Lexington wheatfield. (Lexington, Or.) 1905-19??, February 15, 1906, Image 3

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Questions To Ba Submitted to People
for Their Decision.
Salem The last day for filing initia
tive measures in the office of the secre
tary of fltate has passed and Biz mean
urea were added to the four already on
file. The bills and proposed amend
ments to be voted upon are as follows:
The $1,000,000 appropriation bill
passed b the last legislature and held
up by referendum petittions.
The local option bill proposed by the
Liquordealers' association as an amend
ment to the present local option law.
The bill filed by the owners of the
Barlow road, requiring the state to buy
the road for the Bum of $24,000.
The proposed constitutional amend
ment filed by the Equal Suffrageleague,
extending the elective franchise to
A bill by the People's Power league
making it unlawful for public service
corporations to give passes or free or
reduced rate service to public officials.
A bill by the State grange, levying a
license tax upon the gross earnings of
refrigerator and sleeping cara and oil
A constitutional amendment proposed
by the Peoplo'a Power league to amend
Bection 1 of article 12 so that the pub
lic printing will be entirely within the
control of the legislature, and may be
let by contract, or a printer elected or
appointed, upon a salary or other com
pensation. An amendment propoped by the Peo
ple's Power league to amend article 4
of the constitution so that the referend
um may be demanded upon any item or
section of a bill and extending the
rights of initiative and referendum to
An amendment proposed by the Peo
ple's Power league to amend sections 1
and 2 of article 17, so that one legisla
tive assembly may submit constitution
al amendments, and that when the vote
upon an-amendmentbas been canvassed
by the governor and a majority iounn
in its favor he shall proclaim it adopt
ed, and it shall then be a part of the
constitution, bevond the power 'of the
courts to pass upon ; also that no law
for a constitutional convention shall be
in force until approved by a vote of the
' An amendment proposed by the PeO'
pie's Power league to amend section i
of article 11, giving the legal voters of
a municipality power to frame and
adopt their own charters, and forbid
, ding the legislature to create municipal
Large Depot at Austin.
Sumpter The Sumpter Valley Rail-
Toad company has just finished an 80
foot depot at the terminus of the road
now known as Austin station. Much
freight is received at that point, neces
sitating a larger depot than is generally
found at other stations on the line of
the road. A few other buildings have
been erected at Austin and the place is
beginning to assume the proportions of
a village. There ia no authenticated
report current as to whether the Sump'
ter Valley intends to extend its line be
yond that point during the coming sea
eon or not,
Klamath Horses Sell High.
Merrill J. Frank Adama has just
Bold 100 head of horses to Charles
Stewart, of San Francisco, for prices
Tanging from $100 to $150 each. Mr.
Stewart purchased the horses to take
to San Francisco and perhaps a large
portion of them will go to Honolulu or
be transorted for service in the United
States army. Sixty head of the ani
mals brought $100 each and 40 head
were sold at $150 each. They averaged
from 1,250 to 1,500 pounds each, and
some of them were only halter broken.
This ia considered a good price.
Range Horses Die by Score.
Eaker City It is reported here from
the ranges of Baker county that scores
of horses, turned out by their owners
to feed themselves during the winter
months, have starved to death, while
many others are in a most pitiable con
dition. This is caused by the unusual
ly deep anows, which prevent the ani
mals from reaching the dried grasses of
the ranges, on which they usually de
pend for their winter snbstenance.
Buying Heavy Draft Horses.
John Day J. D. Combs, a local
buyer, has been picking up a "ood
many horses during the past week for
the Willamette valley trade. He pur
chased, among other .heavy draft
horsea, the fine te&m owned by Senator
Lavcock. psyhig therefor the sunof
$350. This team is generally thought
to be the beBt in Grant county, and
will probably be sold in Portland.
PriceB generally are good.
Money from State Land.
8a!em The State Land board haa re
ceived from the sale of public lands and
interest, on behalf of the public school,
the Agricultural college and the uni
versity, funda during January $74,
138.76. The money has all been turn
d into the state treasury.
Government Work and Immigration
Stimulates Klamath Line.
Klamath Falls Inf rmation received
at Klancath Falls indicates that the
Klamath - Lake railroad, connecting
with the Southern Pacific at Thrall and
extending to Pokogama, recently ac
quired by the Weyerhaeuser Lumber
company, will be practically recon
structed during the present year, track
laid better to enuble the line to com
mad traffic of the Klamath Falls region
for some time, while also better serving
the purposes of its new owners in the
development of lumber industries.
Four new locomotives have been order
ed, a new passenger coach and a num
ber of cars are to be purchased, which
is understood to be indicative of the in
tentions witn reference to the railroad.
No official information is had as ' to
the intentions n the way of adding
mileage, but it is known that investiga
tions made before the acquisition of the
property were with a view to determin
ing the traffic assured by reason of the
government work in constructing the
canal for which Mason, Davis & Co., of
Portland, now have the first contract.
With absolute knowledge of the ton
nage of traffic that was handled during
1005, and its great increase over the
preceding year, and an additional ton
nage for the next year that will surely
double the commodity traffic of 1905,
to say nothing of the immigration that
will mean a great deal of business, the
railroad officials feel more thn justi
fied in large expenditures and will com
plete their protected work at trie ear
liest possible date.
Operate Eugene Mill.
Eugene Final papers have been
made out in Salem for the Bale of the
Eugene Woolen mill to a Salem organ
ization, to be known as the Eugene
Woolen Mill company. The Thomas
Kay Woolen Mill company of Salem is
the principal stockholder. John P
Wilbur and Will Wright, of Union,
Or., more than a year ago purchased
the plant at a receiver's sale. The
company which haB just bought it an
nounces it will have the mill running
within 60 days. The plant has been
idle about three years.
Use Sagebrush Fuel.
Salem W. E. Burke, of Harney
county, representing the.Portland Land
company, was before the State Land
board at its last meeting arranging to
perfect proof of reclamation for about
9,000 acres, under the Carey act, in
Harney county, near Burns. This com
pany will obtain water from wells by
pumping, using sagebrush or fuel to
generate the steam power.
For Experiment Station.
Echo The United Statea government
haa decided to establiah an experiment
station of 46 acres on the East Umatilla
irrigation project. ' Land will be Bet
apart fur this purpose.
Wheat Club, 70 71c; blue
stem, 7273c; red, 6768c; valley
Oats No-l white feed, $28; gray
Barley Feed, $2323.50 per ton
brewing, $24; rolled,' $2425.
Buckwheat $2.25 per cental.
Hay Eastern Oregon timothy
$13.5014; valley timothy, $910
clover, $7.508; cheat, $78; grain
hay, I78 per ton.
Fruits Apples, common, 75c$l per
box; choice, $1.21.50j fancy, $23
pears, $1.251.50 per box; cranber
ries, $1313.50 per barrel.
Vegetables Cabbage, 22jc per
pound, cauliflower, $1.85 per crate
celery, $3.50 per crate; pumpkins,
(gic per ponna; sprouts, o7c per
pound; squash, llc per pound
parsley, 25c; turnips, 90c$l per sack
carrots, 6575c per sack; beets, 85c
$l per Back.
Onions Oregon, No. 1, $1.101.25
per sack; No. 2, 70r$l.
Potatoes Fancy graded Burbanks
60c per hundred; ordinary, nominal
sweet potatoes, 2J42Jc per pound
Butter Fancy creamery, 2730c
per pound.
.tiggs uregon rancn, zaZ4c per
Poultry Average old hena,ll12
per pound; mixed chickens, 1010c
broilers, 1517c; young roosters, 10c
old roosters, 89c; dressed chickens
1314c; turkeys, live, 1617c; tur
keys, dressed, choice, 1820c; geese,
live, 9c; geese, dressed, 1214c
ducks, 1618c.
Hops Oregon, 1905, choice 10(2)11
per pound; prime, 89cj medium
78c; olds, o7c.
Wool Eastern Oregon average best,
1621c; valley, 2426c per pound;
mohair, choice, 30c.
Beef Dressed bulls, 22c per
found; cows, 3 4)c; country
steers, 45c.
Mutton Dressed, fancy, 88c per
pound; ordinary, 45c; lambs, 7
Veal Dresaed, 88)c per pound.
Pork-rDresBed, 67c per pound.
Small Cattlemen Is Near at
Hand in West.
Washington, Feb. 6. The time ia
unquestionably coming when congress
will authorize the leasing of that part
of the public domain suitable for graz-
ng, but not at the present session.
The tendency of the timea is to break
down the large stockmen who have
dominated the public range in times
past and to protect and encourase the
small stockowner. The cattle baron of
the paat, like those of bis number who
still survive, had little interest in the
public welfare. His waa a war of ex
termination on the email stockman; he
had no care for the future; he looked
only to the profits of today. The result
has been, that, when allowed lull
. . ll 1 !
swing, he has aemonsueu u competi
tion, he has ruined the public range,
and haa grown rich to some extent at
public expense.
But this order of things is coming to
an end. The Roosevelt administration
no lover of the wanton cattle baron.
It perfers to see the West filled with
small stock owners, for these men be-
... i i . it
come citizens, ana goou citizens; mey
have an interest in the public welfare;
they exert an influence lor good, and
it is the purpose of the administration
to help them as far as possible. But
the process of evolution must be slow;
it cannot be accomplished in a day.
One of the most effective means of pro
tecting the small stockowner is to adopt
a system of leasing the public grazing
lands and exerting a government con
trol which will preclude monopoly and
give the settler and the small stock
owner a "square deal" in tne parceling
out of the public range. A bill for this
purpose, which in general meetB the
approval of the administration, was
drawn and introduced b' Representa
tive Lacey, of Iowa, chairman of the
house committee on public lands.
True, it stands little chance of passing
the present congress, because there is a
strong sentiment among certain West
ern senators and representatives against
the leasing of the publia domain. It
is a new departure; it ia a radical
move, and, while it is bound to come,
the sentiment against it ia sufficiently
strong at this time to defeat the Lacey
bill. But the bill serves a good purpose
it brings the leasing question before
the public; it will lead to general dis-
ussion throughout the West; it will
be instrumental in Bbaping public sen
timent, and in the end it, or some sim
ilar bill, will go through, and a mater
ial check will be placed upon the oper
ations of the cattle baron. The bill is
the basis of what in time will become
a notorious fight in congress.
Delegation Comes to Urge that Cus
toms Money Be Used There.
Washington, Feb. 6. A delegation
of Hawaiian citizens arrived here today
to appear before a committee of con'
gresa to advocate legislation requiring
three-foutba of the customa duties and
internal revenues collected in the terri
tory to be' expended on public worka
It is said $1,200,000 a year, equal to
$8 per capita of the population, is
taken out of the territory, which the
members of the delegation say consti
tutes a heavy drain on its resour-es
The members of the delegation include
W. O. Smith, attorney general of the
island before the annexation; George
W. Smith, president of the board of
supervisors of Oahu county, in which
Honolulu ia situated; Mark B. Robin
son, J. R. Gait, E. A. McQuerny, D
H. Case and A. B. Loebenstein. W. O
Smith, the chairman of the commiS'
sion, in speaking of the visit of the
delegation, tonight, said:
"We ask nothing for the exclusive
benefit of Hawai?. We are here to ask
that 75 per cent of the customs duties.
and internal revenue collected in the
territory for the next twenty years be
expended on public works. We. do not
ask a dollar for our own current ex
penses. The only benefit the people of
the islandB will reap will be that the
money spent for wages on the proposed
public works will be kept in circulation
in the islands instead of being shipped
in gold to San Francisco.
Italy Has Forest Fire.
Milan, Feb. 6. A forest fire that
started three days ago on the St. Goth
ard railroad is still burning, and now
covers 12 square miles. Several hun
dred workmen are endeavoring to save
the signal posts along the track and
peaaants are working to preserve their
homes from destruction. A number
of factories and a' chapel have been
destroyed. The big electric station at
Ancasca, near Dommodisila ia aur
rounded by fire, and several towns are
without light, and many factories have
abut down for want of motive power.
Japan to Increase Navy,
Tokio, Feb. 6. At a meeting of the
aecional budget committee today dele'
gates representing the government said
that Japan expected to j increase the
tonnage of her navy to 400 000 tons for
the fiscal year 1906-7. (
Cannot Withstand Public Hostility
on Rate Question.
Denunciations of Pennsylvania Rail
road Merger and of Coal
Roads Cause Alarm.
Washington, Feb. 10. It ia apparent
that certain railroad interests have be
come alarmed over the decided anti
railroad agitation that ia manifesting
itself in congress and in several states,
and that their friends in the senate
have been appealed to to settle upon
the best rate bill they can get and get
it before the senate for action. It
said thai the railroad interests at large
have become astounded over the oppo
sition that has devloped to them
throughout the country, and that many
of them realize that graver problems
than the fixing of a disputed rate con
front them if something is not done to
allay the spirit of hostility.
Some of the magnates believe that if
they can get the members of the com
mittee on interstate commerce of the
senate together on a bill at once it will
stop the agitation that is each day
growing stronger against what are char
acterizea as "railroad lobbies ' in vari
ous states.
The denunciation of the railroad
trust in West Virginia by Governor
Dawson in a letter to the senate, the
offering of a resolution in Pennsylvania
to investigate coal-operating roads and
the determination of many members of
congress to secure an investigation of
the alleged trust formed by the Penn
sylvsnia, Baltimore & Ohio, Chesapeake
& Ohio and Norvfolk & Western, have
excited tear among the friends of rail
roads that a remorseless crusade against
them is about to begin.
Chairman Elkins, of .tho interstate
commerce committee of the senate, who
favors the railroad interesta, and Sena
tora Clapp and Dolliver, who have been
fighting for action, held a private con
ference of several hours this afternoon
It is believed a basis of compromise is
being considered.
Will Be Converted to Suit Terms of
Next Yacht Race.
New York, Feb. 10. In discussing
the possibilities of a challenge for the
America's cup from Sir Thomas Lipton
or any forefgn Bource, and the probable
course of the New York Yacht club, on
receipt of such a challenge, says to
day's Times, the astonishing statement
was made by a prominent member of
the New York club yesterday that the
Reliance would be used in all proba
binty aa tne defender ot tee cup, even
though tne challenge called lor a race
with schooners, as has been suggested
and that to meet these conditions eh
would be converted, as it is a perfectly
practical suggestion and meets Sir
Thomas' and any other challenges
every point.
If a 70-foot aloop, as suggested by
Sir Thomas, is named as the chal
lenger, the challenge will be accepted
and the Reliance will be used as the
challenge boat, in spite of the big al
lowance she would have to give. If
110-foot schooner is named, the Reli
ance will be converted and will be still
the defender. If a 90-foot sloop is
named, it will, of course, be the Reli
ance which will cross the line aa the
defender of America'a priceless trophy
Under old rules or under new, the Ke
liance is looked upon as capable of
successfully defending the cup and will
remain the club a Reliance.
Poaching on Fund.
Washington, Feb'. 10. To the sur
prise of many senators, the Hansbrough
bill setting apart $1,000,000 out of the
reclamation fund for the drainage of
swamp lands in North Dakota slipped
through the senate today. Several
WeBtern senators were vigorously op
posed to taking any money out of the
reclamation fund to drain swamp lands
and it was their purpose to oppose this
bill, but it was called up when the sen
ate was virtually empty and went
through without opposition. It will be
fought in the house.
Grain Trust Ordered Dissolved.
Lincoln. Neb., Feb. 10. A decision
adverse to the Nebraska Graindealers!
association was handed down today by
the Supreme court, which ordera the
association dissolved. It had been al
leged that the association fixed prices
leaving the farmers to take wnat was
Great Fire Devours Elevator, Wheat
and Horses in St. Louis.
St. Louis, Feb. 5. Fire, which orig
inated in the Union Grain elevator in
East St. Louis, IH., last night, after
completely destroying that structure.
spread to surrounding buildings and
freight cars in the yards of the Termin
al association, and caused damage esti
mated at $1,250,000 before its progress
was checked. At an early hour this
morning the flames were still casting a
ruddy glare, but it is believed that the
re is well under control, and there ia
little further danger of its spreading.
A detailed estimate of the losses fol-
Union elevator, $300,000; grain in
elevator, $950,000; St. Louis Car
company, barn, $15,000, horses, $16,
500, feed, $3,000; Waters-Pierce Oil
company, $5,000; seven dwellings, $7,-
000; 20 box cara, $20,000; total, $1,
316,500. The fire originated in a brick engine
house, 30 feet away from the elevator
proper, and was discovered by the
lght watchman. Before the arrival of
the fire department, the flames had
pread to the elevator. Assistance was
sent from St. Louis, and the efforts of
the firemen were principally directed
toward preventing the fire from spread
ing to adjoining elevators and ware
houses, the Union elevator having been
converted into a furnace within a few
minutes alter it caught fire.
The heavens were brightly illumi
nated and it is estimated that 50,000
persona viewed the fire from both banks
of the Mississippi river and the bridge.
Seven dwellings were covered by
burniDg oil by the explosion of four
tank cars and entirely destroyed. The
occupants, however, were either outside
viewing the conflagration, or were able
to escape before the flames consumed
their homes.
United States Revenue Cutters Are
Cruising Off the Straits.
Victoria, B. C, Feb. 5. A special
dispatch to the Associated Press from
Bamfield tonight says the United Statea
cutter Perry landed a party at Darling
creek today and succeeded in getting
nine bodies from the beach, and also
took off Lieutenant Gromville and six
men let there the previous night. The
Perry also picked up one male body at
sea, badly decomposed.
The United States steamer Grant also
found a male body badly decomposed
and unrecognizable,, This is the 30th
body recovered. '1 The 11 bodies have
been landed at Bamfield and will be
shipped to Victoria by a tug leaving to
morrow morningi All the bodies have
now been taken from the shore at Dar
ling creek, but the searchers will re
main in the hope that some others may
come ashore, it is ienred, however,
that those noW coming ashore will be
in such bad condition that they will be
The tug Wyadda brought eight bod
ies, nve that were picked up by the
Perry on Friday and three taken from
the beach at Darling creek, a landing
having been effected from the Wyadda
this morning in a dory. The majority
are in a badly decomposed condition.
some with parts of the head and skull
missing. Both the revenue cutters
Perry and Grant will remain cruising
near the wreck in search of other bodies
that may be found floating.
Mercury Falls 65 Degrees in
Hours Railroads Blockaded.
Grand Forks, N. D., Feb. 5. Ono of
the most severe blizzards of the winter
is raging in this state. While there
has been only a alight snowfall here,
the western part of the state haa had
a general and heavy snowfall. The
win ! haa blown a gale all day and
night, and no traina have arrived from
the west since morning. At midnight
the storm was unabated, and it promis
es to tie up railroad traffic badly.
Deadwood, S. D., Feb. 5. A high
wind and driving snow all day haa
broken the summer weather here, the
mercury falling 65 degress in the last
24 hours. Tonight the thermometer
registers 10 below zero.
Many Burned in Mine.
Genesee, N. Y., Feb. 5. Fifty men
were burned, many of them seriously,
in a fire at the Sterling company'a
mine, near Schuyler today. The ex
plosion waB caused by an accumulation
of gas in the aindhouse near the sur
face. The men were coming up the
ehaft at the close of today's work when
the gas waa ignited by one f their
lampa. A blinding explosion followed.
The men were all brought to the sur
face by rescue parties. The most seri
ously injured include Manager John B.
Knox, Jr.
Many New Rural Routes.
Washington, Feb. 5. According to
the report of Fourth Assistant Post
master General De Graw, 271 rural de
livery routes were established during
January. Of the 3,468 applications
for routes now pending, 22 have been
assigned for establishment.