LEXINGTON 2 BANK does a GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS Loans and Collections a Specialty. Also A GENERAL LAND AND REAL ESTATE Businesss done by W. B. McA LISTER I 11 L - -1 I ... J. mmA PLI1 Tmun I At fnr UQOQ Tincal Laliu anu v"""'? lunu uvio iui q Sale at Reasonable Prices. Qffice in Bank LEXINGTON, ICE KE OREGON IOEl IdeLQNG'S STUDIO High Class Portraits., , Reasonable Prices. All tthe latest style Mounts. Developing done for Amateurs. JAMES DELONG LEXINGTON. - - OREGON H. K. FUliLSR LIVERY 7 FEED AND SALE STABLES First Class Rigs. . Careful Drivers Special attention Commercial Men . . LEXINGTON, OREGOK t LOCAL NEWS Miss Mary Reaney, has been quite III the past week but ts rapidly improv ing. E. D. Brown has as his guests his brother and wife of . near Spokane. C. A. Johnson returned yesterday from Columbus, Wash., where he has been working on the north bank road. Geo. W. Turner, an old time resi dent of this community, but in the real estate business in Portland, brought in a party of land seekers the past week. FOR SALE Horses, broke and un broke, Hack, two Gang plows, walking plow and double Harness. Call on or address. 21-tf F. H. Gentry. A basket social will be given in Social Ridge school house Saturday evening next, March 3. Everybody Invited and ladles are requested to bring baskets well filled with good things, v ' If you cannot find vhat you want in the Drug line try Davidson Bros, of lone, they carry the largest stock of Drugs and Chemicals in Morrow Co. Mall and Telephone orders promptly attended to. 9tf The crop outlook for the coming season is the best in the history of the county. ,. Grain Is In splendid condition and from all reports there is an In crease c-f about thirty five per cent in acreage over last year. We have a good second hand Dutchman Plow, 12 Inch three bottom run two seasons, will put new shares and Undsldes on It- and sell on fall terms at $42.50, a snap, or we will sell for less without the third bottom. pi; i-r. - , Leach Bros. ' A petition to Hon. E, L. Smith, of Hood PJver, asking him to run for Governof ',;on the Republican ticket, was circulated In Lexington the latter part ofclait week and received a num: bar of signatures; Mr. Smith can be nominated and elected, and would give the state a, -good administration. The' revival meeting in the Congre gational church7 art attracting good crowds. Mr. Mtfler is a forceful talk er and his chalk talks to the school children are ; very instructive. Many vho would like to hear him are pre vented from attending on account of severe colds and coughs, as he says a coughing audience Is very annoying to him. County clerk Crawford turned over the 1905 tax roll to Sheriff Shutt for collection ..on the 23rd Inst. '.The total amount of the roll Is $69,670.50. The -county levy, of 23 mills gives $55,347.43. This Is distributed as 2 1-2 .mills State tax, 11 1-2 mills county .tax, 5 mills school tax and 4 mills county roads. 19 school districts have. a special tax, with levies ranging from' I ' mill to 25 mills. The roll carries $ 1 1 ,43 1.00 as special school tax. The " city of ' Heppner has a special tax of 7 mills which gives $2,170,67, and the City of lone has a special'taV of MO mills which gives $721.38.- The 0. R. &. N. Go. tax is $12,141.49. J. A. Woolery of lone Is the" largest Individual, taxpayers of the county. His, .tax is $948.62. Among other large taxpayers are The Penland Land & Livestock Co $2,058- 89, Antone Vey . $736.94, Anson Wright $649.92, . First National Bank of Heppner $1,520.00, C. T. Walker $701.91,, Minor k Co. $612, Thos Quald $513:75. A rebate of 3 per cent is allowed on full payment of taxes i m tn anrl including March 1 5. Taxes become clellnquont after April 2, 1906 If one-half payment Is made before April 2, the taxpayer is allowed until the first Monday in October to. pay the last half. Delinquents are charged 10 percent penalty and 12 per cent in terest. . w. p. McMillan's LUMBER YARD LUMBER. DOORS, WINDOWS, SHINGLES WOOD AND COAL Lexington. - - - - - Oregon SCHOOL NOTES The school clerk has been taking the school census the past week and a noticable Increase In the number of pupils between the ages of four and twenty. Mr. Miller addressed the school last Friday, and this week the school has made arrangements to close at half past three and attend the chalk talks at the Congregational church. All are much Interested In these talks and many a valuable lesson may be learned from them. The exercises In Miss Scotts room by the pupils of the room, was veil at tended and much enjoyed by all. CONTEST NOTICE v ' ' Department of The Interior " United States Land Office The Dalles, Oregon, February 20, 1906. A aufflclent contest affidavit having been filed in thla office by James McCabe, con testant, against homestead entry No. 12 106, made February 11, 1903, for SEtf NEX. E SWtf, Section 34, Township 2, N., Range 25, E. W. M. bjf Patrick McCabe, Contests. In which It Is alleged that said entryman has wholly abandoned said land and has failed to live upon and cultivate said land as required by law; that the only Im provements he has made upon said land Is a shack of a cabin which Is not habitable at any time of the year; that sold alleged ab sence nas existed tor more men an momns last past; that said alleged absence wet net due to his employment In the army, navy er marine! corps of the United States la time of war.; Sam parnes are hereby new lea to appear, respond and offer evidence touch ing said allegation at 10 o'clock a. m.. on April 12. 1906, .'before Vawter Crawford, Couhty clerk at hie office in Heppner, Ore gon, and that final hearing win te neia at 10 o'clock' a. m. en April 19, 1906 before the Register and Receiver at the Ualted States Land Office In The Dalle Oregon. The said contestant having, In a proper affidavit, filed February 20. 1906, set forth facta which shew that after due - pence personal eervioe of this notice can not be made. It la hereby ordered and directed that such notice be given by due and proper publication. MICHAEL 1. riOLAn. 3-1-4-5, Register. Heaven Revealed. By BBHJAMIK FISKB BABflBTT. 8SS pp., 5 1-4 x T Large Type; Viae Cloth. Far a limited parted thla beek Is offered at trade rates, 8 cents, with 9 cents postage for mailing. ARTISANS ATTENTION. There Is some very Important busi ness for Assembly No. 88 to act upon and all members are earnestly request ed to be present next Saturday evening. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the County Court of the State of Ore gon for Morrow County, In the matter of the estate of Lenora Langley, deceased, the undersigned having been appointed by the County Court of the State of Oregon, tor Morrow County, Executors of the estate of Lenora Langley deceased, notice Is hereby given to the creditors of, and all persons having claims against said deceased, to present them verified as required by law,'' within six months after the first publication of this notice to said Ezeoutors at the office of their attorneys, Phelps & Notson, at Hepp ner, Oregon. , , Leslie A. Lanoley, Ceo. W. Turner, , . Joseph Devini, Ezeoutors of the estate of . Lenora Langley deceased. Dated Jan. IB, 1906. ,: 1 i ' ' CITATION. ''V ,.. f In the County Court of the State of Ore gon for Morrow County. , ,v . In (he matter of the estate and Guardian ship of Ber( Wheeler, Insane, . Te Bert Wheeler, ,the next ef . Mn, and all pereons Interested, Creeflngt ft In the name f the State ef Oregon, you are hereby eited and required to. appear tn the County Court ef the State of Oregon, tor the County of; Morrow, at the court room thereof, at Heppner, In the county of Morrow, en Monday he 5th day of March, 1906, at JO o'clock in the forenoon of said day, then and there to show cause, if any, whyan order should not be made for the sale of the following described reel pro perty, to-wit: The South West quarter ) ef Section Three (3), Township One (1) South. Range Twonty-ftve (25) E. W. M., and all rights end improvements therewith.. Wltnees, the Honorable T. W. Ayers, . ,,. Judge of the County Court of Seal the State of Oregon, . for the County of Morrow, with the seal of said Court affixed, this 25th. day of January, A. D. 1906. Signed Attest: Vawter Crawford, Clerk By J, G. Crawford. Deputy, CONTENTS. ' The Origin of Angels. The Essential Nature of Heaven. Character of the Angels. Testimony of Scripture. The Sure Way to Heaven. Practical Tendency of this Disclosure. Environment in Hea ven, and What Determines It. Societies in Heaven. A Heaven for the Non-Christian World. Are Earthly Relations Continued in Heaven? Meetting and Recognition, of Friends In the Hereafter. Personal Appear ance of the Angels. Rejuvenescence and Growth In Heaven. Houses and Homes In Heaven. Garments In Heaven, Children In Heaven. Sex-and Marriage in Heaven. Work in Heaven. The Three Heavens, and How Related. Eternal Progress in Heaven. Consociation of Angels with Men." ' ' "'',' , s - - THE M. W. OF A. -Excelsior Camp . No. 9673,. meet In Artisan Hall 'every 4th Tuesday night of the month. P.E.Thomas. F.F.Klitz, Thomas. - . .. . .. ADDRESS ..,;.. ;;, ; THE NUNC LICET PRE99 43 West Ceulter Street PHILADELPHIA, PA. NOTICE OP OUABDIAN'S SALE. Under and by virtue of an order issued out of the County Court of the Stale 6 Oregon for Morrow county, on the 5th day of February, 1906, the undersigned guardian of the estate of Percy Clyde Gentry, a minor, will on Tuesday, the 20th day of March, 1906, at 10 o'clock in the forenoon of said day, in front of the Court House In Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, sell to the highest bleder for cash, all the right, title and interest of his said ward in and to the following described real property, to- wit: The undivided one-fifth Interest In and to lots 6 and 7, In block 6 of the town of Lexington, Morrow County, Oregon, and all rights and improvements thereon i and there with. ' Dated this 6th day of February, 1906. ' ' " ' ' ' J: E. Gentry 2-8-3-8 . . Guardian. ARTISAN Lodge Meets every Satur day night at 7 o'clock, up stairs In Arti- hall C. Wv Christenson, Ethel Wilcoji, Sec. ' M. A I. O. O. F.-Lexlngton lodglS No.. '168, Meets every Wednesday evening at 7 p. m, C. W. Christenson M. F. Parker Sec. N. G REBEKAH- Holly lodge No. 139 Lexineton. Meets the first and third Tuesday of each month at 7:30. Ina Leach s ( Ella. B.enge 'Seo, t2 V'i 'N.G Christenson Brothers CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS Plans and Estimates furnished ' ' See us before building' LEXINGTON, OREGON. Get Your Name on The Wheatfleld List erk. '.rkV V. C.