HE LEirai WHEATHELD ' Published Every Thursday at LEXINGTON, OREGON S. A. THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor. OFFICIAL PAPER TOWN OF LEXINGTON Subscription, per year, - $1.00 Advertising rates on Application Entered as second-class matter October 6, 1905, at the post office at Lexington, Or egon, under tie Act cf Congress of March 3, 1379. ' THURSDAY FEBRUARY 8, 1906. The testimony of Captain Cousins, of the Queen, corroborated by his fellow-navigators, who were quite com fortable in the Queen's cabins, while women and children were perishing on the Valencia; offers an admirable illus tration of the usefulness of theory as compared with practice, says the Oregonian. ' At the conference on the Queen the theory was pretty generally adopted that it was Impossible to launch a boat, but this was qualified by the belief that, if a boat had been launched, it would have been Impossible for it to live In such a set, and, further,- if it had "lived" and reached the wreck, It conld. not have worked out t6 open sea again. Over on the Valencia, while this discussion was in progress, theory was away below par and the time for debate limited, so the men who were confronted by a condi tion launched a cumbersome life raft over the weather side' of the wreck and disproved the conclusions of the theor ists on the Queen by working it clear of the wreck and the land and carrying eighteen men to safety, while the . Queen, for which they were heading, was running away. This Is a portion of the damning evidence against Cap tain Cousins which cannot be explained away. His theories might have ob tained credence, had there been no survivors to tell I of what actually occured in those, last awful hours on the Valencia. . -: A. Bennett, of Irrigon, says, in the Oregonian, that The Wheatfield is making its influence felt in an agitation for electrip lights and a water system. The water works, we had before the berth of The Wheatfield and the electric lights we have now. Both good systems. .''' A wreck occurred on, the Main line of the 0. R. &. N. at Bridal Veil, on Tuesday morning, In which four were killed and six dangerously injured, Among . the killed ' was Edward L. Sinnott, ; traveling salesman for the American Type Founders Co., of Portland. The writer has known Mr, Sinnott for nearly five years and during our service with the Type Foundry we worked under Mr. Siniictt about five months, who then had charge of the presses in the Foundry. Ed. was a first class pressman and a leading member of the Pressmen's Union. 5iiflPTLW ani UNION PACIFIC TO Salt Lake, Denver, Kansas City, Chicago, St- Louis, New York. 0"emi $tmr fur NiinKrMiidnco lenvr I'oi tlillid lit 8 P. M. every tlftli day. Tick In to mid from nil point or the Dull ed Statea and Europe. Trains Leave Lexington, Daily, ex cept Sunday' - . 9:25 A. M. Trains Arrive at Lexington, Daily, ex cept Sunday - 5:10 P. M. Trains Connect at Heppner Junction with Main Line trains for all points East and West.' ' ' A, L. CRAIG, G. P. A. LOCAL NEWS W. R. Munkers had the misfortune to lose a valuable hotse Monday night. Burchell's well drill was taken to W. F. Campbells ranch on Tuesday last where a well Is to be drilled for Mr. Campbell. ' ' B. R. Ridgeway and A. K. Fuller went to The Dalles Thursday of last week where the former made proof on his homestead." The Council met last Monday even ing and transacted considerable busi ness, but the Recorder was apparently to busy to furnish us with the proceed ings P. M. Christenson was in town Tues day and says he just finished digging his last years crop of potatoes. But very few had been frozen by the recent cold snap. According to advertisement" appear ing in, the Telegram Portland firemfen are exceedingly tall. One of their ads shows the fireman as tall as the first story of the building. If you cannot find what you want in the Drug line try Davidson Bros, of lone, they carry the largest stock of Drugs and Chemicals In Morrow Co. Mail and Telephone orders promptly attended to. 9tf Will and Ed Burchell completed the well for R. L. Benge last Saturday. The well is 50 feet deep and will furnish an abundance of water. Mr. Benge will put in a reservoir and use the water for Irrigation purposes. We have a good second hand Dutchman Plow, 12 Inch three bottom run two seasons, will put new shares and landsides on It and sell on fall terms at $42.50, a snap, or we wili sell for less without the third bottom. On last Tuesday night some one broke one of the glass in the front of Leach Bro's Store. The door was standing open when first seen Wednes day. It is not known what was taken as nothing has been missed, although several dollars worth of goods could have been taken without being missed. ANNOUNCEMENT. To the Republican voters of Morrow county. I have secured the required number of names on my petition to entitle me to have my name printed on the official nominating ' ballott for the Republican party, as candidate for nomination as County Clerk of Morrow county 1 respectfully solicit the " JLira.-i-sjiaaM sj.f Zj3UsuM.vsmtist! &niiAVAnu& ZaHWiiemTUBai jjft I B SHOES GROCERIES It is worth your while to call We have a clean up to date' and look over our entire line stock in Baking Powders, of Shoes. We carry the best , Extracts, Spices, Teas and of every thing iu shoes for Coffees. We handle "Schill- Men Women and' Children. . ings" Best," every ' package . Every shoe bearing the name guaranteed.. If not satisfac- of "Smith-Wallace Shoe Go,"' . tory we will refund your fs Genuine, money - Gloves Hardware We carry the famous Roymond . . ,. ,. A full line of Hardware, Glove made in California, the most perfect fitting and last- Granite ware, Tin ware and : ing glove on the market. Glass ware and etc. o LEXINGTON, IS OREGON 2 LEXINGTON FLOUR MILL JOS. BURGQYNE, Proprietor -. Fitted With Modern Machinery FLOUR EQUAL TO ANY ON THE MARKET Steam Power and prepared to exchange at all times. BARLEY ROLLS IN CONNECTION LEXINGTON, support of ail members of the party at the primaries on April 20, 1906. . Yours faithfully, ' " ' '" ' W. 0 Hill. "CONTATA" The Epworth League will render the contata, "A , Garden of Singing Flowers", In Artisan hall Tuesday evening, January 13th. The following flowers will be represented. Sun flowery Lily, Rose, Buttercup, Tulips, Daisy, Pansy, which will be led by the gardener, Man-iri-the-Moon, and choros flowers. All are invited to come and enjoy a social evening. Admission 25 cents, Children 15 cents. DIED. Isaac B., the 3 year old son of J. W. McCormick, of Strawberry died last Saturday morning at 6 o'clock. The Utile fellow was taken sick Wed nesday with what appeared to be croup which afterward proved to be lung trouble. A physician was called who pronounced the case hopeless. Funeral services were held In the Congregational church In Lexington Sunday afternoon at 1 o'clock. Rev. Beach officiating. The body was Interred in the Lexington cemetery. The Wheatfield joins In extending words of sympathy to the bereaved father." , CARD OF THANKS. We take this method of expressing our heart felt thanks' to our many friends for their kindness and aid dur ing the sickness and death of our dear little boy. J. W. McCormick and family. OREGON Christenson Brothers CONTRACTORS&BUILDERS Plans and Estimates furnished See us before building LEXINGTON, OREGON. ...the pastime;.. I GREEN k BENGE, Props. 1 CANDIES, NUTS, FRUITS, CIGARS, TO- BACCO, SOFT DRINKS, POOL AND BILLIARDS. u Lexington, - - M xxxzxxxxxxxzrxxxzxxxaizzxiazxxzyixzxxzzxzzzxzzxzzzz Oregon I XL SALOOr J. H' CHAPMAN & CO.. Props. WINES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. FRESH BEER ALWAYS ON DRAUGHT r GOOD POOL TABLE IN CONNECTION LEXINGTON, OREGON I JOHN B. WHITE GENERAL BLACKSMITHING 0 v HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY v - . Work Neatly Executed Charges Reasonable LEXINGTON, OREGON. jj' V .