Lexington wheatfield. (Lexington, Or.) 1905-19??, December 14, 1905, Image 7

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    For Coughs
and Colds
There is a remedy over sixty
years old Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral. Of course you have
heard of Improbably have used
It. Once in the family, It stays;
the one household remedy for
coughs and hard colds on the
chest. Askyour doctor aboutit.
"I hnvs had pnoiimnnla threa tlmm, and
Ayr Minrry Pectoral has brought niOHiiloly
thrmiKh each time. I have just recovernd
from my last attack, Bid slxty-sevmi. No
won, ,r I praise It." E. V. Hiuuins, Btoveus
Point, Wis.
Made by J. O. Aynr Co., Lowell, Mass.
9 SlDClPaBII I l
Ayer's Pills Increase tho activity ot
the liver, and thus aid recovery,
Kalian Lazy Man.
The laziest man In Kaunas was sit
ting under n true puffing his corncob.
"Why don't you Htart cutting down
your corn?" Interrogated the strange
' on tho slate-colored mule.
"Too much trouble, pard," drawled
the la.y man. "I'm waiting for a
storm to come and blow It down."
"Well, why don't you chop up some
"What's the use? Got a horseshoe
stuck In the woodpile so the lightning
, will strike it and make kindling wood
out of It all In a second."
"Then why don't you prepare din
ner?" "Too tired. Walt till a cyclone
comes along and blows all the feathers
off the chickens, so I won't have to
bother picking them."
A Tip for Her.
Mr. Staminerton Oh, Viola! er
that is, M M Miss Sere, I er lul
lul lul
Miss Sere (coyly) Yes, Mr. Stam
merton, say it. Don't be afraid.
Mr. Stammorton I'm afraid it's g
g going to t t t take me so lul
long to say it that you'd bub bet
ter remark "This is so sudden" now.
Philadelphia Press.
Ground nice Cake.
Two teacups of flour, one teacup of
ground rice, one teaspoon ful of bak
ing powder, quarter pound of butter,
one grated lemon, two eggs, a little
milk and a pinch of salt. Place tho
flour, rice, baking powder, and Bait In
a basin, mix well together. Itub in tho
butter until the mixture Is free from
lumps. Add the sugar and grated lem
on, mixing the whole well together.
Next beat the eggs for about ten min
utes and add gradually, then stir in
enough milk to make the mixture into
a stiff batter and beat well with a
wooden spoon. Place in a greased tin,
put it quickly Into a moderate oven,
and bake for one mid one-quarter to
one and one-half hours.
II oo in Ironing- Hoard.
Poys, mother can do up your shirt
in laundry style, If you will make her
a bosom Ironing board like this. Take
a nice pine board a little wider and
Cleveland's One-Cent Warrant.
Ex-President Orover Cleveland holds
the only . warrant for one cent ever
drawn by the Secretary of the Treas
ury upon the United States Treasurer.
It was in payment of tho balance of
tho salary due the Democratic chief
tain at the close of his term in 1807,
and Its issuance was made necessary
by one of those mistakes that are rare
on the part of the expert bookkeepers
engaged in running the accounts of
the government.
Every quarter the President of the
United States Is entitled to three
checks one for $4,166.00 and two for
$4,106.07. The table of methods of
paying government salaries shows
that If the $50,000 a year for the Pres.
ldent Is divided into twelve equal In
stallments, one for each month, the
amount will be $4,106.00 2-3, but the
two-thirds of a cent cannot be paid
at the end of a month, and so the
practice is to send the President a
check for $4,100.00 one month and the
other two months of the quarter the
amount is $4,100.07.
In some manner President Cleve
land failed to get a check one month
for the extra cent that was due him,
and when the books were balanced at
the close of his term it was detected.
With all due solemnity tjie officers of
the treasury drew the famous warrant
for one cent, and Mr. Cleveland re
ceived it with the same amount of se
riousness. He has never cashed the
longer than bosom of shirt; hollow It
: out at neck, run piece of steel around, 1
leaving above surface a little, which
fits inside of neck band. Then make
clamps for each end. (The metal can
be gotten from an old corset.) Direc
tions: Put board on the inside of the
shirt, draw the band up tight to collar
piece, then press the upper clamp
down. Then draw the bosom smooth
from the bottom' and press down the
lower clamp. Impossible to wrinkle.
Any one can iron a shirt bosom on this
board. .
For forty year's Flso's Cure for Con
sumption has cured coughs and colds. At
druggists. Price 25 cen ts.
' Found at Lout.
Trotter (who has teen abroad)
Miss Gusherly used to be looking for
her ideal. Did she ever find him?
Miss Homer Yes; but she lost him
Trotter Indeed! How did that hap
pen? Miss Homer She was married to
A New Organ
Delivered to any Rail
road Station or Boat
Landing in Oregon
Cuatnrd Suiice.
Mix one teaspoonful cornflour with'
a little cold milk; put the remainder
of half a pint milk into a saucepan;
when It boils, stir in the cornflour; al
low it to boil for a few minutes, then
add one ounce sugar and a little flavor
ing. Beat up an egg well, pour the
sauce on it, stirring all the time; put it
all back in the saucepan for a few sec
onds, but do not allow the sauce to
boil after the egg has been added.
Vinegar Peachen, s
Remove the down from the peaches
by dropping a few at a time in cold
water. To every four pounds df fruit
take two pounds of sugar and half pint
vinegar, make a syrup of the sugar
and water, drop in the peaches and let
boil twenty minutes until they look
clear. Drain them from the syrup, add
the vinegar and boil a few. minutes
longer. Remove from the Are and seal
while hot.-
riTB Permanently Cured. No fits or nervousness
I I lu after flrstday'BuneofDr.Kliiie'Bfirfat.Nerve
Kentorer. Send for Free 2 trial bottle and treatise.
Ur. It. U. Kline T ) nsi t.. 1'hlladelphla, Pa.
An orchid (the Crispum Roger San
der) has been sold at an auction in
London for $4,590. This is believed to
be a record price.
Bela In Scotland.
Although eels abound in Scotch waters
and art caught in great quantities, they
are not considered lit food there. No
matter how plentiful and how very fine
and large they may be in any district
of Scotland, no native will eat one. The
objection to the eel is said to be based
on its serpentlike appearance and the
fact that it is not overfastidious as to
what it feeds on.
A Great Monarch.
Wealthier than any brother sover
eign; master of legions, which number
over a million; lord of more than one
nixth of the surface of the globe, with
ubjects of many colors and races,
amounting to over one hundred and
twenty million souls, the czar of all the
Russias will not be invincible until he
adopts Pillsbury's Vitos as his regular
breakfast diet. .
A DUcouraged Chauffeur.
"So you are the applicant for the
position as chauffeur?" asked the gen
tleman, looking up from his desk.
"Yes, sir," replied the man who had
just entered the room.
"Are you a union man?"
"Yes, sir."
"Well, after you have worked on a
machine for eight hours and the thing
won't go, what do you do?"
"Oh, well, sir, if you've got one of
that kind of machines, I don't want the
job!" Yonkers Statesman.
Ilia Great Strength.
"That bass voice is a powerful one.
Isn't it?" .
' "Yes; I notice it has a great deal of
hoarse power." Baltimore American.
"-jo? rz. a Aa
Park and Washington, Portland, Oregon
"The School of Quality"
A. P. Armstrong, LL,. B., Principal
Thousands of graduates in positions;
hundreds placed each year; more calls
for help than we can meet it pays to at
tend our school; largest, most modern,
best equipped. Departments: Business,
Shorthand, Typewriting, Penmanship,
English. ' Open all the year. Catalogue,
penwork free. Call, telephone or write.
Scotch -Kiftf. ,
Make a paste of one-half of a cup
ful of stale bread crumbs cooked until
soft iu one-third of a cupful of milk;
mix with one cupful of minced ham
highly seasoned with cayenne and mus
tard and One raw egg; chop fine six
hard-boiled eggs and stir into the mix
ture; mold Into balls, roll in fine bread
crumbs and fry in hot fat to a nice
Here Is a picture of one of the most perfectly
finished organs now manufactured. It Is the
I'acilic Queen, made especially for Eilers Piano
House, choice of fancy walnut or seleoied
oak caves. Fine, very larje beveled plate mir
ror, perfectly finished; an ornament to any
Numerous new and valuable improvements
are embodied In this organ, making it at once
one of the best and most durable organs man
ufactured in the United States.
Built with special regard to Paciflo Coast
Besides the regular reed tone, this instru
ment also has several octaves of the regular
pipe ell'ects, to be found In no other make.
Special Introductory offer.
To Introduce this Organ we are making most
exceptional concessions in our prices and
terms and will deliver a perfect and fullyguar
anteed Organ freight paid, to any railroad sta
tion or boat landing in the state of Oregon for
f 16, on payment of 8 down and $4 a month.
The fancier styles tf2. 56, etc., on same terms.
Write us today, as this offer is limited only to
the first 100 instruments.
Largest, Leading and Most Responsible West
ern Dealers.
Washington street, corner Park, Portland,
Bprague ave. and Post St., Spokane, Wash. '
614 Market street, Ian Francisco, CaL
3 cubic muni an mi urn. Pa
Beat Couch Syrap. Taste Uood. bat
In m. won t araff
Myrtle Soup.
Fry three chopped onions in a little
beef dripping until they nre golden
brown; stir in one-fourth of a pound of
ground oatmeal; fry that brown; add
one quart of water, a half dozen pota
toes cut in thin slices; salt and. pepper
and boil until the potatoes are soft,
then strain, set on the stove again to
boil for five minutes and serve.
Encnlloped Ham.
Mix three cupfuls of finely chopped
ham with the same amount of toasted
bread crumbs, add two eggs and one
half cupful of milk; pack in a baking
pan, cover the top with cracker crumbs
and bake for half an hour. This is
nice served as a breakfast dish, with
a poached egg on each side.
Pineapple Pie.
For this delicious dessert merely lay
slices of the pineapple, which has been
carefully cored and pared, around in a
rich pie-crust; sprinkle thickly with
sugar and bake. Whipped cream sweet
ened and flavored may be heaped over
the outer crust just before the pie Is
Some men take a trip abroad for
pleasure and some take their wives
Mothers will find Mrs. Winslow's Soothing
Syrup the beat remedy to use for their children
during the teuthing period.
Leaioa In Etymology.
She I wouldn't be surprised If the
servant girl were listening at the key
hole. He Nor I. That's a.woman'sftrlck.
, She Oh, Indeed?
He Of course. That's why It's
called Eve's , dropping. Philadelphia
You Can (Jet Allen's Foot-Ease FREE.
Write AllenS. Olmsted, Le Roy.N. Y., for a
free sample of Allen's Foot-Ease. It cures
sweating, hot swollen, aching feet. It makes
new or tight shoes easy. A certain cure for
corns, ingrowingnails and bunions. All drug
gists sell it. 25c. Don't accept any aubalitute.
Danger in Hair Dye.
Knott Yette You. mean to say that
the use of hair dye Is dangerous?
Ben Thayer I do. Let me tell you
something. A dear friend of mine, a
happy bachelor, found his hair was turn
ing gray at 30. Well, he had it dyed a
deep black. Four weeks later he was
married. Tales.
Beware of Ointments lor Catarrh that
Contain Mercury
as mercury will surely destroy the sense of
smsll and completely derange the whule sys
tem when entering It through the mucous
surfaces. Such articles snould never be used
excepton prescriptions from reputable phy
sicians, as the damag they will do is tenfold
to tne good you can possibly derivefrora them.
Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by V. 3.
Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0.,containsnomercury,
and is taken internally, acting directly upon
the blood and mucous Burfaces of the system.
In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure vou get
the genuine. It is taken Internally, and made
la Toledo, Ohio, by K. J. Cheney & Co. Testi
monials free.
Sold by Druggists, price 75c. per bottle.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
A Judicial Verdict.
Judge You are accused of having
beaten this person cruelly.
The Accused Well, I had to beat
him to make him do his work. He is
an idiot.
Judge (severely) You should re
member that an idiot Is a man like
you or me. Translated for Tales from ;
Les Annates. '' " ' !
A full-grown elephant can carry, three
tons on its back.
Forty years a?o and after iriany ye&ra
of use on the eastern coast. Tower's
Waterproof Oiled Coots were introduced
in the West and were called Slickers by
the pioneers and cowboys. This graphic
name has come into such general use' that
it is frequently though wrongtuny applied
to many substitutes. You want the Genuine
look tor the oign or the risivana
joe Mine 1 ower n the buttons.
One Dollar
for a Postal Card
B This company will give one dollar for
the first reliable information of an
opportunity to sell a steam engine or
boiler of our standard types within
our range of sizes. This does not
include vertical, traction or gas en
gines. If you know of anybody in
tending to buy an engine or boiler
tell us. A Postal will do.
hive for years been the standard for all steam
plants. Best of material and workmanship.
Uur big output enables us to sell on small prof
its. An Atlas, the best in the world, costs no
more than the other kind.
Writ today for our special otter.
I 0 Selling agendo! in all citlea INDIANAPOLIS
I (orliia Engine! Highspeed Engine! Water TubeBollen
roar ValYe twines Compound bngtnei Tubular Boiler!
Automatic Engine! Throttling ng inea Portable Boileri
Atlai Engine! in errlce 8,000,000 R. P.
Atlal Boileri in lerTice 4,000,000 H. F.
p. Pi a
No. 50-1905
HEN writing; to advertisers please
mention mis paper.
mm If
io r
W:MW KiU-i d
Almond Pudding.
Boll a pint of milk in a double boiler
and stir In a teaspoonful of cornstarch
and three tablespoonfuls of sugar beat
en with two eggs. As soon as the mix
ture thickens pour it into a buttered
pudding dish and scatter the top thick
ly with almonds.
How to Sweeten Batter.
If one ha1!! butter that is not entirely
sweet, add to it a little more salt and a
pinch of soda and bring to a boll on
the stove. When cold, remove the cake
of fat, wlp dry, and it will be found
prfeetly tweet for eooktng.
as with joyous hearts and smiling faces they romp and play when in health
and how conducive to health the games in which they indulge, the outdoor
life they enjoy, the cleanly, regular habits they should be taught to form and
the wholesome diet of which they should partake. How tenderly their health
should be preserved, not by constant medication, but by careful avoidance of
every medicine of an injurious or objectionable nature and if at any time a
remedial agent is required, to assist nature, only those of known excellence
should be used; remedies which are pure and wholesome and truly beneficial
in effect, like the pleasant laxative remedy, Syrup of Figs, manufactured by
the California Fig Syrup Co. Syrup of Figs has come into general favor in
many millions of well informed families, whose estimate of its quality and
excellence is based upon personal knowledge and use.
Syrup of Figs has also met with the approval of physicians generally, be
cause they know it is wholesome, simple and gentle in its action.' We inform
all reputable physicians as to the medicinal principles of Syrup of Figs, obtained,
by an original method, from certain plants known to them to act most benefici
ally and presented in an agreeable syrup in which the wholesome Californian
blue figs are used to promote the pleasant taste; therefore it is not a secret rem
edy and hence we are free to refer to all well informed physicians, who do not
approve of patent medicines and never favor indiscriminate self-medication.
Please to remember and teach your children also that the genuine Syrup
of Figs always has the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co.
plainly printed on the front of every package and that it is for sale in
bottles of one size only. If any dealer offers any other than the regular Fifty
cent size, or having printed thereon the name of any other company, do not
accept it. If you fail to get the genuine you will not get its beneficial effects.
Every family should always have a bottle on hand," as it is equally beneficial
iui me paicias iuiu uie uuiuicn, wncnevei a mxauve remeay is required.