Lexington wheatfield. (Lexington, Or.) 1905-19??, March 01, 1906, Image 6

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    Or the Days of Daniel Boone
l t :'r-.
Allan Norwood had moved silently
away anrfValked along the bank of the
river. A he was proceeding slowly,
looking for some indications of an In
dian trai'iN Vesuvius ran by him with
his nose WJlie ground and did not stop
until he haioibe J'ufte .4mi.&& th
water's edge; be then jsieened at fault,
swam Into the water and barked,
Attracted by his conductuAIlanjcare- jn grounijs, - Watch him, and slioofc him down on
fully approacHea itie-'spot' tJpon mok- -'There is," returned " Allan, after a ti,e first appearance of treachery," re
lng a Critical, wiwliatijltled kPRB,,.. -FwuiohnB t '0:h-bi .wig- Kentou; , , . :,:,' .-..,'
and shrubbery, he perceived that they warn, who. fnlks, , it , is j5aid,,pf making , nAild w'hat ,is your., opinion?" asked
had been bent ,dbwi and ftP$dfc upon.. Jar$ jrcheaot land, ;IW;yoU,knv jBojine, turning to Allan. : .
and immediately concluded that a light niftr?'; t ... . VI iieur, with! Mr.. Kuutori.". -i ' ,
boat or canoe had been drawn up there "Mr white, brother is. inquisitive; he "You, are-wrontr. all of you!" exclutm-
and launched again. The young .'maw
quick la his .decisions and deeply earnest
in whatever,, enterprise, he engaged, , In,
spoke kindly" 4d eoburiugly.ao..:he
dog and proceeded down the river 'at a ;
more rapid pace. Vesuvius, ipqked after
him a moment, as if doubffuj hich
direction his duty lay, and then followed,
keeping close to the water's(edge.
The singular request of J51nnd,,to
have the whole affair 'of the pursuit of
the Indians and the recovery of Rosal
the committed exclusively to his hands,
bad not been without its influence upon
Allan. ' It had aroused all his energies
and caused him to feel justly indignant
that the Frenchman's assurance should
extend so far. In consequence of this
feeling and the impression which Miss
Alston's beauty had made upon him, he
resolved to make every effort in. his
power to unravel the mystery that now
hung over the fate of the maiden.
He moved on like one in a dream.
Rosalthe was in danger, it is true; but
had not fortune so ordered it that he
should be her deliverer? Had he not
read of such things a hundred times in
books? He was young, strong and dar
ing; he would discover her, in a position
of great danger, and save her, after
achieving unheard of exploits.
Daniel Boone, Simon Kenton or Joel
Logston would have reasoned rather dif
ferently and seen things in another light,
unquestionably; but they could not have
drawn more vivid pictures than did Al
lan. '.
When the mind is occupied with great
and hopeful subjects, time flies quickly;
and an hour with Allan was such a
mere fragment that it passed unnoticed;
although during that period he had walk
ed several miles through a tract of coun
try so delightful that it called up the
idea of another Eden, planted upon Ken
tucky river. Allan stopped, and leaning
upon his rifle, contemplated the beauty
of the scene. A low, warning growl
from Vesuvius caused him to turn his
eyes in another direction. An Indian
was standing beneath the spreading
branches of a patriarchal oak. Allan'
first impulse was to cock his rifle; but
the Indian calmly pointed to his own,
which was reclining against the tree
within his reach, and the young man
felt assured that his intentions were not
hostile. The red man was the first to
"Son-of the paleface, fear not. Had
Otter-Lifter intended you harm, you
would have ceased to live already; for
his eye has been on you for a long time,"
eaid the Indian, in very good English.
"I feel that the words of the red man
are true," replied Allan, adopting the
style of speaking characteristic of the
Indian races.
"Whence came you, and where do you
go?" asked Otter-Lifter.
"I am from Boonesborough," said Al
lan. "One of our young maidens has dis
appeared from the fort"
, "The paleface Is bunting for her?"
"And you suppose that some of my
people have stolen her away?"
"That was my thought," replied Al
lan. Otter-Lifter looked searchingly at the
. young hunter, and said:
;,i "Men who have red skins can tell
truth as well as those who have white.
If one of your maidens has been car
ried away by any of our people, it Is
something unknown to me."
Allan could not help being struck with
the noble bearing of the Cherokee. He
had beard him spoken of by Captain
Boone as one who condemned and de
spised the cruelties of his race, and h
felt that he had good reason to congrat
ulate himself that he had fallen in with
a chief so celebrated for his love of jus
tice and humanity. ... '.
Otter-Lifter was a remarkable man.
He had raised himself to renown as a
warrior without ever having killed wom
en or children or prisoners. His friend
his word and his rifle were all he cared
for. He said the Great Spirit, when
he made all the rest of the animals,
created man to kill and eat them, lest
they should consume all the grass; that
to keep men from being proud he suf
fered them to die aso, or to. kill one
another and make food for worms; that
life and death were two warriors always
fighting, with which the Great Spirit
amused himself.
"You are In danger here," added Ot
ter-Llfter. "Return to the big wigwam
or you will perish at the hands of my
warriors. Go, paleface, go in peace, and
tell your people that there is one among
the red nations that loves mercy." ,
"You speak like a great chief," said
Allan; "but how can I go back without
tha maiden? Her friends are sad; all
hearts are heavy at the great fort."
"Otter-Lifter has spoken. He knows
cothlnir of the paleface maiden. Is U
not endu'ghF' rep fled" tfie Cherokee with
"It is possible that some of your war
riors have carried her away without your
knowledge," returned Allan.
"Then they shall carry her back,"
said the Cherokee grimly.,, "I would;
lam 'iwre w imnvo nun' iu irniciica, ...
though thy -.are ..driving vus from- oat
lands and destroying our glorious hunt-
if'lS -mjr.'ftDinl'tWt lOai.:. 'If'lie"
has assured you that he knoVs, nothing
of Miss AlstonT I ara.'for dno.-lnbllaed ,
"to believe him on lil Boone.' "'i "
n : .,tben, can..)e.acoomp.isheu7;rrte- MtiCn f,IVOC VmiQP til
.in wnat direction shau we-ioo tor uie1 V.UIICI I HC-IMOU II , r vaiv-i -w
.jroung lady?" 'oo'ntmuod 'Alton earnestly.
"Those are 'difficult questions. If a
riumber of us leave the fort in search of
ttosaithe, that very moment i will- prob
ably be the signal for an attack .by' our
.nemiea," replied Boone. . A
. i He. made, a treatura' for .Knton and
logston to approach, Le Bland being at
Jiiat 'moment busily eugagcuy with .Mr.'
Alston., ..;,. ,..,.'' ".V:
?The Information which Allan . 'had
brought was. briefly .stated1, and'' for a
ikotv by
short' space not a word wa'.'.spo
either party, each striving to find out
Br some mental process what '.was best
to be done. ' v:
"It's my opliiion," said Joel Logston,
at length, "that the Frenchman had bet
ter' l)e' done for;. What do you think.
Kenton 7'-
spea-ks-oMhtit whieli does not concern ed VL'ogstou." "Why 'not stop the mis
him. What cares Otter-Lifter about the chref -....i.m. ii,-''. .oim.ortuu.lhv . to dn
Frenchman's schemes? tflie-,U ;trea What satisfaction can you get
ing;r Jaodsl, is the thief to the Gliero- he-n. bKlMl the Wyabdbts and 'the
kees .ft Woman that he should tell all hq Miamis and, a lot of his own kind down
knows fo every one that asks, ,him,?"i , ;-' fUppn us lil ; sufficient numbers to "eat us
v ."1 meant no ottense, said Allan.
was drily yesterday that the Frenchman
had a-' talk with the missing maiden, and
he used language that I liked not.
"He is called among my people Shois-
ka, which means Smooth-Tongue," re
plied the Indian, with a disdainful smile.
And without another word walked swift
ly away. Norwood gazed after him a
moment, and then turned to retrace his
steps to the fort. He had accomplished
about two-thirds of the distance, when.
feeling somewhat fatigued, he sat down
to rest a moment.
Suddenly Vesuvius started up and
sniffed the air and at the same time
Allan caught a glimpse of a human
figure moving hurriedly among the trees.
He Immediately concealed himself behind
a log as well as he could, and putting his
hand on the neck of his canine com
panion, kept him still.
The figure approached and proved to
be that of a white man. Allen was
about to rise from his place of conceal
ment when another party appeared and
caused him to forego his purpose. The
second comer was an Indian, and the
two advanced to within a few paces of
our hero.
"Where Is Smooth-Tongue?" asked the
Indian, rather indifferently.
"Hasn't come. I've been waiting a
long time," replied the white man.
The white man was. Silas Girty, an
individual well known to the settlers of
Kentucky. He was a faithless, treach
erous fellow, celebrated for nothing save
being friendly to the Indians, and incit
ing them to acts of aggression and cru
elty. He led many of the attacks that
were made upon Boonesborough and
Harrodsburg. His companion was a
chief of the Miamis, called the Little
Turtle, a character also mentioned in
the annals of frontier warfare.
"Are the Miamis ready to make an
attack?" asked Girty.
"The bold Miamis are ready; they are
always ready when the warwhoop sounds
along the border," said Little-Turtle.
"I have seen the Wyandots they are
ready also. Why should there be any
more delay about the matter? For my
part, I don't see no use in it; every hour
that goes by without being improved is
an hour lost. People will say that we
make war like women and not like men."
"The chief of the Miamis is ready to
lead his warriors to battle. Let the
Wvandots come on, and we will level
the big wigwam with the dust."
"You talk well; you are a wise chief;
but the Frenchman comes not according
to his appointment
Girty and Little-Turtle waited a short
time longer, and then walked from the
spot Allan arose hastily from his place
of concealment, and returned to the fort
without loss of time.
all. 'at two -bites? ! Whrtt oit- airth-will
he;care for your watching arter he's
done jest' what he wants' to do? Why
not put a. stop to it now? Thrust him
Into one of the block-houses and keep
him there," ' ' '
"There is much reason and good sense
in what you say, Joel," returned Captain
Boone, thoughtfully. "You are about
right, I believe, all things considered. I
am sorry that anything of this kind
should have happened among us, but I
can see no way to avoid it now. Mr.
Alston will feel deeply nggrieved, and
discredit the whole story of his treach
ery. But what s the use to falter when
duty points the way, and the lives of all
are depending upon promptness of ac
tion? Kenton, you and Logston may
cage Le Bland as soon as you please.
Put him into the black-house and leave
him to his pleasant reflections."
"It'll be the best job I ve done for a
twelvemonth," said Joel.
The Frenchman and Mr. Alston were
conversing earnestly when the parties
"There has been too much delay about
this business!" exclaimed Le Bland,
turning toward them.
"That's jest what I think," replied
Joel, dryly, laying his great hand on
the Frenchman's shoulder. "Come with
us, my lad."
"What do you mean, sir? asked Le
Bland, the blood suddenly forsaking his
face. -
"This way," added Joel, tightening his
grasp, "this way, my gentleman." .
Mr. Alston looked at Captain Boone,
then at Allan, and then at Kenton, ev
ery feature expressing supreme astonishment
"I see that you are surprised, Mr. Al
ston, but it is necessary that this per
son's liberty should be curtailed, at least
for the present," said Boone, calmly.
"And he may thank his stars that it a
no worse than 'that," added Logston,
dragging the Frenchman away.
"I am not only surprised, but indig
nant," replied Alston." t
' "I am sorry that you feel so about
It, but I am only doing what my con
science approves," returned Boone.
"Tell me my crime. What base villain
has slandered me?" cried Le Bland,
struggling vainly in the hands of Log
"Treachery is your crime," returned
" 'Tis false! You can prove nothing,"
retorted Le Bland. "That young fellow
has a personal spite against me because
I chastised his Impertinence to ansa
Alston no longer ago than yesterday.
I dare say you can find the truth of my
assertion written upon his shoulders In
good round characters."
(To be continueu.j
;rM 1'V'
5irv. - rjfU' iS- . 1
lion. David MeekiaoH, Napoleon, Ohio, ex-member of congress, Fifty-flih
district, writes:
"I have used several bottles of Peruna and I feel greatly benefitted thereby
from my catarrh of the head. I feel encouraged to believe that It I use it a short
time longer I will be fully able to eradicate the disease of thirty years' standing."
ANOTPER SENSATIONAL CURE: Mr. Jacob L. Davis, Galena, Stone county,
Mo., writes: "I have been in bad health for thirty-eeven years, and after tak
ing twelve bottles of your Peruna I am cured." Jacob L. Davis.
w . . . , l i i f ... HHn I T .
II you (10 not aerive prompt ana Bausiauiory leauiw iruui mo uuo ui x oi una,
wri'e at once to Dr. Hartman, giving a full statement of your caee and be will
be pleased to give you his valuable advice- gratis.
AddreBS Dr. Hartman, President oi xnenartman sanitarium, uoiumDus, v.
Chlneae Girl Star at Home.
Chinese girls ns a rule are not sent
to school ; the mother superintends
their training In housework. As soon
as the girls are old enough they are
taught to cook, sew, make and mend
clothes and Indeed do all domestic
work.. But the enlightened Chinese
sends his daughter to school when near
a mission or some other school.
riTQ Permanently Cured. No fltn or nervousness
fl Id arterflr8tday'useofDr.Kllne'OreatNcrve
Restorer. Send for Free H'i trial bottle and treatine.
Dr. It. H. Kline, Ltd., 831 Arch St, l'UUadelphia, l'a.
So, There!
"Hal You refuse me, then, proud
beauty? Well, I know your reasons?
Were I rich you would be but too glad
to accept me."
"Mayhap, It Is even so, Rupert Fltz
goobler. But by my troth you would
have to be a whole lot richer than
Plenty of Time.
They were discussing the canal.
"I don't think," said one, "that Riga
low stayed down there long enough to
learn anything about conditions."
"Oh, I dunno," said another; "a man
can get considerable bit up by fleas la
less 'en twenty-four hours."
Itchlnir, 1)1 ml, Weeding, Protruding Piles. Drng
glHtfl are autliorlKt-d to reiund money If PAZO
OKNi JiKST fa.la to cure lu 5 to 14 daya. Wo.
When Norwood reached the fort he
found Daniel Boone, Simon Kenton and
Joel Logston ready to go in search of
the missing maiden. Le Bland stood
near, with brow overcast and sullen.
He gave Allan one of his peculiar looks
as he joined them.
"Imprudent young man! why did you
leave us?" exclaimed Boone.
"I would see you alone, sir," said Al
"This way, then," replied the pioneer,
"Now I will hear you."
Allan without if urther delay prdceeded
to relate circumstantially all that he
had heard.
"A white man and an Indian," re
peated Boone, thoughtfully. "I have
It," he added. "The first was Silas
Girty a man, to use a scriptural phrase,
'full of subtlety and mischief.'"
"The Indian was of small stature,
and chief of the Miamis," said Allan.
He is called Little-Turtle, and is a
dangerous fellow. They spoke of an at
tack, did they?"
Norwood replied In the affirmative,
stating as much of the conversation as
he could remember.
"The Frenchman referred to was no
doubt our amiable friend yonder," con
tinued the pioneer, looking toward Le
Bland. "I have long suspected him of
playing a double game like this. Leave
him to me; say nothing of this matter,
and we will see what can be done. He
had an appointment with Girty and the
Miami chief, no doubt,, but did not think
It prudent to go. I'm' much obliged to
you, Mr. Norwood; you have rendered
an Important service to me, and to all
the settlers. You have commenced nobly
the life of a pioneer." '
- "But what do you think of Otter
Lifter? Can his word be relied on?"
asked Allan,
The Way of It. '
The Mlsus Mary Ann, please ex
plain to me how It Is that I saw you
kissing a young man In the kitchen
last night.
The Maid Sure, I dunno how it Is,
ma'am, unless yez were lookln'
through the keyhole. Clevelund
There is more Catarrh in this section of the
anybody else In the world, I'll tell you country than allother diseases put together,
x.i m , r i and until tho last lew years was supposed to ba ,
that Cleveland L,enaer. incurable. Foragreatmunyyearsdoctorspro-
nounci;Q It a local uisease, aim presuriueuio.ai
Mnt.hBTawIll find Mr- Winilow's Soothing p..mBdl. and hv constantly lulling to cure
Syrup the best remedy totise for their children with local treatment, pronounced it Incurable,
during the teething period. Science has proven catarrh to be a constltu-
. .. . lt... nnA .lia.ati.nA .annliaa n,,,,.lttll.
tional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manu-
"Why In thunder did Eddie Ott's
friends work so hard to get him elected
to Congress."
"They wanted to send him some
place where he could talk politics all
he wished to and they wouldn't have
to listen to him." Cleveland Leader.
"Your friend Woodby left some
verses with me to-day that were very
amusing," said the editor.
"You don't say? I didn't thins ne
was a humorous poet."
"Neither does he." Philadelphia
An Exception.
"So you think they're not well
mated. I thought you always declared
that 'matches are made in heaven.' "
"Yes. but In this case there seems to
have been a mistake In delivering the
goods." Philadelphia Tress.
The Cost.
Dumlev Still paying for your auto
mobile, you say? Why, I didn't know
you bought It on the Installment plan.
Newman I didn't, DM paying
my doctor's bill that way. Philadel
phia Press.
"T have here." said the long-haired
man, "a short poem I wrote on 'Niag
ara Falls."' ,
"Weill Well!" exclaimed the editor.
"How did you manage to keep your
paper dry?" phllaaeipnia rress.
We pardon as long as we love.-
Lazy Philosophy.
Mrs. Ascum Doesn't that lazy hus
band of yours work for you at all?
Mrs. Jackson 'Deed, mn'am, he say
he ain't gwlne tor, kase he's a-trjin' to
lib up to the bible teachln.
Mrs. Ascum What bible teaching?
Mrs. Jackson He say de bible done
tell us dat "Contentment am bettah dan
great riches," so he des nacher'ly bound
ter be contented. Philadelphia Press.
Dr. Laurence I. Flick, an expert on
tuberculosis, is planning an International
convention, to be held in Washington in
factured by F. !. Chenoy & Co., Toledo, Ohio, is
the only constitution al cure on the m arket. It
1b talcen internally in doses from 10 drops to a
teaspOonful. It acts directly on the blood and
tnuu his surfaces ol the eystem. They offer one
hundred dollars for anv case it falls to cure. 4
Knnd for nlrniilara and testimonials.
Address, K. J. cujiJNJSx sicu.,ioieao,u
Sold by Drupgists, 75c.
Uall's Family Pills are the best.
Sandy Gritty George went up de
road an' told all de ladles in de way
side cottages dat I once had a castle
In France an' an nutonioblle.-
Dusty Gee ! Wld such a press agent
as dat yer ought to git on de stage..
who goes straight to work to cure
Hurts, Sprains, Bruises
by the use of
and saves time, money and gets out of misery quickly. ,jj
It Acta Like Maslc. Price, 25c. and 50c.
St. Jacobs Oil
Arid dolntj dental. work ft'l thetlmp tlmt Is
the ivcord ot Dr VV. A. Wise. In our es
tablishment are expert dentists who fliv
competent to pcrlorrn the most Iniporlant
denial operations. No matter lilt nature
oi' the work, there Is a muu here to do lu
DR. IT. A. STrHDEVAXT. Specialist on
Ch:idren'i Teeth ana-Regulating. '
Fa'Hn Bid., Third and Wmh'nirton Hm.
8 a. m. to p. m. bu.idnys io 12. Main tyx
Work Djm on Weekly and Monthly Payments
on. r. p. wise.