OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST CONTAINS MANY DIFFICULTIES. Oregon State Primary Law Hard for Candidates to Follow. Salem Another very serious prob lem has arisen in connection with the direct primary law. The law requires that candidates for state oflkes shall file petitions from not less than seven counties, and that at least 10 per cent of the precincts shall be represented in each of the seven counties. Two per cent of the votes cast at the last state election for supreme judge by each par ty must be represented on the petition. It has been the supposition until re cently that so long as the required number of counties and precincts were represented by the signatures of one or more votora that the bulk of the signa tures on a petition to make up the 2 per cent might come from one county, so long as the required number of names was filed with the secretary of state. It is now discovered that there must be 2 per cent of the vote cast by the party represented in each county and precinct represented, as well as throughout the state. The attorney general will probably be asked to render an opinion in regard to the number of signatures required from the counties and precincts. To secure 2 per cent of the voters in seven counties, and 10 per cent of the pre cincts in each of the seven counties, and in addition have 2 per cent of the party vote in the entire state, will add to the difficulties of securing a petition. FORM NEW ORGANIZATION. Independent Telephone Companies of Oregon Unite. -Portland In order to fortify them selves and protect their interests, rep resentatives of the independent tele phone lines in Oregon met here last week and formed a permanent orgniza tion. ft will be known as the Oregon Independent Telephone association, ar.d is formed after similar orgnizations in other states of the Union and affiliated with the national association of inde pendent telephone lines. The objects of the association are to encourage development; foster and stimulate the growth; protect the mu tual interests; promote and systema tize uniformity of accounting, opera' tion. maintenance and construction of independent (non-Bell) telephone inter ests, and to delend the same irom un fair encoracLments of competition by co-operation and by such other avail able means as may, from time to time, seem advisable. Favor Woolen Mills. Albany The business men of the city met and discussed the proposition of securing the new woolen mill for this city. Judge Stewart, of the stock committee, withdrew from the active work of soliciting subscriptions, and Frank J. Miller was selected to fill the vacancy and the committee will push the work. The purpose of the com mittee is to secure subscriptions to the stock aggregating $15,000 toward the capital of $100,000, when the mill will be built and fitted up. The business men at the meeting were enthusiastic in support of the project, and the spirit manifested was in favor of co-operation among the business interests of the city for the upbuilding of Albany and its industries. Plans an Electric Line. Forest Grove At the meeting of the Forest Grove city council last week, State Senator E-. W. Haines, in behalf of the Forest Grove transportation com pany, a new organization, applied for a 25-year franchise for an electric railway in Forest Grove, to tunjfrom the South ern Pacific depot to the business section of the city, about two miles. Accord ing to the terms of the ordinance, the new line must be begun in 90 days, and completed in eight months. It is to carry the United States mail, express and passengers. Senator Haines furn ishes electric light to Forest Grove from his plant about 12 miles distant, and, it is understood, will furnish pow er for the new road from his plant. Buys Ranch in Gilliam. Condon A. S. Hollen has purchased the 860-acre ranch on Trail fork, Gil liam county, belonging to J. W. Booth. The transaction, which involves about $15,000, is one of the most important real estate transfers for some time here, and gives Mr. Hollen a most valuable farm and stock ranch. In the deal Mr. Booth takes residence property in Con don valued at about $5,000, consisting of several fine dwellings. Mr. Hollen is proprietor of the Condon Flouring mill. He will take possession of the ranch about March I V , Few Hops Left in Josephine. Grants Pass Several sales of hops have been made here recently at from 9 to 10 cents. About 500 bales have changed hands, and by February 1 but few hops will be held by the growers in Josephine county. There are quite a few baby hops still held and a few old ones, though not to exceed 500 bales in all. , AMEND IRRIGATION LAWS. Irrigationists Say Conditions in Idaho Are Better Than in Oregon. Salem Prominent irrigators of Ore gon are considering the advisability of asking the next legislaure to amend the irrigation laws in several particulars. At the present time all the contracts with the state for the reclamation of desert lands under the Carey act are based upon the theory that the owners of the canals and ditches are entitled to collect a perpetual annual rental from the landholders. In Idaho the land holders will eventually own and control the canals, ditches, head gates, etc. In the contract with the state of Idaho for the construction of the Twin Falls canal it is provided that a com pany shall be formed among the land owners on the basis ol one snare or stock for one share of water right, and that within seven years the control of the canals, ditches, dams and headgates shall pass to the corporation formed among the water users. Previous to the formation of this company and be fore the expiration of the seven years limit, the construction company is en ltled to collect annually not exceeding 80 cents an acre. The same theory of ownership prevails in all government work. All the contracts for the reclamation of and lands under the Carey act in this state allow the construction com panies the right to collect $1 an acre perpetually, the company agreeing to keep the canals and ditches in repair. Fruit Inspector in Linn. Albany The Linn county court has appointed E. C. Armstrong, residing at Marion station, Marion county, to act as fruit inspector for Linn county, temporarily, on the recommendation of Horticultural Commissioner C. A. Park, of Salem. Mr. Park wished to secure here a man who would be ready to begin war on pests at once. The court will at once select a man for per manent appointment who will be asked to take a abort course in training under Professor A. B. Cordley, at the Oregon Agricultural college.' New Railroad for Gilliam. Salem Articles of Incorporation have been filed with the secretary of state for the Oregon Northern Railway company. The . incorporators are: William J. Mariner, E. W. Robinson and C. E. Jones. The road runs from Blalock, in Gilliam county, to Hard man, in Morrow county. The capital stock is $25,000, divided into 1,250 shares of $20 each. The principal place of business is Heppner. Contracts at Interest. Salem The State Land board re ports interest bearing contracts out standing December 81, as follows: School land contracts, $669,516.30; Agricultural college, $28,993.82; Uni versity, $3,788. v PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Club, 71 71c; bluestem, 73 74c; red, 6869c; valley, 73c. Oats No. 1 white feed, $27; gray, $26.50 per ton. Barley Feed, $23.0023.50 per ton; brewing, $24.0024.50; rolled, $23.50 24.50. 1 Buckwheat $2.50 per cental. ' ' Hay Eastern Oregon timothy, $13.5014.50 per ton; valley timothy, $9(2510; clover, $910; cheat, $8.50 9.50; grain hay, $89. " ' . " Fruits Apples 75c$1.50 per box; persimmons, $1.25 per bo; pears, $1.251.50 per box; cranberries, $13 13 50 per barrel. . Vegetables Beans, 20c per pound ; cabbage, l2c per pound; cauliflower, $1.25 per dozen; ce'ery, $33.50 per crate; pumpkins, ?4lc per pound; sorouts, 7c per pouncL; equash, IV lc per pound; turnips, 90c$l per sack; carrots, bo7oc per sack; beets, 85c$l per sack. Onions Oregon, No. 1, $11.25 per SaCKJ JNO. 70(3HUC, Potatoes Fancy graded Burbanks, 6575c per sack; ordinary, 5060c; Merced sweets, 2c per pound. Butter Fancy creamery,2732c per pound. Eggs uregon rancn, za30c per dozen. , , Poultry Average old hens, 12 14c per pound; springs, 1213c; mixed chickens, 1212c; broilers, 1516c; dressed chickens, 1415c; turkeys, live, 15c; turkeys dressed, choice, 1720c; geese, live, 9llc; ducks, liec. Hops Oregon, 1905, choice, 10llc per pound; prime, 89)6; medium, 7oc; olds, o7c. Wool Eastern Oregon average bett, 1621o per pound; valley, 2426c; monair, cnoice, 30c. ueei ressea duiis, izc per pound; cows, d(34c; country steers, 44c. ' - . . . Veil Dressed, 88c per pound. Mutton uressea, fancy ee4c per pound; ordinary, 45c; lambs, 7(8 Fork Dressed, 67c per pound. SEQOND IN TRADE. mrisnse Volume of Business With Germany During 1905. Washington, Jan. 9. Trade between the' United States and Germany, whose commercial relations are now the sub- ect of negotiations between the two countries, aggregated in the fiscal year 1905 over $300,000,000. A report issued today by the bureau of Statis tics of the department of Commerce and Labor, says: "The imports from Germany were $118,000,000 in value and exceeded imports from that country in any ear lier year. The exports to Germany were $194,000,000 in value and ex- ceeded our exports to that country in any earlier yaar except 1904, in which year the total was over $214,000,000, this decrease in 1905 compared with 1904 having occurred in raw cotton and being due altogether to a fall in prices, since the quantity in 1905 was greater that in 1904. Imports from Germany incrtaBed $37,000,000 in the period from 1895 to 1908 and exports to that country increased $10,000,000 in the same time. "Germany stands second in the order of magnitude of our trade with foreign countries, both as to imports and exports. "Manfactures are the bulk of the $118,000,000 worth of merchandise im ported from Germany. "In manufactures, especially copper, mineral, leather, scientific inatrmuents and certain manufactures of iron and steel, our exports to Germany show a steady growth. The value of copper in bars and plates exported from the United States to Germany amounted to over $14,000,000. WILL TRY TO GET FACTS. Missouri's Attorney General Says He Does Not Expect Much. New York, Jan. 9. Attorney Gen eral Hadley, of Missouri, said tonight that he would probably ask for a hear ing in the Supreme court in this city on Wednesday or Thursday to deter mine whether H. H. Rogers and other directors of the Standard Oil company must answer questions at the hearing before Commissioner Sanborn regarding the control of oil companies operating in Missouri. "I confess," he says, "that I did not have much hope when I came here that the Standard Oil directors would tell about the Standard Oil control of the Waters-Pierce Oil company and two other companies operating in Missouri, but since they have appeared in answer to subpoenas, I shall make the best effort I can to have them tell the facts. "I don't care, of course, to have any body committed for contempt. I shall ask the court to have the witnesses di rected to answer certain questions which they have declined to answer If the court orders them to answer and they still refuse, I shall have to leave to the court the question of contempt '.'A refusal to answer in such a case would be next best for my purpose to an answer in the affirmative, since it would be equivalent to an admission.' KENTUCKY IS RAMMED. Battleship Runs Aground in Fog in New York Harbor. New York, Jan. 9. While the bat tleship squadron under command of Rear Admiral Evans was proceeding to sea today, the battleships Kearsarge and Kentucky ran aground in the har bor "off the West Bank light house. The Alabama and Illinois were follow ing next in line, and before they could alter their course, the Alabama collid ed with the Kentucky, striking her a glancing blow. The Illinois just got clear of the tangle and proceeded down the bay, anchoring outside the bar with the flagship Maine. The starboard side of the Kentucky above the water line was quite badly damaged. She will come up to the navy yard tomorrow for repairs. The accident occurred shortly after 1 P. M. The Alabama stood by to render , assist ance to the Kentucky and Kearsarge and wireless messages were sent to the Brooklyn navy yard for tugs. Place for Consumptives. Boston, Jan. 9. Mayor John F. Fitz gerald, who presided at the meeting which closed the tuberculosis conven tion at Horticultural hall tonight, said in his speech that by tomorrow night the act calling for a board of trustees for the establishment of a hospital for consumptives to cost $150,000 will have passed the board of aldermen, and will soon after receive his signature. The tuberculosis convention, which has been in session here for two weeks, has been a great success, the hall being crowded at nearly all the lectures. Damages to American Property. St. Petersburg, Jan. 9. Mr. Meyer, the American ambassador, has received from the consuls at Moscow and Odessa detailed reports of the injurien suffered by American property during the re cent riots. A statement of the damages claimed will be forwarded by Mr. Meyer to the State department for in- strut on. . . . - . AIR EVERY SCANDAL Senate Committee to Investigate Affairs of Canal. MAY ABOLISH CANAL COMMISSION Latitude Will Be Given in Taking Tes timony in Hope of Showing Mismanagement. Washington, Jan. 13. While the senate has labored to mask the truth, the fact is that next Tuesday Theodore Roosevelt, William H. Taft, Theodore P. Shonts, John F. Stevens and, inci dentally, John F; Wallace, are to be arraigned and tried before the none too impartial judges who constitute the senate committee on interoceanic can als. The trial is to be called an investiga tion, but it means simply that every supposed Acandal, every petty criti cism, every report of friction between officials, every story of an unearned salary, every tale of a discharged em ploye and every fleeting bit of gossip is to be told in public, and from them all the members of the committee expect to get possibly some of them hope to get the basis for a direct charge of in competence, or it may be of guilt. There is not a soul in Washington who believes that anything will come of the investigation save the knowledge al ready held that some of the heads of the enterprise have had their bickerings and their disagreements. It may be that in the course of the hearings the public may learn the real reason for the resignation of Mr. . Wal lace. It may learn whether or not there was any truth in the reports of friction between Mr. Taft and Mr Shonts. It may learn whether or not Poultney Bielow drew the long bow, but that anything substantial can come from the investigation no one in his heart believes. It is understood that the greatest lat itude will be given in the matter of asking questions, and, if curiosity about personal differerences between officials is to be considered one of the chief things which it is necessary satisfy, the senate and the people may have their fill of satisfaction. The senate declares that President Roosevelt practically challenged the investigation and that it has been de cided not to deny him. There was nothing for the president to do, appar ently, in the present condition of af fairs, except to "challenge" an inves tigation. There i i a feeling in Wash ington that he took the course that he did to win eventually the right to con duct the canal construction unhamper ed by a commission of seven men. If the Jreault of the investigation leads to the statutory abolition of the canal body, it may be that trouble and rumois of trouble will disappear and that the work will go forward, showing that a strong hand is behind it. SEETHING WITH EXCITEMENT. Young China Wants Reform Old China Adheres to Graft. Pekin, Jan. 13. Reports from the South and from the YangtBe valley re gion show the , anti-foreign sentiment to be very strong. China undoubtedly is in a ferment of politcial excitement, but the , movement is directed as much against the government as against the foreigners. The government is between two fires The young China party is clamorjng because reforms are being executed too slowly, while the conservatives and the officials, .the lattef having their per quiaitea threatened, are resisting all efforts at reform. In spite of the protests in Northern China, the foreign ministers have not changed their minds for the withdrawal of foreign troops from Chile province the only exception being the legation giards. the ministers believing that the Chinese government is both able and determined to protect foreigners in the event of a revolution. Demand a Lower Rate. ' Juneau, Alaska, Jan. 13. At meeting attended by 35 Douglas City shippers last night a telegram was or dered to be Bent that no contract would be signed with the two steamship com panies now doing business unless a rate of 25 per cent less than the present rate be granted. At present only three con tracts have been signed in Juneau with the two companies. All other shippers were waiting for some move by Tacoma or Portland. There is some agitation to get Tacoma to pool the issuewith Portland. More Jamaicans for Canal. Kingston, Jan. 13. Four hundred men sailed from Kingston this after noon on the steamer Tagus for Colon to seek employment in the canal zone. Each man deposited $6.25 with the treasury under the immigrants protec tion lew. HILL'ON PHILIPPINES. Occupies Attention of House Three Hours Telling-Whait He Knows; . , Washington, Jan. 6. In a session of five hours today, the house placed on record a speech in favor of the Philip pine tariff bill, one against it, and a 20 minutes' talk for tariff revision accord ing to the Republican demand of Mas sachusetts. Hill, of Connecticut, oc cupied three hours, and was listened to with the greatest interest in detailing the knowledge he gained from two. visits to the Philippines, the last as a member of the party of Secretary Taft last summer. He paid particular at tention to the tobacco feature of the measure, and explained away much of the misapprehension as to the enor mous products that might be expected from the islands. Their territory, he said, was small, and the fertile lands still further limited. Mondell, of Wyoming, who has led the fight against the bill in the in-' terest of the beet sugar industry of this country, spoke vigorously against the measure and against the policy of help ing the Filipino people by granting them open markets in the United States. He said the passage of this bill would be the death knell of the beet sugar industry ' in the United States. The abolition of the tariff on hidea was pleaded for by Lawrence of Massa chusetts, who presented the position taken by the Republicans of that state. Information regarding immigration from Austro-Hungary contained in re ports by Marcus Braun was asked for from the secretary of commerce and labor. MAY HOLD BALANCE. United States May Act as Arbiter in Moroccan Conference. Washington, Jan. 8. The agitation Europe over the coming Moroccan in conference and the result it may bring has spread to this country and officials here are now deeply interested in the matter because of the reccently devel oped fact that the American delegation has become the most prominent factor of the gathering. It has been believed here that the various European governments which are so deeply interested in the confer ence, notably France and Germany. had agreed to a program which would be adhered to rigidly. The possibility of a split between these, two govern--ments on some of the questions in volved may throw the United States into a position where its delegates with' their votes will have the power to settle the question. In that event, it is con sidered, the position of the United states may become embarrassing. It is learned on good authority that the United States government will da everything in its power to bring about peaceful settlement of the issues which will be discussed at the' confer ence. From this it appears that Presi dent Roosevelt has again determined to use ail bis power in keeping the worJd , at peace. The difficulties of the situa tion are great and the American mis sion will undoubtedly have much work to do. Will Defeat Statehood. , Washington;" Jan. The Republi can "insurgents ' of the house now con-V tend they have formed a combination that will defeat the statehood bill and carry the Philippine tariff bill with it. They-, say they have 70 Republican votes which will be supported by a united minority, to defeat a rule pro hibiting any amendment to the state hood bill. They will amend this bill. they say, by admitting Oklahoma and Indian Territory as one state and leav ing Arizona and New Mexico out for the present. . Dolliver Will Fight Delay. Washington,' Jan. 8. Senator Dolli ver, of Iowa, will resist to the utmost any attempt of the committee on in terstate commerce of which he is a member to defer action upon railroad rate legislation until the house has passed a bill. The present majority of the committee is opposed to giving the interstate commerce commission power to change rates. Three of the Republi cans, however, stand with the Demo cratic members for regulation as gen erally defined by the president. Public Lands Withdrawn. Washington, Jan. 8. Withdrawals from all forms of disposal of public lands for proposed forest reserves have been ordered by the secretary of the in terior, effective January 14, 1F06, as follows: Nevada, Spring mountain re serve, 345,'000 acres; Wyoming, Pear Lodge reserve, 107,020 acres. California to Celebrate. Washington, Jan. 8. -Representative Kahn, of California, introduced a bill today providing for an appropriation of $5,000,000 for an exposition in San Francisco in 1913 to celebrate the 400th anniversary of the discovery of the Pacific ocean by Balboa.