4CXXXXXX r CHAPTER XXI. (Continued.) "So you have been a rich woman, I'auline," he said, turning to her kind ly. He did not know yet how far this estrangement had been Intentional on her part, and he would give her the benefit of the doubt. "I, too, have fallen on prosperous time. Now, what are you going to do? Shall I see you home? Or shall I call on you to-morrow, when you will be quieter and calmer? Or will you come and look at my little place now?" Then, for the first time, Pauline raised her head; and again Jack saw the ex pression of the carved tigers' heads as she answered her husband. "I will not accompany you anywhere; I would sooner klil myself for I hate you!" The shocked clergyman would have poken; but Pelling stopped him cour teously but firmly. "You must pardon me; but this Is my affair, as you must acknowledge, and mine only." Then turning to the raging woman, he went on: "In those circum stances further discussion would be use less;" and only Jack, who was watch ing him closely, guessed what wonderful self-control he was exerting to keep him self from exposing and upbraiding the woman to whom he spoke. "I will give you the address of my solicitor, and all future communications must be made through him." He wrote the address on a leaf of his pocketbook, tore It out, and placed It on the table beside her. "And now, Mrs. Pelling, may I see you to your cab?" She rose and drew herself up defiantly, and then swept from the vestry; and Pelling followed her in polite attend ' nce. He returned in a few seconds. "And now, Mr. Dornton," he said, "if you will favor me with your company, I shall be glad to give and receive explana tions." After wishing the clergyman "Good morning,"' the two men Jumped Into the cab which brought Pelling from the sta tion, and drove to a hotel. They talked on Indifferent subjects until they were In possession of a private room, and the waiter had finally retired, after receiv ing orders for luncheon In half an hour. Then Pelling turned to Jack and be gan: "It seems to me that you and I are fated, to cross each other's paths, Mr. Dornton. I have heard you spoken of pretty often lately by a Mr. Mallett, a particular friend of mine." "Indeed?" said Jack, uncomfortably, not relishing this sudden and Intentional Introduction of the Malletts' name; for, since his conversation with Lord Sum mers, Jack felt less proud than ever of his own share in the rupture with Ethel. He thought, too, that Mr. Pell ing would not have heard much to his credit from that source. "I see what you are thinking," Pell ing observed; "but you are wrong. Mr. Mallett has spoken of you to me only as a promising man in your profession. The other matter that Is in your mind I took the liberty of finding out for my self. Now, I have a proposition to make to you." CHAPTER XXII. Pelling paused and looked attentively at the young man. He knew there was not much generosity in giving Ethel up, as he could not marry her himself dur ing the lifetime of his wife, and, hav ing plenty of true manliness, he did not mean to make any show of the misera ble .pain that was gnawing at his heart; nut he felt he should like to know what sort of man this was whose path he Intended to smooth for him as far as lay in his power; and, while he thought of this, the memory of Ethel's face, pained and sorrowful as he saw It when she made to him her confession of love for this Dornton came suddenly before him, and he knew that the greatest kindness he could do her would be to restore her lover. Presently he said, abruptly: "You have nearly broken Ethel's heart." Jack flushed furiously, and half rose from his chair. Pelling motioned to him to keep calm. "I asked you to be patient with me," lie reminded Jack. "My motive should xcuse me to you. The pith of the whole matter is this was the engagement be tween yon and Ethel broken off In con sequence of your Infatuation for my wife, or had you ceased to care for her before you met Pauline? As man to man, I ask you for a truthful answer." "I can't for the life of me understand by what right," begnn Jack, hotly. "For heaven's sake, don't waste time In splitting straws when so much Is at -stake!" Pelling said, impetuously. "You can't understand my right to Interfere? I will explain. I love Ethel Mallett as I never loved, never shall love, never be lieved it possible to love; and until this morning I had the hope of making her my wife some day, when she had had time to forget you. I think my love for her gives me the right to do what I can to secure her happiness; and I believe her "happiness rests with you. I can't have her myself, or I do not think I could be unselfish enough to give her up. I might, but I don't think it Now to re turn to our point was your Infatuation for my wife the only cause of the trangement between you two?" Jack was greatly impressed, as he un derstood now why Pelling spoke with so much effort, and be felt touched by, his The ife,s Secret, OR A BITTER RECKONING By CHARLOTTE M. BRAEMB devotion. Added to this was the feel ing of shame that had oppressed him ever since his tnlk with Lord Summers. "Come you needn't mind confessing your weakness to me," Telling went on, encouragingly. "Bless you, man I know how Pauline can twist any man round her finger if she likes to try I I sup pose she was smitten with you, and spread her nets to snare you, and you, not seeing the snare, fouud yourself enamored of her without knowing how It happened. And I dare say, If the truth were known, when the first mad burst was over, and you thought out things quietly, you would have given a good deal never to have seen her at all, and wished you had behaved differently to Miss Mallett. Jack jumped up, his face beaming, and wrung Pelling's hand. "I could not say It myself, but that Is really just how It has been with me. I am not good at expressing my feelings; but I know you are behaving very well to me much better than I deserve and I thank you. And now what do you wish me to do?" "Go right away for a few months. Write to me now and again, and I will take care that Miss Mallett hears what ever Is likely to be of use to you. Give her time to forget the Indignity you have put on her and her love. I shall be on hand In the character of a benevolent patriarch, and the moment I see signs favorable to our plot I will bring about a meeting. The rest will He with your self." "How can I thank you?" "You owe me no thanks. Relieve your mind on that point. What I am doing I do out of my sincere wish for Miss Mallett's happiness. If you really think you owe me anything pay It in kindness to your wife after you are married. Here is luncheon. We will talk by and by of your Immediate plans." When they had finished luncheon, and Jack had left, Pelling laid down on the hard horsehair sofa, with his hands under his head, gazing steadfastly at the ceil ing; and it was not until the evening, when the waiter came to light the gas, that he was roused from his deep rev erie. He then pulled himself together, called for his bill, and having settled it, went out into the wretched night. When Pauline left her husband at the church door she knew that her schem ing had been futile, and that she could never again show her face at Mailing ford; but It was not that which caused her the agony of mind she was suffer ing. She had lost Jack. The one pure, un selfish cup of joy she had longed to taste had been snatched from her lips at the moment of raising. She was stunned with despair. She paced up and down the platform at Charing Cross station, watching for Babette and concocting plans for - ob taining what ready money she could be fore the grand denouement came. She knew her jewels must be worth at least five thousand pounds, and, though some of them were heirlooms, and others had been bought with money obtained by her dishonesty, she would not scruple to ap ply them to her personal use. Then she would draw at once two thousand from her bankers. She would go and do this personally lest they might scruple to pay so large a sum on a check. And so she laid her miserable plans, refusing to listen for one moment to the prompting of her better nature, which would even now suggest her return to the husband whose only Bin had been his poverty. - CHAPTER XXIII. Notwithstanding all Pelling's efforts, the story soon got Into the newspapers, and, It being the dull season, was seized upon with avidity by the gossip purvey ors. It was "dished" and "reuished day after day, with numberless distor tions, exaggerations and additions. One society journal had It that the beautiful Miss M of M Park, In Exbrldge- shire, had attempted to poison her hus band, to whom she had been secretly married only a month or two, In order to become the wife of a celebrated R. A., with whom Bhe had fallen deeply In love; while another declared that the husband presented himself at the altar with pis tols, and, dragging his would-be succes sor outside the sacred edifice, insisted upon a duel there and then, and wound ed hi til dangerously In the shoulder, and that the unforfuuate man now lay In a most critical condition, while the hus band had carried off his reluctant bride, a veritable prisoner, on board his yacht, for a twelvemonth's cruise In the Pa cific. At last Pelling, annoyed beyond meas ure at these absurd stories, decided to lay bare the truth. With the assistance of his lawyer, he drew up a concise state ment of the real facts, giving his own and Pauline's name in full, but suppress ing Jack's. He carefully conveyed the Idea that Pauline believed him to be dead, and gave the circumstance to her. change of name as sufficient to account for his not having discovered her exist ence since his return from Africa. This he sent to two of the daily newspapers, and, thus divested of all mystery, the story lost Its charm, and no longer af forded any Interest Pelling sent one of these newspapers, with bis own letter specially distinguish ed, to Ethel by post, and the next morn Ing lie called In Buckingham street to make matters clearer. Ethel's frank candor once more over came the dllllculties of the situation; bIis stood at the top of the stairs with hor hands outstretched and her face bright with friendly interest "I have been longing to see you," she began, warmly, as they entered the room; "we have both so much that Is wonder ful to tell each other!" She looked at him steadfastly as he stood in the light from the window, and what she saw In his face quickened her pulse with a sudden pity, but she would not give way to the impulse that urged her to console him. She went on, a lit tle hurriedly at first: "I can see that your pleasant news is in some way mixed up with painful thoughts; so, as mine is altogether pleas ant, I shall speak first. To begin pupa came home last nik'M, and he has brought the most wonderful news; It Is like a fairy tale! I don't suppose you know yet that your wife is my cosiu?" Captain Polling started at the words "I knew you would be greatly pleased. My fath er Is not really Mr. Mallett his true name is Sir Geoffrey Mailing, and he Is your wife's uncle. In some extraordinary way, which papa will explain, the whole of the Mallingford property conies to him in the event of Pauline's marrying under twenty-five without her guardian's consent; so, you see, we are going to be very great people. I believe my mother was not so well burn as nana, and the late baronet was so angry when he heard of the marriage that he dislnherit- eu papa, who at once changed his name ana worked hard to keep his wife. I hope you are not angry with us because we are going to toke away your wife's wealth. Of course that is only non- suise! I know you are not angry; I've neara you say often how glad you would have been to share what vou have with her." Ethel paused. Telling did not SDeak. and she felt a little anxious. She had unintentionally stumbled unon the mih- ject; but she knew it could not be avoided between them, so she screwed up her courage and went on: I erhaps I should not say what I am going to say; but no real harm can come from straightforwardnes. We have been such good friends in the past that we need not stay to pick and choose our woras to each other, need we? I wsnt to congratulate you on the recovery of your wife; but there is something in your face that checks me. Wil! you tell me all about It?" "I can't tell you all about It," he sad!. I only know that my wife refused to have anything to do with me, and that she is now in Paris." If I were you I should tro tn Ph. too." "I suppose I oueht In fnnt T tn I ought and I have tried to make up my mind to go; but I cannot." ror an instant he dronDed his heA upon his hand, and a ereat rush nf nlt set Ethel's heart beating oddly. He punea nimseir together with an Impa tient exclamation. What a bore you must think mi" ne said, quickly. "Let us dron the auk ject If I ever find you can help me in any way, I will come ao you at once. As things are now, the less said the better. And so you are to possess the wealth which Pauline has forfeited? I am very glad very, very glad on all accounts hut' one." "And that is?" "It will make Dornton's task harder." The blood rushed over Ethel's face in a quick flush, and it left again as quick ly. "I don't know what you mean." she said. "I mean that Dornton was beguiled by my unhappy wife into doing as he did, that he was not master of his own ac tions, and that he would give a very great deal to be assured of your entire forgiveness. He has loved you all through his mad folly. He told me so. himself on the very day of the wedding, before he could have known anything of the change in your worldly affairs; so, when you think of him in the future, you must not believe he was governed by merce nary considerations' . - "Thank you for your kind defense of him," she responded, rising as her fath er entered the room. "I will remember to do as you say;" and she turned gayly to the door. "And now let me Intro duce you to Sir Geoffrey Mailing of Mallingford Park." A few weeks later Ethel and her father were settled at Mallingford. All the necessary legal formalities had been gone through, and the county families had called upon Sir Geoffrey and his daughter. Lord Summers had suggest ed that the baronet should have a public reception; but Sir Geoffrey had sternly and emphatically opposed any such dem onstration. So father and daughter had come down and been met at the railway station by the family carriage, and had gone quietly to their respective rooms, after shaking hands with a few of the old servants whom Sir Geoffrey remembered In his Brother's time, and had eaten their first dinner at Mallingford as if they had but just returned from a short visit. (To u continued.) - He Waited No Longer. "You may refuse me now," said the persistent suitor, "but I can wait. 'All things come to him who waits.' " "Yes," replied the dear girl, "and I guess the first thing will be father; I hear him on the stairs." Philadelphia Ledger. -Prmrrefi. "How are you coming on with your new system of weather prediction?' "Well." Btiawpr'ud the nronhet cheer lly; ."I can always get the kind of weather all right, but I haven't quite succeeded in hitting the dates exact ly." Washington Star. w fifflfl BAKING It I baa POWDER )) C!f jjWftlj is the wonderful raising powder of the M ftaluniMlU Wjve Circle. Thousands of women are t Milh DmP bril,in rM,cr 1,eallh and beUer ,ood W VA ! LDV'I in, ,hclr homes by llsin' K C Bakina I l II jQUpc- "rt c5" rwucr Costs just one-third what you I 11 I I Jk, JJS5 , Jj always ry. H you have never used it f Jr I I H&'MJf vc-u don't know what you've missed, f S LA SSM! Don't wait I All grocers. I f 25 ounces for 25 cents Jn JAQUES MFG. CO. V Chicago "v. Tbesrtlnile" nook of r-rtwnli" MJI SALE OF GOODS. State Law Provides Protection for the Creditor. Portland The Portland Association of Credit Men, one of the state's okleflt and strongest commercial bodies, hns taken up the matter of purchasing goods without the buyer knowing whether or not there ia any indebtedness against the same. A law on the statute books of Oregon, covering this question, fol lows: SALE OF GOODS IN BULK. It shall be the duty of any person who shall purchase any stock of goods in bulk, for cash or credit, to demand and receive from the vendor, at least five days before the consummation of such purchase, and at least five days before paying or delivering to the ven dor, any part of the purchase price, a written statement under oath, contain ing the names and addresses of all of the creditors of said vendor, with the amount of indebtedness due and owing, or to become due or owing to each of such creditors, and if there be no such creditors, a written statement under oath to that effect; and it shall be the duty of such vendor to furnish such statement at least five days before such sale. After receiving said written state ment, the vendee shall at least five days before the consummation of such purchase, and at least five days before paying any part of the purchase price, in good faith notify personally or by wire or by registered letter, each of the creditors of the vendor named in said statement, of the proposed purchase by him of such stock of goods; and .when ever any person shall purchase any stock of goods in bulk, without having first demanded and received from his vendor, the statement herein provided for, and without having also notified all of the creditors of the vendor named in such statement, Such purchase, sale or transfer shall, as to any and all creditors of the vendor, be conclusively presumed fraudulent and void. Any RHEUMATISM CAN NOT BE DUBBED AWAY When the joints are sore arid swollen, and the muscles thfobbintr with the pain of Rheumatism, relief must be affected parts witn liniments, oils, etc. This treatment does good in a way, by temporarily relieving- the pain and reducing the inflammation, but has no effect on the disease itself, because Rheumatism is more than skiri deep ; it is in the blood and cannot be rubbed away. Rheumatism is brought on by indigestion, weak kidneys, poor bowel action, stomach troubles and a gen eral sluggish condition of the system. ' The refuse and waste matters - which snouiu ue carrieu on uirougn me nai- urai avenues ol bodily waste, are left to sour and form uric acid and other irritating poisons which are ab sorbed by the blood, making it thin, weak and acrid. Then instead of nourishing the different nerves, mus cles, joints and tissues it fills them With poison to produce the aches, pains and other disagreeable symp toms of the disease. Rheumatism is usually worse in Winter for the reason that cold and dampness are exciting causes. The nerves become excited and sting with pain, the mus cles are sore and drawn, the joints swollen and stiff and the sufferer lives in intense agony ; and if the disease is not checked it often leaves Its victims helpless cripples for life. Rheumatism cannot be rubbed away but it can be driven from the blood by S. S. S. Being a perfect blood purifier this great remedy soon pro duces a complete chancre in the en tire circulation ; the thin, acrid blood through the body nourishes and soothes the irritated nerves. 'eases thP thrnh. a. jVMfsaaw i PURELY VEGETABLE. IJSffSTJ memers .fthebody , .. . . , . . x. to the'r ""I duty so there is no cause tor another attack. Do not waste time trying to rub Rheumatism away, but get it out of the blood with S. S. S. so that the cold and dampness of Wintet will not keep you in continual pain and agony. Special book onRheuma tism and any medical advice will be given free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. ATiAMTAs CM, vendor of a stock of goods in bulk, who shall knowingly and wilfully make or deliver, or cause to be made or deliver ed, any false statement, or shall fail to include the names of all of his creditors in any such statement, shall be deemed guilty of perjury. Any sale or transfer of a stock of goods, wareB or merchan dise out of the usual or ordinary course of the business or trade of the vendor, or whenever thereby substantially the entire business or trade theretofore con ducted bv the vendor shall be sold or conveyed or attempted to be sold or conveyed, shall be deemid a sale or transfer in bulk, in contemplation of this act; provided, that nothing con tained in this act shall apply to sales by executors, administrators, receivers, or any public officer acting under judi cial process. The Russian zemstvos, or country ad ministrative bodies, supply agricultural implements to peasants on credit. How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward for any case ol Catarrh that cannot be eured by Hail's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHUNKY h CO., Props., Toledo, O. We, the underslnned, have known K. J. Cheney for the lil 16 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transao lions and financially able to carry out any ob ligations made by their Nrm. Wkfir A Truai, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, 0. Waldino, K innak di Marvin, v holeaale Drug gets. Toledo, O. Hail's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, fat ing directly upon the blood and mucous sur faces of the system. Price 16c. per bollie. Bold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. U.lI.V.llu nilU.Mlhal.a.1 ...Li cwuii ... n. u uv uv. i The size of the lion's share depends upon the size of the lion. For forty rear's Plso's Cure for Con Sumption has cured coughs and colds. At druggists. Price 25 cents. Back to Chicago. Dearborn And did you shake ths dust from' your feet when you left New York? Wabash Well, I don't know that I shook it from my feet exactly, but I know I got rid of all the dust I had, all right had at once, and it is natural to rub the While at work for the F.'c. & P. R. K. In .the swampy region, I contracted Kneumatism and waa completely help less for about four months and spent over $150.00 with doctors, but grot worsa every day. and finally quit them and be gan S. S. 8. I took a few bottles and was cured Bound and well. My health. Is now splendid, and I weigh 175 pounds. There is a lady living near ma who ia now taking S. S. S. for acuta Rheumatism. For two months ahe oould not turn herself in bed. but since begin ning your medicine about three weeks S? a improved rapidly, and is nowt able to sit up. I can recommend 8. S. S, to all suffering from Rheumutism. Ulan, N. 0. B. 0. LAS3ITER. , I was severely troubled with Rheuma tlsm. I had it in my knees, legs and ankles, and any one who has ever had Kheumatism knows how excruciating: the pain is and how it Interferes with one at work. I waa truly in bad shape having been bothered with it for ten years, off and on. A local physioian ad vised me to use 8. 8. 8. I did so. After taking two bottles I notioed the sore ness and pain were greatly reduced. I oontinued the medicine and wae thor oughly cured; all pain, soreness and in flammation gone. I reoommend 8. 8. S. to all Rheumatio sufferers. 803 E. Greenbrier St. .' ' is made oing muscles, and dissolves and carries out of the system the irritating particles in the joints which are keeping up the pain and inflammation. S. S. S. cures Rheumatism permanently, and in addi tion tones ut the dirrestion And st-inui. ...