efforts to oure oontinued to get worse. The itching, especially at night, was simply terrible, it would almost disappear at times, only to return worse than ever. I had tried many highly reoommended prepa rations without benefit, and hearing of S. S. B. determined to give it a fair trial, and was inexpressibly delighted when a few bottles cured me entirely, removing every blemish and pimple from my body. I shall not fail to rec ommend S. S. S, whenever an opportunity ooours to do so. Esoondido, Cal L. MARNO. Succotaah. Cut sweet corn from the ear until you have one pint of pulp ; cook In as little water as you can and not burn It Cook one pint of nice shelled beans, drain and mix with the corn; add three or four spoonfuls of butter and a cupful of cream; season with salt and serve In Individual vegetable dishes. Diane Manure. Soak a half package of gelatin In enough water to cover It for two hours, add a half cup of sugar and a pint of scalding milk and stir until the gelatin Is dissolved. Take from the fire, strain and flavor with vanilla. Pour into n mold wet with cold water and set In the Ice chest to form. MoliiMnes Candy. Boll toeether a cun each of hrnwn sugar and molasses and a tablospoonful each of butter and vinegar. When a drop hardens in cold water beat In a small teaspoonful of baking soda, stir hard, then pour Into buttered pans. As it becomes brittle break into pieces. Stain on China. To prevent stains on china well rinse out the cups, etc., In cold water first then wash them In' hot water. The cold water rinsing prevents the stains from the tannin In the tea or coffee be coming fixed, which they otherwise would if plunged Into hot water. Sponge Cake. Beat together with the hands the yolks of four eggs and one cupful of sugar until, creamy; add the whites beaten to a stiff froth, and stir In one cupful of flour and a small pinch of baking powder. Bake in a moderate oven. ACNE, TETTER, ECZEMA, There is nothing more distressing than an itching, burn- D O f D I A C I Q ing skin disease, and upon the return of warm weather those r OUnlHulO wno are afflicted witn skin troubles find the symptoms appear- OA j T D U F R I in rr and tnnw that tlipv will T tnfmonrod ,rrrU 1 v,. O ! I ll II IL U - J " - " J A LVtlUV-iibU LUIUUU Liiti litJL summer months. The blood is heated with humors and acrid matter, and as they are forced to the surface the skin seems to be on fire. The treatment of skin diseases with exter nal applications is all wrong, because they do not reach the trouble which is in the blood. The most such treatment can be expected to do is, allay the itching and burning and cover up the trouble for awhile, but as soon as it is left off the disease returns. All food taken into the body contains, in some form, the elements necessary to sustain the different parts. One portion is used for tne maVincr nf blood. 9nntU mncnU THE ITCHING WAS ALMOST UNBEARABLE. one for bone, still another for fat, and soon. After these different properties are ex tracted from the food there still remains a portion that is useless, or waste matter, which is intended to be disposed of through the natural channels of bodily waste, the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels. At this season of the year, however, these organs become torpid, dull and sluggish, and fail to perform this duty, and these accumulations remain in the system and are absorbed by the blood to ferment and sour, producing burning acids and acrid humors. The blood cannot properly nourish the system while in this impure condition, and begins to throw off these acids through the pores and glands of the skin, producing Acne, Eczema, Tetter, Psoriasis, Salt Rheum and skin diseases of every description. ECZEMA appears usually with a slight redness of the skin, followed by pustules from which there flows a sticky fluid that dries and forms a crust, and the itching is intense. It is generally on the back, breast, arms, legs and face, though other parts of the body may be amicted. In TETTER the skin dries, cracks and bleeds, and is often very painful. The acid in the blood dries up the natural oils of the skin, causing a dry, feverish, hardened condition and giving it a leathery appearance. ACNE makes its appearance on the face in the form of pimples and black-heads, and is particularly disagreeable because of its unsightly appear ance, while PSORIASIS, a scaly disease, comes in patches on different parts of the body. One of the worst forms of skin disease is SALT RHEUM. It discharges a watery fluid, form ing sores and producing intense itching. The head and face are the parts usually affected, and sometimes the hair falls out and a mass of sores forms on the scalp. These -and all skin diseases are due to the same cause burning acids and humors in the blood, and until this vital fluid is cleansed and made pure they will continue. The best treatment for all skin diseases is S. S. S., a remedy that is purely vegetable, being made en tirely from roots herbs and barks, and acts directly on the blood with a cleansing, healing effect. It neutralizes the acids and purifies the blood so that the skin, instead of being blistered and burned by the fiery fluids, is nourished by a supply of cooling, healthy blood. It goes down into the circulation and forces out every particle of waste or foreign matter, builds up the blood and cures all skin diseases promptly and permanently. S. S. S. "does not leave the least par ticle of the poison for future outbreaks, but entirely rids the blood of the cause for all skin diseases. S. S. S. tones up the system and regulates the Liver, Kidneys and Bowels so that they will carry off the natural waste and refuse matter through the proper tuanneis, msieaa or leaving it to De aDsoroea oy tne blood. Nothing equals S. S. S. in the treatment of these troubles and for building up the general health. Write for our treatise on skin diseases and any medical advice you wish. We make no charge for either. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC COMPANY, A TLANTA, GA. Couldn't gee It. Toe There is that exquisite creature, Miss Pearllne, over there. Unlock for me the door of hope by Introducing me to that mixture of woman and angel. Practical Friend Can't do It my boy ; don't know the combination. Bal timore American. TITO Permanently Cured. No fits or nervousness ll IO after flrstdtty'suseoJDr.Kline'sUreatNerve Restorer. Send for Free 2 Irlalbottleand treatise. Dr.Jt.JI. Kline, Ltd.,83X Arch St., Philadelphia, Pa. ' Proof of Hia Availability. Traveler I must get to the railway station as soon ns possible. Which of you has the fastest horse. Cabman (pulling a paper from his pocket) Here, read this! Three years ago I was fined four marks for fast driving. Unsere Gesellschnft Mot nets will find M Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup the best remedy to use for their children during the teething period. Same Effect. Archie Feathertop (at the play) Doera't the air seem heavy In here?" Miss Tartun "I hadn't notlwd ir Tr may be that you are unusually er light healed this evening. Loam. Unto the government we bow And lend a reverent ear. I'd rather lend it cash, I vow, And be a financier. Washington Star. $100 Reward, $100. The readers of this paper will be pleased to learn that there is at least one dreaded disease that science has been able to cure in all iti stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure is the only positive cure known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a constitu tional disease, requires a constitutional treat ment. Hall'B Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucoui surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the foundation of the disease, and giving the pa tient strength by bnlldiug up the constitution and assisting nature in doing its work. The proprietors have so much faith in Its curative powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars for any case that It fails to cure. Send for lifct nf telitlmnnialH. Address. F. J. CHENEY & CO., X018QO, U. Sold by druggists, 75c. Hall's Family fills are the best A Rarity, Indeed. "Do you know Jinks?" "Yep." "They tell me he Is a very hearted man." . "He Is. Why, that fellow won't even abuse the senate." Pittsburg Post kind- A. L CRAIG General Passenger Agt The Oregon Railroad & Navigation Company PORTLAND, OREGON Write for it today. 1 Potatoes with Ham. Mash six boiled potatoes with four tablespoonfuls of softened butter; add gradually three beaten eggs and half a pint of finely chopped boiled ham. Bake twenty minutes, sprinkle the top of the dish with grated cheese and brown. Sao-greatlonis. Salt thrown on smoking fat removes all odor and smoke. When cleaning a spot with gnsollne, If a blotting paper Is placed under the material, the gasoline will not leave a ring. To open a fruit Jar pour boiling wa ter on top of it, let it remain for a few minutes and the ton will unscrew very readily. THE WHOLE LOT If we don't heed prevention, we will need a cure. ( The Old-Monk-Curs St. Jacobs Oil Is ready always for all forms of muscular aches or pains, from LUMBAGO STIFFNECK RHEUMATISM to SPRAIN IT CURBS ALIKB THE WBOLB LOT. DR. W. A. WISK : IT'S PLAIN BUSINESS When yon get dental work done. Sys tem and precision all the way throuKh i.i!,r 9fnoe' hut we do temper business witn a little compassion for a nervous patient. Wi try to make it a painless business. lr. Sturdevant, specialist on child ren s teeth and regulating. WISE BROS., Dentists Falling Building, Third and Washington a. m. toSp. m.j Sundays to 12. Main 2029. WORK DONE ON WEEKLY AND MONTHLY PAYMENTS DR. T. P. WISK Dr. G. Gee Wo WONDERFUL HOME TREATMENT This wonderful Chi nese Doctor Is called great because he cures people without opera tion that art irtvea up to die. Be cures with those wonderful Chi nese herbs, roots, buds, barks and veKetables that are entirely un known to medical sci ence In this cunulrv. Tlunn ,i. ih. n.u 'e ,'. harmless remedies tills famous doctor knows the eotlou of over 600 different remedies which he successfully uses In differen. diseases. He guarantees tocure catarrh. asthma, lung, threat, rheumallsm, nervousness, stomach, liver; k d neys, etc.; has hundreds of testimonials. Lnarirea moderate, fall and see him. 1'atUnts out of the city write for blankr and : rcultirs. Bend stamp. CONSULTATION i'KiilC. Address THE C. GEE WO CHINESE MEDICINE CO 162 rirst St., S. E. Cor. Morrison Mention paper. PORTLAND, OREGON. W. L. Douglas 3S&3J?SHOESB W. L. Douglas $4.00 Cllt Edge Line cannot na equalled at any price. jeB. 811 SWrf JW 6. 1870 ssrS2f,: Capital 2,500.000 IS f nnual Mm mmm . . L r"i a atLLa MUHC MAMUFAIiTIIDtra l2 $10 OOfl "SWARD fa fljM.wtoeirf ... UUUU dlsprovs this itattment. Ml could take you Into my three large factories at Brockton, Mass., and show you the infinite care with which every pair of shoes Is made, you would realUe why W. L. Douglas $3.80 shoes cost mors to make, why they hold their shape, fit better, wear longer, and are ol greater Intrinsic value than any other $3.50 shoe. W.L. DouQlmm Strong Mmdm Shorn for Man, 92.BO, $2.00. Boym' Sohool M 2 ffftSf 'W", $2,$1.7B.$1.B0 , CAUTIQN.-lnsist upon having WX.Doug. las shoes. Tftke no substitute. None genuine without his name and price stamped on bottom. fait Color f(i iatd ; thty mill not wtor ireuty. wrlu fn. Til... ...... ...1 r . .. i W. I DOUGLAS, Brockton,