OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST ADD TO RESERVES, Government Will Soon to Take Action on Oregon Forests. Washington The present year is likely to sue several million acrs added to the forest reserve cf Oregon. Up to this time (i, 072,550 acres have been brought within permanent forest re serves, and 6,908,3.'10 acres additional have been temporarily withdrawn. Just what part of this latter brea is to become permanent forest reserve and what part is to bo turned back to the public domain has not been determined. Out of the withdrawals, however, 2,130,400 acres set appart for the Blue mountain reserve will be placed under the forest adrninistratoin. There has been an intimation that a proclamation will soon issue creating a Rogue river forest reserve in South western Oregon, for which 1,192,320 acres have been withdrawn. This pro posed reserve takes in fully half of Curry and Josephine counties and small portions of Coos and Douglas. When originally mapped out, the Rogue river reserve was deemed impracticable, be cause the railroad land grant traverses the area. Now that the lieu land law is repealed and there is no danger of lieu land frauds, this objection from the government standpoint seems to Lave been removed. Various withdrawals of small areas in Marion, Linn, Lane and Douglas oounties, aggregating 250,040 acres, have been made with a view to enlarg ing the Cascade reserve along its west boundary. It is quite probable that these tracts will be permanent reserves The same is true of the withdrawal of 12,000 acres in Clackamas county ad joining the Cascade reserve. In Morrow and Grant counties a withdrawal has been made embracing 417,000 acres, which will eventually be made into the Ileppner forest reserve unless present plans are abandoned. It has not yet been determined what disposition shall be made of the Warner mountain withdrawal, which embraces 2.839.810 acres in Klamath, Lake and Crook counties. Much of this land, upon examination, has been found un fit for forest reserve purposes, and will probably be turned back to the public domain, but those portions wnich are valuable for timber or as protection to watersheds are likely to be permanent iy reserved at some future time. In addition to the foregoing, 1,280 acres in Jackson county have been withdrawn 'with a view to enlarging the Ashland reserve and 4.480 acres in Crook county -withdrawn to enlarge Maury mountain reserve. Initiative Petitions Filed. Salem The secretary of state has notified the governor that be has re ceived and placed on file in his office two initiative bills, one to abolish toll roads and for the purchase of the Bar low road over the Cascade mountains, and the other for amending the local option law. Both bills are accom panied by petitions having the required number of signatures to insure their submission to a vote of the people The governor must issue a proclama tion for each bill, to be published in at least one paper in each jidicial dis trict. The publication of these" pro clamations costs the state $275 each. Look for Busy Season. Baker City In spite of the heavy enow, the past week has been lively in mining circles, especially have the placer men been active in preparation for the coming season with the pros pect of a plentiful supply of water. George W. and Edward Borman have just put 15 men at work cleaning out their big ditch near the old Virtue mine, seven miles east of Baker City. In that vicinity there has been more enow this winter than at any one season in the 31 years the Brmans have been here. . Feed Cattle On Beet Pulp. La Grande Grandy & Russell, the butcher firm, are feeding 1,000 head of cattle this winter, mostly for their own use. A great deal of sugar beet pulp is used, also a large quantitv of hay. Ten men are employed steadily in feed ing and caring for the stock. Five teams are engaged in hauling beet pulp and three wagons are used in hauling hay. To Prospect for Oil. Eugene J. W. Zimmerman and C. F. Mitchell, of this city, who are work ing on a coal prospect ten miles south west of Eugene, are preparing articles of incorporation and will organize a joint stock company immediately to work the property. They have struck a vein of coal which they say promises well. They also announce that they will bore 1,000 feet or more in hope of striking oil. . Minors Smoke Cigarettes. Eugene The members of the Loyal Temperance league, recently organized here, have taken up the matter of en forcing the law against giving and jell ing tobacco to minors. They announce that the first one caught violating the law will be arrested and fined. PROGRESS ON UMATILLA. Water Users Sign Contract Is Best Among Irrigation Plans. Washington Officials of the recla mation service are pleaced with the progress being made by the landowners the Umatilla irrigation project. Late advices from the local engineer in dicate strong interest on the part of the water users, who have already pledged 13,000 out of the 18,000 acres included in the project. As most of the legal difficulties have been adjusted by the secretary of the interior, it is believed that no great delay will occur in sign ing uu all the land embraced in this project. Although Umatilla is one of the minor national works in point of cost and acreage, its favorable climate. low altitude, fertile sou and adaptability to a wide variety of products makes this one of the most attractive projects un dertaken. The land is suited for orch ards and small fruits, and, when so used, from 10 to 20 acres are ample for tne support of a family. The fruit and vegetables are the finest on the market Transportation facilities are excellent, the markets being Portland and bpo kane. The engineering works are simple, and, while the cost of the water is $60 per acrs, it is relatively low, compared with the values produced. Soil experts who have thoroughly examined the whole area are enthusiastic concerning the future of this section when watered and predict a populous and prosperous community here at no distant day Snow Is Heavy. Burns With 24 inches of snow in the Harney valley, and at places three feet of it, with the mountain roads almost impassable on account of the still heavier snowfall there, stockmen are anxious concerning the prospects of getting their stock through the winter. There is an abundance of bay in the county, but stock, and especially sheep, lose flesh after feeding any length of time on the wild product of tbe valley. In addition to this fact, there is the ap prehension that a cold snap would prob ably have an injurious effect. Land Money Divided. Salem Secretary of State Dunbar has apportioned the 5 per cent land sales fund among the several counties of the state. This fund was received from the United States government and constitutes 5 per cent of the proceeds of sales of government land in Oregon for 1905. Tbe apportionment is made upon the basis of the acreage of the several counties. The amount is $28, 212.37. Macadamize Milton Street. Milton Arrangements are being made to macadamize Main street as far as the depot and on to connect with the road that will be macadamized from Walla Walla to Freewater and Milton. This will be done in the early spring. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Club, 70c j bluestem, red, 68c; valley, 73c. Oata No. 1 white feed, $28 j 72c; gray, 27 per ton. Barley Feed, $2323.50 per ton; brewing, $23 5024j rolled, $2425. Buckwheat $2.25 per cental Hay Eastern Oregon timothv, $13.B014 per ton; valley timothy, $910; clover, $7.508; cheat, $78; grain hay, $78. Fruits Apples, common, 75c$l per box; choice, $1.25 1.50; fancy, $22.50; pears, $1.251.50 per box; cranberries, $1313.50 per barrel Vegetables Beans, 20c per pound; cabbage, 22jc per pound; cauliflow er, $1.85 crate; celery, $3.50 per. crate; pease, 12V15c per pound; bell pep pers, 35c per pound; pumpkins, lc per pound: sprouts, 67c per pound; squash, l3lc per pound; turnips, Huc?i per sacK; carrots, booc per sack; beets, 85c$l per sack. Onions Oregon, No. 1, $1.101.25 per sack; No. 2, 70c$l. Potatoes Fancy graded Burbanks, 65c per hundred; ordinary, 50c; sweet potatoes, 22J4c per pound. Butter Fancy creamerv, 2732 per pound. Eggs Oregon ranch, 23)24c per dozen. Poultry Average old hens, ll12c per pound', springs, ll12)c; mixed chickens, 1010)c; broilers, 1517c; dressed chickens, 1314c; turkeys, live, 1617c; turkeys, dressed, choice, I8auc; geese, live, HCfflioc; geese dressed, 1214c; ducks, 1618c. Hops Oregon, 1905, choice, 10llc per pound; prime, 89c; medium, 78c; olds, 57c. ' Wool Eastern Oregon average best, 1621c per pound; valley, 2426c; mohair, choice, 30c. Peef Dressed bulls, 22c per pound; cows, 3X4Jc; country steers, 45c. Veal Dressed, 38c per pound. Mutton Dressed, fancy, "88)e tier pound; ordinary, 45?j lambs, 77c. Pork Dressed, 67fc'c per pound. LOSS TO TRAINING STATION. Apprentices In Irons Have a Narrow Escape from Death. Newport, E. I., Jan. 30. Seven buildings, connected with the United States naval training station at Coast ers' Harbor island in this cily were destroyed by fire tonight, causing an estimated loss of $100,000. The build- ings destroyed were the detention building, machine shop, paint shop, paymaster's storehouse, carpenter shop and two small storehouses. One of the burned buildings con tained all of the Bmall boats and cut ters used for practice purposes. All were destroyed. Several apprentices in single irons were confined in the de tention building at the time the fire broke out. Physical Instructor Joseph Kirby liberated them by a heroic effort. When be reached the deten tion building be could not see the voung prisoners on account of the smoke, but they answered his call Supported by a line of men Kirby made his way to the spot where the boys were in confinement and passed them back one by one to the men be hind him, and so out to the sea wall. In passing over the sea wall two of the manacled boys fell overboard, but were rescued. For a time tbe famous old frigate Constellation, which is used as a prac tice ship at the station, was in danger of destruction, but prompt work on the part of the firemen saved the ship. FRUIT RATE REDUCED. Refrigerator Car Agents Reach Agree ment on Reduction. San Franchco, Jan. 30As a result j of a conference between J. S. Leeds, repesenting the refrigerator car Bervice of the Santa Fe road, and Bobert Gra ham, Pacific coast representative of the Armour refrigerating service, re duction of rates on deciduous fruits from California to the Eastern markets is agreed upon. The reduction will take effect at the beginning of the com ing season of the deciduous iruit ship ping. ... From Sacramento and Antioch to Chicago a reduction of $10 per car is made, and from the same California points to New York a cut of $17.50 is made. From San Joaquin valley points, such as Stockton, Fresno, San ford and Bakersfield, the rate to Cbi- 1 1 1 AHA 1 ATkT cago is reduced 10 fu, ana to rtew York from the same points to $82.50, thus practically effecting an equaliza tion of rates from points in the Sacra mento and the San Joaquin valleys to Eastern points. One of the most important features of this new compact is a clause provm ing that no rebates or other special concessions shall be granted to any fruit shipper in California, and that the reduced rates shall be strictly main tained. RIOTING IN VLADIVOSTOK. Loyal Troops Reported Far Outnunv bered by Revolutionaries. Shanghai, Jan. 30 Desperate riot ing is going od in Vladivostok, wherr the troops have again defied their offi cers, and such regiments as remain loyal , are trying to capture the city. Meager details have sifted through, but these indicate that the present riots far eclipse in the number of men engaged those of two months ago, when more than 2,000 were killed and wounded All the hospitals are filled with wounded men, while many others are flying uncared for in the snow covered btreets. The rioters far outi umber the loyal soldiers, and are well supplied with arms and ammunition, but appar ently lack' competent leadership, and the latter are still in possession of the fortresses. The last report from the city places the number of killed and wounded at 3,000, but these figures are being added to momentarily as there is no cessation of hostilities. Five armored trains which were sent, manned with troops, to take part in an expedition to attack the mutineers in the rear, were derailed by powerful ex plosives and manv of tbe soldiers killed and wounded. Invitations Limited. Washington, Jan. 30. Washington society and visitors to Washington this season value nothing so highly as an invitation to the Longworth-Roosevelt wedding, and nothing is harder to ob tain. There is a limited circle, the friends and relatives of Miss Roosevelt and Mr. Longworth and the recognized leaders of Washington society, who are certain to receive invitations, but beyond this circle there is doubt. The list of invited guests is not yet com pleted, and it is not known who has been chosen. Finds Ancient City. Mexico, City, Jan. 80 Count Mau rice de Peregny, an old French arch aeologist, has discovered in the Peten district of Guatemala an immense an cient city of the Mayais, which will take months to investigate properly. The explorer will return to this contin ent next year to complete investigations of the ancient city, whose ruins are of the utmost archaeological interest. TO FLEECE INDIANS Lawyers Lobby to Get BiglFee for Sale of Land. HITCHCOCK STANDS IN THE WAY Opening of South Half of Colville Reservation May Be Defeated by CrookedScheme. Washington, Feb. 3. An attempt of certain lawyers to hold up the Colville Indians for $150,000 cash is apt to de feat the bill now pending in congress to open the south half of their reservation and pay the Colville Indians $1,500, 000 for the land which they relinquish ed in the north half of the reservation ten years ago. These lawyers have been itching for many years to get a large Blice of money which they believ ed the government would pay the In dians, but so far have not succeeded, because congress has never made an ap propriation to pay for the Colville land. Back in 1894, Acting Secretary of the Interior Simms approved a contract be tween the Indians and Marsh & Gor don, under which the latter were to se cure the passage of a bill through con gress paying the Indians $1,500,000, tbe lawyers, in turn, to receive a fee amounting to 10 per cent, but this con tract expired in ten years, and, when the lawyers sought to have it renewed, Secretary Hitchcock put his foot down and refused to permit the Indians to become involved in any such deal. Ex-Senator Marion Butler, of North Carolina, and Hugh Gordon, of the old law firm, are now lobbying before con' grees in behalf of securing an appro priation of $1,500,000, and then pull ing dowii a fat fee of 10 percent of that amount. Mr. Butler became an at torney in the case by assignment, and has been pusy on the Colville bill for a year or two, though not invited to take a hand by any member of the Washington congressional delegation Only last year Mr. Butler appeared before the senate committe in advocacy of this bill, ande," when questioned, as to his rights in the premises, declared that he and other lawyers were acting under an approved contract with tbe Indians. Yet at the same time he made that statement, the contract had been void for more than a year. Mr. Butler, it is learned, takes the position that the old contracts are still in force, notwithstanding that they have not been renewed by Mr. Hitch cock. SOON TO TRY FRAUDS. Heney Says He Will Prosecute mann Among the First. Her San Francisco, Feb. 8. Francis J Heney is engaged in mapping out plans for the continuation of the land fraud prosecuions in Portland. For three days he has denied himself to callers at his office, but today stated that be had not completed his arrange ments. He is confident, however, that he will be able to reach all the offend ers who have not yet been brought to justice. The disappearance of 8. A. D Puter, Horace McKinley, Marie Ware McKinley and Emma L. Watson doeB not worry him greatly. "I can get along without the four people mentioned in probably every pending case except one," remarked Mr. Heney today, "but I believe we will locate most of them. I know where Marie Ware McKinley is. She is in San Francisco, and I have every reason to believe does not intend to re fuse to be a witness again. I under stand Horace G. McKinley has gone to the Orient, deserting his wife, Marie Ware McKinley." Mr. Heney added that he will, in dav or two. b9 able to announce his plans. It is known that, while Washington, he promised President Roosevlt that the case against Con gressman Binger Hermann would be one of the first taken up. Deficit Nearly Wiped Out. Washington, Feb. 3. The monthly statement of the government receipts and expenditures issued today Bhows a .... ... . L X. 1- i condition of tne treasury wnicn is emr nentlv satisfactory to the authorities One year ago today there was a deficit of over $28,500,000, which has now been reduced to less than $3,400,000, with the prospect that this amount will be entirely wiped out within the next 30 days. This improved condition is due almost entirely to a large increase in customs and internal revenue re ceipts. Military Reserves ih Hawaii. Washington, Feb. 3. The president by proclamation has set aside certain lands at or near Diamond Head and at Kupikipikio and at,Punchbowl Hill, in the territory of Hawaii, for military purposes, until it can be determined bv actual survey what portions of the land described will be required for permanent military reservations. PROPOSE LOCK CANAL. Commission Favors Report of Minor ity of Engineers. Washington, Jan. 29. The Isthmian Canal commission met today and con cluded its consideration of the report of the board of consulting engineers with respect to the type of canal that should be constructed. The commission has before it the majority and minority re ports of the consulting board. The commission adopted a report to the secretary of war. While no official announcement is made with reference to the commission's report, there is a good reason to believe that it has sum marized the two reports and has re commended the construction of a lock canal, with 183-foot level, practically following the recomendations of the minority of the consulting engineers. The commission did not formally sign the report. Governor Magoon is ex pected to arrive from the Isthmus at any moment, and will be with the com mission at its next meeting. Chairman Shonta will go to New York tonight. is expected that a meeting of the commission will be called shortly after his return, when the report will be finally put in shape for transmission to Mr. Taft. There is reason to believe that the members of the commission are in full accord in their recomendations to the secretary of war, with one possible ex ception. One member of the commis sion is said to have expressed a desire to have read the commission's report, but it is not known whether he may desire to submit views on the type of canal to be constructed. TULES IN LIFE PRESERVERS. Found by Government to Stand the Required Test. San Francisco, Jan. 29. When the attention of Inspector of Hulls and Boil ers Whitney waB called to the charge of F. F. Bunker that the life preservers on the steamer Valencia were of seaweed, and were inferior, he said: "The United States regulations allow the use of the tule life preserver under certain conditions, specified in the re port of the supervising inspector. There are two kinds mentioned that come up to the requirements. One is tbe Dunant s tule life preserver, made in California, the other is the Le Due life preserver, made m the East. These preservers are inspected at the factories and after they are placed on board ship. We have a man visit the factory here once a month or oftener. If the pre servers do not show the required buoy ancy they are rejected. Aboard ship the test is also made. The tule pre servers are required to have both ends bound with copper wire. "Unofficially I may say that the tule life preserver stands the test better than any of the others. We are requir ed to try with 20 pounds, but to make sure the test is generally tried with 25 pounds. We know nothing here of the Valencia, because she was inspected at Seattle. I am sure, however, that she meets all requirements, because they have a well equipped office there." COREA IN GOOD HANDS. Morgan Says Japan Intends to Pro- tect Foreign Investors. San Francisco, Jan. 29. Edwin Morgan, former United States minister to Corea, who arrived here from the Orient en route to Cuba, as minister to the republic, in an interview on Corean affairs, said: "When I left Tokio Marquis Ito, the newly appointed governor general, was preparing to start for Seoul. He is in no sense a military governor. "The people have feared that Corea was to be placed under harsh military government. The contrary is the case. Corea will have a better government than it has ever had, and I think the future of the country is very bright. "In going over tbe foreign relations of Corea, Japan gave assurance to all of the treaty powers that existing foreign treaties would not be disturbed. This means that American interests in Corea will not be affected, and that American enterprise will continue to find a profit able field of activity in that country. "American goods find a big market there, and mining enterprises conduct ed by Americans are being successfully worked." Orders Mob Indicted. Chattanooga, Tenn., Jan. 27. Ed Johnson, the negro in search of whom a mob stormed the jail on Thursday night was today indicted by the grand jury in special session. It was an nounced by Judge McReynolds, of the Criminal court, that the negro will be tried immediately. According to the plan", it is understood that he will be tried on Monday, and, if he should be convicted, the execution will probably take place on Tuesday. The court also instructed the grand jury to indict every member of the mob. Mortality Among Pensioners. Washington, Jan. 29. In the past six months tap3 have been sounded over the graves of 26,006 pensioners of the Civil war, according to a statement of Pension Commissioner Warner just issued.