Lexington wheatfield. (Lexington, Or.) 1905-19??, February 15, 1906, Image 6

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Or the Days of Daniel Boone
Allan Norwood, with a few hardy ad
venturers, had floated down the Ohio
aud Kentucky in boats and reached, af
ter encountering innumerable perils, the
vicinity of the new settlements. Leav
ing his comrades to refresh themselves
after nights and days of toil and danger,
our hero took his rifle and sallied forth
to explore the country a little and learn
how near they might be to Boonesbor
ough and Ilarrodsburg, when he acci
dentally became a party to the scene
between Rosalthe Alston aud Le Bland,
Allan was the son of a wealthy farm
er and received a very liberal education.
Naturally bold and adventurous, he felt
a strong repugnance to any of the learn
ed professions. He longed for a life of
activity. Accounts were daily reaching
Ohio, through various channels, of the
sufferings and romantic adventures of
Daniel Boone, Benjamin Logan, John
Harrod and other pioneers; and those re
markable stories made Allan conceive
the bold design of penetrating to that
wild region, to share in the excitement
and danger of a backwoodsman's life.
This resolution being formed and a
plan of operation matured, the requisite
material, in the shape of enterprising
young men, was speedily found to co
operate with him, and the perilous under
taking was achieved.
As Allan walked toward Boonesbor-
ough with its daring founder he could
not refrain from observing him with deep
interest; and he truly appeared to him
the most remarkable man of the age; for
he had explored alone the mighty for
ests of Kentucky, braving singly the fury
of the exasperated savages, who follow
ed his footsteps day and night to de
stroy him and prevent him from carry
ing back to his countrymen the history
of the most delightful country under
heaven. But thus far he had escaped
the deadly hostility of the wily sav
age, and the man of sleepless nights and
weary days, ordained by God to carry
life and civilization into the distant wil
dernesSj now stood beside our hero with
firm foot and lofty brow.
When they reached Boonesborough
Norwood paused to examine the manner
in which it was constructed. It con
sisted of a dozen cabins built of heavy
logs, ingeniously interlaced at the ends,
and separated from each other by par
tions of the same material. These cab
ins formed one side of the fort, being
highest on the outside, the roofs inclin
ing inward. Strong stockades were rais
ed around these at suitable distance,
and In the angles of the cabins block
houses of the most substantial kind were
erected. These projected about twenty
inches beyond the outer walls of th(j
cabins and stockades, and were amply
provided with loopholes. Allan, after
making these observations, remarked
"that the whole must have been the work
of considerable labor."
"You are right, young man, and it was
not only a work of much labor, but a
work often interrupted by sudden at
tacks of the savages. It reminded me of
Nehemiah repairing the wails of Jeru
salem, when his workmen wrought with
one hand and held the spear with the
other," replied the pioneer; and then led
the way to a large gate of slabs, upon
which he struck a few blows with the
butt of his rifle. Directly footsteps were
Jieard and a voice asked:
"Who dar?"
"It is one of our colored fellows," re
marked Boone to Allan, and then re
plied to the negro's reasonable inquiry:
"It Is me, Andrew."
"I doesn't know any sich white fei
Ier," was the immediate response.
"Come, don't keep us waiting; hurrj,"
rejoined Boone.
"Dat you, Massa Boone?" asked An
drew, in more respectful tone.
The forester replied that It was; the
negro opened the door, and the parties
entered the inclosure. Allan glancd at
Andrew while he was closing the gate,
and perceived that he was considerably
advanced in life, his woolly hair being
gray with age, though his figure was not
bowed by the weight of years.
"A faithful, but rather eccentric fel
low is Andrew," observed Captain
Boone. He then lifted the rude latch
and ushered the young hunter Into his
cabin. A respectable looking female met
him on the threshold, whom he intro
duced to Allan as Mrs. Boone. A young
woman of eighteen or twenty he pre
sented as his daughter Elizabeth, Nor
wood had entertained a hope that the
maiden whom he had seen In the morn'
ing might prove to be the daughter of
the famous pioneer, but when his gaze
rested upon Elizabeth Boone, although
she was fair, he could not so far master
his feelings as to realize no disappoint
ment at the discovery. A lad of about
fifteen years of age was cleaning the
tube of a rifle, and was the forester's
Captain Boone Informed his family
that his guest, who was from the State
of Ohio, had come to examine the conn
try, and hoped he would receive such
hospitality as their poor dwelling could
afford; to which Mrs. Boono responded
in an appropriate and kindly manner
and set about making preparations for
dinner. .
While the meal was being prepared,
Allan proceeded to relate the partlcu-
lars of the morning's adventure, to which
his host listened with earnest attention
"Did you hear any portion of the con
rersation that passed between the young
woman and the Frenchman?' he asked,
"I am auite certain that I heard th
latter refer to some dangsr tt an taunt
nent and pressing kind that menaced this
settlement, or the neighboring one."
"And you say, moreover, that he wish
ed to extort a promise of some kind
from her?" continued Boone.
"It was that which caused me to in
terfere in her behalf; and the promise
of secrecy I doubt not had reference
to the danger which threatens you," re
joined Allan.
"This matter, may be of the greatest
importance to us, Mr. Norwood. Were
there any names mentioned, that you can
remember?" resumed the forester.
"Yes, a name was mentioned which I
now recollect Du Quesue, I think it
Daniel Boone sprang from his seat
with a sudden and angry impulse.
"Du Quesne, did you say, sir?" he
exclaimed. "Then there is indeed dan
ger, for he Is an instrument to do us
harm. The Indians will rally around
him to crush us. I have heard his name;
he acts under the authority of the Brit
ish posts, and has been active In dis
tributing arms and ammunition among
the savage tribes."
"Allow me to Inquire who this Le
Bland is who came so near sending a
bullet through my body?" rejoined Allan.
"That question Is not easily answered,
young man. I need information on the
subject myself. He came among us
about four weeks ago. He has man
aged to make himself peculiarly agree
able to Esquire Alston, and that he
loves his handsome daughter Rosalthe is
no secret among us. The girl fears him.
What the secret of his influence Is, I
have not been able to discover."
"Does Mr. Alston favor the preten
sions of the Frenchman?" asked Allan,
"Most decidedly. Esquire Alston was
formerly a man of wealth, and could
Indulge In the luxuries of refined life.
He also has indubitable claims to a no
ble ancestry, ne married into a distin
guished family, and his daughter receiv
ed an education far superior to that
which usually falls to the lot of young
ladies. Having lost most of his wealth
by an unfortunate investment, he turned
his attention to this new country, and
had the courage to dare a pioneer's life,
but if Squire Alston has any weak point,
it is that his sweet daughter should mar
ry a gentleman."
The conversation was Interrupted at
that moment by the entrance of Simon
Kenton, a man whose name is honorably
mentioned in the annals of Kentucky
history. His face had a frank and hon
est expression which served as a pass
port to the good opinion of Allan. The
brief ceremony of introduction had
scarcely been finished before another In
dividual made his appearance in the
cabin of the pioneer. This was Joel
Logston, a man of extraordinary mus
cular power, and of whose wonderful ex
ploits tradition is yet eloquent. He was
followed by one of the largest and ugli
est dogs that ever aspired to the friend
ship of a human being.
On account of the explosive and fiery
nature of his disposition his master had
bestowed upon him the name of Vesu
vius. Vesuvius was a snappish and fret
ful cur, given to sudden, violent and dan
gerous eruptions of the lava of wrath,
when it became imperatively necessary
for all within a certain area to with
draw themselves speedily to escape In
stant worriment with tooth and nail.
This ungentle mastiff always walked
about six inches behind Joel Logston,
except when engaged in his favorite pur
suit of hunting, for on these occasions
he was invariably In advance of every
thing in the shape of quadruped or bi
Joel Logston was quite as celebrated
for his marvelous narrations and extrav-
gant style as for his physical strength.
No man of the three settlements could
tell with such incomparable self-posses
sion and coolness such stories as he did.
With this strong proclivity to exaggera
tion was combined a rough drollery and
good nature that made him at all times
very agreeable companion. It Joel naa
any malice In his heart it manifested it
self in putting Andrew in mortal fear
by causing Vesuvius to showhls teeth
and make several hostile demonstrations
toward him. Nor was Andrew the only
subject of these currish persecutions.
Mr. Alston's colored man, Exquisite Eb
ony, was another martyr to Joel and his
While Allan was partaking of the
substantial hospitality of the pioneer in
the form of excellent venison and other
wholesome aud palatable viands, Log-
Bton amused all the parties by relating
one of his recent adventures, in which
he asserted, with much modesty of man
ner, that he had no doubt slain four
teen Indians with his own hand, besides
doing to death a litter of bears of six
months, with their sire and dam. For
the truth of this reasonable statement
he appealed to Vesuvius, who answered
with a short, sharp and expressive yelp,
and then fixed his fiery eyes upon An
drew in such a threatening manner that
the latter retreated to the farthest cor
ner of the room, rolling his eyes in great
Simon Kenton, though a braver man
in the hour of danger never held a rifle,
sat Bilcnt and reserved as a young maid
en; but Allan observed that his eyes
sought the neat figure of Lizzie Boono
as she moved lightly about the dwelling,
Rosalthe returned to the fort much
perplexed aud agitated by the singular
connuci or Le Bland. .Notwithstanding
the high place which he occupied in the
estimation of her father, she had never
valued him as an acquaintance; on tho
contrary, she had never felt at ease in
his society. The cause of her aversion
to the insinuating Frenchman she could
not herself understand fully; but it was
not the less gonuino for that reason.
Encouraged by her father's good opin
ion, he had made declarations at variouH
times of the nature and tendency of
which she could not affect to misappre
hend. Rosalthe, on all such occasions,
had given no word of hope, and with a
careful regard to his feelings endeavor
ed to make known her sentiments with
out wounding his pride.
The conversation winch had transpor-
ed on the bank of the river appeared
abundantly confirmatory of her fears and
suspicions. To the young stranger who
had so opportunely appeared to assist
her she felt truly grateful; but the re
flection that she had possibly involved
him In a quarrel with a dangerous man
added much to the anxiety of her mind.
She was on the point of making known
the state of her feelings to her father,
In respect to Le Bland, when he com
menced to speak highly In his praise,
dwelling particularly upon his gentle
manners and the frankness which char
acterized him in every act In life.
I esteem him," added Mr. Alston,
'for his numerous good qualities for
the kindness of his heart, for the dignity
and refinement of his manners and for
all those noble traits which constitute
true manhood."
Rosalthe felt her blood mounting tu-
multuously to her cheeks, and tears of
regret filling her eyes. She was much
pained that a man of her father's dis
crimination should be so egregiously de
ceived in the Frenchman's character. But
she was misapprehended; for Alston, ob
serving her confusion, attributed it whol
ly to another cause and remarked, with
a meaning smile, that "she need not be
confused about the matter, for he fully
appreciated her feelings and should not
reproach her for anything that might
have passed between Le Bland and her
self, of whose honorable Intentions he:
was entirely persuaded."
And to make Rosalthe's position more
mortifying, Mrs. Alston observed in re
lation to the subject of her husband's
eulogy: "That he was a very pleasant
gentleman, and she hoped her daughter
would be so fortunate as never to form
any acquaintances less respectable; and
she should not object to her preferences
when they were so judiciously made, as
in the present instance."
Mr. Alston then hinted that he was a
man of wealth and was about to make
a large purchase of land lying on the
opposite bank of the Kentucky river.
He stated that the idea was a good one,
and would prove exceedingly profitable,
as it would doubtless quadruple In a few
years the capital Invested. Rosalthe
perceived at once that her father's mind
was filled with a splendid bubble, which
would burst sooner or later and end in
cruel disappointment. Whether her
fears magnified the danger and trial in
reserve for her or himself, time only
could prove; but it was plainly appar
ent to her that the wily Frenchman ex
ercised almost unbounded influence over
her father's movements.
It appeared to her that the time had
come to speak boldly and reveal all that
her promise did not oblige her to lock
within her own bosom. She could assure
her father that he had completely mis
taken her sentiments in regard to Le
Bland, and that she disliked him with
more real Intensity than she -was sup
posed to love him.
While thoughts of this nature were
passing rapidly through her mind, the
door was opened by Ebony, the colored
servant, and the subject of her thoughts
entered the cabin. He glanced quickly
from one to the other, greeting them
with his accustomed suavity. He took
a seat near Mr. Alston and conversed
with him in that peculiar, agreeable, easy
and confidential manner which had so
won upon his esteem.
Rosalthe could overhear but little ot
what was said, but she often caught such
words as "land, loans, investment,
which induced her , to believe that the
land speculation was the one under dis
cussion. Le Bland finally arose and approached
our heroine aud said to her in a low
"Pardon my earnestness this morning,
My desire to save you from what ap
peared a pressing danger made me, I
fear, somewhat rude. I am happy to
say now that I was not correctly inform
ed in regard to Captain Du Quesne and
his Intentions. You may sleep in safety,
fair Rosalthe, and rest assured that there
is one who will shield you from Indian
Then you free me from my position
returned Rosalthe.
No, gentle Rosalthe," he answered, In
his most engaging tones. "I cannot ab:
solve you from your promise; for speak
ing of the subject might produce unnec
essary alarm. Moreover, I design to
make further Investigation oi tne matter
and learn the real extent or tne dan
ger, if any exists, your father shall be
rtulv and nroDer V lntormea oi every
thing. Take vour accustomed wants as
though nothing had happeneu, Deing
careful not to go too far away from the
fort, nnd T nrouiise not to interrupt or
you, or speak In relation to any suojeci,
not nirreeable to VOU. ueai wim uie imr
lv and truly, and you snail not imve uu
occasion to regret u, j
(To be continued.
V Reason of It.
nnhimrfwiint. so hard at work
lust before Christmas?
Cnrsone That's just wny. air wuu
threatens to buy nie some absurdly
exitenslve Christmas present, so I'm
mnklng a little extra working over
Don't tack a fancy name on a kid,
It makes hlni a target for his cow,
One Third
lit m I I
price of can
Send postal
A Twice-Told Tale.
A Massachusetts lawyer has a notori
ously treacherous memory for details.
This failing occasionally lends him to
garble a Joke In repeating it. Recent
ly he met a friend, who, clapping him
upon tho shoulder, said enthusiastical
ly: "Well, old man, this is a fine day for
the race, Isn't It?"
"Why, what race"
"Tho human race," said tho friend
and fled.
This was the first time the lawyer
had ever heard this very ancient Joke,
So he determined to get it off on tho
. , . . aii.
next mau he met aud ho did, in this
"Hello, Godfrey, Isn't this a flue day
for the trot?"
"Trot what trot?"
"By gad," stammered tho lawyer,
"I swear there was a Joke there, but I
can't find it now!" Lippineott's.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Has surpassed all other medicines, in merit,
sales and cures. '
Its success, great as it has been, has ap
parently only just begun.
It received more testimonials In the last two
years than any previous two over 40,000.
It has the abiding: confidence of the people
the strongest proof of Its unequaled worth.
It purifies the blood, cures all blood dis
eases, all humors and all eruptions.
It strengthens the stomach, creates an
appetite and builds up the whole system.
It cures that tired feeling and makes the
weak strong.
In usual liquid, or In new tablet form.
100 Doses One Dollar.
Strange to the Country. ,
Farmer Skinner (who takes in sum
mer boarders) "I wuz Jest a-readln'
about that Callforny wizard, Burbank,
an b'gosh, he kin cert'nly do wonders
in growin' strange kinds uv veger -
The Bravest Boarder "Has he suc
ceeded in producing canless peas or uu-
preserved tomatoes?" ruck.
The black flasr is an emblem of
fev an army, the order has gone forth that "no quarter " will be given, ev
J . . . . , . . , i 1-1, ii
erything must be destroyed, iieipiess women anu emiuren, aa wen as oppos
ing soldiers, meet the same fate, and a trail of desolation, suffering and
death is left behind. Contagious Blood Poison is the black flag of the great
army of disease. This vile disorder is known as the blackest and most hide
ous of all human afflictions, overthrowing its victims and crushing out the
life. It is no respecter of persons ; no matter how pure the blood may be
or how innocently the disease is contracted, when this awful virus enters the)
circulation the hideous, hateful and humiliating symptoms begin to appear,
and the sufferer feels that his very presence is polluting and contaminating.
Usually the first sign ot the disease IS a little sore or ulcer, but as tne Diooa
becomes more deeply poisoned the severer symptoms are manifested, the
mouth and throat ulcerate, the glands in the groin3 swell, a red rash breaks
out on the body, the hair and eyebrow3 come out, and often the body is cov
ered with copper-colored spots, pustular eruptions and sores. In its worst
stages the disease affects the nerves,
tumors to form on the brain, produc
ing insanity and death. Not only
those who contract the poison suffer,
but unless the virus is driven from
the blood the awful taint is handed
down to offspring, and they are its
innocent victims. Blood Poison is in
deed a "black flag." Mercury and
Potash, so often used, never can cure
the trouble. These minerals merely
drive the symptoms away for awhile
and shut thedisease up in the system,
and when they are left off it returns
worse than before. This treatment
hot only fails to cure blood poison
but eats out the delicate lining: of the
Stomach and bowels, produces chronic dyspepsia, loosens the teeth and fre
quently causes mercurial rheumatism to add to the patient's suffering.
S. S. S. , the erreat vegetable medicine, is the conqueror of this vile disease. It
goes down to the very root of the trouble and cures by cleansing the blood of
every particle of the poison. S. S. S: does not hide or cover up anything
DIIDC1V UCPITTflniC is not purely vegetable. When the blood
rUnHLY LUu I nULti Ja purlfied and strengthened with this
great remedy the symptoms all pass away and no sign of the disease is ever
6een again ; nor is there left the least trace to be handed down to posterity.
Special book with instructions for self-treatment and any medical advice de
sired will be sent without charge to all who write.
as Good
the Cost
Every day is bargain day in the
Wave Circle. Come in and get ac
quainted. K C will help you "cut
down the living expenses and make
doctor's bills a thing of the past. Do
you realize that you can get the best
and purest baking powder in the world
at one-third what you've been paying
for anywhere near K C quality. A 2$
ounce can costs 2C. Think of the saving!
Can you make money any easier ? Get
it to-day. The grocer returns the
if you are not sausnea.
All Grocers
for the beautiful
of Pretenti."
Delwecu Friend.
Mnyme Fred says when we are mar
ried I can have everything I want
Edyth Poor fellow ! Ho Is evidently
up against an awful delusion.
May me Why, what do you mean?
Edyth Ho Imagines you have money.
Deafness Cannot tie Cured
by local applications as thoy cannot reach the
dneaHed porilim of tho ear. 'iliere Is only ono
Way lo euro deaintiBH, and that 1m by coimtltu
tlcmal remedies. peatnusH Is causi-d by an ln
llami d condlilcin of the mucous lining of tho
Eustachian Tube. When this tube Is inhumed
ou have a rumbling sound or lmperioei near
us. and when It Is entirely closed, Deafness ll
the result, and unless the till animation can bo
tBkeii out and this tube ro-toied to its normal
condition, hearing will be destroyed forever;
mot! casus uu i ui leu are I'nund vy vnii.nu,
Wbich Is nothing but an iullamcd condition oi
i the-mucous surfaces.
case ofPeafnegBfcnusud by catarrh) that can-
not be cured by Hull's Catarrh Curo. Bend for
circulars, free.
K. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, 0.
Sold by DruiridKtH, 75c.
Hail's Family 1'lHs are tho best.
Ill Money' Worth.
"Doughnuts," suid the baker, "are
ten cents a dozen and the crullers are
the same price."
"I didn't know," said tho customer,
"that there was any difference be
tween 'doughnuts' and chullers.'"
"Oh! yes; crullers have holes in the
center, while the doughnuts "
"Gimme doughnuts; I ain't spend
in' my good money for holes." Cath
olic Standard and Times.
Her Little Mlnlake.
"Excuse, mndame," he said, "but
ah you remember, In the restaurant.
after the theater, the other night, you
were kind enough to . notice me. I
hope I am not mistaken In supposing
that your Interest was ah not alto
gether "
,"Oh, no, not at all. I remember
now. I thought for a moment that
; you were the coachman my husband
1 discharged a few weeks ago for try-
ing to make love to the cook, and I
wondered how you could afford to eat
In such an expensive place." Denver
horror and dread. When it is hoisted
attacks tne bones ana sometimes causes
Several rears ac-o I had blood noison
and my flesh was in an awful condition.
Great sorea would break out and noth
ing- I put on them would do any Rood.
my n air ana eye orows ienouianax wag
a rrig-m." my mouin wa bo sore j;
had to live on milk and water. I took
Mercury for a long- time and instead ot
getting- better I continued to grow:
-worse and my arms and hands beoame
solid sores. My leg's were drawn so X
could not walk and I felt that my time
was short here if I did not get some re
lief. I began to use your S. S. B. and it
helped me from the Btart. After taking
it awhile the sores all healed, my rheu
matism was cured ana to-day I am a
strong, well man. It got all the mer
cury out of my system and it cured ma
sound and well. ADAM BCHNABEL, '
Evansvllle, Ind. No. Sll Mary St,
DUi clears tne enure circulation oi xne
virus and puts the system in good
healthy condition. It cures safely as
well as certainly, because there is not a.
particle of mineral in it. We offer a re
ward of 1,000.00 for proof that S. S. S.