FIE LEXiNGTDH 1EITFIELQ Published Every Thursday at LEXINGTON, OREGON S. A. THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor. OFFICIAL PAPER TOWN OF LEXINGTON Subscription, per year, - $1.00 Advertising rates on Application Entered as second-class matter October 6, 1905, at the post office at Lexington, Or egon, under the Act cf Congress of March 3, 1879. THURSDAY APRIL 5, 1906. It is to be remembered, and those particularly who are religiously and charitably inclined, that Hon. John H. Aitkin, of Huntington, now seeking the nomination on the republican ticket for State Treasurer, has liberally assisted more calls upon public charity than any man in Eastern Oregon and is also president of the largest commercial institution in the state of .Oregon, yet his purse has always been open to the appeals of misery and of distressed hu manity. Solicitors vfor the various churches have never appealed to him in vain. He gives to all of them re gardless of their faith. To the Salva tion Army he has been a friend at all times. Let us go a little further. As the representative of a large aggrega tion of capital and president of one of the largest mercantile establishments in the northwest, Mr. Aitkin has loaned hundreds of thousands of dollars to home builders and needy ranchers who were struggling to get on their feet. He has protected his bank, but to his everlasting credit be it said he has never foreclosed a mortgage on some poor, man's meager holdings nor forced a helpless debtor to the wall 'No sor rowful widow with her hungry children have ever gone supperless to bed through the action of his bank or his big mercantile establishment. On the contrary the store was always open to them and their personal credit was ex tended almost Indefinitely. During the hard times of a few years ago when Showtime axh union Pacific -TO- Salt Lake, Denver, Kansas City, Chicago, St. Louis, . New York. Orn SteBiimrn for HHiiFraiinUou lnnvc Portland at 8 P. M. everf fifth day. TickU to and from all point of the Unit ed Statei and Kurojie, Trains Leave . Lexington, Daily, ex cept Sunday, - 9:25 A. M. Trains Arrive at Lexington, Dally,' ex cept Sunday - 5:10 P. M. Trains Connect at Hepprrer Junction with Main Line trains for all points East and West. 1. l. A. L. CRAIG, G. P. A. ' the prices of stock were low, it was within his power to break large num bers of stockmen and take advantage of conditions, and several of the stock men offered to let him have their stock for the claim against them, but he helped them through the hard times and today these men ' are among the leading stockmen of Eastern Oregon. This Is the sort of man whose friends have virtually forced Into the race for the republican nomination for State Treasurer. Invidious comparisons are always odious, but the records can speak. Have the worthy .gentlemen who oppose him in the race very much to offer as against a life record as this? Not that we have heard of. By good judgement Mr. Aitkin has made money for his company and for his bank, but it has all been legitimate and clean money, not one cent of it having been wrung from the distressed and poverty stricken, the pauper and the widow. Mr. 'Aitkin proposes an amendment forcing the state treasurer to deposit the funds under direction of a state board, the interest to be' paid to the state. This may be harking back to the strenous days of the ancient Spar tans, but it is honest and the people know it. All Mr. Aitkin desires is the flat salary paid by the state for his services, not the immense graft gath ered in by the state treasurer in the way of interest on personal deposits of money, really the money of the state, and no part of their personal prerogra tives. There is no question , that the people will stand squarly and firmly by a man of Mr. Aitkin's character if they can only know it in time. That is why The Wheatfield is earnestly cautioning its readers to scan closely the past records of the various candi dates and decide for themselves who among them all has proven himself the real friend of the people. Grip Quickly Knocked Out. "Some weeks ago during the severe winter weather both my wife and my self contracted severe colds which speedily developed Into the worst kind of la grippe with all its miserable sympr toms," says Mr. J. S. Egleston of Ma ple Landing, Iowa. "Knees and joints aching, muscles sore, head stopped up, eyes and nose running, with alternate spells of chills and fever. We began using Chamberlain's Cough Remedy, aiding the same with a double dose of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets, and by its liberal, use soon completely knocked out the grip." Sold by W. P. McMillan. " ANNOUNCEMENT To the members of the Republican party, and to the electors of the coun ties of Umatilla and Morrow, com prising the 6th Judicial district of the state of Oregon. I, H. J. Bean, of Pendleton, Umatilla county, Oregon, am a member of the republican party and a candidate for the nomination for the office of Circuit Judge at the pri mary nominating election to be held In the Sixth Judicial district of the state of Oregon, on the 20th day of April, 1 906. H.J. Bean. ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce myself a candi date for Republican nomination for County Sheriff of Morrow county, sub ject to the action of the primaries to be held April 20th, 1906, If elected I promise to work for the best interest of the people of Morrow county and to perform the duties of the office faith fully and impartially. A. K. Fuller. ocaoE o J) 2 mm 1 9 MM II Ol OE 3 v o SHOES FOR ALL MANKIND The Best of Everything in Shoes to Choose from. Soveriegn quality shoes for men have three essential points: Style, surpassed by none. Best of service. Perfect fit. Price $4.25 LANGTRY AND ORDICA SHOES FOR THE LADIES Kind ergarten Shoes-for Children and Infants. None better. tfK 5 I J i i r s We have a nice line of Ladies White Waists, in sizes from 32 to 42. Ranging in price from 75 cents to-$4.50. ' ' , - Muslin Gowns, Skirts and Corset Covers in different styles and-prices. See them. I. F. BARNETT & CO. -.. . : . - ..OREGON LEXINGTON, oi iOE: o ; COUNTY CLERK. I hereby announce myself as Re publican cahdidfate for County Clerk subject to the primaries to be held April 20th 1906. , " - ' Lewis Kinney. HENRY E. COLLIER FOR CIRCUIT JUDGE. ' I hereby announce myself a candi date for Republican nomination for (Circuit Judge for the sixth judicial district, comprising Umatilla and Morrow counties, subject to the action of the primaries to be held April 20th 1906. ' ' ' Henry E.. Collier. ANNOUNCEMENT. I hereby announce myself a candi date for clerk of Morrow county on the Republican ticket, subject to the will of the voters at the direct primaries on the 20th of April, If elected I shall endeavor to faithful! fulfill ' the duties, of the office with the least expense to the people of the"- county: ' ' T. W. Morgan. I LEXINGTON 1 I FL.OUR MILL JOS. BURGOYNE, Proprietor . jffi jjh. Manufacturers of . S Flour Graham Flour WholeWheat Flour 1 Rolled Barley - Mill Feed Rolled Wheat . . f LEXINGTON, - - - OREGON FOR SHERIFF. I hereby announce myself a candi date for Sheriff of Morrow county on the Republican ticket, subject to the voters at the direct primaries- on the 20th of April, 1906. If elected' I shall enforce the laws and shall make war upon the horse-thieves and gamblers ! E. M. SkuTt;- ANNOUNCEMENT. To the Republican voters of Morrow county. I have secured the required number of names on my petition to entitle me to have my riame printed on the official nominating ballott for the Republican party, as candidate for nomination as County Clerk of Morrow county I respectfully solicit the support of all members of the party at the primaries on April' 20, 1906. " Yours faithfully, iW. 0 Hill. I ...THE PASTIME... J. V.' GRIMES, Proprietor. M M i g ainuio, iuis, Kurrs, CIUARS, TO- a I ; BACCO, SOFT DRINKS, POOL AND : ' BILLIARDS. ' m'm i a Lexington, - - - Oregon K I X L SALOON J. H. CHAPMAN & CO., Props WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. v FRESH BEER ALWAYS ON DRAUGHT o GOOD POOL TABLE IN CONNECTION LEXINGTON, OREGON I JOHN B, WHITE GENERAL BLACKSMITHING 0 V HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY k 5 Work Neatly Executed Charges Reasonable 2 J LEXINGTON, OREGON.