Lexington wheatfield. (Lexington, Or.) 1905-19??, April 19, 1906, Image 7

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    Tier Kcoonit Choice.
Nol)ody ws inoru dcHlrous of Buying
ploiiwiiit thliiKH tliftn Mrs. Appleby, nnd
Hilt) never realized wlmt nil uueompll
ineiitary vision of tliimiHolven her 11s
timors HonietlineM obtulned through her
Mr. Appleby often ronllxnil It, how
civer, mid lie Hpent a Rood deiil of tlnio
endeiivorliiK to Hiimoth troubled witters
in the neighborhood.
"I didn't net to the funeral over fit
MiiMhhy, nfler nil," Hnld tho good wo
man, one night at the mipper table.
"I felt: Hurt of (llHiippolnted whim I
found the Lanibeu earrlago wan ull
full three on the hack seat, und no
idace for an extra one.
"Then I bethought nie of poor Anno
Wlllard that liven dowu that next
Htreet to the Liirriilii-i'H. She's lame,
you know, mid pretty deef, hut I
Bereani right Into her cur, no she cuu
alwityn hear me.
"I went right down there and found
Iier alone, iih usual, and I suld to her,
'Anne, I couldn't get over to Mimhliy
to a funeral, so I did the next best
thing, and came to hco you.'
"You'd never have Hunpectcd from
her face how gratified Hhe was. She
lias these long features, and they
Keetnod to be drawed out soleinner thnii
usual, but of course I knew she was
pleiiHed, anybody that sees as few us
she does, living out of the way und
Lived up In that little house,"
Ileyonil the Limit.
"I don't mind folks borrowing," Bald
MIns Hodges, plaintively, to un old
friend who wus paying her a visit,
"but I've got fin uwful trying woman
for a neighbor just now. She borrows
Biich queer things I'm most out o' pa
tience with her."
"Shears and brooms nnd the flour
sifter and Ironing-board, I s'pose," said
the guest, who had known life In a
country town.
"Mercy me, I don't count such
things!" said Miss Hodges. "Nor my
best umbrella nor my carving-knife.
can make shift to get on without 'era
for a while any time. Hut when she
come over to borrow my diary the other
day, so's she could keep account of the
weather and her liens' eggs and so on
till her husband came back from Cali
fornia, she having given him hers to
put down his expenses and sights In,
bo's she could copy her record In from
my book In the right place I declare
I called It the cap-sheaf!"
Pepya' Furnace.
An electric resistance furnace was
used by I'cpys In 1815 for the cenienta
Hon of Iron, He took a piece of pure,
soft Iron nnd cut a slit along Its length.
The slit was filled wltb diamond dust,
which was prevented from falling out
by fine Iron wire. The "portion of tho
wire containing the dust was wrapped
In mica. The wire thus charged was
heated quickly to redness by the cur
rent from a battery. On Opening the
wire Pepys found that the diamond
dust had disappeared and that around
where It had been the wire had been
converted to steel. London Engineer.
How Traction Magnate Annwered
"Do ltlelie Ilrlnif Happiness?"
Mr. Ycrkes was once answering the
question which everybody naturally put
to him, "Io riches mean happiness?"
"There were two men In Philadel
phia, Governor Schulty he was called
governor," said Mr. Yerkes with a
ghost of a smile, "because he once
wanted to be a candidate for the nom
ination to the governorship" a delight
ful and characteristic bit of humor per
haps only Intelligible to those who know
America and Americans and their
craze for giving and perpetuating titles
'and another man called Alec Henson
was his opponent Now, Governor
Hchultz was Just one of those happy-
go-lucky fellows iwhom everybody loved,
but who never had a dollar to his
name, while Ilenson was one of those
"near men that Just thought of nothing
but accumulating money. He went
back to his office after his supiier,
which he took at 0 o'clock, and worked
there till midnight and he was there
again next morning and, in short be
thought of nothing but money, money.
money all the time.
"Well, Bchulta got a little queer be
fore he died and one night an old
friend of his went to visit him, He
lived in a small unostentatious in
deed, rather poor house, but he turn
ed to his friend and said : 'Do you see
that wall paper? It was a very com
mon and cheap paper. 'Do you know
that It Is pure gold? The friend ap
proved that it was pure gold. Do you
see that counterpane? It was some
poor, common stuff Just an ordinary
counterpane. That Is cloth of gold.'
The friend agreed that It was cloth
of gold. 'And Just look at this little
slipper,' and then he showed his friend
an ordinary, down-at-heel slipper. 'Feel
how heavy it is it is pure gold, ten
ounces to the inch,' And poor Governor
Schultz died in the conviction that he
was surrounded by and lived in halls
of gold.
"And throe days after Alec Benson
died and left millions. But for weeks
before his death he was crying all day
and all night because he thought be
had lost all his money and was going
to die of hunger. Now, there were the
deaths of a pauper and a millionaire,
and they supply," concluded Mr,
Yerkes, "the answer to your question
as to whether richer mean happiness."
M. A. P.
I Thrilling Effect.
The great organ pealed forth.
The leader of the choir waved his baton
with great energy, his head and his whole
body assisting in keeping time and giving
expression to the noble anthem. And the
choir sang, in full chorus:
"Aw maw O waw maw raw yaw jaw;
Woe yo baw ho raw law aw waw.
Law jaw 0 baw maw raw.
Yo haw hee aw baw jaw O baw
Woe haw daw maw aw daw raw aw,
Baw waw shaw law O maw !"
The congregation had some difficulty in
understanding the words, but the music
was grand, and it sounded like worship.-
Chicago Tribune.
Taking No Chance.
The visitor bad asked permission to in
ipect the extensive works.
"Certainly," said the superintendent.
"You won't mind being searched before
you begin, I presume? It's merely a formality."
"What do you want to search me for?
Do you think I have bombs concealed
ibout me?"
"Worse than that. You might have a
no'.e book and pencil, you know." Chi
sago Tribune. '
Proving; Once More that an Arctic
Current Flows Over North Pole.
Two of the drift casks which were
set loose in Behring Sea at the lnstl
gatlon of President Henry G. Bryant of
the Geographical Society of Phlludcl
phla and of Admiral George W. Mel
vllle some years ago have been recov
ered. One of them was found on the
coast of Iceland, 2,500 miles from the
point where it was cast overboard on
the Alaskan coast In its tortuous
course it probably traveled 4,000 miles,
Its drift across the Arctic Ocean proves
once more the existence of an arctic
current flowing from Behring Sea
across the north pole region.
Fifty spindle-shaped casks were con
structed from designs submitted by Ad'
miral Melville and were sent north on
United States revenue cutters and whal
jng ships to Behring Strait and there
dropped overboard in 1809, 1900 and
Each cask was numbered and con
talned a message in four languages re
questing the finder to notify the Geo
graphical Society of Philadelphia if
the cask turned up,
An examination of -the first record
shows that it was cast adrift by Cap
tain F. Tuttle of the United States rev
enue cutter Bear on Aug. 21, 1901
about eighty-five miles northwest of
Wrangel Island and recovered by Oai-
taln A. G. Chrlstianson on Aug. 17,
1902, near the mouth of Koyluchln,
Bay, on the Siberian coast It is evi
dent that this particular cask did not
get a good start, an ji the one year
less four days of its drift the course
It followed of 3S0 miles to the south
Permanently Cured. No fltsor nervousness -oo(. ,na nrnlmhlv Influenced hv Incil
Itesloicr. Send for Free 162 Irlalhnttleanri Treatise,
lit. II. 11. Kline, Ltd., IM Arch bt.. l'ulladelplilu, 1'a,
AnKlntinu; Conversation.
"Yes," remarked the professor, "I
rather pride myself on the discovery
Df another hypothesis."
"Indeed," replied Mrs. Cumrox, n lit
tle doubtfully, "I had tin Idea they
were quite extinct." Washington Star,
ItrhliiR, lil ml, Bleeding, Protruding Piles. Jrni
rtsts are authorized to refund money If 1'AZO
BLN TJ1ES T falls to cure In 6 to 14 days. 60c.
Woman's War.
She We never hear of any women
after-dinner speakers.
He No, women can't wait until af
ter dinner. They tell everything they
know before dinner. Yonkers States
man. Mothers will find Mr-. Wlnilow's Soothing
Syrup the best remedy to use for their children
during the teething period.
"The judge let you off on account of
four youth and because it was your first
tffense, hey? Told you to go and sin no
more, did he?"
"I reckon so. When I heard him say
fco,' I didn't wait to hear any more."
currents which exist near Behring
JThe other representative of this si
lent fleet which has been traversing the
desolate wastes of the arctic seas had
a longer voyage and doubtless a more
eventful history. Placed on the flow
ice northwest of Point Barrow, Alas
ka, in latitude 71 degrees 50 minutes
north and longitude 104 degrees 50 mln
utes west, by Captain N. T. Tllton of
the steam whaler Alexander on Sept,
13, 1899, It was recovered one mile east
of Cape Rauda Nupr, on the northern
coast of Island, on June 7, 1905.
More of the casks have come through.
but have not been found, while others
no doubt have been found but not re
ported. There Is no telling how long
the cask found on Iceland drifted about
in open water before it was cast ashore,
National Geographic Magazine.
Nearly a Double Life.
Mo Bose He died at the advanced
age of 110 years.
Jo Case Humph ! He almost led s
double life, didn't he? Judge.
(tyfixr JoyThey Brhnh
To Every Home I
as with joyous hearts and smiling faces they romp and play when in health
and how conducive to health the games in which they indulge, the outdoor
life they enjoy, the cleanly, regular habits they should be taught to form and
the wholesome diet of which they should partake. - How tenderly their health
should be preserved, not by constant medication, but by careful avoidance of
every medicine of an injurious or objectionable nature and if at any time a
remedial agent is required, to assist nature, only those of known excellence
should be used; remedies which are pure and wholesome and truly beneficial
in effect, like the pleasant laxative remedy, Syrup of Figs, manufactured by
the California Fig Syrup Co. Syrup of Figs has come into general favor in '
many millions of well informed families, whose estimate of its quality and
excellence is based upon personal knowledge and use.
Syrup of Figs has also met with the approval of physicians generally, be
cause they know it is wholesome, simple and gentle in its action. We inform
all reputable physicians as to the medicinal principles of Syrup of Figs, obtained,
by an original method, from certain plants known to them to act most benefici
ally and presented in an agreeable syrup in which the wholesome Californian
blue figs are used to promote the pleasant taste; therefore it is not a secret rem
edy and hence we are free to refer to all well informed physicians, who "do not
approve of patent medicines and never favor indiscriminate self-medication.
Please to remember and teach your children also that the genuine Syrup
of Figs always has the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co.
plainly printed on the front of every package and that it is for sale in
bottles of one size only. If any dealer offers any other than' the regular Fifty
cent size, or having printed thereon the name of any other company, do not
accept it. If vou fail to get the genuine vou will not get its beneficial effects.
Every family should always have a bottle on hand, as it is equally beneficial
tor the parents and the children, whenever a laxative remedy is required.
Am to Knchmann.
"Why, Enchmann Is over feet high
and broad in proportion I Didn't I un
derstand you to say he was a little fel
low?" "If you did you misunderstood me. I
said he was a small politician."
You Can Qet Allen's Foot-Ease FREE.
Write Allen 8. Olmsted, Le Koy.N. Y., for a
free samjile of Allen's Foot-Ease. It cures
iweatinjr, hot swollen, aching feet. It makes
Jiew or tieht shoes easy. A certain cure for
corns, inerowingnails and bunions. All drug
gists sell it. 25c. Don 't accept any substitute.
With the Current.
"As to municipal ownership, for In
stance," said the doctor, "what do you
conceive to be the drift of public opin
ion "
"The drift of public opinion," inter
rupted the professor, "is the floating
Take LAXATIVE BROMOQulnlneTablets. Drntr
Klsts refund money If It fill s to cure. E. W,
JS OVE'h signature is oil eueh box. 26c.
Bllsnfal Ignorance.
"This Imported painting is not genu
lne," said the artist.
"Now here's a hundred If you forget
it," said the rich man who wouldn't
know a Michael Angelo from a soap
lithograph. "So long as people think It
Is I'm satisfied." Indianapolis Star.
$100 Reward, $100.
Thfi readers of this n ft nor will be rtleased to
learn that there is at least one dreaded disease
that science has beeu able to cure in all its
stages, and that is Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh
Cure is the only positive cure known to the
meaicai iraternity. catarrn Deing a constitu
tional disease, requires a constitutional treat
ment. Hall's Catarrh Cure in taken internally,
acting directly upon the Llood and mucous
surfaces of the system, thereby destroying the
foundation of the disease, ana giving the pa
tient strength by building up the constitution
and assisting nature in doing its work. The
proprietors have so much faith in its curative
powers that they offer One Hundred Dollars
for any case that it fails to cure. Bend for list
Oi testimonials.
Address. P. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, a
eoia Dy aruggists, loc.
Hall's Family Tills are the best.
According to a recent report from To-
kio, there are 1,780 wholesale and 235,
il4 retail tobacco dealers In Japan.
BURTON, HOWA IID K., Assayer and Chemist
Lenrivillp. t'nlnriiflii. Kneciinen Drlccs! tin,.
Silver, Lead, II ; UolU, Hllver, 75c; (told, 60c; Zinc or
Copper, (I. Cyanide tests. Mulling envelopes and
lull price list sent on application. Lontrol and Um
pire work solicited. Itelerence: Carbonate na
tional iianK.
"I have used your FISH BRAND ,
Sllckerforf ive years and can truth
fully say that I never have had
anything give me to much com.
fort and satisfaction. Enolosed
find my order for another one."
(nam no address ok application)
You can defy the hardest storm with Tower's
Waterproof Oiled Clothing and Hats.
Highest Award World's Fair, 1904.
Boston. U. 8. A. -AlVw"
Toronto, Canada
Can You Buy
Bcmis Bags
In Your Town?
If not, let ui know and we will see
that you can. We are manufacturers
and Importers of
Wheat Bags
Oat Bags
Barley Bags
Flour Bags
Ore Sacks
Hop Cloth and
Burlap of All Kinds
Bags of Burlap and Cotton
Manufactured by Us
1508-1514 Colorado St.
: Send Your
Eastern Friends
a copy of our handsomely
illustrated 88-page book,
"Oregon, Washington, Idaho
and Their Resources," which
tells all about this section of
the Union, where there are
more openings in every line
of industry than anywhere
else in the United States.
Four cents in postage.
Write for it today. -
: :
General Passenger Agt.
The Oregon Railroad &
Navigation Company
W. L. Douglas
W. L. Douglas $4.00 Cilt Edge Line
cannot no equalled at any price.
Portland Trade Directory
Names and Addresses in Portland of Repre
sentative Business firms.
PJIOTO M'I'I'I.IKH: Kntiii lPv'ln'Mi.(fiiiH nrlut
lnci write lor price. Wni'diml, I'linke & C.
Ixweit priei'S oil J.IIIUITIH mid Klldcs.
i n., l'ortliiml.
KLAHTIU llO-IKHV i Hitppor:ern, limcm Kiit to
Fit; free nieiiHurt'incnt blankx: Wmnlm'tl, Clurf.
HOUSKH of nil kinds for rI ut viry re.woim'ile
price. Inquire S7 ItoiiI Ht.
TItUHRF.8 BPiiton Hppmvnl; V!" 1'iinriintpo IK In
moat drfllcult eases; Woudurd, Ohirrfci A Co.
ARTIFICIAL EVKK; ryory rtisrio ai'iUlmpv; ns
sorlnieut sent on p,ruvul ; ooiluid, l'lur lo
EslrS'iibjH I 111 Capital '2,500,000
CRKAM PKI'AItA'l lllt- nillllinlop tlm V.H,
riepuriiipr in lie tin- hesi. Wrilu lur Ire tuiit o.
Huzelwoud Co., 1' 111 11 and Uiu.
MEN'HCLOTIITNO Hnffii'n rendition, sole
BKinil Allred lieniHiii:n ilk Co.' vcu rect emtlies.
' KveryihlnK In men's liirnlrdiihuK. . Morrison und
Sixth itreeu. Opposite pusioilite.
FKEK JiANII IX llK(dN ii'ider tin- Carey Irri
gation not. Heed direct Ir-im slate. Write today,
looklet and map tree, Ji. n. Cuoko to Co., iii
Alder itreet, l'ortlni d, urenon.
I'OUII'KV KN1 If yon want your liens in ly
more enirs write us lor Iree particulars about I'u
ItlNA l'OUl.TKV l'i.KJj-Aui .Mill Co.,
l'ortiand, Ori'iton.
TAILOKH t'olnnihln Woolen Mm t o., Portland.
Ore, Latest style clothes inane I" measure cheuii,
Ourself measurement avHtcm insure pvr.ect lit.
Write for free samples and prices. '
1'IANOH OHHANHJ-DliPsi piano houso on Pa
clllo coast. Organs snd Pianos on easy payments.
Wrlie for list. Let us quote you a price. Allen it
Ullbert-Xtamaker Co., Portland, Urejon.
Human Hair Hoods Switches, Pompadours, Men's
Toupees and Witts; best o,uitliiy; lowest prices;
end for Iree price list; mall orders a specialty.
Paris Hair Store, Hus Washington St. Est lass.
CI ft flfin REWARD to anyone who can
9 I U,UUU disprove this statement.
If I could take you Into inv three large factories
at Brockton, Mass., and show you the infinite
care with which every pair of shoes Is made, you
would realize why W. L. Douglas J.1.50 shoes
cost more to make, why thev hold their shape,
fit better, wear longer, and are of greater
Intrinsic value than any other $.1.50 .shoe.
W. L. Oougtam Strong Made Shoes tor
92:BO' S2.00. Boytt' School
, CAUTION. Insist upon iiavlnn W.L.Doug.
Ins sliiies. Take no substitute. None genuln
Without his name ami price stauiped on bottom.
fast Color Euilats used theu mill not uiuar brassy.
Write for llliistrntml Catalog.
W. L. DOUGLAS, ISrockton, Mass.
P. N. U.
No. 16-06 i
HEN writing to advertisers please
iuuiiwuu idi is puper