GENTRY'S BARBER SHOP J. E. GENTRY, Proprietor. FIRST CLASS SHAVING AND HAIRCUTTING Agent forCrcsent Stoam Laundry Shop one door west Lexington Bank LEXINGTON, - OREGON. TCnHSHB!inilMW .P.McMILLA Strugs Stationery Qonfections School Supplies Joilet Articles Gtc. &tc. LEXINGTON, OREGON ffT 3irst Jfational 3$ank of Je ner Capital Stock $50,000. Surplus and undivided profits $70,000 C. A. RHEA, - President T. A. RHEA, Vice-President G. W. CONSER, - Cashier E. L. FREELAND, Ass't Csh'r Transacts a General Banking Business Four per cent paid on Time Deposits EXCHANGE ON ALL PARTS OF THE WORLD BOUCHT AND SOLD Collections made on all points at reasonable terms. J) LOCAL NEWS STOVER ENGINES We have secured the agency for the Stover in line Engines, Myers Pumps and Star Windmills. See us before Buying LEXINGTON ELECTRIC CO. Dr. M. A. Leach, Dentist, Heppner D, A. Porter left Tuesday for Gifford Idaho, Get Wakeley's Squirrel Poison at Leach Bros 30 cents a can.. A. D. Bechtel has sold his residence property to a Mr. Cumrnings. Three lots and residence for sal? at a bargain. Enguire at this office. T. J. Morris, of Rufus, is the guest of his daughter Mrs. A. M. McNab. Mrs. Bright spent several days with Mrs. E. D. McMillan the past week. Relinquishment on 80 acres of good! land for sale Enquire at this office. J Car Burbank Potatoes just received at Leach Bros, at $1.25 per hundred. Dr. Higgs. Specialist, eye, ear, nose and throat. Heppner, Oregon. . Miss Kittle Wilmot, of lone, is the guest of her sister, Mrs. W. P. Mc Millan. Another of those popular dances have been announced for Friday evening, March 2nd. Harry Cumrnings, the Heppner Nursery man, was in town the fore part of the week. R. L. Benge is having a reservoir constructed and will have a first class Irrigating system. Miss Mabel Tyler went to Heppner Monday where she will remain a few days with friends. Thos. Lee, who has been attending College In Portland,' returned to Lex ington Monday last. Don't buy a gasoline Engine until you see The Stover, sold by the Lex ington Electric Co. Miss Margaret Hammer who attend ed the Teachers Examination at Hepp ner last week returned Saturday. Mrs. M. R. Phelps returned from Heppner Monday last after several days visit with her son and daughter. ; Mrs. Orville Brown and Miss Ada Byers spent Saturday and Sunday on Black Horse, the guests; of Mrs. Barton.'' - : ' John B. White is getting to be a crack shot with the rifle. Last Satur day he used 33 shells . and killed 27 squirrells. Rev T. P. Graham was quite ill last week but has sufficiently recovered to attend to his duties and fill regular appointments. Wm Sutherland had the misfortune to sustain quite severe injuries by fall ing down the cellar way at The Office saloon last Saturday night. Miss Maudie McMillan celebrated her 14th birthday last Sunday and received, as a present from her parents an elegant new Wellington piano. FOR SALE Horses, broke and un broke, Hack, two Gang plows, walking plow and double Harness. Call on or address. 21-tf F.H. Gentry. If you own a steam Engine take our advice and sell it as soon as possible as the Black Horse literary society have decided that electricity is surely supplanting steam. F. H. Robingon, of lone, and Editor Warnock, of the Heppner Gazette, were In Lexington yesterday. The Wheatfield acknowledges a friendiy call. Both gentlemen were shown through the Wheatfield plant and the Electric light plant, One of the greatest needs of Lex ington is a Commercial Club or an organization of the people for the ad vancement and upbuilding of the town and surrounding country. Let some one take this matter In hand and see what can be done toward an organiza tion. John H. Aitkin, of Huntington, has announced his candidacy for Republi can nominee for State Treasurer. The following is the platform adopted by Mr. Aitkin. "1 will give a straight forward, economical, business adminis tration of the office, In accordance with our laws. All persons will be given a "square deal" and the office will be conducted In the Interest of the 1 4 This Space Reserved For W. G. SCOTT & CO. Lexington, Oregon. ? si J 9 LEXINGTON MEAT MARKET I J. V. GRIMES, Proprietor I FRESH AND SALT I MEATS SAUSAGES I AND I LARD I FISH IN SEASON. LEXINGTON, OREGON. ii 30 THE OFFICE LANE & INSKEEP, Proprietors. GENTLEMEN'S RESORT o . o . . h FINE WINES. LIQUORS AND CIGARS Sole Agents for Enterprise Beer, The kind that made Lexington Famous. D ,1 LEXINGTON, OREGON 8 whole people of our State. I am in favor of a law creating a board, con sisting of the Governor, Secretary of State and State Treasurer; said board to name and select Depositories for State funds, the interest on said funds to become the property of the State, and be accounted for by the State Treasurer. 1 am in favor of a law regulating State and private banks, and the creation of a State Bank Examiner. I am in favor of the Direct Primary law, and a strict compliance with it." Hotel Lexington Opposite Leach Brothers, store, Mrs. Dan P. Doherty, Prop. Good meals served. Newly furnished, refitted with hot and cold water. Strict attention to guests. Rates one dollar per day and upwards. LEXINGTON OREGON. R. C. HUNTER, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. All cases' attended to promptly, day or night. Office over Drug Store. Residence in Boothby property. LEXINGTON OREGON. M, E, Church South Preaching every second and fourth Sundays, both morning and evening. Sunday school every Sunday at 10 a. m. Epworth League at 6:30 . every Sunday evening. Every one cordially invited to attend these services. Rev. T. P. Graham, Pastor. F. H. ROBINSON ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW NOTARY PUBLIC Practice in all Courts. Legal business given prompt and careful attention. Land Contests, Probate Work and Conveyanc ing a specialty. OREGON IONE, C. C. CHICK, M. D. PHYSICfAN AND SURGEON Diseases of Women and Children a spec ialty. Calls answered promptly Day or Night. HARDMAN, ORECON W. J. DAVIS CONTRACTER 4 BUILDER Estimates Furnished Lexington, - Oregon Congregational Church Preaching service at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. every third and fifth Sunday of each month. Sunday School 2.30 p. m. every Sunday. Rev. J. L. Jones, Pastor. B. M. BOOHER GRAYING UNO TRANSFERRING PROMPT SERVICE REASONABLE CHARGES LEXINGTON, OREGON CARPETS I have a first class flying shuttle loom and am prepar ed to do all kinds of .Carpet Weaving. Send me your rags. MRS, C. A. MOREY, Lexington,' Oregon