Lexington wheatfield. (Lexington, Or.) 1905-19??, January 18, 1906, Image 6

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S. A. THOMAS, Publisher
Id a Condensed Form for Our
Busy Readers, .
A Resume of the Less Important but
Not Less Interesting Events
of the Past Week.
Marshall Field continues very sick.
France has recalled her envoy from
The revolution in Ecuador has been
The Russian government is gradual
ly reconquering Siberia.
Morales has Bought refuge in the
' American legation and resigned his
Mrs. Chadwict is now in the Ohio
penitentiary serving her 10-year sen
tence. Russia pays an annual interest of
$211,500,000 on her national debts of
all kinds.
Eastern papers have contained sever
al severe articles on Representative
Wall street has been shaken by the
discovery of several million dollars'
worth of forged stock certificates.
The New York Life Insurance com
pany has again been admitted to Mis
souri for the transaction of business.
France may soon resort to iorce in
settling her Venezuelan troubles. She
will act in full concert with the United
The body of Thomas Nast, famous for
his cartoons during Boss Tweed's time,
will be brought to the United States for
The kaiser is making great prepara
tions to suppress Socialist demonstra
tions which are expected throughout
Troops are running down Morales.
Two Annapolis hazers have been
found guilty of hazing.
France has broken off all diplomatic
relations with Venezuela.
Southern cotton planters condemn
negro labor and want immigration.
Russian authorities are preparing for
trouble on Red Sunday, January 22.
Cleveland declares himself to be in
favor of publicity of campaign eX
Sir Thomas Lip ton is making plans
for another challenge in 1907 to race
lor the Americas yacht cup.
The Carnegie steel works at Green
ville, Pa., have been destroyed by fire.
The loss will reach $600,000.
A statement issued by the Russian
government shows that the recent war
with Japan cost $1,050,000,000,. Of
this amount $202,500,000 is yet un
paid. Large quantities of dynamite have
disappeared from government store
houses in Denmark and it is believed to
have been stolen and sent to Russian
The deepest copper mine in the
world, at Calumet , Mich., is on fire.
Three men have been burned. The fire
is from half to three-quarters of a mile
below the earth's Burface.
Two men were killed by a cave-in at
a mine near Eureka, Utah.
A great forgery of railway stock has
been revealed in New York.
Harvard university has announced a
set of revised football rules.
A fire at Schenectady, New York,
destroyed $100,000 worth of property.
Fire destroyed the Wormwood ware
house, Boston, entailing a loss of $125,
000. Hermann's trial has been definitely
set for the last week in March. The
hearing will be in Washington.
Russia has secured a loan of $50,-
000,000 from French bankers, giving
the state railroads as a guarantee.
A stamppede is on to Manhattan, 80
miles northeast of Goldfield, Nevada.
Gold has been discovered in large quan
tities A Farsi cable car descending an in
cline got beyond control. Fifteen pas
sengers were injured, three danger
A new Methodist church fs to be
feulit in Chicago which is to be the
tallest in the city. The structure will
cost $1,000,000.
The United States government con
tinues to prepare for trouble in China,
which! s likely at any time to be the
scene of an anti-foreignoutbreak. ' '
' the kaiser is confined to his bed with
Acold.i "V, I I ;
Raiders Murder Herders, Slaughter
Sheep and Burn Camp. '
Denver, Jan. 12. An Evanston,
Wyo., special to the Tribune says:
Masked and mounted raiders, pre
sumed to be cattlemen, last, night at
tacked the camps' of two Utah flock
masters near Burnt Fork, close to the
Utah-Wyoming line, shot, down A. N.
GarBite and Robert Allen, herders,
slaughtered the sheep, and turned the
camp wagons and outfits.
A camp mover who escaped the bul
lets of the raiders witnessed the battle
from the, brush. The raiders num
bered about 20, and approached the
camps at a gallop, firing a fusillade
of shots into the wagons. The herders
were killed at the first fire. It re
quired less than half an hour to club
the sheep to death and burn the out
fits, when the raiders departed. No
tices of warning to other, flotkmasters
were left with the bodies of the dead
Sheepmen are indignant, threaten to
get even, and more trouble is antici
pated. The range on which the out
rage was committed has long' been in
dispute, and the sheepmen have been
frequently ordered away.
German Delegate Says Minister Mis
understood French Minister.
Paris, Jan. 12. With the approach
of the Algeciras convention on Moroc
can reforms, the newspapers devote
greater space to discussion of the ques
tion. Public opinion everywhere is
that the issue of the conference will be
amicable has been practically decided.
The Journal's Madrid correspondent
sends an interview with the Germa am
bassador at Madrid, Herr von Rado
witz,who is also the principal German
delegate to the convention. The am
bassador, the correspondent says, has
no doubt of the favorable issue of the
conference. He believes the whole dis
agreement is due to the Moroccan min
ister's not understanding or misinter
preting the words of the French minis
ter to Morocco, willfully or otherwise,
and says if the sultan's delegates try to
prevent an agreement being reached by
the powers, as it has been suggested
they would do, they will find them
selves in a most serious situation. But
the ambassador is of the opinion that
the Moroccan delegates fully appreciate
this and will give no trouble.
BiTl Offered Congress by Fruit Job
bers' Association.
Duluth, Minn, Jan. 12. President
Roosevelt, Attorney General Moody
and members of congress and the Inter
state Commerce commission, will re
ceive this week copies of a bill ad
vocated oy the Western Fruit Jobbers'
association, of which E. M. Ferguson,
of Duluth, is president, and which has
for its primary purpose the elimination
of private freight cars, the correction of
refrigerating rates and bringing express
companies under the interstate com
merce acts and prohibiting the dealing
in commodities handled by them.
The bill will be introduced in con
gress during the present session. It
provides that roads must furnish all
rolling stock required to handle inter
state commerce under penalty of heavy
fineB. It outlaws "flexible' charges
and gives the shipper an open avenue
for relief against unreasonable rates.
Deadly Vengeance on Rebels Who
Tore Up Track. '
Riga, Livonia, Jan. 12. News has
just reached this city of a daring at
tempt of the revolutionists to capture a
military train conveying a large sum of
money from St. Petersburg to Libau.
A band of revolutionists having ad
vance information gathered at Hazen
pot, burned two bridges and tore up
the track. Two companiesof infantry,
which were escorting the train, left the
cars, andivere joined by a detachment
of dragoons. This force marched against
the revolutionists, who from behind
improvised defenses, opened fire on the
soldiers. Tbe infantry, after firing two
volleys, whch killed 65 and wounded
nearly 100 of the revolutionists,
charged with the bayonet, and the dra
goons completed the rout by sabering
all the revolutionists they overtook.
Pipe Line Across Isthmus.
Washington, Jan. 12. Secretary Taft
has recommended to the president
that he sanction the issue of a revoca
ble license to the Union Oil company,
of California, to construct and main
tain a pipe line across the canal zone.
mere were six applicants tor such a
right, but the company named is tbe
only one which specified the price of
oil if used by the government and
whose offer was otherwise sufficiently
definite and reasonable. It is, howev
er, expressly provided that the license
shall not be exclusive.
Grinding Cane in Mexico.
Mexico City Jan, 12. Cane grind
ing is now well under way qn the sugar
plantations. The total production is
estimated at 225,000 tons.' ;
Friday, Jan. 12.
Waghlngton, Jan. 12. Interest was
Injected into the Philippine tariff de
bate in the house today by "Massachu
setts idea" tariff expressions by Mc
Call, of that state, by a character study
o the Filipino by Longworth, of Ohio,
and by a defense of President Roosevelt
by Pou, a Democrat from North Caro
lina. Besides these there were a num
ber of speeches delivered on the merits
of the bill, nearly all of which were in
opposition to it.
During the day an agreement was
reached whereby the debate is to con
tinue for two days more. The house is
to meet at 11 o'clock tomorrow and
Monday to close general debate at 5
o'clock. The measure will be taken up
for amendment under the five minute
rule Tuesdiay, and doubtless deposed
of on that day.
Thursday, January II.
Washington, Jan. 11. Before going
into executive session today, the senate
listened to a speech by Heyburn in
Bupport of his bill creating a national
board for the control of corporations,
in which he denounced Wall street be
cause of its alleged interference with
the affairs of the country, lie said
that when the "street" could not dic
tate the financial course of the govern
ment, it was ever ready to threaten
disaster, and he pleaded for legislation
that would rob it of such power for
The remainder of the open session
was devoted to a discussion of the prac
tice of the senate of sending resolutions
to the calendar after they had been
under discussion. Bacon raised the
point of order that there was no rule
requiring such a course, and said his
Moroccan resolution had been improp
erly placed on the calendar. He also
contended that the resolution had not
had a day's discussion. The matter
was not disposed of in open session.
He argued that he could not say what
had occurred when the question was
under consideration in secret session,
but when pressed said that if permitted
to do so he would say that the resolu
tion itself had not been considered at
that time. On the suggestion of Mor
gan, the senate at 1 :26 p. m. went into
secret session for the consideration of
che subject.
Washington., Jan. 11. Tbe Philip
pine tariff debate in the bouse today
consisted more of party maneuvering
for advantageous campaign material
than of discussion o( the question at
iB3ue. The tariff was the text of a
speech by Grosvenor, of Ohio, who be
gan the debate, and ot an extended re
ply by Williams, the minority lender.
Tbe speech of Grosveor was spiced with
witticisms and enlivened with interrup
tion from Champ Clark, at whom Gros
venor aimed most of his arguments.
Williams outlined the specific tariff
doctrine of the Democratic party and
held that the Republican tariff was
not, as so often claimed, responsible for
the- prosperity of the country'. To
prove this, he cited the prosperity of
Canada, Mexico and other countries at
the present time, and the business de
pression of these countries during the
hard times of 1893.
Adams, of Wisconsin, opposed the
bill, but advocated the readjustment of
the tariff on business principles. Mc
Kinley, of California, delivered his
first speech in the house in favor of the
measure, and pointed a finger of warn
ing toward the growing industries of
Wednesday, Jan. 10.
Washington, Jan. 10. The senate
made it plain today that it had yester
day all that it wants to hear for the
present on the Moroccan question.
There were two opportunities to resume
consideration of the subject, but both
were avoided, apparentlv with the as
sent of all the members, and the senate
adjourned at a comparatively early
hour rather than take it up.
Notwithatandin&V the early adjourn
ment, a great deal of business was dis
posed of. About 80 bills were passed,
leaving on the calendar only six or sev
en. Of those passed a large majority
grant private pensions and many , are
bridge bills. One of the bills favorab
ly acted upon appropriates $200,000 for
the appropriate marking of the graves
of Confederate soldiers who died in
Northern prisons during the Civil war.
For the rest of the session the senate
gave attention in turn to the question
of salaries paid to Panama canal offi
cials, to the pure food bill and the
Revolt Against Cannon.
Washington, Jan. 9. SpeakerCan
non's efforts to win the insurgent over
to the Hamilton joint statehood bill
have met with little success apparent
ly, and the joint statehood proposition
is still shrouded in uncertainty. The
insurgents claim they have more than
58 votes, the number which, coupled
with the solid Democratic vote, will
force a consideration of amendments to
the Hamilton bill. , Two or three Re
publicans are reported to have been
won over to the administration meas
ure, through Speaker Cannon. . ; t
merchant marine shipping bill, but
without taking action on any one of
those subjects. The canal subject was
discussed by Simmons and the pure
food bill by Heyburn. The only action
taken on the shipping bill was that of
reading it at length.
Washington, Jan. 10. A vigorous
Bpeech in favor of the Philippine tariff
bill by Dalzell opened the proceedings
in the house today. It waB followed by
several others against the measure,
most notable of which was a two-hour
address by the veteran statesman, ex
Speaker Keifer, of Ohio, who returns to
the house after a retirement of 20
years. Keifer bespoke a "standpat"
doctrine of the most pronounced type,
lie said he would oppose the ponding
bill because it was a concession to
Democratic principles. Ilia speech was
replete with recollections of earlier
days and ieceived the closest attention
and liberal applause from both sides of
the chamber.
Tuesday, Jan. 9.
Washington, Jan. 9. The propriety
of discussing in open senate a resolu
tion introduced by Senator Baocn cal
ling upon the president for an account
of his appointment of delegates to a
proposed conference in Moroccan affairs
to be held by European powers at Al
gericas, Spain, was considered for four
hours today, and then by strict party
vote, it was decided that the resolution
should be executive business. Bacon
in supporting his resolution, contended
for a public session, and Spooner de
clared that tbe adoption of the resolu
tion would be an encroachment by the
senate upon the constitutional rights
of the president! and virtually of his
powers as chief magistrate.
Washington, Jan. 9 The Philip
pine tariff measure was the single topic
of consideration in the house today.
The speeches were uniformly against
the measure and 'were allowed to go, in
general, without answer. Digression
in the form of tariff revision discussion
was made in a brief speech by Gillette,
of Massachusetts, who favored Cana
dian reciprocity. Bonynge, of Colo
rado, discussed the bill from the stand
point of the beet sugar industry.
Monday, Jan. 8.
Washington, Jan. 8. The senate to
today gave attention to the Panama
canal, the situation in Santo Domingo
and the merchant marine shippiing
The canal biil question came up in
connection with a message from the
president, in which, among other
things, he invited the closest scrutiny
into all that had been done by the gov
ernment in the Isthmus of Panama.
Gorman made that utterance the text
for a speech, in which he criticised the
salaries paid for work in connection
with the canal, and urged congression
al inquiry. He said that the president
was not so much to blame as congress for
his assumption of control on the isth
mus, and that the chief mistake had
been made when congress released its
hold upon canal affairs. He agreed
with Gorman in urging the rights of
congress in connection with the canal,
and said that, while congress had dele
gated the matter to the president, the
latter practically had referred the
whole matter back to congress.
Tbe senate took up the merchant
marine shipping bill and Gallinger
spoke in support of that measure.
Quoting the utterances of Presidents
McKinley and RooBevelt on the im
portance of building up the merchant
marine, he urged congress to heed these
admonitions by passing a law thai
would relieve the situation.
Gallinger estimated that the aggre
gate expense to the government for the
entire ten years of the proposed sub
sidies would be $40,000,000, and that
the amount being devoted to the en
couragement of irrigation is many
times larger.
The senate then',' at 4:13 P. M., went
into executive session, and at 4:20 ad
Idaho's Senators Busy.
Washington, Jan. 8. Representative
Heyburn today introduced a resolution
permitting him to appoint a messenger
for his committee at $1,440. Senator
Dubois has accepted an invitation to
deliver an address on February 12 at
Springfield, 111., at the Sangamon club
banquet given on Lincoln's birthday.
This is Mr. Dubois' boyhood home.
New Lightship and Tender.
Washington, Jan. 8. In the absence
of representation in the house from
Oregon, Representative Hepburn, of
Iowa, introduced a bill authorizing
the lighthouse board to immediately
expend $120,000 for the construction
and equipment of a new light vessel to
take the. place of light vessel No. 50,
off the mont,h of the Columbia river,
which is now undergoing repairs; also
a bill authorizing the construction of a
hew lighthouse tender, costing $150,
000 to replace the Manzanita, which is
deemed unworthy of repairs.:
Kansas Commercial Bodies to Form!
State Association.
Wichita, Kan., Jan. 10. Many del
egates have already arrived in the city
to attond the State Freight Rate con
vention, which meets here tomorrow.
The convention will be held for the
purpose of forming a state organization
to influence freight rate legislation,
both in the state legislature and in
congress. It 1b expected that fully
1,000 delegates will attend, represent
ing commercial and farmers' organiza
tions Irom all pans of the state.
The principal speakers will be ex
Governor Van Sant, of Minnesota, and
Speaker I. L. Lenroot, of Wisconsin.
Governor Iloch and other prominent
men of Kansas are also on the pro
gram. A preliminary meotinir utreml-
ed by the executive committee and
Bucti delegates as have arrived was held
this evening. It is probable that J. L.
BflBtow, ex-fourth acBistanS postmaster
general, will be elected permanent
chairman. The meeting this afternoon
resulted in a decision to present his
. Besides the accredited delegates there
are a large number of prominent buHi
nesB men from various parts of the
state present. A banquet will be ten
dered tbe visiting delegates and guests
of the convention tomorrow night by
the members of the local commercial
Mutinous Soldiers of the Czar Con
trol the Whole Railroad.
Nagasaki, Jan. 10. News that has
failed to leak through St. Petersburg
because of the cutting of communica
tion came here today on the arrival of
the transport Mongolia from Vladivo
stok carrying Russian refugees. The
Russians told a Btory of horror along
the Siberia railway, as it had come to
them from Btories told of stations
blocked by mutineers, who looted and
burned everything in sight.
Many of those who started for Russia
have turned back. Trains have been
seized and turned on a backward course
and great gaps exist in the line to the
European Russian frontier. According
to the refugees there has been a general
uprising in Siberian Russia, which will
stop operation of the railway for the
winter at least, considering the difficul
ties of maintaining the line in winter
The Btories of privation and horror
told by the refugees confirm in the
worst degree the small bits of news
that have leaked out from St. Peters
burg of the cutting of the railway and
the rebellion in the Manchurian army.
Pennypacker Amends Call for Special
Session in Pennsylvania.
Harrisburg, Pa'., Jan. 10. Governor
Pennypacker today issued a supplemen
tary proclamation to his call for the ex
tra session of the Pennsylvania legisla
ture which convenes next Monday, so
as to include a uniform primary elec
tion system, a civil service system for
state officers and the regulation of elec
tion expenses. He also amends his
original call so as to enable tbe legisla
ture to pass a bill for the consolidation
of the cities of Pittsburg and Allegheny,
eminent lawyers having contended that
it was impossible to pass such a bill
under hia original proclamation.
The governor's supplementary call
was a great surprise to his official ad
visers, not one of whom thought he
would make any change in his original
call, despite the pressure for a uniform
primary election system and a new bal
lot law. Among the subjects men
tioned in the original call are personal
registration; state treasury reform and
senatorial and legislative reapportion
ment. Collect for Stolen Timber.
Washington, Jan. 10. The Supreme
court of the United States today heard
argument in the case of the United
States against the Bitter Root company,
of Montana, and at its conclusion took
up the case against Senator William A.
Clark. In the Bitter Root case, the
prosecution is based on the allegation
that the company, as the assignee of
Marcus Daly, received the proceeds of
a large quantity of timber cut on pub
lic land in Montana, while Clark is
charged with possession of about 11,
000 acres of timber land fraudulently.
Bomb Factory Blown Up.
St. Petersburg, Jan. 10. Reports
have beenjreceived heie of a battle at
Tiflis between the rebels, who hold the
whole of Western Transcaucasia, and
the troops sent against them. The
rebels took refuge in a bomb factory,
which was exploded by the troops and
great loss of life inflicted.
German Soldiers Called Home.
Copentagen, Jan. 10. All German
subjects in Denmark who are liable for
military service have received official
warning to be ready to return to Ger-
minv nnnn throA lava' nAtina ' '