Lexington wheatfield. (Lexington, Or.) 1905-19??, March 08, 1906, Image 7

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    Ask Your
If he tells you to take Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral for your
severe cough or bronchial
trouble, then take it. If he has
anything better, then take that.
But we know what he will say;
for doctors have used this
cough medicine over 60 years.
. "A nV, V"? A'rr' Cherry Pectoral for
hard col(l, bud cuukIis, snd Influents. It liaa
ilone me Brent (moil, anil I believe It li the
be.t euuKh medicine In the world for all
throat anil lung troublos."--Eli C. 6TUAUT,
Albany, Oregon. '
by J. O. Aynr Co., Lowell,
Keep the bowels open with one ol
yers Hllla at bedtime. Just ono
Portland Trade Directory
Names and Addresses In Portland of Repre
sentative Business firms.
I'lIOTO HUl'PUKH; Kodak developing and print
Inn; write for prions. Woodard, Clarke 4 Co.
JUAOIO LANTKUNs-Welster Co., Portland.
Ixment prices on Lantarn and Slides.
ELASTIC IIOMItttYsHuuporlers, Brace; Knit to
i'lt free nieunurument blunks: Woodard, Clarke.
IIOIIHKH nf all kinds for sale at very reasonable
prices. Inquire til Front HI
TKUHHKH sent on approval; we guarantee (It la
most dlfllcult cases; Woodard, Clarke & Co.
BWKKT PEAH-Mend 10cnrpckn. asstd KalrUold
Medal peas. J. J. itutier, 1S8 Front street.
AKTIFICIAL EYKH; eyery shade and Hhane; as
sortment sent on approval; Woodard, Clarke Co
CKKAM HEPAKATOHS-Wn Ronrantee the U.S.
Wi-purator to be the best. Write for free catoioit.
Ilazelwood Co., Fifth and Oak.
MEN'S CLOTHING - lluftum A Pendleton, sole
aicnts Alfred Kenlfimln correct clothes. Kvery
tlilnx In men's furnishings. Morrison and Sixth
streets. Opposite postofuce.
JfltKK LAND IN OKKOON under the Carey Irrl-
? allon act. Deed direct from state. Write today,
looklet and map free. H. H. Cooke & Co., HI
Alder street, Portland, Oregon.
fOUWKV KOOIJ-If you want your bens to lay
more okks write us for free particulars about Pu
lll.NA POULTltY FKEDb-Acme Mills Co.,
Portland, Oregon.
TAIL01W Columbia Woolen Mills Co., Portland,
Ore, Latest style clothes made to measure cheap.
Our Keif measurement system Insures perfect lit.
Write for free samples and prices.
1'IANOS A OIUIANS-Oldest piano house on Pa
rlllc coast. Organs and Pianos on easy payments.
Write for list. Let us quote you a price. Allen &
Ullbert-ltamaker Co., Portland, Oregon.
Oregon Herbs Hpeclllc for all Kidney and Hlodder
troubles. Cures ilACKACJIE. Price 50c. Trial
else sent by mall for 10c. Id stamps. Bend today
2W Third St.
Human Hair floods Switches, Pompadours, Men's
Toupees and Wigs; best quality, lowest prices;
send for free price list; mall orders a specialty.
Paris Hair Store, HOD Washington St. Est 1888.
Perry's Seeds are best hecansa BO
j....B ..u.v ,h:iii in
Micv uciToiujimuub iuu a CtilllUry
of eiert care In making Uieu
,Va mm aruwiiiill.ta In ...... ..1..
i ckuiiio seeas.
mwvv dhu Annuel iree.
0. M. FERRY A CO..
Around the World
" I have used your Fish
Brand Slickers lor years
In the Hawaiian Islands
nd found them the only (
article that suited. I am
now In this country
i Africa) and think a great
leal of your coots."
(nami os application)
The world-wide renuta-
tion ol Tower' Water- ABTTfJ'A
proof Oiled Clothing IJv
assures the buyer of II '
the positive worth of iTrfur&t
all garments bearing fDBnlfQ
this Sign of the Fish. 'fljP''
A. J. TOWER CO., Boston, U. S. A.
35j Toronto, Canada.
Best route from Minneapolis, St.
Paul and Duluth to Milwaukee, '
Chicago and the East.
8 IX.
Pullman Sleeping Cars and Free
Reclining Chair Cars. Unequaled
Passenger and Freight Service.
JAMES A, CLOCK, Pacific Coast Agent
GEORGE S. TAYLOR, Traveling Agent
252 Alder Street, Portland, Oregon
Seattle Office, 1 02 first Avenue South
racoma Office, 1 1 1 South Tenth Street
Spokane Office, 1 07 North Mill Street
Welded n, Broken Hall and Saved
Triiliiloml of 1'axNenifera,
' When the 8:23 limited pulled Into
Wheatley, In thin county, one evening,
It was discovered, sny the Le Sueur
correHpoiHlont of the Ht I'uul Vloiieer
Press, that one of the rear wheela on
the last coach wuh hroken, a piece hnv
lug been split off from one side, so
that there was a sightly flat place on
the wheel, and, as It was feared, the
broken wheel In pounding over the
track had broken a rail. Only by a mir
acle was the 8:50 local saved from be
ing wrecked.
Three miles south of Itoitley the flat
tened wheel had broken out a section
of rail about seven feet long broken
It out bo badly that it was torn from
the spikes and lay across the rails,
where It was found five minutes before
the local was due by Willy Schult,, a
boy of 14 years, who lives on a farm
near by. The lad knew that the local
soon would lie along and he was fright
ened. He put the piece of rail In place
and then started down the track to
ward the approaching train, running as
fast as lie could lie had not gone
twenty feet, however, when there came
a blinding flash of lightning from a
dark cloud that covered the sky, and
lie was struck down unconscious and
nearly bereft of life.
It must have been ton minutes bo
fore be regained consciousness, for
when be did so lie saw the train com
ing toward him at great speed. Ho
staggered to his feet, the remembrance
of the broken rail still in his mind,
and waved his hands, but the engine
did not stop, and, just as it was about
to crush him, lie stepped from the rails
and the train sped on.
But the engineer at the hist moment
had seen tlw boy step out of the en
gine's way, and, throwing on the lever,
stopped the train after It had run sev
eral hundred feet beyond the break In
the rail.
When the engineer Jumped down and
came running back to see what the
trouble was, young Schultz told him
and showed him the place where the
rail had been broken ; but now It was
perfectly sound. The flash of light
ning that struck Schultz down spent
the main portion of Its force on the
track In the Immediate locality where
the fracture was, and had evenly and
perfectly welded the broken rail In
place at both ends. Tlic track was as
safe and solid as it was the day It was
Points Ont-Pewster-Covered Trunk aa
an Example of Egotism.
"Mike," the head baggage Bmasher
at the Grand Central station, laughed
scornfully as he tacklod a trunk from
in incoming train. Tlie receptacle was
literally plastered with labels, show
ing that the owner had, presumably,
traveled through many foreign cities.
There were labels from London, Paris,
Berlin, Naples, Shanghai, and even
"Another one of them fakes," said
Mike," disgustedly. '
"What do you meanT asked the new
"What is labels for?" said "Mike,"
by way of reply. Then he answered his
own question by adding: "They're to
show the trainmen where the baggage
Is bound for, ain't they? And when a
man goes from one city to another, the
baggagemen paste the proper label over
the oae that was hero before. Other
wise, nobody could tell which city tlie
trunk was bound for. If a trainman
aboard should see a trunk or valiso
labeled 'Vienna,' 'Paris' or Tondon' all
at the same time, he'd have brain fever
trying to figure out where the trunk
really was bound. They don't use th.i
brass check system over there as they
do here.
,. "It's safe betting that the man who
owns this trunk is one of those ego
tistical asses who wants to show off.
Perhaps he has made a trip abroad;
and while there he begged, borrowed or
stole a lot of labels and pasted them
on his trunk to make people believe he
has been in all those cities. But to
those who know he is simply advertis
ing the fact that he is a chump of the
first water." And "Mike" threw the
trunk on one side with more force than
was necessary. New York Press,
A Doubt In Identity.
That the first glamour of love Is not
necessarily blinding In its effects la
shown in the following from Life. Mr.
and Mrs. Newlywed, on their bridal
tour, were enjoying a quiet sail alongshore.
"O Ularence," cried Mrs. Newlvwed.
"I can see a perfect reflection of my
face way down there In the water !"
"Are you sure It ain't a lobster-not
you see? There's lots of 'em about here,
you know," returned the happy groom.
Alao a Iteformer.
"Dey're sendin' a lot o' grafters to
jail," remarked Meandering Mike.
"I'm glad of it," answered Ploddlnir
Pete. "If dls high-class patronage
keeps comln' in maybe de wardens will
wake up an' improve de accommoda
tions." Washington Star.
An honest man thinks that a Drettv
woman Is also a noble work.
Spring EVOedicine
The best is Hood's Sarsaparilla. It
is the best because it does the most good.
While it makes the blood pure, fresh
and lively, it tones the stomach to bet
ter digestion, creates an appetite, stimu
lates the kidneys and liver, gives new
brain, nerve and digestive strength.
An unlimited list of wonderful cures
40,366 testimonials in the past two
years proves its merit. In buying medi
cine always jt$t the best, Mrs S. L.Carleton, Ayer.Mass.. says: "For
- . 11 perfect sprinir medicine to give strength and
get HOOd S. thoroughly purify the blood, Hood's Sarsapa-
C-,14 mrArvwhprr rillals held In high esteem by our whole lam
wuiu v.v.; j 1 have used It
Liquid or tablets, 100 Doses SI.
r' 1
r ' v
lly. I have used it from childhood and find it
as good for my children as for mysel',"
An Amendment Accepted,
"Sometimes I think my typewriter
knows more than I do," remarked the
New York orator. "I was dictating
a speech to her this morning and I
said The ballot is sacred.'"
'A very proper sentiment"
"But she changed it She mixed the
letters of the last word a little and
changed It to 'scared.'" Washington
ThArA u mora Catarrh in this section of the
country than all other diseases put together,
and until the last few years was supposed toba
incurable. For a great many rearsdoctors pro
nounced it a local dlseane, and prescribed looal
remedies, and by constantly Tailing to cure
with local treatment, pronounced It incurable.
Science b as proven catarrh to be a constitu
tional dlsaasa, and therefore requires constitu
tional treatment. Mall's Catarrh Cure, manu
factured by T. S. Cheney A Co. .Toledo, Ohio, Is
the only constitutional cure on the market. It
Is taken Internally in doses from 10 drops to a
teaspoonful. It acts directly on the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system. They offer one
hundred dollars for any cane it fails to cure.
Bend for circulars and testimonials.
Address, K. i. CHENEY b CO., Toledo, O
Bold by Druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills arc the best.
Bare Winner.
The Man The girl looks upon my
suit with favor, but both her father
and mother oppose It
The Maid Then I may aa well con
gratulate you.
The Man Why, pray?
The Mail You are sure to be elect
ed by an overwhelming minority.
The Iletort Feminine.
lie Well, I've found out one thing
you have no heart. , ,
She Oh, come now. How can a man
without brains know anything about
anatomy? Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Take LA X ATI VE BHOMO Quinine Tablets. Drni?
Elats refund money If it falls to cure. K. W.
OHOVK'b signature Is 00 each box. 26c.
Atlas Engines
Many prospective purchaser! of engine! ind
boilers are under the impression that because the
Atlas Throttling Engine is of such high grade,
and because it is fitted with balance valve and
amain bearing, such as only Corliss engines of
other makes contain, it is necessarily of such
price that it is quite out of their reach. This is
not true. An Atlas engine is no higher in price
than any other engine, except, perhaps, one
that is made entirely in a foundry.
For your information, therefore, we give for
the present an approximate price upon a 12x16
Throttling Atlas Engine, range 43 to 60
Horse Power of
This Includes engine complete with band wheel,
governor, throttle valve, and all regular trim
mings and represents the price delivered f. o.
b. cars factory, or, if in stock it our Agencies
at any of the following points.
Norfolk, Va. Minneapolis, Minn.
Anderson, 8. C Omaha, Neb.
Augusta, Ga. New Orleans, La.
Montgomery, Ala. Greensboro, N. C.
Des Moines, Iow
Shreveport, La.
Ft. Smith, Ark.
New Bern, N. C.
Jacksonville, Fla
Athens, Ga.
Memphis, Tenn.
Birmingham, Ala.
Leavenworth, Kas.
Joplin, Mo.
Little Rock, Ark.
Atlas Engine Works
Soiling wienci.i In all cities INDIANAPOLIS
Water freezes every night throughout
the year at Alto Crucero, in : Bolivia,
while at noonday the sun to hot enough
to cause actual suffering.
Mothers will find Mr. Wlnslow's Soothing
By ru p the best remedy to use for their children
during the teething foriod.
After a juror In a Sydney (Australia)
court had been fined $10 for two dayi
m succession for absence it was discov
ered that he was dead.
Itfhlnn, Blind, Bleeding, Protruding Piles. Drrnr-
6Bts are amhorlted to refund money If PAZO
INTMKNT falls to cure In 6 to 14 days. 60c
It Meant Nothing;.
"lie's engaged to her, and I think we
may look for a wedding soon."
"She told me she believed in short en
gagements," r .
"So she does short and frequent."
riTQ Permanently Cored. No fits or nervousness
1 10 after flrRt day'e use of Dr.Kllne's Great Nerve
Restorer. Send for Free 82 trial bottle and treatise.
lit. K. H. Kline, Ltd., 831 Arch St.. Philadelphia, Pa.
"I'm afraid," said young Sloppington,
feeling his way, "that your sister doesn't
like to have me call so often?"
"You don't know Sis," answered the
small brother, encouragingly. "She can
stand for anybody, just so it looks like
a man." Cleveland Leader.
To Break In New Shoes.
Always shake in Allen's Foot-Ease, a powder.
It cures hot, sweating, aching, swollen feet.
Cures corns, ingrowing nails and bunions. At
all druggists and shoe stores, 26c. Pon't accept
any substitute. Sample mailed FREE. Address
Allen S. Olmsted, Le Roy, N. Y.
Slight Misunderstanding.
Mrs. Oldboy (reproachfully) But
you said you would gladly die for me.
Oldboy (calmly) True, my dear,
but I bad reference to my Lair and
W. L. Douglas
W. L. Douglas $4.00 Cllt Edge Line
cannot be equalled at any price.
agi HCapital a.50Q.ooo
till finfi REWARD to anyone who can
WlUjUUU disprove this statement.
If I could take vou Into mv three lanre factories
at Brockton, Mass., and show you the Infinite
care with which every pair of shoes Is made, you
would realize why W. L. Douglas $3.50 shoes
cost more to make, why they hold their shape,
in ucucr, wear longer, ana are oi greater
intrinsic value than any other $3. SO shoe.
W. L. Douglam Strong Made Shoe for
Mon, SX.BO, $2.00. Boy' School it
DroamShoom, $2. BO, $2,$1.7B,$1.BO
CAUTION. Insist upon having W" .L.Doug,
las shoes, i'ake no substitute. None genuine
without bis name and price stamped on bottom.
Fast Color Eyelets used ; they will not wear brassy.
Write tor Illustrated Catalog.
Vi. L. DOUGLAS, Brockton, Mass,
P. N. U.
No. 10-06
WHEN writing; to advertisers please I
mention this paper. I
"IoEveryHom !
1 I
as with joyous hearts and smiling faces they romp and play when in health
and how conducive to health the games in which they indulge, the outdoor
life they enjoy, the cleanly, regular habits they should be taught to form and
the wholesome diet of which they should partake. How tenderly their health
should be preserved, not by; constant medication, but by careful avoidance of
every medicine of an injurious or objectionable nature and if at any time a
remedial agent is required, to assist nature, only those of known excellence
should be used; remedies which are pure and wholesome and truly beneficial
in effect, like the pleasant laxative remedy, Syrup of Figs, manufactured by
the. California Fig Syrup Co. Syrup of Figs has come into general favor in
many millions of well informed families, whose estimate of its quality and
excellence is based upon personal knowledge and use.
Syrup of Figs has also met with the approval of physicians generally, be
cause they know it is wholesome, simple and gentle in its action. We inform
all reputable physicians as to the medicinal principles of Syrup of Figs, obtained,
by an original method, from certain plants known to them to act most benefici
ally and presented in an agreeable syrup in which the wholesome Californian
blue figs are used to promote the pleasant taste; therefore it is not a secret rem
edy and hence we are free to refer to all well informed physicians, who do not
approve of patent medicines and never favor indiscriminate self-medication.
Please to remember and teach your children also that the genuine Syrup
of Figs always has the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co..
plajnly printed on the front of every package and that it is for sale in
bottles of one size only. If any dealer offers any other than the regular Fifty
cent size, or having printed thereon the name of any other company, do not
accept it. If you fail to get the genuine you will not get its beneficial effects.
Every family should alwavs have a bottle on hand.
- J 7 v . h wv.ii.. j
.v uiv. ycufcnuj oiiu uic ciiiiuicii, wiicucvci a lOAauve remeay is required.
Color more goods brighter and faster color than any other dye. One 10c package colon silk, wool' and cotton equally well and la
guaranteed to give perfect results. Ask dealer, or we will aend post paid at 10c a package. Write lor free booklet how to dye.
bleach and mix colors. MONROE DRUG CO., Unionvllle, Missouri.