Lexington wheatfield. (Lexington, Or.) 1905-19??, March 08, 1906, Image 3

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Homeseekers Looking for Locations
' , on Hooe River. ' .
Hood River That Hood River 1b
getting its share of the colon iat traffic
is indicated by the fact that ten fami
lies have arrived here this week look
ing for land. The newcomers are from
Minnesota, North Dakota, Kansas and
Missouri. They are anxious to go into
applegrowing, and real estate men are
busy showing them over the valley.
Each day records several purchases of
land which is now set to apple trees or
will be cleared for that purpose, and
indications are that there will be a
still greater demand for fruit land.
The homeseekers who have arrived
eay many more will come as soon as
spring opens in the Middle West, peo
ple there being slow to believe that
epring is so much earlier here.
Real estate purchases are not confined
to Eastern people, as Portland men are
investing in apple lands, going as far
as back of Mount Hood. They are re
lying on the effect the Mount Hood
railroad will have on land in the upper
valley. This road is now nearing com
pletion, and the first car of freight was
shipped over it last week, consigned : to
Moro. Much of the wood formerly
.burned in clearing fruit lands will soon
be marketable at a nominal expense,
thus reducing the cost of clearing land.
The warm wet weather of the past
few days has Btarted plant lite into ac
tivity and berry growers will soon com
mence cultivating.
Room for Settlers in Umatilla.
Pendleton The rapid manner in
which Umatilla county is being settled
' has drawn attention of late to the fact
that there is much good wheat land left
on what was once the Umatilla Indian
reservation. A tract of this land was
bought by the government in 1897 and
sold in parcels at low prices to settlers.
In many cases 80 acres out of a quarter
section are to be found, on different
parts of the reservation, wnich were
then thought useless. With proper at
tention this land may yet become as
sood as the land that was sold. Some
of the land Bold then, near Weston,
Athena and Adams, at from $10 to $20
an acre, grows wheat of the finest qual
Goes to Brazil as Missionary.
Pcaific University, Forest Grove
Miss Grace 0. Wood, who has been an
instructress in Tualatin academy for
the past three years, having come to
Pacific from Drury college, Mo., has
left for Brazil to engage in missionary
work, for which she will be peculiarly
a lap ted. Her position will be filled
immediately by Mr. Zimmerman, from
Riverside academy, Portland. Before
going to Brazil to commence her work,
ehe will attend the missionary conven
tion, which is held at Nashville,
Tenn., and from there she will go di
rect to Brazil.
Return Money to Counties.
Salem State Supenitendent of In
struction J. H. Ackerman, one of the
promoters of the Educational congress
at the Lewis and Clark fair, has pre
pared his report of receipts and expend
itures of the committee. The money
which Mr. Ackerman is accounting for
was donated on his solicitaiton by the
counties for expenses of the congress.
There is a balance of $269.86, wLich
will be returned to the counties in pro
portion to the amount contributed. In
all, $1,944.86 was received.
Building Boom on at Baker.
Baker City The excavation for a one
tory stone building at First and Court
treets, to cost about $6,000, marks the
beginning of the building boom for
which the architects have been prepar
ing all winter. In the next six months
more building will be done in Baker
City than during any previous year in
the history of the place. Plans have
been made and contracts let for a large
number of big . business blocks, and
many fine residences and cottages will
o be erected.
School District of "First Class."
Salem State Superintendent Acker
man has gone to Hood River to assist
in the campaign for the organization of
a school district of the first class by
consolidating six country districts.
The object of the consolidation is to es
tablish graded schools, and a district
high school. Under the law a majority
of voters in each district, ai they now
exist, must vote in favor of the consoli
dation It is thought all tbe Wasco
districts are favorably inclined except
one, and public sentiment favorable to
consolidation is gaining ground there.
Creamery at Wallowa.
Wallowa The Wallowa Building
association has begun, work on - the
creamery to be installed by the Blue
Mountain Creamery company, of La
Grande. The ice house is to be fin
ished by April 1. The same company
will also have a plant at Enterprise.
This will secure a profitable industry
to the farmers of Wallowa valley,
-which is perfect dairy country. .
Candidate May Run for Office on Two
Different Tickets.
Salem That one man may be the
candidate of both political parties has
been decided by Attorney . General
Crawford in an opinion rendered in re
sponse to an inquiry from W. J. Moore,
district attorney at Lakeview. The
hypothetical case submitted was that
of a candidate who, In the primaries,
was on both the Republican and the
Democratic tickets and received a plur
ality vote for the office in each instance.
The ruling of the attorney general is
that the office seeker thereby becomes
the nominee of both parties, and his
name must be so printed on the general
ballot at the election in June.
The same would be true if a man
were an aspirant for a Republican nom
ination and his name were written into
the Democratic primary ballots, there
by giving him a plurality of the Demo
cratic votes.
Catch Salmon in Closed Season.
Grants Pass Fishermen on Rogue
river, taking lessons irom tee cannery
men on the Columbia, are doing a big
business even if the season is closed.
Last year they shipped from Grants
Pass and Merlin over 200 tons of fish
to Portland. This year the shipments
will amount to considerable more, as
thev are shipping more than a ton a
day. A set net on the Illinois river,
about 20 miles from where it empties
into Rogue river, is daily making big
catches of fine salmon. Fishermen on
Rogue river are also doing a good busi
ness. "
Fruit Cannery at La Grande.
La Grande An Eastern syndicate,
through its special agent, George T.
Powers, has purchased from the Oregon
Produce company the large storage
warehouse No. 2. In addition to the
plant purchased, Mr. Powers left in
structions with his agent here to select
sites for a cannery, fruitdryer, a jelly,
vinegar and cider factory. Tbe Oregon
Produce company retains warehouse
No. 1. and will buy and sell, but will
not take fruit on storage or consign
ment. It will give possession of ware
house No. 2 June 1.
Sheep Bring High Price
Pendleton About 10,000 head : of
yearling sheep have been purchased
from Umatilla county stockmen within
a few days by John Howard, of Dakota,
the ruling price being $3 a head. Those
from whom purchases were made are A.
Knotts, Charles Johnson, Douglas
Belts and Charles Matthews. None
of the sheep were select stock.
Inspecting the Sugar Plants
La Grande H. T. Dyer, of Ogden,
Utah, general manager of the Amalga
mated sugar factories, is in tbe city on
a tour of inspection. F. G. Taylor, of
Logan, Utah, accompanied Mr. Dyer
and will take the place of factory super
intendent at Ia Grande, succeeding
Charles Wood house, who has r
Wheat Club, 6768c; bluestem, 68
7Dc; red, 6566c; valley, 7172c.
Oats No. 1 white, feed, $2829
gray, 7.oo8.du per ton.
Barley Feed, $23.50(824 per ton;
brewing, $24(324.50; rolled, $2425.
Buckwheat $2.25 percental.
Hay Eastern Oregon timothy, $13
14perton; valley timothy, $89;
clover, $7.508; cheat, $67; grain
hay, $78.
Fruits Apples, $12.50 per box;
cranberries, $12.5014.60 per barrel.
Vegetables Cabbage, ljc per
pound; cauliflower, $2 per crate; cel
ery, $4. 755 per crate; sprouts, 6J7c
per pound; squash, 1H10 per
pound; turnips, 90c$l a sack; car
rots, 6575c per sack; beets, 85c$l
per sack.
Onions Oregon, No. 1, 6570c a
sack ; No. 2, nominal.
Potatotes Fancy graded Burbanks,
6070c per hundred; ordinary, nom
inal; sweet potatoes, 22e per
Butter Fancy creamery, 2730c
per pound.
Eggs Oregon rancL, J6l6c per
Poultry Average old hens, 1314c
per pound; mixed chickens, 12 13c;
broilers,2022c; young roosters,12c;
old roosters, 10 10c; dressed
chickena, 1415c; turkeys, live. 163
17c; turkeys, dressed, choice, 1820c;
geese, live, ac; geese, dressed, 100
12c; ducks, 1618c.
' Hops Oregon, -1905, choice, 10
10c; prime, 8 9c; medium, 78c;
olds, o7c.
Wool Eastern Oregon average best,
1621c; valley, 2426c per, pound;
mohair, choice, 30c per pound.
. Beef Dressed bulls, 2 3c pound;
cows, 3Jf,4jc per pound ' country
steers, 4oc.
- Mutton Dressed, fancy, ' 8)9c
per pound; ordinary, 45c; lambs, 8
9c.v - , .
Veal Dressed, 8&8o per pound.
Pork Dressed, 69c per pound.
English Tonnage Exceeds by Far All
Others Entering Those Ports.
Wftdhlnirton. Feb. 27. Consul Gen
eral Field, at Valparaiso, in a report to
the State department, says that out of
a total of 17,000,000 annual tonnage of
vessels entering Chilean ports, those
flying the American flag represented
only, 185,000 tons. ; Great Britain's
flag covered 8,000,000 tone, ana Her
man ships aggregated 3,000,000 tons.
The trade of tbe United States fell back
from $11,000,000 in 1903 to $10,000,
000 In 1904, notwithstanding Chile
greatly incraased her purchases.
The Chilean government, tne consul
says, is planning many new railroads
and extensions. The trans-Andine
railway, when completed, will shorten
the time between Chile and Europe 10
or 12 days.
Consul Leroy, at Durango, writes
that Mexico will soon import wheat.
Consul General Thackeray, at Ber
lin, reports that the United States pur
chased nearly $15,000,000 more mer
chandise from the empire last year
than in 1904, mostly manufactured
goods, but that the sales of American
manufactured goods to uermany, aside
from lard and petroleum, in 1905, did
not equal $15,000,000.
United States Sells $20,000,000
More That It Buys:
Washington, Feb. 27. According to
a bulletin issued by tbe department of
Commerce and Labor, the trade of the
United States with the Scandinavian
countries, under which term are in
eluded Sweden, Denmark and Norway,
for the fiscal year 1905, amounted to
$32,000,000, of which $6,000,000 is
imports from and $26,000,000 export
to those countries. In 1895 the total
trade with these countries was $11,-
000,000, showing an increase of prac
tically 200 per cent in the last decade,
while our total foreign trade has in
creased but about 70 per cent.
The bulletin says that the Scandina
vian population of the United States
bears a larger ratio to tbe present pop
ulation of their countries of nativity
than any other class of our foreign born
Imports from Sweden in 1905 aggre
gated $2,935,581, and exports to that
country, $7,197,171.1
Imports from Norway, $2,204,580,
and exports. $4,420,469.
Imports from Denmark, $1,008,750,
and exports, $14,881,568.
Maritime Quarantine Found Effective
at Manila.
Washington, Feb. 27. A report of
the public health and marine hospital
service, which has just . been issued
gives a summary of the quarantinable
diseases reported for the city of Manila
during the calendar year 1905, shows
that there were 254 cases and 225
deaths from cholera, 45 cases and 43
deaths from plague, and 27 cases and
two deaths from smallpox. The report,
discussing the cholera situation in the
provinces there, says that, while the
number of cases has remained 'about
the same for several weeks, their loca
tion is constantly changing, and adds
that cholera has practically described
an entire circle of a radius of about 25
miles around the city of Manila, its
course indicating, the report eays, that
the maritime quarantine has been en
tirely effective.
In view of the very few, cases in the
city of Manila and their sporadic char
acter, the outgoing inter-island quar
antine placed on vessels has been con
Biderably modified.
Ordered to Shoot Suspects.
London, Feb. 27. The correspondent
of the Tribune at Pekin says that
since the reported appearance of the
Chinese bandits in Tsinwantao, the
Germans and French have been kept at
arms at Shanhaikwan, Tsinwantao and
Tongaban, -while the Germans are pa
trolling the villages with orders to
shoot all suspicious Chinese. The Ger
man officers, who formerly dined at the
hotel at Shanhaikwan, the correspond
ent adds, are now confined to barracks
after nightfall.
Bids for Mexican Silver.
Mexico City, Feb. 27. The exchange
and currency commission has received
bids from both New York and London
bankers for another $1,000,000 silver
money, in pursuance of the policy of
exchanging silver for gold to expedite
the work of p' icing tbe country on
gold basis. Gold money is already en
tering into circulation, though in some
cases people who do not comprehend
that tbe change is permanent are
hoarding the yellow money. The gen
eral financial situation is remarkably
. 1 . i
Dominion Loses Million.
Ottawa, Ont., Feb. 27. The Do-
minion government loss is from $1
000,000 to $1,500,000 by fire that raged
in Moncton. N. B.. late last night and
today, when the Inter-Colonial railway
shops, with 100 cars and several build
ings of different kinds, were destroyed
One thousand workmen are thrown out
of employment. There waa no insur
Steve Adams Reveals Dark Se
crets of Inner We.
Oregon Suspect Breaks Down Under
Solitary Confinement and Tells
of Steunenberg Murder.
Boise, Idaho, March 3. Tbe States
man says this morning:
"The Statesman is authorized to an
nounce that Steve Adams, arrested at
Haines, Or., on February 20, in con
nection with the Steunenberg assassi
nation, has made a full and sweeping
confession.. This second confession is
far more important than that made by
Harry Orchard."
This is the statement made for pub
lication last evening by James McPar
land, the detective, in the presence of
Governor Gooding and J. H. Hawley,
who is in charge of the presocution.
Mr. McParland added that Adams'
confession fully and exactly corrobo
rated that made by Orchard at every
point touched upon by both. More
over, Mr. McParland continued, Adams
knows far more of tbe workings of the
'Inner Circle" than Orchard did and
was able to give a mass oi detailed
informatin that Orchard's confession
did not cover.
The confession of Adams, he said,
corroborated that given by Orchard in
every substantial point connected with
the assassination of ex-Governor 8teu
nenberg. Adams, however, was not at
Caldwell at the time of the assassin
tion. nor was Orchard at the time of
the unsuccessful effort in November
Tbe man who assisted Orchard on the
latter occasion, as Bet forth in Or
chard's confession, was Jack Simpkins.
Still another statement made by the
detective was that the Adams confes
sion gave the details of a large number
of murders that were not referred to -in
any manner by Orchard. It was fur
ther stated that the confession bad neen
reduced to writing, signed and acknow
ledeed. It was a voluminous docu
ment. covering a greater field and in
more detail than that made by Orchard
Canadian Banks Collect and Deport It
at a Good Profit.
New Westminster, B. C, March 3.
A clean sweep of American silver from
the Dominion of Canada has been de
vised by the Dominion government,
and the banks of Canada, on arrange
ment with the government, put the law
into force today. The banks are to
collect all the American silver, in all
about $600,000, and transmit the same
to the agency for the Bank of Montreal
at New York, receiving gold in ex
change. This amount will then be re
placed in circulation by Canadian coin,
while on the $800,000 the banks will
get three-eighths of one per cent, and
also on all shipments made bereaiter
the percentage will be the same.
With the silver market in tbe present
condition, the Dominion government
should make about $400,000 on the
deal, besides giving the bank a fair
profit and also putting into circulation
much Canadian silver that nas Deen
held in check by the American money.
On several occasions in former years the
banks have endeavored to terminate
the circulation of American silver by
placing a discount on it, but it was
found that, in spite of this, the coin
was in circulation, but never went to
the banks.
However, there will now be no dis
count on American silver, but the
banks will not pay it out. Three
quarters of the silver in circulation in
Southern British Columbia is of Amer
ican origin. The main point the gov
ernment claims in putting this scheme
into operation ia to get Canadian cur
rency into circulation.
Failure Again Threatens.
Washington, March 3. While no
immediate break in the conference at
Algeciras is expected by tbe govern
ment, the negotiations there have
reached the Btage which, according to
the renorts received here, threaten tbe
failure of the conference unlosB there
is a chance in the attitude of Germany.
A long conference occurred at the State
department today between Secretary
Root and M. Jusserand, the French
ambassador, during which the negotia
tions at Algeciras were the main Bub'
Ject under discussion.
First Infantry at Malta.
Valetta. Island of Malta, March 8.-
The United States transport Eilpatrick
and tbe transport McClellan, having
the First Infantry on board, arrived
here today from Gibraltar on their way
to Manila.
Repeal of Timber and Stone Act
Laid on Table.
Three Northwestern Members of the
House Oppose Measure Favored
by President and Commission.
Washington, March 1. By a vote of
9 to 4 the house public lands committee
today voted to table the bill to repeal
the timber and stone act and substitute
therefor a law authorizing the sale of
mature public timber at its appraised
value. The action of the committee ia
in line with its action taken in the last
congress, and effectively kills the pend
ing bill, which was endorsed by the
president and the public lands com
mission.. The committee's action
makes it impossible to bring the bill
up on the floor of the house, even for
Mondell, Wyoming, French, Idaho,
and Dixon, Montana, are among those
against repeal.
The public lands commission, after
a careful study of the operation of the
timber and stone law, condemned it,
and recommended ita repeal and the
substitution of a law which would per
mit tbe governmnet to realize some
thing like the real value of its timber.
Such a law as recommended by the
commission and favored by the senate
committee would yield from $25 to
$100 an acre for the choice timber
lands of the West, where the govern
ment now receives a beggarly $2.50.
Moreover, a law such as proposed
would tend to put a stop to the rank
timber monopoly that has been under
taken in the Pacific Coast states. In
that it would require , lumbermen to
pay a fair price for timber, instead of
permitting them to get it for a merely
nominal sum.
The most vigorous opponent of repeal
on tbe bouse committee is Mr. Mon
dell, who believes in legislating to
meet conditions in his own state, not
withstanding the effect on the rest of
the country. Mr. Mondell contends,
probably very truly, that the timber
and stone act has been beneficial to
Wyoming. The timber of that state ia
perhaps worth no more than $2.50 an
acre, for the Wyoming forests cannot
compare with those of the Northwest
ern states, either in extent or in qual
ity of timber. Mr. Mondell argues
that, inasmuch as the act has benefited
Wyoming and has lad to no fraud,
therefore it must have benefited tbe
entire West and Bhould not be repealed.
Fortifies Kiaochou and Prepares
China Squadron for Action.
Berlin, March 1. Admiral von
pits stated in the reichstag Wednesday
that the government had decided to
fortify Kiao Chou in order that it may
be made impregnable from both the
land and water sides. He expressed
the belief that German residents of the
port were in danger from a threatened
uprising in Chnia.
This is the first admission officially
that Germany is anxious as to the out
come of tbe present anti-foreign agita
tion throughout China, and is held
here to mean that the situation is much
more serious than formerly has been
The German warships, on the Chi
nese station were recently overhauled,
and are in readiness for any action that
may become necessary to protect Ger
man interests at any point on the
Chinese coast; Arrangements have
been completed by which tbe admiral
in command is keepings touch with
the German embassy at Pekin, and
will act under orders from there. All
vessels in the squadron, according to
the latest advices, are well provisioned
and coaled and ready for action at a
moment's notice.
Increased Postal Appropriation.
Washington, March 1. The sub
committee of the committee on post
offices and postroads, which has been
considering appropriations for the Post-
office department, practically adopted
the bill today, fixing the appropriation
for the department at about $192,000,
000 or $10,000,000 more than the last
appropriation. The bill provides for
some changes in the department's
methods and contains a provision to
prevent the shipment of anything but
actual mail matter through the mails
of the government.
Castro Not Aggressive.
Washington, March 1. Senor Gar
bieras, the newly appointed charge
d'affaires of Venezuela, who arrived in
this city last night, took charge of the
legation today. When asked concern
ing the condition of affairs between
France and Venezuela, he stated that
nothing new had developed. He de
nied that President Castro had any ag
gressive plans. ; y .