Lexington wheatfield. (Lexington, Or.) 1905-19??, February 22, 1906, Image 7

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    J Ilent Ci.iinh tsyruii. 7l'i,. ii,.?Ji
I'l III Hi..n Ui.Ll I. .
T umi 11 i
u im-f imve (iiHt'ovopcd a MOW
comet," remarked the passenger who
!b Interested In itHlronoiny. "hi olden
anys tlio people nucd u regard the i
yuimmce or II comet iiH Hid lnek
"And 1 hIIII regard it iih had luck,"
replied i no Tiiruop struct num.
"Why ho 7"
'Well, the nlHlit the cornet wus dis
covered wo lost our cook."
Portland Trade Directory
Names and Addresses In Portland of Repre-
ciuuuvt: DusineBS nrms.
,1. wA'i'Z'.'.'ISSi KS"k "'v!-:'"-!'"'"''
- i" " " iHHiiini, wiime v uo.
WAdK! LANTKUNH-'welstiT Co.
lowest prlccH mi l,iintrns uml Wide
li'O. r, V ii0s,;ltv: K"l'Prter, 11.; Knit to
! 'T'r,"l'nt '''linkH Wo''li"-l, C'lurko.
1U,!r'H ?,r "", Jfer''l it vtry Enable
lirlccs. Jinjulro 276 i-ront Ht.
ritUMHKH I'l'Mlnn approval; wn itmirnntro fit In
" " nihhii mwi . j ouuuru, iurKU At Uo.
BW KKT PKAH-Hcml Kir fur pclcK. hmhkI KulrOold
Ai.t,rim.'.!,i'i!'1 kyi';h: '-yry "harti. and sliHpm as-
'" " "i'lMuvui ; vv UUUttnl, UlUfKQ Uo
CHKAM HUI'AKATOIW-Wn irimrimt ll.o IT u
MiiimrH.or lo ljulK.lwHt. Wrliu lor free caw.og.
(.N'H( M)T1I Nfl-liulTum A Pendleton, sole
" neiijiimin current cloth. Kvi-ry
- IIiIiik lii men's turn hIiIjikh, Morrison and Blxlh
VHKK LAND IN OUKdON under the Carey Irrl-
,,, innu nimo. w rite today.
Jlwiklet nnd map tree. 1). H. Cooka & Co., 251
A lilur Mt rA,.t iii.i-ii.. ..A n. '
'I "iiiwi-ui vyil-KUII.
POl Mm I'OOD-If you want your hens to la'
V,'!'r,BW wrltl' "" for ln'" partlciilnrs about I'll
JUNA J'lMJLTKV iEEDs-Aume Hills Co.
I'ortl and, Oregon.
TAILOItH-ColumWa Woolen Mills Co., Portland
Ore. La'est stylo clothes made to measure cheap,
Our seJ measurement system Insures periect lit,
Write lor Tree sumples uud prices.
1'IANOH A OIKIANS-Oldest piano house on Pi-
...v Limn,. wiK,mn ttoii i-iunos on easy payments.
W rite lor list. I,et us(Uote you a price. Allen &
ullbei t-ltaiiiaker Co., 1'i.rilaud, OreKon.
Oreiton llerhs-Kpeclllc for all Kldiifyand llludrter
troubles. Cures HACKACHIi. Price 6Uc. Trial
lr.e sent by mall lor 10c. iu stamps. Send today.
Iluman Ilalr(iooils-Swltches, rompndours, Men'i
loupeisand WIks; best quality; lowest prices
send for In price list; mail orders a specialty!
Pur s Hair Kloie, Bus WaslilriKlon St. list 1888,
A bright man with team in your coun
ty . Steady work and good wages to right
man. References required. For par
ticulars addreHS
B X Winona, Minn.
ftnnlitv. Whcan vnn faDiu nlani
Ferry's, they were tlie best on the
market. but thev hfiVA hnn Imrtrnv.
Inff PVPP alnna W! a a ra aTiuria In
ISO A HmA Annual. hMniHAillo I1!.
wawu, iitm w ait nppuvauus,
0. M. FERRY A CO., Detroit, Mich.
co Linn ci,.
Atlas Engines
Many prospective purchaser! of englnei and
boilers are under the impression that because the
Ae.'as Throttling Engine is of such high grade,
nrt Kuraiit It U Ait.J ..,!!. m u.l i
a main bearing, such as only Corliss engines of
uuicr maitci coniiin, it is necessarily or such
price that it Is quite out of their reach. This is
nnf rru An Atlaa annin. i. Li.k.. I- ..I
than any other engine, except, perhaps, one
that it made entirely in a foundry.
For your information, therefore, we give for
Throttling Atlas Engine, range 43 to 60
iiurso ruwer or
Thliincliideaenelne complete with band wheel,
eovetnor, throttle valve, and 111 regular trim
miriKi and repreienti the price delivered f. o.
b. can factory, or, If in atock at our Agenciei
t any ol the following pointi.
Norfolk, Va. Minneapolis, Minn.
Anderion, 8. C. Omaha, Neb.
Aueuita, Ga. New Orleani, La.
Montgomery, Ala. Greeniboro, N. C.
Dei Moinei, lows Memphii, Tenn.
Shreveport, La. Birmingham, Ala.
Ft. Smith, Ark, Leavenworth, Kal.
New Bern, N. C. Joplln, Mo.
Jacksonville, Fla. Little Rock, Ark.
Atheni, Ca.
Atlas Engine Works
Selling agsnclM ln all cltloi I N O I A N A PO L 1 8
P. N. V.
No. 8-06
TyHEN writing to advertisers please
1 1
mention this paper.
tow (he I'reNltlent Hlxkeil IIU Mro
lo lift a I.nru-e itrt.w.v.
It was when randilng tliat IiIh Btend-
H'SH W 1 ill it iriiii I,, tlu, (,. ,.r
clnirjlii( bear wim iiroved, Hitys Mt
CI i-.., . ui,c UL u
Utirt'8 Muazlne. It wim then tliat he
KOt lllH l)lL'eHt ItrW.'Av. wIkimii ukln lu
now ju-lzed an one of hln best tronhlet
iih well us u souvenir of
"itf Incident In hlH lift-. lfe wan ennui
ln alone In the foothills of the Itoek
' "' hud wanih-red off with his
I'llle In search if imih... f,,i.,i,,,. ,.i
ilenly on u Inie grl.Jy he wounded It,
mm uiu i!itr reireared to cover ln n
near-by thicket. As Roosevelt wn mi.
delivering to locate the nunrry from
the open the bear suddenly appeared,
no urea, tjut the bullet did not stop
tlie rush of the niuadened nntmnl.
ItlowiiiK bloody fonm from his ninnth.
uie near eharKed Btrulght at Utwsevelt
I waited until he came to a fallen
tree," wrote the hunter, "rakinir him
as he topped It with a hall whleh en
tered ins chest and went through the
cavity of his body, but ho neither
swerved nor flinched, nntl at the mo
inent I did not know that I had struck
him. He came Bteadlly on? and In an
otner second was almost unon ma. l
fired for his forehead, but my bullet
wont low, entering his onen mouth
Hiiiashlng his lower Jaw and going Into
ins neck. I leaped to one side almost
as I pulled tlie trigger, nnd through
the hanging smoke the first thine 1
Baw was his pnw us he mudo a vldmn
Bide blow at me. The nh nf ha
charge curried him past As he struck
lie lurched forward, leaving a pool of
bright blood where hlH muzzle hit th
ground; but he recovered himself and
made two or three Jumps onward, whllt
l hurriedly Jammed a eounle of cart
ridge into the mugazine my rifl
holding only four, all of which I had
fired. Then he tried to pull up, but
as ho did 80 his muscle!) swmorl and.
denly to give wuy, his head dropped
and he rolled over and over like a shot
rabbit Each of mv three hnllor hurt
inflicted a mortal wound."
The President has well earned ttir
distinction of being a successful hunter.
lie tins killed every kind of North
American big game. And yet there Is
far more discussion of the hnhttn. nnd
characteristics of wild animals in writ
ings tnan there Is record of the killlno
of game.
On Just one occasion when llvinir in
the west was Itoowevelt ln dancer ot
serious molestation. He was threatened
when ihat physical vlcor for which
he had striven had come In full meas
ure. A big brawler, mistaking him for
a tenderfoot cursed him roundlv. nnd
pointing two revolvers at him, ordered
mm to buy the drinks. Roosevelt ner.
fectly composed, made as If to comply
with the request But as he got within
reach of his tormentor, with a rush
bora of his cleverness ln boxing, he
delivered a blow on the man's law flint
stretched him full lengia on the floor.
Meantime, the pistols had gone off,
tlio bullets penetrating the ceilinir nnd
doing no harm to anybody. When the
brawler opened his eyes ho was ready
to surrender his guns and to cry for
quarter. Wherefore, be It said that
true to his laterday preaenment Roose
velt was never spoiling for a fight
but would not suffer an Insult A mnn
of his type Is not often Insulted.
Facts LVbont Erie CnnaL.
Some taxpayers still associate the
Erie canal with a mule. These errlnir
citizens forget the steam consort says
Leslie's Weekly. It was by steam
consort standard, upon which the
people of New York State two years
ago based their vote sanctioning the
expenditure of $101,000.00 for an lm.
proved Erie canal, a practically new
canai, Known officially as the Erie 100-
Ton uarge canal.
TTfl. A. ! -
vrnui uoes qiui,uuo,ooo mean? It
means that, the new Erie ennni t
4J W
be tlie most costly artificial waterway
m uio worm, it means that the Erie
canal is to cost ?1,000,000 more than
the one at Suez. It means that the
Erie canal is to cost twenty-five times
as .mueii as the Soo the greatest ship
canal on earth in point of tonnage. It
mcuuo um ujo ine canal is to cost
more tnan the Manchester ship canal
which cost a trifle of $75,000,000., It
means that the Erie canal Is to cost
Barge canal Is to cost even nmm rhn
the world's most colossal engineering
icui me x uuuiuu canal, it means
that $52,000,000 spent in the past and
$9,000,000 spent in the last decade
must be added to the $101,000,000, and
hence, that the new Erie canals when
finished In 1913, will have cost old
and new, a matter of $101,000,000 or
some $11,000,000 more than the esti
mate of the total cost nt
- .ni.i0 ju-
cle Sam's Panama canal.
Ilia Willingness.
He (laying down his nnnpr Wall T
begin to think It's true that great riches
ao not. Dring happiness.
She And yet I have no doubt you
would be glad to experiment with glid
ed misery a little lf you had the means
3f enjoying It Cleveland Plain Dealer.
Lightning very seldom strikes twice
In the same place probably becaus
the place Isn't there.
JIo Baalnen.
The friend of a young physician
started for a little western town and
promised to telegraph If the settlement
appeared to be a good opening in the !
medical line. Home weeks later the
physician received the following mes
lage :
"Come at once. All's well."
To which the physician responded:
"What's the use of coining if aU'a
(veil? I had better locate where they're
ill sick."
MnthftTa will flnrl Mr". Wlnl,i o vi
fllipf.itf (ha ,.w !( .(rxl
Hadn't liar tit Much.
Elderly Relative (to schoolgirl)
Amanda, you are looking pule. You
must not be too ambitious. Tell me
the truth, now : haven't you been burn-
Ing tlie midnight oil?
Miss Amanda (her paleness all
gorte) Why, yes, auntie, But but
not much: we turned the lumn flown
very low Indeed. Detroit News.
CITQ Permanently Cured. No flts or nervousness
1 1 IU afterflratduy'BUdeorlJr.Kllne'HOrfatNervB
Dr. i. a. mi.,., itgrBUAya
Ascum Why, I thought Crlbber one
or tne wittiest comedians on the
vaudeville stage. .Apparently you
didn't like the sort of Jokes he nsea
Reedit Oh, but I do. That's whv
I couldn't laugh at him. He and I
seem to read the same Joke papers.
rmiafleipnia l'ress.
TnkeLAXATlVKHur)Mt)Oiiinin.T,.,i.. t...
flinw. rt-iiiim minify II it 1H1 s lo cure. E
uitovjt'b signature Is on each box. 26c.
Out War Out.
"What?" exclaims the vexed wlfr
You forgot to get the tickets for the
matinee, after we have asked our
friends to go with us? O, you dummy!
Now, what excuse can we make to
them? It Is too late to get seats."
"Well," stammers the husband,
"couldn't we tell them we forgot they
were going?"
Deafness Cannot Be Cured
by local applications aa they cannot reach the
diseased portion of the ear. Tbere Is only one
way to cure clearness, and that is by constitu
tional remedies. Deafness is caused by an In
flamed condition of the mucous lining of the
Eustachian Tube. When this tube is inflamed
you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hear
ing, and when it is entirely closed, Deafness is
the res ult, and unless the Inflammation can be
tllk'Pn nut anil ttilo , 1 1 , M. . j i. " .
- --- - y" i""v iwmicu w us normal
condition, hearing will be destroyed forever-
.iii. i .. ' ""j """cu uy tniarrn,
which ia nothing but an inflamed condition of
Ihe-mucous surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for any
case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that can
not lie cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Bend for
circulars, free.
ait - nK' J-CHENEY 4 CO., Toledo, 0.
Bold by DrugidHts, 75c. '
Hall's Family l'Mi are the best.
A Deep One.
The Ardent Elephant Your beauty
ls skin-deep, darling.
Miss Hippo Oh, you, wicked flatter
er; trues.
fc' 'A jTiT1 Vl'"
only, by all
:;'-'-'"iri .-jff
front of
IWVflS.'.' .
KililSijFOHNiA Tig Syrup Cq:-
i rixzrznrnritf i . . .v xi-
iB iLii il? a ti ia i& nmrrM i
nn!Yf 11 3f tS T and. lWOilea' and the muscles throbbing with the
E?iUma- 'v' TelltftlnU be had at once- a"d " " natural to rub the
affected parts with liniments, o la, etc. This treatment does good in a way?
. . . : , v.,v nutmuausin is more man skin ripen - ir
!dHbl00danAC-r0t-be tUed eumatism ifbrought on b?
trn ' 'iiWeakr.-dneyf3i,p00r b0Wel action fitomach troubles and a gen
Should bec.irripfl nfF t-hrntirrVi
ural avenue9 of bodily waste, are
left to sour and form uric acid and
other irritating poisons which are ab
sorbed by the blood, making it thin,
weak and acrid. Then instead of
nourishing the different nerves, mus
cles, joints and tissues it fills them
With poison to produce the aches,
pains and other disagreeable symp
toms of the disease. Rheumatism
is usually worse in Winter for the
reason that cold and dampness are
exciting causes. The nerves become
excited and sting with pain, the mus
cles are sore and drawn, the joints
swollen and stiff and the sufferer
lives in intense agony; and if the
disease is not checked it often leaves
its victims helpless cripples for life.
Rheumatism cannot hp CI TTTO Tf
but it can be driven from the blood
by S. S. S. Being a perfect blood
purifier this great remedy soon pro
duces a comolete chan irp in flip m.
. . . , O w
tire circulation ? fhotliifi oun'j
Mirnii .1. a .' 13 mauc pure ana ncn, ana a9 it goes
through the bodynounshes and soothes the irritated nerves, eases the throb-
r u i
for another attack . Tin tinf maeta
t .,. . , : 7 j " , " J" UJ'"8 l ruu ineumatism away, but
get it out of the blood with S. S. S. so that the cold and dampness of Winter
will not keep yon in continual pain and agony. Special book on Rheuma
tism and any medical advice will be given free, i
From Pig to Fork.
Passerby Is that your nork down
there on the road, guv'nor?
Farmer Pork! What d'ye mean?
There's a pig o' mine out there.
Passerby Ah, but there's a motor
car Just been by. London Punch.
Vou Can (Jet Allen's Foot-Ease FREE.
Write Allen 8. Olmsted, Le Roy.N. Y., for a
free sample of Allen's Foot-Ease. It cures
sweating, hot swollen, aching feet. It makes
new or tight shoes easy. A certain cure for
corns, lngrowingnails and bunions. Aildrug.
gists sell it. 25c. Don't accept any substitute.
Too Realistic.
Mrs. Gaswell Is your niece still do
ing art work?
Mrs. Sudden-CIymer Yes, indeed.
The other day she painted a bunch of
golden rod so lifelike and natural that
it gives me the hay fever every time I
'oou at it. ijmcaeo Tribune.
I Itxnlr n (f m. IT-I1 I
If more than ordinary skill in nlavlna hr'mnc uM Hi 'ri''.$3
If more than ordinary skill in playing brings the honors of the
game to the winning player, so exceptional merit in a remedy
ensures the commendation of the well informed, and as a reason
able amount of outdoor life and recreation is conducive to the
nealth and strength, so does a perfect laxative tend to one's
improvement in cases of constipation, biliousness, headaches,
etc. it is all-important, however, in selecting a laxative, to
choose one ot known quality and excellence, like the ever pleas
ant Syrup of Figs, manufactured by the California Fig Syrup
-o., a laxative which sweetens and cleanses the system effect
ually, when a laxative is needed, without any unpleasant after
effects, as it acts naturally and gently on the internal organs,
simply assisting nature when nature needs assistance, without
gaping, irritating, or debilitating the internal organs in any way
aS Vu contains nothing of an objectionable or injurious nature!
as the plants which are combined with the figs in the manu
racture of Syrup of Figs are known to physicians to act most
Beneficially upon the system, the remedy has rrtet with their
general approval as a family laxative, a fact well worth con
sidering in making purchases.
, It is because of the fact that SYRUP OF FIGS
is a remedy of known quality and excellence, and approved by
ptvysicians that has led to its use by so many millions of well
informed people, who would not use any remedy of uncertain
S Y Jnferior reputation. Every family should have a
DOttle fif fhp rrnrmino nn UnA 1I : J . .
i " 6-""v vu iioim at an uuies, xo use
laxative remedy is rpnnirpH. Pipnp n
j -... . .wu. i. i viii.uiuci
Kcnuine avrun rr hitrc is fnr m a in tww
reDutable druwrists and that full rm
Fig Syrup Co., is plainly
every package. Regular price, 50c per
4 yie at worlt for the F. C. &P. E. It.
tJVJ,. w'amPy region, I contracted
wneumatism and was completely help
less for about four months and spent
tZtlH50-00 doctors, but got worse
III I d y5 anrd ?naJly .uit thein aid be
gan B. 8. S. I took a few bottles and
was cured sound and well. My healtS
ls no.w J?lendld, and I welrt 175
whUnn-herel8. a 17 Hving Sear m
yh0U n.ow taking S. S. S. for aouta
Rheumatism, f or two months she could
not turn herself in bed. but since begin
ning your medicine about three weeks
?I(Vnproed raPidly. and is now
arjie to sit up. I can recommend S. S. 8.
to all suffering fromRheumutism.
,Ulah, N. O. s. C. LASSITEB.
I was severely troubled with Rheuma
tism. I had it in my knees, legs and
ankles, and any one who has ever had
Kfieumatism knows how excruciating
the pain is and how it Interferes with
one at work. I was truly in bad shape
having been bothered with it for tea
years, off and on. A local physician ad
vised me to use S. S. 8. I did so. After
taking two bottles I noticed the sore
ness and pain were greatly reduced. I
continued the medicine and was thor
oughly cured; all pain, soreness and in
flammation gone. I recommend 8. S. S.
to all Rheumatic sufferers.
J. T. A nnvrrr
803 E. Greenbrier St. Mt. Vernon, o.
j .i , .
Ding muscies, and dissolves and carries
out of the system the irritating particles
in the joints which are keeping up the
pain and inflammation. S. S. S. cures
Rheumatism permanently, and in addi.
tion tones up the digestion and stimu-r
lates the different members of the bodv
t r.-n j l a, J
l" luc" 1UU uiy so tnere is no cause
i t?i . . .
At the Hotel.
Guest Didn't I telegraph for the
best room In the house?
Clerk Yes, sir.
Guest Why didn't you save it 'for
Clerk I've already given the best
room ln the house to fifty people to
night, and I thought you wouldn't like
to be crowded. Cleveland Leader.
ItohliKf, 131 ml, li'epillng, Protruding Piles. Drne-
OINTMENT la Is to cure Iu 5 to 14 days, 60c.
"I hear," said one financier, "that
Mr. Rockefeller ls bathing his feet in
the early morning dew to benefit hia
health." N
"Yes," replied the other. "Ilavlng
gotten all there is out of oil. ho la
going to try water." Washington Star.
uittt in
printed nn
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New YprkJ