LEXINGTON WHEATFIELD S. A. THOMAS, Publisher LEXINGTON OREGON NEWS OF THE WEEK Id a Condensed Form for Our Busy Readers. A Resumo of the Lets Important but Not Less Interesting Events of the Past Week. The Iowa senate has passed an anti railroad pass bill. American troops killed 600 native outlaws in a battle in the Philippines. Fire at San Francisco in a five-story building caused a loss of over $750,000. An agreement on Morocco is about to be reached at Algeciras, the kaiser backing down. The Chinese government reassures the nations that there will be no upris ing against foreigners. The Harimtn lines will be equipped with the block signal system from Omaha to Los Angeles. The house committee on naval affairs favors the appointment of not more than SO dental surgeons in the navy. President Roosevelt has been asked to step in and attempt to settle the dif feiences between the coal operators and miners. The house committee on elections has favorably reported a bill providing for the election of senators by direct vote of the people. The Port of Portland commission has voted the Hill' company right to bridge the Willamette below Portland accord ing to the plans submitted by the rail: road company. Miss Susan B. Anthony is still very weak. The Algeciras conference is talking of compromise. The government has evidence of re bates given the sugar trust. No successor to Premier Rouvier has yet been named in France. Frantic efforts are being made to save Zion City from bankrupty. Frequent robberies have caused the. closing of money order offices in Po land. Three officers of the Mutual Reserve Life Insurance company have been indicted for stealing. Two officials of the Standard Oil have called on President Roosevelt and seem anxious about investigation of trusts. J. Ogden Armour, head of the Ar mour Packing company, complains be. cause of secret service men dogging him. The house committee on msrehant marine and fisheries has fixed March 22 as the date for considering what ac tion shall be taken on the ship subsidy bill. Chinese crews on the Pacific Mail steamer Manchuria have been caught smuggling arms and ammunition out of San Franciso for Boxers in China It is not known how long this has been going on. France looks to America for a de claration in her favor on the Moroccan question. The War department says it will not discontinue the purchasing agency at Portland as has bten reported. . The next steamer sailing for the is land of Tahiti will carry relief for the sufferers from the recent tidal wave. The New York legislature will now investigate state banks, as they are through wtih the insurance business. A son of John Bozuffi, an Italian banker of New York, has been kidnap ed and is being held for a random of $20,000- The Chinese bnycott is just being felt in the United States. Exports for January, 1900, show a falling off of about $780,000. The property of the rope trust, lo cated at Boston, is to be sold by the sheriff. Failure to pay interest on bonds issued is the cause. That a man who has made homestead entry, paid the fees and actually lived thereon about one year, and who enlists in the United States army or navy, serving four years, during which time he is unable to visit his land, does not necessarily forfeit his claim, is a de cision ty the Washington land officials. Japan has sent a warship to Chinese waters to protect her subjects. Rogers will answer questions at the Missouri oil hearing without further objection. The French army is in readiness for war should such an event come from the Moroccan dispute. The Steel trust is about to absorb all the independent companies. The deal will involve about $17,000,. CASH FOR JETTY. Provision is Made In Amendment te Sundry Civil Bill. Washington, March 9. The senate committee on commerce today voted unanimously to report favorably Sen' ator Fulton 's amendment to the sun dry civil bill, appropriating $400,000 for continuing the work on the Colum bia river jetty, with a view to its pre servation until congress shall hereafter make provision for its completion. On advice of Senator Frye, chairman of the committee, Mr. Fulton did not at tempt to amend his amendment, as recommended by the secretary of war, so as to authorize contracts to com plete the jetty, to its full projected length, because it was universally agreed that any such change would certainly defeat the entire amendment and kill the $400,000 appropriation which now seems within graip Rather than run this risk, Mr. Fulton aaked for a favorbale report merely on his amendment as originally drawn. The commerce committee, bpfore act ing, gave a hearing to Mr. Fulton, who at some length pointed out the neces sity for the adoption of his amendment, showing that, unless the money it pro vided, more than a mile of uncom pleted jetty will be entirely lost, be caute of (he certain destruction of the tramways, unless nis amendment adopted, Mr. Fulton declared the tram way would be utterly destroyed by teredos during the coming season, and once the tramway it gone, the half- fipithed portion of the jetty will be ab solutely lost, because it will be impo- sible to build new trestles over unfin ished rock work. This lots, he said would cost the government fully $500, 000, and would set back work on the jetty not less than two years. He showed that good business principles demand that the incomplete work be protected, and this can only be done by the immediate expenditure of $400, uuu, as explained ny tne army engm eers. The committee was thoroughly con vinced of the advisability of making Ibis appropriation, and assured Mr Fulton that it would individually and collectively aid him in securing the adopt.on of bis amendments While the committee is not favorable to making appropriation! for new river and harbor work at this session, it re gardn this project as an extreme erner gency. To increase the chances cf get ting this appropriation, the committee authorized a favorable rep rt on an original bill identical in terms with Mr. Fulton's amendmnet. and. in case one plan fails, the other will be pressed Senator Piles, of Washington, woo is a member of the commerce committee and extremely friendly to Columbia river improvement, is an enthusiastic supporter of Mr. Fulton's amendment He, like other members of the commit tee, believes the action of the commit tee today makes it absolutely certain that the senate will attach the amend ment to the sundry civil bill, but real lzes that a fight will come when the bill goes back to the house. SEA-LEVEL CANAL FEASIBLE. Profestor Burr Sayt It Can Be Dug in Ten Yeart. Washington, March 9. Professor W A. H. Burr, of New York, a member of the board of consulting engineers, ap peared before tbe senate committee on interoceanic canals to discuss tbe type of canal to be constructed across the Isthmus of Panama. He said that since the report wis prepared, his re neciions convince mm more tban ever that a sea-level canal was more feasible than a lock canal. The witness was examined at length concerning the control of the Cbagres river, and declared that the solution of the problem presented was entirely feasible. He declared he could see no reason why a sea-level canal should not be constructed in ten years, as no doubtful engineering feats were con templated in the majority plan. The committee adjourned until 10:30 o'clock tomorrow, when it is under- stood Professor Burr will attack the wisdom of constructing a canal of tbe lock type provided for in the minority report. Oppose Alaska Fishery Bill. Washington, March 9. Representa tives of Alaskan canners and fishermen appeared before tbe house committee on territories today to oppose the Cush man billl. C. W. Dorr, Captain D. H. Jarvis, Representative Humphries and Fred Stimson, of Seattle, addressed the committee. The Cushman bill gives the department of Commerce and Labor practically a free hand in regulating Alaskan fisheries and the measure was criticized chiefly on the ground that it centers too great a power in the depart ment. Two-Cent Fares for Virginia. Richmond, Va., March 9. The Churchman bill fixing railway passen ger rates at 2 cents per mile for 500 and 1,000 mile tickets passed the house today. It has previously passed tbe senate and now goes to the governor. I IN THE NATIONAL HALLS OF CONGRESS , Friday, March 9. Washington, March 9, A resolution and a bill designed to cure the delects President Roosevelt pointed out in the Tillman-Gillespie resolution for the in vestigation by the Interstate Commerce commission of railroad discrimination and monopolies were introduced today in the house. Tbe resolution was in troduced by Representative Townsend, of Michigan, and the bill by Represent ative Gillespie, of Texas. Townsend't resolution provides an appropriation of $50,000 to cam on the investigation, and the Gillespie bill makes an appro priation of $100,000 for tbe same pur pose. Washington, March 9. Today at 5:45 p. m. tbe senate passed a bill for the admission. ef a new state to be called Oklahoma and to be composed of the Territory of Oklahoma and Indian Territory. It was the houte joint statehood bill with all the provisions relating to Ariiona and New Mexico stricken out. The motion to strike out was made by Burrows, and it was car ried by the close rote of 37 to 35, after hating been lost by the still closer vote of 35 to 36. Immediately after the disposal of the statehood bill the house railroad rate bill was made the unfinished busi ness, but, as the senate adjouned over Saturday and Sunday, the actual for mal consideration of the measure will not begin until Monday. Thursday, March 8. Washington, March 8. Today af fordid the last opportunity for general debate on the statehood bill, and the session was devoted to that order of business. Starting with a speech by McCumber, which began a few minutes after 11 o'clock, there was no cessation in the' spebking until adjournment. The whole time wis occupied by three senators, Beveridge, McCumber and Patterson, the former supporting and the latter two opposing it. Beveridge contended, that, while Arizona and New Mexico were unprepared for sep arate statehood, it was unjust to keep them out of the Union as one state He took the ground against the Foraker amendment, which allows each tern tory to vote separately on the question of jointure. McCumber opposed even the joining of Oklahoma and Indian Territory, and Patterson held that Ari zona and New Mexico should be ad mitted as separate states. The senate will begin voting on the amendments to the bill at 4 p. m. to morrow, and the final vote will be taken beiore adjournment 'or the day Beveridge will have the hour between 11 and 12 o'clock in which to conclude his speech. Washington, March 8. The house today passed the Indian appropriation bill and then proceeded to tangle itself up over the bill to abolish the grade of lieutenant general in the army. The result was an adjournment for lack of a quorum after members had been locked in the hall for half an hour and tbe sergeant-at-arms had been scurrying to the various hotels in search of mem bers. The vote to consider the bill showed an overwhelming sentiment in its favor, and, as it it the pending bnsi ness under call of committee, it will probably be reached and passed in due course. Wednesday, March 7. Washington, March 7. President Roosevelt today sent a message to con gress announcing bis signature to tbe oint resolution recently passed in structing the Interstate Commerce commission to make examination into the subject of railroad discriminations and monopolies in coal and oil. He says frankly that he hai signed it with hesitation, because it may achieve lit tle or nothing. Washington, March 7. With six set speeches and permission to print two others in the Record, none of which were on the same subject, the house today closed general debate on the In dian appropriation bill, and tomorrow will take that measure up for amend ment. Before the house took up the Indian bill, Capron (Rep., R. I ) secured the passage of a joint resolution permitting the sale of government coal at Fort Davis, Alaska, to the citizens of Nome. The situation in Alaska prompting tbe legislation was indicated by Secretary Taft recently that there is an absolute coal famine in Nome. The cold weath er closed navigation before the coal ships arrived, and the government's v Hermann as a Plagiarist. Washington, March 7. Represents- tive Hermann, probably in a fit of ab sentmindedness, today introducd an other joint resolution proposing an amenmdent to the constitution provid ing for the election of United States senators by direct vote of the people. This is the second time this session he as introduced this resolution, and in each instance he' offered resolutions that had previously been introduced by other members, running his pen through the name of the original au thor and writing his own. supply at Fort Davis is the only avail able supply. Washington, March 7. The Issues involved in the controverpy over the pending railroad rate bill were squarely presented to the sedate today in the speech of Clapp, one of the Republi cans supporting tbe measure without amendment, and by resultant remarks from Bailey and Tillman, who are sup posed to represent the views of the Democrats. Aldrich, Foraker, Crane and other Republicans, who are seeking to amend the bill so as to provide for judicial review of orders of the Interstate Com merce commission, took the position that the discussion of the situation demonstrated that the friends of the measure are divided and that the bill should not be accepted in its present lorm. ' . Tuesday, March 0. Washington, March 6. The house began its session today by passing with out discussion or opposition a bill for tbe rlief of tobacco growers by permit ting them to sell leaf tobacco without paying the tax of 6 cents a pouad here. tofore charged. The rest of the day was devoted to tariff discassion, the In dian appropriation bill being the ve hicle to carry the debate. Washington, March 6. The question of the enlargement of the medical de partment of the army occupied the ma jor portion of the time of the senate today. The question arose in connec tion with the consideration of a bill for the displacement of contract turgons by physician! who shall be given the rank of army officers in the reorganization of the medical corpt. Hale criticized tbe bill as an entering wedge for an in crease of tbe army, and at a part of a general plan of the general staff, which ne cbarged with a purpose to increase the army's importance, In his remarks the senaotr said the general staff was disposed to encourage an invasion of China. Carter and Gallinger spoke in somewhat tbe same vein of objection, while the bill was defended by Warren, Blackburn and other senators. The bill was not disposed of. Monday, March 5. Washington, March 5. President Roosevelt sent a message to congress today, accompanying plans for coast defense prepared by a joint board of army and navy officers, in which he emphasizes the necessity for further de fenses rand reviews the history of tbe defensive works in this country. The president calls special attention to the recommendation of the board that the entrance to Chesapeake bay be added to the list of places in tbe United States to be defended. He says the insular possessions cannot be longer neglected if the United States desires to hold them. Defenses are recom mended for Manila bay, Pearl baibor. Guantanamso, Guam, San Juan and Honolulu, because of their strategic situation. Defenses are recommended for the entrances to the Panama canal. Washington, March 5. In tbe sen ate today, Nelson continued the discus sion of the statehood bill, urging the passage of the measure as reported from tbe committee on territories. Tbe remainder of the session wat devoted to the passage of the bills on tbe calen dar, among them being one providing for compulsory education in tbe Die trict of Columbia and another regarding the selection of officers in the revenue cutter service. Two others of import ance to the West were : Providing for the issuance of patents for lands to Indians on the Colville reservation, state of Washington, un der the Moses agreement of July 7, 1883. To confer jurisdiction upon the Cir cuit court for the Ninth circuit to de termine in equity the rights of Amer ican citizens under the award of the Behring tea arbitration at Paris, and to render judgment thereon. Washington, March 5. Legislation by unanimous consent and under sus pension of the rules occupied the atten tion of the house and resulted in the passage of several bills, some of consid erable importance. The adoption of a resulotion of inquiry as to whether any criminal prosecutions have been begun against individuals in the North ern becunties company furnished the text for a speech of criticism by Will iams, the Democratic leader, directed against the administration. Brief an swers were made by Jenkin, of Wis consin, and Grosvenor, of Ohio. Test Vote on Philippines. Washington, March 6. Senator Lodge, chairman of the committtee on Philippines, has decided to make a mo tion tbat the senate discharge the com mittee from further consideration of the tariff bill and it be taken up for consideration. Under the rules a mo tion of this character is debatable. Tbe senator proposes to make ari argument in favor of the bill and ask tbat action he taken by the senate concerning it. He does not intend, however, to preci pate a continuation until after the statehood bill has been disposed of. RETURN INDICTMENTS. Federation Officials Are Charged with Complicity In Murder. Caldwell, Idaho,. March 7. It took an evening session of the grand jury which has been hearing the evidence against Charles Moyer, president of the Wstern Federation of Miners, William Hey wood, secretary; George Pettibone, a member of the executive board; Jack Simpklns, a member of the association; Harry Orchard and Steve Adams, be fore indictments were returned against them for the assassination of ex-Governor Steunenberg. While not a member of the prosecu tion will give a reason for the failure of the indictment of St, John, it is under stood all along that the state had little direct information against St. John. Just why he was arrested the prosecu tion hat never teen fit to make public. It wat rumored that bis arreBt waa made at the request of the Mineowners association, because they considered him a dangerous man. St. John's reputation as an organizer makes his name a to conjure with iu Colorado, and in fact wherever a min ers' union exists. The ttory goes that the mineowners wanted to get Simpkina out of the country and were only too glad to have him arrested along with the officials of the Federation. Now that the indictments have been returned, tbe next thing will be the ap pearance of the prisoners in court. The prosecution limply will not tell when they are going to bring tbe prisoners hero, but tbe fact that several deputy sheriffs left here tonight for Boise indi cates that the arraignment! will take place tomorrow. EDICT AGAINST AGITATORS. Alarmed by War Preparations, China Orders Foreigners Protected. Pekin, March 7. The Chinese gov ernment is greatly perturbed by the re ports of anti-foreign movements printed in the American and European papers and particularly by dispatches announc ing preparations for a military expedi tion in case of need. TheBe reports, it is alleged, tend to embarrass the foreign ministers and create strained relations between them and the officials here. A long edict published in the Official Gazette today, after referring to the warlike reports, declares they are cir culated by traitors who wish to sepa rate China from her friends. The edict points out the ereat difficulties. which confront China at present, and the strong need for maintaining friend ly relations with the powers. It re proves the Chinese students for med dling with politics and charges the offi cials, high and low, thoroughly to pro tect too lives and property of foreign ers, ipecifying the missions, under pain of the most severe punishment. A strong force of the troops of Yuan Shi Kai has been sent to the southern part of the province of Chili, where' the people have been threatening the Christians. BRITAIN CLAIMSJRECIPROCITY. Wants Same Favored Nation Treat ment as Other Nations. London, March 7 Communications have passed between Great Britain and the United States respecting the for mer's contention tbat she should par ticipate in the privileges granted to other nations under the Dingley act, in return for the reciprocal concessions which Great Britain has obtained on similar representations to other coun tries granting the most favored nation treatment. Great Britain also takes the ground that, having no tariff, she, of all countries, should, be favorably treated commercially. It was stated in tbe house today that negotiations on this point had been opened with Amer ica. This is incorrect. Thus far only communications have passed. The United States has no commercial arrangement with Great Britain as with other countries, by which the presi dent is enabled to extend the benefits of certain concessions in matters affect ing the customs duties. Ready to Back Mineworkers. Pittsburg, March 7. -- Representa tives of the American Federation of Labor in this city received notice today that the executive council had been called to meet in Washington on Mon day, March 19. A this is the day on. which the operators will be in session at Indianapolis and during the time of the Mineworkers' convention at the same place, it i- pointed out that Sam uel Gompers, president of the Federa tion, will be ready to give them the moral and financial assistance of the Federation. Boycott Labels for Impure Food. Chicago, March 7. K commit.tpn from the Federation of Labor which t'al led on the state pure food commis sioner announced that union litho graphers would refuse to print label for food products unless they told the-truth.