Lexington wheatfield. (Lexington, Or.) 1905-19??, January 18, 1906, Image 3

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Is a strong point with
Hood's Sarsaparilla. A
bottle lasts longer and does
more good than any other.
It is .the only medicine of
which can truly be said
liniment III Only Capital.
The clothliiK of h willor In practically
IiIh complete outfit for work, nnd with
out this ho Ih unable to Join his vesw;I
properly iMjulppcd for duty.
ISocuuHe of this fact Confess pnsn
fl a low providing u penalty for re
fuHlriB to give up the clothes of a him
man whenever lie demand them, This
law wan not an effective as It should
liave been, and a new law lias lieen
paused recently which provides that a
person who shall keep any seaman's
clothing, when demanded, shall bo
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and
nlin.il be Imprisoned not more than six
months or lined not more than $500, or
A Reamon, not a deserter, In any part
of the United Slates has a right to de
mand his clothes at any time, and If
lie does not receive them he can call
upon any United States district attor
ney, who will secure them for him and
inflict a penalty upon the person de
taining them.
Numerous Picture.
Bacon I see the Huron has two oil
paintings In one of his rooms.
Egbert They are his ancestors, I sup
pose. . "But in another one close by there
are hundreds of pictures."
"Yes, no doubt they are his creditors."
Shells filled with oil, intended to calm
a stormy sea when fired into it, have
been invented in France.
It is usually safe to judce a woman
by the things she doesn't say.
Women have a queer way of doing
things and men have a queer way of
not doing them.
lie that reigns within himself, and
rules his passions, desires and fears, Is
more than a king. Milton.
Many a man's winning ways are due
to the way he deals the cards.
Fastest, lightest and strongest Stump Puller
on the market. 119 Horte power on '.he sweep
with two homes. Writs lor descriptive catalog
and prices.
Foot ol Morrison Street Portland, Oregon
Represent thn survival of the fittest. W
have become the largest Heed bouse In the
world because our seeds are better man
others. L)o you wish to grow the most
beautiful flowers and the finest vege
tables? Plan t the best Beeds Ferry's.
1908 Reed Annual free to all
D. M. FERRY & CO.,
Detroit, Mich.
Or. C. Gee Wo
This wonderful Chi
nese Doctor Is callid
great because he cures
people without opera
lion that are given up
to die. He cures with
those wonderful Chi
nese herns, rools, buds,
barks and vegetables
that are entirely un
known to medical sci
ence In this conuir. Through ihe uhu of thosj
harmless remedies this lunious doctor knows
the sctlou of over too different remedies which
he successlully uses In dlfferen: diseases. He
guarantees to cure catarrh, asthma, lung, Ihrnat,
rheumatism, nervousness, stomach, liver; kid
neys, etc.! has hundreds of testimonials.
Charges moderate. Call and see him. Patients
out of the city write for blankr and c'roulars.
Bend stamp. CONSULTATION i'KEli.
1 62'4 First St., S. E. Cory Morrison
Mention naner. PORTLAND. OREGON.
i :
"I have used your FISH BRAND
Slicker for five year and can truth
. fully ay that I never have had
anything give me so much com
fort and satisfaction. Enclosed
find my order for another one."
(namc kd addris. om application)
You can defy the hardest storm with Tower's
Waterproof Oiled Clothing and Hats.
Bfighcst Award World's Fair, 1904.
Boston. U. 8. A. fA
Best Cough Syrup. Tastes Good. Use
in time, com ny aruggits.
Good Hniokehonae.
The thrifty fiinncr prepares tils own
pork for home consumption, and If he
Is short of wish with which to build an
up-to-date smokehouse he will appre
ciate the following plan, which will
enable him to carry out his Ideas at
small cost. Huy an old but good up
right piano box, and after making It
smoke tight with paper, set it In the
desired place and dig a trench so that
the piping will enter at one end of the
box through the bottom. Then take an
old wash boiler with a good copper
Imttom and have a tinsmith make a
hole In one side near the,bottom, and
In this fasten a piece of tin water pipe
I (ZD 'r.
or four-Inch stovepipe. Then buy addi
tional lengths of pipe aud make the
connections yourself, having an elbow
to go Into the box.
Make the smoke fire In the boiler.
the smoke will pass Into the box, and,
on a small scale, one will have a first
cluss smokehouse. At little heat Is re
quired to keep up the fire sufficient to
give the desired amount of smoke,
there Is no danger of the wash boiler
being too frail for the purpose. The
Illustration shows the plan perfectly,
the details of the piping being shown
In the lower part of the cut. Indian
apolis News.
Amount of Corn Required.
It Is well enough to lay down the
rule that ten pounds of corn will make
one pound of pork, but rules may not
give the results expected unless ap
plied under certain conditions. Some
breeds of hogs will produce more pork
on the same food than others, and
even with a selected breed there will
be some Individual animals that will
Increase more rapidly than others. In
the winter season, If the hogs are ex
posed, twenty or thirty pounds of corn
may be required to make a pound of
pork. Care and management are lm
portant, as well as breed and food.
Holnter for Wagon Box.
For main post (A) use scantling
4x4; top piece (B) use 2x4; for brace
(C) 2x4; length and height as desired;
have brace (C) on both sides; use com
mon wood windlass (D) with inch rope
Free Seed DM rlbutlon.
The annual protest of seed men
against free distribution of seed by the
Department of Agriculture has been
sent to the President. It Is signed by
twenty-nine seedsmen, embracing the
whole territory between the Rocky
Mountains and the New England coast.
The protest states that the original In
tention of the law was to obtain seeds
unknown in the United States that
might prove valuable, and In this way
Increase our agricultural productions,
but that this statesmanlike proposition
has been grievously distorted, with the
result that In the main the most com
mon kinds of garden seeds have been
No doubt a great abuse has crept
Into this matter of free seed patron
age. It has been used by a great many
unscrupulous politicians to make them
selves solid with certain voters. Like
all other public questions, there are
two sides. The distribution of sugar
beet seed grown on the Taclfic coast
for experiment all over the country Is
a good feature that will offset some of
the undesirable ones. Not all the seeds
distributed are common garden truck,
Field and Fireside.
Hanger of Rrallam.
David Belasco was talking about stage
realism. - "
"It may go too far," he said. "It la
dangerous thing." . . '
He smiled.
"A stage manager," he said, "once
had a subordinate with realistic ideas.
The manager was producing a play con
taining a snowstorm and the subordinate
had charge of the snow
'Confound you!' said the manager,
at the end of the snowstorm scene.
'What on earth did you mean by mak
ing the snow out of brown paper?'
" 'Ain't the scene laid in London'' ask
ed the other.
" Yen, but what of that?'
" 'Well, that's the color of London
mow.' "Philadelphia Bulletin,
Mothers will find Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing
Syrup the best remedy to use for their children
during the teething period.
Innpheon O raters.
Tick over one dozen large oysters,
strain the liquor and measure it; there
should be a half a cupful. Add this to
the oysters with one tablespoonful of
salt, two tablespoonfuls of butter, one
half of a tablespoonful of tomato
ketchup, and two tablespoonfuls of
chopped green or red peppers. Turn
into a flat dish and cook in a hot oven
until the edges of the oysters curl,
then pour over buttered toast.
It Quiets
the Cough
This is one reason why Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral is so valua
ble In consumption. It stops
the wear and tear of useless
coughing. But it does more
it controls the inflammation,
quiets the fever, soothes, and
heals. Sold for 60 years.
" Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has been a rejmlar
life preserver to me. It drought me throiiKh
a severe attack of pneumonia, and 1 feel
that I owe my life to Its wonderful curative
properties." WlLUA.il 11. Tkuitt, Wawa,
Made by J. O. Ayr Co., Lowell, Mais.
Also manufacturers of
by keepin
bowels regular witn
Hasten recovery
Ayer's Pills.
The opinion is making much headway
riTft Permanently Cured. No fits or nervousness ,n Germany that children should not b
l 10 aflernrstday'suseofDr.Kline'sOreatNerve ki:,i .t,i t f
Restorer. Herd for 2 irial hmtlnrt tr.tl Obliged to Study Out Of. SChOOl.
liestorer. Hend for Free trial hot tie and treatise.
Ir.K. H.Kline, Ltd., 931 Aran St. Philadelphia, Pa.
Ether was first used in surgical opera
tions in 1840.
Feed In Cottonseed Meal.
Many mistakes are made In the feed
ing of cottonseed meal, feeders forget
ting for the moment that it is an ex
tremely concentrated food and needs a
pretty strong stomach to handle it;
hence it should be fed sparingly to
young stock. As a food by itself It
will not do for any considerable period,
but as one of n mixture It has great
value even at a price as high as $35 a
ton, provided the other grains used are
not too high in price. A fine mixture
Is corn meal, the grinding of the corn
and the cob together and the cottonseed-meal.
Or, bran may be used when
the corn is ground without the cob but
in the latter case the ratio should be
two parts of the cottonseed meal to
one part each of the corn meal and the
wheat bran.
The Race Question
la a problem that has puzzled the
profoundest minds for many years.
The best thing for the human race to
do is to eat Fillsbury'a Vitos lor breakfast.
Home-Made Corn Cotter.
A New England paper gives this af
an idea coming from Australia. The
device is not exactly new, as it has
been in use and described In America
here and there. The implement is
made by bolting the blade of a strong
heavy scythe to a sledge or sled, as
here shown. One of these machines is
claimed to cut about two and a half
acres per day. Americans will make
some improvements on it, especially
in the manner of gathering the stalks
when being cut
Loop ends of rope to slip over poles
under bed. When raised sufficiently,
secure by placing a bar across hooks
F and JS. Pulley can be attached to
rafters if preferred..'
Don't Forget the Sqanah Buff.
As the squash bug winters in the
adult state under rubbish, etc., cleanli
ness becomes advantageous in avoid
ing Injury the following season. Where
the pest has been troublesome, collect
ing the cucurbit vines after the crop
Is taken and destroying them will be
the means of killing or starving many
of the Immature bugs.
Baying Fruit Tree.
If fruits of any kind are to be set
out, see that the supply is purchased
and the stakes set so that when the
time comes for transplanting there
need be no delay. With many spring
Is considered the best time for set
ting out fruit and if this plan be in
tended, so tar as possible the work
should be done early, so that the trees
or plants will be able to make a good
start to grow before hot, dry weather
shall have set In. Purchases , may be
made, in winter,, in advance.-?.
Coat ol Putting fp Silage.
The question is often discussed as to
the cdfet of putting up silage, says
Michigan Farmer. From a large num
ber of records kept among Illinois
farmers it was found to cost about 50
cents per ton. In some cases the cost
was as much as 70 cents per ton, while
in others as low as 35. In filling a
Michigan silo this season where the
horn was heavy and had to bo hauled
about 100 rods to the silo It cost 37
cents per ton. The cost should vary
with the distance the silage is to be
hauled. If silage Is to be put up eco
nomically an ensilage cutter should be
uf-ed that will take the corn and handle
it rapidly.
Germany Good Cnatomer. ,..
Germany is a good customer of agrl
cultural America, especially her crops
and products of the' South. Last'year
she bought raw cotton to the value of
$100,000,000: oil rnke anrl rnHnn.aaait
meal, $4,100,600; lard!' and oleomar
garine,' $17,000,000; raw tobacco, 5,-
000,000; corn, $7,200,000; wheat, $0,000,
000. , v
Farm Problem.
What do you do for thumps In pigs?
When is the best time to water a
What does it cost to produce a
pound of beef?
How much grain and hay should a
work horse be fed?
What weight cattle command the
best prices on the market?
How does the cost of raising a colt
compare with that of raising a steer?
How does the stomach of the horse
compare with that of the steer in
How much gain In weight should
you make for every bushel of corn
fed to steers or hogs?
How great "a spread" between the
price paid for feeders and the sell
ing price is necessary to , show a
No Canse for Alarm.
"I see there are a couple of oil mag
nates in the audience," said the minister
to the doorkeeper at the lecture; "give
them back their money. I won't have
any tainted money!"
"You needn't worry, replied the door
keeper; "they both came in on free
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
In the churchyard of Grimston, Nor
folk, an anvil may he seen at the head
of the grave of a local blacksmith.
P. N. U.
No. 3-06
WHEN writing to advertiser please I
mention this paper.
If we don't heed prevention, we will need a cure. The Old-Monk-Cure
t. Jacobs
Is ready always for all forms of muscular aches or pains, from
And doing dental work aMthe time that Ih
th record ot Dr. W. A. Wise. In our es
tablishment are expert dentists who nra
competent to perform the mo-it important
dental operations. No matter Ihe nature
of the work, there is a man here to do it.
DR. H. A. BTCRDEVANT, Specialist on
Children's Teeth and Regulating.
Falling Bliii!., Third and Washington 8ts.
8 a. m. to D r. m. Sundays V to 12. Mam
Work Done on Weekly and Monthly Payments
How to Exercise the
Your Intestines are lined inside with
millions of little suckers, that draw the
Nutrition out of food as it passes them.
But, if the food passes too slowly, it
decays before it gets through. Then the
little suckers draw Poison from it Instead
of Nutrition.
This Poison makes a Gas that injures
your system more than the food should
have nourished it.
You see, the food is Nourishment or
Poison, Just according to how long it stays
in transit.
They do not waste any precious fluid of
the Bowels, as Cathartics do.
They do not relax the Intestines by
greasing them inside like Castor Oil or
They simply stimulate the Bowel
Muscles to do their work naturally, com
fortably, and nutritiously.
And, the Exercise these Bowel Muscles
are thus forced to take, makes them
stronger for the future, Just as Exercisa
makes your arm stronger.
wr ill u i ( to j
' The usual remedy for
this delayed passage (called
Constipation) is to take a
big dose of Castor Oil. .
This merely make slippery the passage
for unloading the current cargo.
It does not help the Cause of delay a
It does slacken the Bowel-Muscles more
than ever, and thus weakens them for
their next task.
Another remedy is to take a strong
Cathartic, like Salts, Calomel, Jalap, Phos
phate of Sodium, Aperient Water, or any
of these mixed.
What does the Cathartic do?
It merely flushes-out the Bowels with a
waste of Digestive Juice, set flowing Into
the Intestines through the tiny suckers.
But, the Digestive Juice we waste in
doing this today is needed for tomorrow's
natural Digestion, We cannot afford to
lose it.
That's why Cascarets are the only safe
medicine for the bowels.
Cascarets are as safe to
use constantly as they are
pleasant to take.
They are purposely put up like candy,
so you must eat them slowly and let them,
go down gradually with the saliva, which
is in Itself, a fine, natural Digestive.
They are put up purposely In thin, flat,
round-cornered Enamel boxes, so they
can be carried in a man's vest pocket, or
in a woman's purse, all the time, without
bulk or trouble.
Price lOo a box at all druggists.
Be very careful to get the genuine,
made only by the Sterling Remedy Com
pany and never sold in bulk. Every tablet
stamped "CCC."
We want to send to our friends a beantlfn!
French-deslfrned, GOLD-PLATED BONBON BOX,
hard-enameled In colors. It Is a beauty for the
dressing table. Ten cents in stamps Is asked n a
measure of good faith and to cover costot Cascarets,
with which tElsialiity trinket is loaded. . , 71
' Send to-day, mentioning this paper. Address
Sterlipv Remedy Company, Chicago or JNew York
4. i l