Lexington wheatfield. (Lexington, Or.) 1905-19??, March 01, 1906, Image 7

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Impure or effete
, - - --- uvvuiuumn,u 111 lilt; UIUUU
during the winter cause in' the "spring such disfiguring
and painful troubles as boils, pimples, and other eruptions,
w wudKncss, loss ot appetite and that tired feeling.
The best
' " n4.i. m i iu juuiocu ui wiciu la
Hood s Sarsaparilla, which thoroughly cleanses the blood,
" ?u permanent cures by giving healthy functiona
activity to the stomach, liver, kirlnevs. hnwek nnrf etin.
This, is the testimony of tens of thousands who have
a.n mis great spring medicine.
t .'Accept no substitute for Hood's Sarsaparilla, but in.
on naving Hood s and get it today.
- Sold by .druggists everywhere. ,'
Usual form, liquid, or in new form, tablets, 100 Doses One Dollar.
Heat Way to Plow.
Measure off a liend and on each end
end of the Hold say as wide as the
length of team nnd plow. Commence
Mowing at one side of the field one-half
land from the fence, plowing back
and forth, turning to tho, right nnd
sliding plow on head land. ; When first
land Is done ; measure off another land,'
skip It, go on 'and plow third land same
as first, then plow second land turning J
to iert, ,;.Tho object Js plowjng , the
third land' before second, Is .to 'avoid
' having so many center ridges 'and dead
furrows, as you would if yov took
every .land ns it came. . Keep on In this
way until you get to the other side of
the field,, then plow head lands and you
have, the field, nicely plowed without
turning square corners, , tramping
horses heels, lifting plow or tramping
plowed ground. ; ' 1'
Count Boni de Castellape is reported
to be anxious to become President of
Amending It.
"You got a typewritten copy of this
speech in advance, didn't you?" asked the
reporter oi the party orean.
"Yes," replied the reporter of the oppo
sition paper, "the speaker sent it in, even
to tne 'cneers' and 'applause' in parentho
ses." .
"Well, then what are you taking down
now f
"The 'cheers' and 'applause' and substi
tuting sneers and groans.'"
' "Were you annoyed while on the wit
ness stand?": ' '
-"Slightly," answered the great cor
poratlon magnate. "The Judge and one
or two other people In the courtroom
seemed to think they were quite as lnv
portnnt as myself." Washington Star,
In France; out of every 1,000 Inhabit
ants, 123 are old people of more than
sixty years, .as against 73 In England
and 7U In Germany.. . ... s. r
More Converts
' Every; day in every feit
1 that comes, .toore houBewiyeSr
are giving lip teir. exhorbitant .
priced B a k inft rowd e ra: acid '
1 " turning id K G, the honest and '
"( reliable.' which BaS' stood so' well "
ing pit that ,',.1'
, costs brie-third . the-, price' ot t
powder any where Bear JU ,, ,
quality, anamaxes petter, piffejnore :
healthful bakinr. 25 ounces for 25e-. '
8endpostar6r"'liooofPreitnUf'fV ' V j
. i' . ..'. I'M'. A f 'if ' I
cnicagoi iii.
The Little Doctor in !?
your Vest
EE the thin, round-cornered llttls
Enamel Box below I When
carried in your vest pocket it
means Health-Insurance.
It contains Six Candy Tablets of
pleasant .taste, almost as pleasant , as
chocolate. ;
Each tablet Is a working dose of Cas
carets, which acts like Exercise on the
Bowels and Liver.
It will not purge, sicken, nor
upset the stomach.
Because It Is not a
driver," like Salts, So
dium, Calomel,- Jalap,
Senna, nor Aperient
These waste Diges
tive Juices of the
system needed to
morrow, In merely
flushing out the Bow
els today.
'- '
Neither Is It like
Castor Oil, Glycerine,
or other Oily; Laxa
tives that simply
lubricate the Intes-
? S
tines for transit of
the food stopped up In them at that partic
ular time.
These emergency drugs relieve the
Immediate trouble, but do not relieve its
The same trouble will therefore recur
again till that Cause Is removed per
manently. The chief cause of Constipation and
Indigestion Is a weakness of the Muscles
that contract the Intestines and Bowels.
Carcarets are practically to the Bowel
Muscles what a Massage and Cold Bath
are to the Athletic Muscles.
Sliowing size ot Vest PockeP
Cascarct Box compared to Watch.
They stimulate the Bowej Muscles to
contract,1 expand, and squeeze the Diges
tive Juices out of food eaten.' . ,:
Cascaret3 do" this naturally, without
purging or discomfort.
1 yTh'ey don't help the Bowels and Liver
in such a wajr as to make them lean upon
similar assistance for the future.
This is why, with Cascarets, the dose
may be lessened each succeeding
time Instead of Increased, as It
must be with all succeeding doses
of other Cathartics and Laxatives.
Cascarets act like
If carried In your
Vest Pocket, (or car
ried In My Lady's
Purse), and eaten
Just when you sus
pect you need oneT
you will never know a
sick day from the
ordinary Ills of life.
.' Because, nearly all
these Ills begin In
the .Bowels , and
partial Constipation
paves the way for
all other Diseases.
' "Vest Pocket" box 10 cents.
Be sure you get the genuine, made
only by the Sterling Remedy Company,
and never sold In bulk. Every tablet
stamped "CCC."
We want to send to oar friends a beautiful
hard-enameled in colors. It is a beauty for the
dressing table. Ten cents In stamps is asked as a
measure or good faith and to cover cost of Cascarets
With which Wsoalnly trinket Is loaded. 715
Send to-day, mentioning this paper. Address
Sterling Remedy Company, Chicago or New York.
rotted Applea.
Select medium sized, smooth apples
which are tart. , Peel and take out the
core with apple corer. Fill a plate,
which fits into thesteamer with one
layer of apples, set over kettle of boll
lug water and cover closely until done;
set nway to cool, then carefully re
move to a clean plate and prepnre an
other plateful for ' steaming; make a
frosting with whites ' of throe eggs,
add seven tablespoonfuls of pulver
ized sugar: frost before they are auite
cool. Tills will make frosting for two
plates of ,app)es Bet In oven a few
minutes, but , watch" qlo'sely or the
frosting will get too brown.
Drown Celery Son p.
Well wash , eighteen or more sticks
of celery ; outer sticks ' will do, and
the better sticks will do for stewing.
Boll them until soft In a quart of good
stock, In "wfilch may be -put one large
onion aptfaiiy scraps, of ham or bacon
that yoU:,jnny have.. ; When soft, rub
through 4; wire sieve. Melt one and a
half ounces of butter In a sauce pan,
carefully fry In It until brown ' one
ounce of flour, then add tle soup.'and
stir 'well over the fire until It boils.
Add a very" little sugar and serve with
fried bread. A few nicely stewed pieces
of celery cut In dice may be stirred In.
;..'.-!....; prolt Cake. .' ' : , ",r
Three-quarters . of ,a . cup of butter,
one cup of sugar,, pnedjnlf cup -of our
milk, two eggs, three-quarters of a
teaspoonftif of baiting, soda, one and a
half cups of .flour,, one ina a half .cups
of .raisins, one cup pf, currants, .One
Cup of citr6n, orange and letaon! peel
minced, and mix(kl (dredge the '.fruits
with, flour ) three-quarters' of a tea-
spoohfunendh of cinnamon, cloves and
allspice;, one-half teaspoonful of nut
meg, 'ground; a little salt, one-quarter
cup, ot molasses. Bake In a very slow
oven for three or four hours.'. ; ' ; ,
Pineapple T.rjfle. ".
tijoak one box of gelatine one hour
Jn,ffl cup of cold waters -Put' it into-A.
deer) (U'fih with twn mnfM
pineapple peeled and ' chopped finely,
the , juice and grateM' rind, of a lemon
Let It r all stand .pnib hour,- then" pour
Qver It three cupfuls of jbolllng. water,
tnen. strain thrbueh a cloth, snueez
Ing it, well. ) vSet , on ice'; and when-It
begins Jp . harden sjlrlnto l,t the.'whltes
ui uiroe eggs peuien; to. -a Stiff DrQta
.-?,t FMUnff for White Cake.
Boll together,three-quarters)f a cup
or Bugar, one cup.otj. warm Water,; a
lum';of butter Jhe size of a walnut,'
the yolks of three beaten 'eggs, a httlf
tablespoonful ;of cornstarch, wet wlth!
a little cold water.' . Sttr steadily whlje
cooking. , When thick, flavor with a
teaspoonful of loraon extract or with
lemon Juice. , Take:., from the-. fire, and
wheH cool spread on, the cake., ,.
. ., Potato . Snhul.
Boll and inash four potatoes, add
minced onions and a' dressing com
posed of the . yolks , of three hard boiled
eggs mashed and mixed with three-
quarters teacupful of vinegar, one tea
spoonful each of mustard and melted
butter, two teaspooufuls each of salt
and sugar, mix well and garnish with
the whites, cut In rings, and lettuce.
; . Cheese and Potatoes.
Bake large smooth Irish potatoes:
when done cut off one end, scoop out
the potato : mash well with salt and
pepper; lay slices of hard grated
cheese to each potato; refill the skins
and return to the oven a few minutes :
then serve with a nice gravy or fresh
White Cake.
Cream a half-cup of butter with one
and a half cups of granulated sugar,
add a cup of milk, two and a half cuns
of flour that have been sifted with two
tenspoonfuls of baking powder; lastly,
fold In the stiffened whites of three
eggs. Bake in layer tins.
' Perform'n rnpteaaant nation." f
"The verjMiext time you have some- '
thing unpleasant to do, something to
which you' bring an" unwilling mind,;) ,
says a writer in Harper's Brfzar.'just !
repeat the following formula to your
self, and say it over and over again !
until you believe it: This which I
am doing now is what, In the circum
stances, I prefer to do at tills moment,
above all other things. Of course,
then, I enjoy it!' T,hls self-restraint,
faithfully applied during dishwashing,
bed-making, sweeping, dusting, house
cleaning, stocking-darning, and all the
monotonous duties of a home ,wornan,
may be relied on to bring Qdd f
sunshine' 'everywhere. - The ' -work " U
done in less time, and with less fric
tion, than ever before, an atmosphere
of peace and serenity : pervades ' the
whole household, the soul of the work
er is enlarged. It Is worth trying.. Try
it at once, dear readers."
Sweet. . ' . '?,.;':-'..'
; "Whadda you think 0' my-'slstfeir,
Mr. Spoonalot?" ' , -,' :
'Why, Johnny, think she's-ytery
sweet." - - "' , ,.l . . v. i .":
, "Gee! She thinks that about you,
too." '.": WJ ':'
; "Oh, Indeed? That's glorlousHowl
do you know?"- ; w'r 'v ;
"I heard her tellln' ' ma you wes a
regular puddln.'' Cleveland lJeaderr
J. be frenchman eats nearly twice 4
'-' '."'' Sweet; '' ,.',,M J
K "Whadda you think o' my sister, Mr,.
Spoonalot?" . . . :
"Why, Johnny, I think she's' very
sweet." '
, . "Gee I She thinks that about y6o)v
too." . :i
i ;"Oh, Indeed? That's glorious; How
d(J vou knowV
' I heard her tellin ma you was a regu- j
iar puildin ."rHUleveland Lieadef.
Amending the Declaration, fl
v from, anastyexaminauon.ii.saia
thexdoctdri . ''Jvia-m .djecidedly :iqf . the-
opinlon that you are suffering from the
peculiar- -trouble-- knowa - as 'clergy
man's sore tnroat. ; :., , -. .... ,;;v .,
"f he f-r yui sayi:''exclaimed the,
jcaller."' ; ' ; ' -. '- " "
'It is quite, possible,: howieve'r, thitt
tmny be wrongT't Will; ipake ftnother
examination." ..''''-. , ' .. . , -
odor s
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is riot
a simple cough' syrup. It is'a
strong medicine, a doctor's
medicine. It cures hard cases,
severe arid; desperate cases,
chronic cases of asthma, pleu- 3
risy, bronchitis, consumption.
Ask your doctor about this.:.'
" I hve neo a ftreat deal of Ayer'e Cherry
Pectoral for couKha ami hrd colt on tbe
chest. It ha always done me great Rood. It
Is certainly a most wonderful cough medi
cine." MlCHABL J. 1'ITZOKKALD, MeUIord,
M.J. ;
: A
AUdo by J, O. Ayer Co., Lowell,
u lUHuuiwiuren ax
You will hasten recovery by tak
ing one of Ayer's Pills at bedtime.
Potato Fritters.
One pint of mnshed potatoes, mnsh
and beat until very light; one pint of
flour, two eggs, one teaspoonful of
baking powder, a little salt and enough
sweet milk to make a batter stin
enough to drop. Drop into hot fat and
fry quickly; serve very hot.
Puffet for Tea.
Three eggs, one cupful of sugar, two-
thirds of a cupful of butter, one pint
of sweet milk, three pints of flour,
three teaspoonfuls of baking powder.
Bake in muffin rings and serve warm.
Deans and Onions.
Add a teaspoonful of molasses, to a
quart basin of baked beans, crowd
two small boiled onions In the center,
pour over a teacupful of stock or thin
cream and bake fifteen minutes.
Represent thn Bnrvlval of the Attest We
have become the largest Heed bouse In the
woria because our seeds are better than
others. Do you wish to Krow tbe most
beautiful flowpnl nnd thA flnpnt. tpA
taoiesT riant tne bestseeas Kerry's. :t
10OO Peed Annual free to all
D. M. FERRY & CO.,
Ootrolt, Mloh.
Well Drilling Machinery,
Drilling & Fishing Tools,,
Irrigation Plant, Hydrau
lic Rams, Spray Pumps.
- ' Write Ui 4 , -'.
182-4-6 Morrison St.
, Portland ; Oregon
'' . WANTED ..v-'wv'J
A bright man with team in your coun
ty. Steady work and good wages to right
man. References required. For ' par
ticulars address ,,. v .
Box X Winona, Minn.
"0 . sri'
Iheiisnuint IUVYCKJ
It is made of the kit
material, in blackorellow.
fully ?u&ranteed. and sold by
reliable dealers everwhere.
Dr. G. Gee Wo
This womlrrful Chi
nese Doctor is calltd
great because he cures ,
yvyjitv n,Miuu, wjwmr
tlon that are given up
to die. He cures with
those wonderful Chi
nese herbs, roots, buds,
barks and vexetabies
that are entirely un
known to medical sci
ence In this conulry. Through tbe uxe of llios)
harmless remedies this ruinous doctor knows
the actlou of over too different remedies which
he successfully uses In different diseases. He
guarantees to cure catarrh, asthma, lung, throat,
rheumatism, nervousness, stomach, liver; kid
neys, etc, j has huidruds of testimonials.
Charges moderate. Call and see him. Patients
out of the city write lor blankr and circulars,
bend stamp. CONSULTATION 1'UKK.
162 First St., S. C. Cor. Morrison
Mention paper. PORTLAND, OREGON.
?',''' A Jolce that Failed Twice..1 ' i-
'Miss Ad'elbert had Just returned
from a vacation spent it a tiny village
on the Maine coast. In recounting her
experiences ;she talked somewhat for
the benefit of a cousin, a quiet person,
who ws .visiting her city relatives tor
the first, time in many years. ' yl
U! ;'There was, Just one store intjlhe
place," said Miss Adelbert, "nnd hey
kept, everything, that is, everything
they had to keep. .
"One day I went in to buy soine
soap, and Just on a venture I asked; the
clerk if they had Browning' He stayed
at me a second, then went . off Land
looked under the counters and 'ontha
6hel-ve8.( ;::v-.u i, , ?
f: - ftifljr e;aiae ;.bricK rnff'- Add,
'Nov "miss", we ain't got none. l-We got
blacking, an' we got bluing, an' we got
whiting, but we ain't got' a'lbit o'
i)rowriin id' tbV store.' vv V
' iiss1. 'adVlbrt'lhad to' - mdlft liewral
protest, to assure , her :. audience that
this really Jiarjpenetj. Finalljf the cpTjs
Iq -aske.d,grflvefyr;.'"But, -eojsjn Bert,
why didn't you say varnish ih"the'flrst
i - iff -
v rf.-v V ,SlmpIe- - I i
'fwt, jnderstantl : the '-tariff question?"-!';
, :
"Perfectly," answered Mr. Curffrpx.
"All raw material I use in my bussa
should be admitted duty free. Everything
else should be taxed." Washington Stttr.
' -1 : 'ft
PTake IiA.XATI.VE BROMOpulnlneTBhlets. . IMns
(iKOVE'js signature Is on each box, 25e.
OI " ' .m . ' ; ; j
Stray Cow's Act. ' ,-'-v
' A stray cow,' picked up by the. po
lice fiti the rirjuth Side, nearly put the
officer out of business and created -iots
of fun for the urchins in the neigh
borhood. The cow was capturediiby
the , .newly t appointed subpollcemftn,
and,-' whijilng to; distinguish himself
by an ' arrest', t he determined to taka
the bovine to the station house. Pro
curing a rope, he fastened ,it. to her
horns and started down Cottage Grdve
avenue. 'lTe thoroughfare .was. 'slip
pery from a rainstorm, and" in a-1 iffy
the ' policeman, Jtyaa. sliding: .down- the
asphalt on his stomach, with the cow
on a dead run. The officer was game
and -hung;oB to his captive " for a
square! when the boys headed the ani
mal off. He landed hjs prisoner and
then" begged off for the night to clean
up. Chicago Inter Ocean.
Portland Trade Directory
Names and Addresses In Portland of Repre
sentative Business firms.
PHOTO SUPPLIES; Kodak developing and prtnt
Ing; write for prices. Woodard, Clarice 4 Co.
MAGIC LANTERNS- Welster Co., Portland.
Lowest prices on Lanterns and Slides.
ELASTIC HOSIERY! Supporters, Braces; Knit to
i lucnouicmeiH umuKB! y oouara, Clarke.
HORSES of all kinds for sale at very reasonable
prices. Inquire 276 Front St.
TRUSSES sent on approval ; we guarantee fit in
uiuo. uuiiiui. cases , vvuouaru, fiance dt CO.
SWEET PE AS-Send 10c for pekg. osstd Fair Gold
ARTIFICIAL EYES; eyery shade and shape; as-
suiiiuciu own. uu tvipruvui; v uooaru, tjiarae uo
CREAM SEPARATORS-We guarantee the U. 8.
oeparmur io oe me oesi. w rite tor free cata'og.
Uuzelwood Co., Fifth and Oak.
P. N. U.
No. 9-06
HEN writing to advertisers please
mention mis paper.
MEN'S CLOTHING -Buff urn & Pendleton, sola
aent Allred BeniKmln correct clotliea Everything-In
men's furn slilngs. Morrison and Sixth
streets, Opposite postolllce. ,
FREE LAND IN OREGON under the Carey Irri
gation act. Deed direct from state. Write today.
.Booklet and map free. li. s. Cooke & Co., lal
AJder street, Portland, Oregon.
POULTRY FOOD-If you want your hens to lay
more eggs write ub for free particulars about PU
Portland, Oregon.
TAILORB-Colnmbta Woolen Mills Co., Portland,
Ore. Latest style clothes made to measure cheap.
Our self measurement system Insures perfect lit.
Write for free samples uud prloes.
PIANOS ORGANS - Oldest piano house on Pa
cific coast. Organs and Pianos on easy payments.
Write for list. Let us quote you a price. Alien &
Ullbert-ltamnker Co., Portland, Oregon.
Oregon Ilerbs-Speclflc for all Kidney and Bladder
troubles. Cures BACKACHE. Price 50o. Trial
size sent by mall lor 10c. In stamps. Send today.
vm Third St.
Human Hair Goods Switches, Pompadours, Men'
Toupees and Wigs; best quality; lowest prices;
send for free price list; mail orders a specialty.
Paris Ualr Store, m Washington BU KM lata.