Lexington wheatfield. (Lexington, Or.) 1905-19??, March 01, 1906, Image 2

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S. A. THOMAS, Publisher
Id a Condensed Form for Cur
Easy Readers.
A Resume of the Less Important but
Not Less Interesting Events
of the Past Week.
Witte's cabinet is falling to pieces.
Japanese are said to be oppressing
Johann Hoch,. the modern bluebeard,
has been hanged. !" '
Minister Bockhill says he fears no
trouble in China at present.
Attorneys for the Federation officers
have Becured habeas corpus writs at
Boise. . ,
The drydock Dewey has had to put
in at Las Falmas, Canary islands, for
Wilson Mizner, the youthful husband
of Mrs. Yerkes-Mizner, has agreed to a
separation for $ 20,000.
The State department has taken up
'with the Bussian government the al
leged holding up'of postal orders issued
oy tne united states.
Congressmanen are receiving many
protests against the Hepburn-Dolliver
bill now pending. This measure is
practically a Federal recognition of
Philippine officials say the tariff re
duction on sugar will not make any
difference with the producers of the
United States, as the product of the
islands will go to China anyway.
Taft made three speeches on Wash
ington's birthday.
The Longworth's received a 'warm
welcome in Cuba.
Democrats control the senate com
mittee on the rave bill..
, One of New Orleans' largest whole
sale grocery firms has suffered a fire
loss of 1130,000.
The German reichstag has extended
the most . favored nation 'tariff to the
United States for one year.
The Canadian government has raised
$25,000 worth of flour which will be
sent to the famine sufferers of Japan.
G. A. R. national ' officers are pre
paring' for a biff time when the national
encampment meets in Minneapolis .Au-
The various foreign legations at Pa
kin are beginning to fear an outbreak
and the sentries on duty have been
doubled. . ,
John JJ. Rockefeller is said to have
been discovered in his own office trans
acting business as usual. Some of the
nest aetecuves nave been trying to lo
cate him. ' '
The New York legislative committee
has made its report. The management
ot tne Dig insurance companies is e
verely criticized. Immediately follow
ing the report eight bills were intro
duced in the legislature radically
changing insurance laws. r '
Bill Allowing Courts to Adjust Claims
for Compensation.
Washington, Feb. 23. A favorable
report was made today on Senator Ful
ton'B bill which permits owners of
sealing vessels seized lor pelagic sealing
in Behring sea to go into the Circuit
court for the Ninth circuit to recover
from the government an amount equal
to the loss they sustained through the
seizure of their vessels.
Years ago, when Behring sea was
held to be a closed sea, the United
States claimed jurisdiction over the
east half and Kussia over the Jemain
der, and sealin? was nrohihited. Mam,
sealing vessels were captured by the
two governments. The Supreme, nnnrf.
subsequently held Behring sea to be an
open sea and denied the jurisdiction of
this government bevond the th rpp ma.
rine leagues limit.
Following this. British sealers whnsn
vessels were taken by American reve
nue cutters sued and recover! from
the United States, and owners of Amer
ican ships taken by Russians recovered
from that government. But this o-nv.
ernment has never paid the claims of
American Bealers whose vessels were
illegally seized by the American' gov
ernment. It is to nav these claima
tnat tne Dill is pressed. In the aggre
gate it is not believed the claims will
exceed ?l,uou,000.
Mrs. Julia Ward Howa is seriously
Susan B. Anthony is stricken with
Russia is renewing her encroach
ments in Mongolia.
Garfield denies he promised the beef
packers immunity.
George W. Guthrie, reform candi
date, has been elected mayor of Pitts
burg. Turkey has given Germany a naval
base in the Mediterranean, though
other powers protested.
Defective McParland says the Feder
ation officials are responsible for 30
murders that he knows of.
The . congress on uniform divorce
laws asks a Federal law be passed
against "tramp" divorces.
The Ohio legislature has passed a
resolution asking its United States sen
ators to vote for the railroad rate bill.
Germany is sure to mako some trade
treaty with the United States, as the
cannot get along without our cotton
and copper.
General A. W. Greely is now in com
mand of the Pacific squadron.
The house committee on mines and
mining has agreed to recommend for
the endowment of certain state schools
for a department of mining.
A split has occurred in the Bussian
Chinese viceroys are encouraging
anti-foreign movement.
The Hungarian parliament wag dis
solved by force and will meet in defi
ance of the emperor.
Morocco Delegates Doubtful of Suc
cess of Conference.
Algeciras, Feb. 23. Although the
Franco-German deadlock remains un
broken, the opinion of the delegates to
the Moroccan conference fluctuates as
to tie results, the view today being
rather more hopeful that some solution
is possible. This is due largely to the
German attitude that an adjustment
eventually will be reached. The
American delegates also continue con
fident, despite the French and British
pessimism. Some of the delegates ex
press the view that some eonciliatnrv
movement will be made directlv frnm
At the afternoon session thp nnn.
ference settled a few minor nointa on
the bank question, including the adop
iion oi a goiu Dasis.
The Italian delegates are dispiir-ainor
the possibility of the appointment of
a number of 'the conferees as arbitra
tors for the settlement of the contro
versial points of the French and Ger
man projects, should agreement rela
tive to the maioritv .of the dtail h
Ambassador White Demists in his
optimistic view of the ultimate result
of . the conference. ' !i x '.'
, Frieay. February 23.
Washington,' Feb. 23. Preoded by
a debnte which indicated no hesitancy,
out rather a relish, in taking action
against alleged railroad comb nations,
the house agreed without opposition
today to the Tillman-Gillespie ranln.
tiou, directing the Interstate Crininmiva
commission to make an inimliat in,
quiry and reiiort regarding hIWwI ,
Biraints of traae on the part of certain
railroadB in the handling of ma I an.
oil. The resolution was not in the
form in which it passed the senate, and
will go back to that bodv for its apnnnd
Proceeding under call of mmmitiiu
... o . . . "
Doius were passed to rennirn 7R wnwh
of work annually on mining claims and
$5 worth of work on roads and trails
lor each mining claim in Alaska- allnw.
ins foreign shins to clear from Amprinan
ports without examination certificates
when the countries to which they belong
recognize American certificates of in.
spettion : to rrevent . forpi an hm it
dredges from operating in the United
otaies, except the dredgeB now at work
in the United States under contract.
Washington, Feb, 23. By a vote of
8 to 5 the senate committee on inter
state commerr e today agreed to report
the'Hepburn railroad rate bilf without
amendment, but ; the resolution re
served to the members of the rnmmif
tee ireeuom oi action concerning
amenaments ottered in the senate. By
a vote of 5 to 3. EeDublicans
ing, Tillman, a Democrat, was given
me honor oi reporting the bill. This
establishes a precedent, in that a R.
publican senate committee has given
to a Democrat control of an important
measure passed by a Kepublican house
ana endorsed bv a Kennnhf-an nrpai,
. i
It is the desire of Mr. Tawney that
appropriations shall be made available
for two years f r the payment of ex
penditures properly incurred within
that time, and at the end of that period
all unexpended balances shall' be trans
ferred to the Burplus fund, thus avoid
ing making the appropriations perma
nent. The report of Mr. Sluiw shows that
there were about 250 permanent appro
priations in 1904 and 1905. In 1004
they Aggregated $02, 000,000 and in
1905 $40,000,000. He states that he
favors the Tawney bill in the main,
but suggests a few additional amend
ments. . ,
Washington. Feb. 21. A ftnr IK
years of more or less serious considera
tion ot the subjects, the senate today
paseea tne iievburn unre fond h 1
the decisive vote of 03 ta 4. The vote
was taken after a dav dpvntpd almnaf
exclusively to desultory dbate on the
bill. Several efforts were made to
amend the bill, and the committer ni-
ctpted a number of suggestions, but
only those thus accented we incnr
porated in the bill as passed.
Officers Who Surrendered Without
Cause To Be Disgraced.
St. Petersburg, Feb. 23. Unprece
dented regulations to purge the army of
officers accused of cowardice and sur
rendering during the war for no reason
able cause were announced today by
the military organ, the Euseky Invalid.
Captive officers returning from Japan
will, unless they were wounded when
captured, be tried before courts of
honor, and unless reinstated by the
unanimous decision of their fnl inn-
officers, will be dismissed in disgrace.
"ContaBions," a frequent excuse for
surrender, will not be accepted.
The higher officers who werfi rpsnnn.
sible for the surrender of their organ
izations must secure a vindication from
a court of honor and the minister of
war. Such Cases will he snhmit.tpd tn
the emperor individually.
The troops which composed the onr
rison at Port Arthur are Mnmnt (mm
these provisionp, the responsibility for
tne surrender of that fortress falling
upon uenerai stoessel-
Men Won't Let Women Talk.
Washington, Feb. 23. Discord in r.l.P
congress for uniform divorce laws be
came so great this afternoon that Miss
annie L,eake Uummings, the sole rep
resentative Of Washington atata uUh.
drew and left for her home. Her reas
on was "the men won't let the women
talk." Of these offenders, she said,
ministers were the worst. It was earl
ier in the day. while she
speech on the "Real Canspa nf n;vn
es," that C. Larue Muuson, of Phila
delphia, asked her to cease, because he
considered her remarks "nauseating."
Condemns Export Tax on Coal.
London, Feb. 23. The British r.
port tax on coal apparently is slated for
re.uuvai in me lorthcomlng budget of
Chancellor of the Exchequer Aequith.
u uvJUb(lUUU
today that, while he declined to make
any declaration in regard to the taxa
tion until he presented thn hnd.,ot i,
considers the coal tax vicious and un
necessarily injurious to an important
industry He said that the members
of the deputation would find him anx
ious to remove it.
Thursday, February 22.
Washington. Feb. 22. K nox's miiph
discussed and long expected railroad
bill was introduced in the senate tndmr
and because of the exceptional interest
on the subject was accorded the unus
ual privilege of a reading for the in.
formation of the senators on the dav nf
At the reauest of Hale, ohai rmnn nf
the committee on naval affairs, lh hill
providing for the punishment of hazing
at me naval academy at Annapolis waB
taken up and discussed at length. Dick
advocated extreme measures, saying
mat nctmng less would accomplish the
desired result. He said! that he had
investigated the hazing-practice, and
was prepared to pronounce it "an edu
cator in hrntalitv " Ho nnn-U.-.J it
a crime out of harmony with the office
held by the midshipmen. The bill was
passed. -
Washington. Feb. 22. The. hftiirin in
day refused to adjourn in celebration
of Washington's birthday, and Ha
members participated in a general fipld
aay oi debate on the army appropria
tion Din. The speeches took a wide
range. v.
Ship subsidy was diEcusspd for an
hour by Gilbert, who took the
that ships could be built as cheaply
in this country as abroad. He asserted
that the United States possessed the
hnest merchant marine fleet of any
Tomorrow the joint resolution direct
ing the Interstate Commerce enmmia
sion to investigate the railroad, soft
and an!hracite coal and oil trusts will
be considered and moat likely adnntpd
A bill was passed reserving from dis
posal by the government Battle Moan-
tain, h. U. I he mountain is made a
part of the Battle Mountain Sanitarium
reserve. The mountain takes its name
from being the ancient battleground
between the Crow and the Sioux In
The conference report upon the ur
gent deficiency bill was agreed to.
A ioint resolution was airppd tn al
lowing Alaska teachers and employes
or tne bureau oi education to assign
their salaries.
Tuesday, February 20.
Washington. Feb. 20 Tim
listened three or four hours today to a
discussion of the dptaila nf t.h nnra
- . - r.v
ioou Din. a number of minor amend
ments were suggested, but under the
agreement to vote on all amendments
tomorrow none of them could be acted
on today. Raynor presented by request
a reply from the Baltimore & Ohio
Railroad comnanv to the c
crimination against it by the Bed Bock
ruei company, oi West Virginia, deny-
ing unfair treatm flnK Tha carta fa a A.
journed a few minutes after 4 o'clock
out of respect to the memory of the
iie nepreentative Uastor, of Pennsyl
Gallinger presented four
from residents of Oklahoma praying
for prohibition in the Drotmapil att nf
Oklahoma. The most voluminous con-
tained the names of 8.000 voters and
Gallinger said that it was 204 feet
long. One of the others contained the
names of 6,000 women, and another
those of 6,000 children. The fourth
was signed by Indians only.
ihe pure food bill was then taken
up. A long discussion of ampndmpnta
offerad by various Eenaiors ensued and
was participated ia by Lodge, Piles,
nemeuway, ijallinter, Spooner, Hey
burn, McCumber and others. Hp
way and Piles appearing for . the first
time in debate in the senate. . - ,
Washington. Feb. 20. The house nf
representatives tndav tnnlt an immuiiim
adjournment out , of respect to the
memory of Benresentative (
Castor, of Pennsylvania, after the pas
sage oi appropriate resolutions and the
appointment of a funeral committee.
Representative Castor died yesterdiay
in Philadelphia. 1
.... (
Monday, February 19.
Washington. Fl'h. IB. Thrnn hilla
were pasjed under suspension of 'the
mlea-requiring a two-thirds vote an
me nouse today.
The first makes gambling unlawful
in the territories of the United Rtats.
including Arizona, New Mexico, Okla
homa. Indian Territory and Alaska
The bill is directed particularly acainat.
( , . 0
Arizona and New Mexico, where it was
stated gambling was licensed.
The second Drov:deS additional wnrlr
tor the Census bureau by requiring eta
tistics to be taken on insurance, fish
eries, electrical industries, savings
banks and crimes.
The third appropriates S50.000 fnr
tne purchase ot 300 acres of eoal land
on the island of Eatan. nnn of t,h
Philippine archipelago. On the last
named bill a debate of two hours was
had. The others were dehated 40
minutes each.
Wednesday, February 21.
Washington, Feb. 21. Secretary
Shaw submitted a report to the house
toduy concerning permanent appropria
tions made from the general treasury,
in compliance with a resolution of Rep
resentative Tawney of Minnesota,
chairman of the house committee on
appropriations, who has been leading
the fight against permanent appropria
tion and has, a bill pending which pro
vides for abolishing such annronriatinns
except for sinking fund, international
payments and a few other fixed obliga
Proposes Terms With Regard to Mo
rocco Which Ignore Her Claims.
Algeciras, Feb. 21. France's and
Germany's projects for the creation of
a state bank in Morocco were submitted
to the conference today. Germany's
proposal created even a worse impres
sion among the French andBritisli del
egates than did last night's rejection
of the French project relative to police.
Both the French und British delegates
consider that the Gorman proposition
shows an absolute disregard of France's
position aa the largest and privileged,
creditor of Morocco, and that h raru-A
should be given every power-controlling
capacity oi the administrative body
without reference tn
claims relative to existing loans.
Other ponits witli regard to control
of the finances of Morocco also arotiBed
objections. Count von Tattenhach, the
junior German delegate, has repeatedly
expressed the view that the settlement
of the bank question was merely delay
ed by the necessity of first dealing with
the police, and this has led the French
and British delegates to the belief that
Germany was willing to effect a com
promise on the financial controversy in
return for French moderation regarding
police. They consider that H rani-p's
consent to entertain Germany's demand
in ine ponce amply proves her deBire
for the BUCCeBS of the emifori.m-o and
therefore the uncompromising nature
of the German proposal is very disap
pointing to them.
Many of the delegates of the other
powers also take a nessimistin vinw nf
the situation; but Henry White, the
head of the American rleW.it inn ia
still inclined to believe that there is a
possibility of an eventual agreement.
Washington. Feb. 19. Discussion of
the pure food bill occupied nracticallv
all of the. day in the senate. , The
speakers were Heyburn, who has charge
of the bill : Foraker. who presented a
number of amendments desired by
liouor interests: Monev. in favnr nf hia
sustitute; and McCumber. An order
was made to devote time tomorrow to
considering amendments under the ten
minute rule, and becin vnt.ino at fi
a ' w e www
o'clock Wednesday.
The president transmitted to congress
a special message agreeing with the
minority report ot the consulting en.
gineers on the Panama canal in favor
ot a lock canal.
Alleged Instigators of Steunenberg
Outrage to Have Hearing.
Boise. Idaho. Feb. 21. For th first
time in the history of the troubles of
tne western federation of Miners, its
officers will be brought ! nfn pnnrt. and
placed on trial for one of the mthjr
dastardly crimes charged against that
association, This morning President
Moyer, Secretary Heywood and George
A. Petti bone, and perhaps Steve Ad
ams, who was arrested at Haines, will
be taken to Caldwell. Attomev E. T.
Richardson, of Denver, who arrived at
Boise'' yesterday, will apppar for the
prisoners. The prisoners wilt be taken .
before Judge Frank J. Smith, and a
time wil be set for the preliminary
nearing.- . " :
The plans for .taking the prisoners'
Into court were made by J. II . Ilawley,
who has been especially employed by
-l it., t.- .1..' .r. i .. .
...v j. .mi iat.tun ciuu nil liiucty
n. K s U .4 .... t 1 .. t '. . .
n-iiv unyo uutw uuu are 10 oe , arrested. .
While at , Caldwell Attorney Ilawley
had an ;ordcr for a special grand jury
issued, and Saturday the -grand jury '
which wili'hear the evidence against
ins prisoners will be organized. ,
('In spite, (of the repeated denials of -the
Orchard confession, from .Defective- '
McParland aiid others in authority, it
is almost a certainty thai such a con- ;
fession is in the - hands of the Idaho ';
tfficials. ! Governor Gooding etated last
night over the long distance telephone-,
from Nam pa, where he had gone to at
tend a banquet, that as Boon as all of
the men wanted aru. arrested, he will
have Attorney Hawley prepare a state
ment covering the entire case. Thi.
statement, it is believed, will ha nf a
most sensational character, and will
expose the workings of the "inner cir
cle" which has flourished for 18 years.
Will Report Bill.
Washington. Feb. '20. The Philin.
pine tariff hill, which has been held un
in the sneate committee ever since it
passed the house, is soon to he reported.
The Democrats of the committee, who
were supposed to be solidly arrayed
against tha hill, held a conferpnee tmlav
' " - " T J
and two out of the five declared their
intention tn vnt.e to renort the hill
Carmack of Tennessee and McCreary
of Kentucky. Three Republicans.Jiow
ever Hale of Minnesota, Burrows of
Michigan and Brandegee of Connecticut
are opposed to the bill.
No Religious Test.
Washington, Feb. 20. In presenting
petitions against Senator Reed Smoot,
signed by thousands of women of Cali
fornia and Colorado, Perkins and Pat
terson took occasion today to define
their position on the . protests against
the Utah senator. The former said
that religious views should not be con
sidered in passing upon the qualifica
tions of a senator, and that his honesty
and attributes that command confidence
and respect should be above all else.
Patterson thought there were great con
stitutional questions to be considered.
Railroad Threat-Effective.
Washington. Feb. Si. Tha
bill permitting shipment of livestock
lor periods not exceeding 36 consecutive
hours is to be amended BO aa to elimin
ate that provision requiring railroads-
to maintain an average speed of 16
hours on stock trains. The railroads
had raised considerable onnoaitinn tn
this feature of the bill and threatened
to defeat it. Rather than run this risk,
the stockmen have urged that this nrn.
vision be stricken out and Thursday,
when be calls the bill up for consider
ation, Mr. Heybun will offer an amend
ment to this effect.
All Quiet at Pekin.
Pekin. Feb. 21. Foreigners
receiving telegrams from relativna in.
dicating that there is a feeling of alarm
abroad over the possibility .of an out
break of Chinese hostility. No disquiet
whatever is felt at Pekin. All
eigu ministers acree that th C,h noon
here, both officials and people, were
never more friendly towards foreigners,
personally, although following an inde
pendent line politically. There is no
anti-foreign movement in North China
likely to lead to hostilities. The trou
bles elsewhere are not felt here.
Makes Two-Cent Rate Minimum.
Chicago, Feb. 21. All forms if
transportation except the regular 2-cent
rate provided by Taw will be cut off by
the ruilroads in Ohio. Th sntinn pnn.
templated will deprive Ohioaus of all
reduced transportation for conventions,
of the 1000 mile books of charitv hnai.
ness, and of all round trip rates and
clergymen's rates.