LEXINGTON WHEATFIEID S. A. THOMAS, Publisher LEXINGTON OREGON NEWS 0FT1 WEEK Id a Condensed Form for Our Busy Readers. A Resume of the Less Important but Not Less Interesting Events of the Past Week. Russia's financial condition has im proved greatly. King Charles of Roumar.ia is re ported to be seriously ill. . All the judges of Minnesota have re turned their annual railroad passes. Railway traffic in Eastern Pennsyl vania is blockaded on account of heavy Bnow. The annual cost of repairs and main tenance of the congressional library is $80,000. Helen Kellar, the deaf and blind girl, has broken down under the strain of work. A Belgian professor accuses King Leopold of stealing $15,0000,000 . de rived from the rubber trade with Congo. Harriman haB secured concessions from the Mexican government and will build 1,000 miles of railroad in that country. It is now probable that President Roosevelt will be called upon to settle the Moroccn dispute between France and Germany by policing the country with American troops. The United States sub-treasury at Chicago has detected counterfeit half dollars which are said to have been made in China. The required amount of silver ia contained. The lhe meat animals imported into 12 of the important countries from the United States is 84 per cent of the total imports of such animals. In the same countries the packing house products from the United States ie 45 per cent of the total. An explosion in a coal mine at Oak hill, West Virginia, caused the death of at least 28 miners. ' The Chicago council has passed an ordinance placing the cost of gas at 85 cents per thousand feet. On account of the recent turn of affairs in China the power may f not withdraw their troops as had been agreed. Chicago city council will pass an or dinance against cigarette smoking by minors. Fines are provided which are to be heavier with each euccedeing offense. Congregatinoal, United Bretheren and Methodist Protestant churches have completed a plan for a union un der the name of the United Church of America. Young Cudahy has not been able to positively identify Pat Crowe as his kidnaper. Crowe is said to have changed greatly in apppearance during the past five years. The internal revenue report for 1905 shows that the business of the Philip pine islands amounted to $195,000,000 in gldd. The amount of taxes col lected was $4,000,000 in gold. The trial of Pat Crewe, charged with robbing E. A Cudahy of $25,000 in connection with the kidnaping of E. A. Cudahy, Jr., five yearn ago has he gun in the District court at Omaha. The graves of Charles Dickens and Sir Henry Irving, in Westminstecr abbey, London, were lavishly decorated with flowers in commemoration of their birthdays, February 7 and 6 respect ively. Zero weather prevails throughout the United States east of the Rocky moun tains. Five bodies have been recovered from the wreck on the Northern Pacific near Helena. A false emperor of Russia and his suite, who have been stirring up tbe people of the Volga region, have been arrested. Fire which was started in the match 'department of a Lexingon, Kentucky, wnolesale house, destroyed $150,000 worth of property. The Canadian Pacific has issued new stock for the Northwest extension. President Roosevelt condemns haz ing, but savs the law proposed by con gress is too severe and , would cripple the navy. He auks for a modification, John E. Wilkie, chiefl of the United States secret service, Bays that the cap tain of every steamer which has been wrecked on the Pacific coast in the last three years has been found to have been fraudulently naturalized. Under the law no man can become captain of an American ship unless he is an Ameri can citizen. THE RATE BILL. Provisions of the Measure Passed by the House. Washington, Feb 9. The railroad rate bill is intended and does comply specifically with the recommendations of President Roosevelt on the rate question. It dives the Interstate Conv merce commission authority, when a rate has been complained of as un reasonable" by a shipper, to. investi gate that rate, state whether or not it is unreasonable, and if found to be unreasonable, to name a rate, which is to be just and reasonable, ami fairly remunerative, and which is to be the maximum rate to be charged. This rate, so fixed, ia to go into effect 30 days after it is announced by the commission, subject, during that time, to be set aside or suspended by the commission or by the courts. After it has gone into effect, it is to remain the rate for three years. During this time, according to the opinion that has been expressed by those who have participated in the debate, the rate may also be reviewed by the courtB, and, if found to be in conflict either with the constitution by being confis catory, it can be set aside by the courts. Another important feature is the definition of the words '"railroad" and transportation," in a manner to in clude all auxiliary instrumentalities. This power to name a reasonable rate and the inclusion of the auxili aries within the jurisdiction of the commission, are said to be the new features. All other provisions are mod ifications of existing law. They in clude publicity of railroad methods, which is 'o be anled by prescribing a system of bookkeeping, and enlarging the commission to seven members and increasing salaries of members to $100, ' 000 a year. CHINESE GOOD SOLDIERS. Minister Discusses Agitation and Pre parations for War. Berlin, Feb. 9. General TchaDg Tcheng, the Chinese minister to Ger many, in the course of an interview with the Tageblatt's correspondent on the disquieting rumors from China, said that China needed reform in her head and limbs. Europe, he said, had been surprised that Japan had be come greater than China, whose sol diers, and especially those in the north ern part of the empire, compare physic ally with the Prussian guards. Money for army and navy expenses, he said, ehould not be considered, as the popu lation of over 400,000,000 could easily contribute a milliard where vital inter ests were touched. China, the minister continued, strongly wishes for commercial deal ings with foreign countries, but prefers those without Chinese colonies. The missionaries, he added, cause hatred of foreigners by their tactless proselyting and the fighting between Protestants and Catholics. The minister was asked if the navy and army reinforcements which the United States is sending to the Philip pines in the expectation of difficulties with Chinia might arouse the Chinese dragon. He replied: "If the American government sende reinforcements, who can say it fears difficulties with China? It is all non sense. I believe the armaments are prepared against somebody else; I can not expresa myself more definitely." APPIAN WAY OF AMERICA. Perfect Road Will Be Built Straight Across Ohio. ' Cleveland, Feb. 9. Within a year work will be begun by the- National Good Roada association on a great highway extending clear across the state of Ohio, from the Pennsylvania to the Indiana line, that will be one of the finest in the world, and, like the Appian Way, will be built to last for all time to come. This is the informa tion given out today by Colonel W. H. Moore, president of the association. The road, which will be the firat to be built across a state under the author ity of an organization since the old Federal roads, will cost $1,500,000. Of this amount, Colonel Moore says $750,000 haB already been put up by certain interests that he will not now reveal, and the remainder will be se cured from the counties through which it will pass. Puts Down Siberian Revolt. St. Petersburg, Feb. 9. General Linievitch, commander of the Man churian armies, telegraphed to the em peror yeiterday as follows: "General Renuenkampff entered Chita, Trans Baikalia, February 5, withont blood shed. The inhabitants of the town have been disarmed and work has been resumed. Two hundred of the revolu tionists have been arrested, but a num ber of the leaders fled. General Hels jeonikoff, the military governor of Chita, has been relieved of his post for inaction." Will Act for Castro in France, Washington, Ftb. 9. The Venezuel an government has requested the gov ernment of the United States to take charge of its consulate in France. Sec retary Root has deckled to comply with the request and will give the necessary Instructions to tbe American ambassa dor in Paris. IN THE NATIONAL Friday, February 9. Washington, Feb. 9. Almost the entire session of the senate today was devoted to the consideration of the ur gent deficiency bill, which was passed practically as it was reported from the committee on appropriations. The only discussion was over an amend ment suggested by Patterson to Btrike out the provision relieving alien woik men on the canal from the operation of the eight-hour day law. Patterson contended that to require men to labor more than eight hours a day in the tropics was inhuman, and argued that the requirement would do injustice to American labor. Several senators on both sides of the chamber controverted the position. The amendment was voted down without resort to a roll call. The senate adjourned until Mon day. Washington, Feb. 9. The house to day ground out its usual semi-monthly grist of private pensions, pasping in 72 minutes 429 bills for the benefit of vet erans who are barred for one reason or another from coming in under the gen eral statute, and thus made a new speed record for such bills. Seventy five per cent of the beneficiaries are either blind or bed-ridden. This or der, with a number of minor bills and the passage of two amendments to the Philippine tariff act of 1905, consti tuted the transactions of the day. The tariff amendments piece American cot ton goods on an equality, so far as the cost of production is concerned, with European goods. Low grades of shoes were admitted at a lower tariff. The house adjourned until Monday. Thursday, February 8. Washington, Feb. 8. Just enough morning business was allowed in the house preceding the vote on the Hepburn railroad rate bill today to permit de layed members to reach their seats be fore the rollcall ordered the nigLt be fore began. Three hundred and forty- ix members voted for the bill. Seven, all Republicans, voted against it. Ap- plauBe greeted the announcement of the result by the speaker to the house, which had given its undivided atten tion to the question of government rate-making for seven days. Those voting against the bill were: Littlefield, of Maine; McCall and Weeks, of Massachusetts; Perkins, Southwick and Vreeland, of New York; and Sjbley, of Pennsylvania. Sullivan, or Massacnusetts, votea present," and waB not paired. There were 28 members paired, but these pairs were generally political ones. None of them was made upon the bill, and consequently did not indicate op poBitin. Washingtoon, Feb. 8 There waB a general expectation that today would witness a revival of yesterday's exciting occurences in the senate over Patter son's caucus resolutions, but it was not realized and the large crowd attracted to the galleries was compelled to leave in disappointment when at 3 p. m. the senate went into executive session, alter a day devoted largely to ordinary bills on the calendar. Wednesday, February 7. Washington, Feb. 7. By continuing its session practically to 7 o'clock the house concluded all preliminary steps to the passage of the railroad rate bill, ordered a roll call on the measure and put off the final action until tomorrow. The time for amendment came at 4 o'clock, and for three hours following one amendment after another came up, was read, debated in some instances and went down to defeat. So fienfe was the struggle to amend that often when a paragraph of the bill was con cluded in the reading, a dozen members waved their amendments and shouted for recognition. Not one of these was adopted. They contained all manner of propositions, such as regulating prefer ential, the long and short haul, free passes, court procedure, whole rate bills and parts of bills, but all "went by the board." Washington, Feb. 7. Today for the first time in many years the senate was made the scene of an effort to administ er party discipline to a member of that body, and the occurrence was one of so many dramatic details that the many witnesses will not soon forget it. Pat terson was the subject of 4he effort, and Railey, to whom, in the absence of Gor man, the Democratic leadership is con ceded, was the instrument of his party in the incident. Wallace Before Committee. Washington, Feb. 6. John F. Wal lace was before the Benate inter-oceanic canal committee today and made a statement regarding the severance ot his relations with the Canal commis sion. In it he spoke of the violent at tack of Secretary Taft and Mr. Crom well, the only basis of which was, he paid, a difference of opinion between himself and Taft and Cromwell as to his right to decide when he thought the welfare of the enterprise and his own justified his resignation. He was liable vO be dismissed at any time. HALLS OF CONGRESS Tuesday, February 6. Washington, Feb. 0 The senate did not have an opportunity today to hear the discuHBion of Patterson's resolution on the action of the Democratic caucus, which was partially promised, but gave the entire day to a review of the prerogatives of the senate in the matter of framing treaties. The question wan raised by Bacon in a speech on his resolution requesting information con cerning the Algeciras conference. Lodge gave notice of a speech Mon day on the railroad rate bill. Washington, Feb. 0. Having fixed the end of the general debate on the rate bill at 4 :30 o'clock tomorrow, the recognition of the cha'r waB passed around at a lively rate in the house today. Seventeen speeches were made, all of them for the measure. The rail roads came in for an unusual amount of criticism. Monday, February 5. Washington, Feb. 5. The senate was treated to a sensation today by Patter son, Dem., Colo., who followed up his retirement of last Sturday from the Democratic caucua by introducing a resolution in effect declaring the action of the cacus to have been contrary to tbe constitution of the United States. Gallinger succeeded during the day in securing the fixing of a date for vot ing on the shipping bill, the hour named being Wednesday at 3 p. m. Several bills were passed during the day and Teller made a speech in oppo sition to the shipping bill. Foraker announced that he had no intention of attempting to delay action on the Btatehood bill, which he op posed. Washington, Feb. 5. Considerable fault was found with the railroad rate bill in the house today, considering the fact that it is a measure of both parties. Littlefield, of Maine, and Grosvenor, of Ohio, both spoke against the bill. Ten other speeches were made, all of them by members who will vote for the bill, but Borne of whom would like en opportunity to amend it. Gainea, of Tennessee, has an anti-pasa amendment which he will bring foiwaid at the proper time. At the conclusion of the day Hep bnrn, in charge of the measure, said it looked now as though debate would conclude at 3 o'clock Wednesday. The reading of the bill will begin at once, and he thinks it can be concluded, all proposed amendments disposed of and tbo bill passed that day before adjourn ment. Saturday, February 3. Washington, Feb. 3. Various phases of the railroad rate question were threshed over in the houne today in the course of nine speeches which occupied six and a half hours. This concludes the fifth day oi the discussion, but the end is not yet. Many members on both sices of tbe house desire to record their views and general debate will be allowed to continue. Representative Randall today offered a bill that he will offer as an amend ment. It makes stringent provisions against the giving or accepting of rail way passes or franks by senators, con gressmen and judges. He proposes a fine of not less than $1,000, or impris onment for not less than one year, or both, and disqualification from ever again holding public office. The agent or official of the company giving the pass or frank, upon conviction, is to be fined not less than $100, nor more than $1,000, or imprisoned for not less than six months nor more than one year, or both. New Naturalization Bill. Washington, Feb. 6. The house committee on immigration and natural ization practically agreed today on the Howell naturalization bill in a slightly amended form. As the bill stands now, it requires applicants to file their application for final citizenship papers 90 days before the hearing; provides that the court order shall not issue until 30 days after the hearing and allows appeals from court orders. Germany Hopes for Agreement. Berlin, Feb. 7. It was reported in commercial circles today that a tariff arrangement between Germauy and the United States, to last one year, had been agreed upon, but inquiry at the American embassy and at the foreign office established the fal i y of the re port. The foreign office, however, ap parently is more hopeful now. Call on Venezuela to Pay. Washington, Feb. 5. W. J. Calhoun, the president's special commissioner in the asphalt controversy with Venezuela, has arrived in Washington, and today called at the State department to con sult with Secretary Root in relation to the presentation of facta in hie official report. The decision of the president again to demand of the Venezuelan government a settlement of at least a part of the asphalt company's claims, it is said, marks the refusal of the State department to accept the Vene zutlan contention. FOUR ARE KILLED. Disastrous Wreck on O. R. & N. at Bridal Veil. Portland, Feb. 7. In the moat dia aatrotiB wreck in the history of the Ore gon Railroad & Navigation company and the only one in which the life of a paaBenger on that road haa been lost, Chicago-Portland Express No. 6 ran in to the rear end of the Spokane Flyer, No. 3, at Bridal Veil yesterday morn ing at 7:50, telescoping the Pullman cur Galatea, killing four persons and injuring a score of others. Engine 103, in charge of Engineer William Swain, became unmanageable and dashed into train No. 3, which was standing on the track at Bridal Veil. Had it not been for the presence of mind of Silaa Smith,, brakeman on the Chicago-Portland Ex press, who pulled the emergency cord when he realized the train was beyond control of the engineer and was running away, thus setting the brakes, the col lision would have been one of the worst in the history of Western railroading. Train No. 3 had stopped at Bridal Veil station, and waB delayed there by its engine, which was out of order. When about four milea east of Bridal Veil the locomotive hauling the Chicago-Portland Expresa got out of order and became unmanageable.- The injector pipe had broken inside the cab, letting out a flood of steam and driving the engineer and fireman out of the cab. Engineer Swain reach ed for the throttle to stop the engine, but could not reach it. In a moment he heard torpedoea on the track and re alized that the Spokane Flyer was ahead on the main track, and rushed back into the cloud of burning steam that filled the cab in an effort to stop the flying train. He groped about for the levers he could not aee, fearing even to breathe in the deadly atmosphere, suf fering tortures to hia scorched hands and face, and, finally baflled, waa com pelled to retreat to the engine tender. Both he and the fireman then leaped to the connections between the tender and the mail car and tried to reach the air hose and break the connection, thua ap plying the brakes, but Engineer Swain's handa were so terribly burned they were listless, and he could not dis connect the hose. Meanwhile Silaa Smith, living at Socond and Grant streets, Portland, who was brakeman on No. 5, realized the engine was beyond the control of the engineer and pulled the emergency cord, setting the brakeB. This slowed; the train, and the locomotive was de tached from the train and shot ahead, crashing into the Pullman. In a mo ment the rest of the train, coming at a. slower speed, struck the engine, and again hurled it against the wrecked!. Pullman. Those in the wreck felt two distinct shocks, and by his prompt ac tion in bringing the Chicago-Portland'. Express almost to a stop Brakeman 8mith prevented a much heavier los o life. HEYBURN GROWS WORSE. Peritonitis Aggravates Illness ot Sen ator from Idaho. Washington, Feb. 5. Considerable anxiety is felt over Senator Heyburn tonight. He slept little last night, and today unfavorable pysptoms devel oped which indicate that peritonitis has set in. The pain and inflamation heretofore confined to tbe region of the appendix had spread and hia Etomacb is now affected. Up to this morning the aenator was hopeful of early recovery; in fact, ex pected to get up tomorrow. Tonight, he i8 decidedly depressed, and seems to realize the seriousness of his condition..' If he does not show marked improve ment by morning, another consultation will be held. While it is announced at his apart-; ments that there ia believed to be no immediate danger, nevertheless every thing indicates that he is in a critical condition, the presence of peritonitis! and kidney trouble, in addition to ap pendicitis, being most serious compli cations. Italy Will Ruin Padrones. New York, Feb. 7. The Italian gov ernment has juat contributed a subaidy of $20,000 a year for an Italian labor exchange in New York. Thia is part of an organized attempt by Italian citi zens of the United States, combined: with the Italian authorities at home, to beat the "padrone" system and to keep the Italiana from piling up in New York. The exchange will be incorpo rated under the lawa of New York by Italian citizenB, and probably will be in working order by next summer, for the great crush of immigrants. Two-Cent Fares for Ohio. Columbus, O., Feb. 7. The houf today by a vote of 104 to 1 passed the v Freiner 2-cent-fare bill, which was sub stituted for the Rathbun bill, passed by the house. The senate, it is Baid by leaders of that body, will accept the Freiner bill, which will go into effect 80 days after it is signed by the governor. i