O rpoi t?i ki -i0I if A GENERAL LAND AND REAL ESTATE Businesss done at Lexington Oregon by 4 B. iVScALISl K U. S- COMMISSIONER A Few Good Farms For Sale Cheap Office in Lexington Bank BEYMER HOTEL Board by the Day or Week Your Patronage Solicited..... LEXINGTON, OREGON. H. 7S. FJLLeR LIVERY FEED AND SALE STABLES First Class Rigs Careful Drivers Special attention to Commercial Men LEXINGTON, OREGON. Special attention to Transients LOCAL NEWS The Wheatiield job department has been quite busy the past two weeks, but then we like to work, It's good healthy exercise. A phonograph makes a splendid Christmas present for the children. Call at the Wheatfleld Prlntery and place an order for one. Another of those pleasant dance Is billed for Thursday evening, Novem ber 30th. Don't fall to attend for you will miss it if you miss it. All my accounts have been left W. P. McMillan for collection. All those knowing themselves Indebted to me vlll call there and make settlement. ' Dr. C. C, Chick. We have the agency for the Edteo Phonograph and Records. If y'ou con template" buying a phonograph, call and get our prices. We can and do sell them as cheap as the large mail order houses, besides saving some freight. To Whiton Linen. Handkerchiefs and doilies that have become yellow from the use of too much soap or from old ngo may be whitened in the following simple manner: After they have been wash ed in the usual way in soft water with a good soap, put them to soak overnight in clean water' into which has been put some cream of tartar. A teaspoonful to a quart of water ia the right proportion. After they have been rmsed and ironed tho next day they will be almost & white as when new. Washing Black Muslin. Boil two quarts of wheat bran in two gallons of water for half an hour. Set aside until lukewarm ; then strain through a cheesecloth bag, pressing hard. If thick, thin with cold water to the consistency of what is known as "raw starch wa ter." Wash the lawn in this, using neither Boap nor starch. Shake ana wring and hang in the shade to dry. While still damp iron on the wrong side over old .flannel tacked upon the ironing board. . ii: ' Tq Remov MilcUw. A spoonful of chloride of lime hi a quart of water and strained through flannel ia the best solution to use to remove mildew. Soak the spots in the solution for about a minute and then lay it in the sun. If the spots have not disappeared repeat the process. Sour milk "and salt is also very good, but in any case plenty of strong sunlight is es sential. , Laundry Hints. Cold rain water and soap will re move machine grease. A little borax in the last rinsing water will make handkerchiefs eas ier to iron and look better when done. Ten cents' worth of sugar of lead in three gallons of soft water will prevent any color of ,blue from fad ing in the laundering. Tomato Butter, To nine pounds of ripe tomatoes, peeled and sliced, allow three pounds of sugar, a pint of vinegar, three ta blespoonfuls of cinnamon, one and one-half tablespoonfuls of allspice and a tablespoonful of cloves; cook until thick, stirring often to prevent Bcorching. Laundering Battenborg. Soap the doilies well. Let stand in warm water and a little ammonia for an hour or so. Give a good rins ing. Tack a piece of white cloth the size of doily to the carpet, pin every point down firm, stretch good and let stay until thoroughly dry. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION Notice Is hereby given that the partnership existing between C R. McAllster and A. M. MacNab, under the firm name of McAllster & Mac Nab, has this day been dissolved. , C. R. McAllster pays and collects all bills. Dated at Lexington, Oregon, this 1st day of November, 1905. C R. McAllster A. M. MacNab. uw'iiiiiiiiwiiii'i i iiiiii ii iiiiii i mil ii miiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiii 1 1 1 LEXINGTON FLOUR MILL JOS. BURGOYNE, Proprietor t . . .1.. .Fitted With Modern Machinery FLOUR EQUAL TO ANY ON THE MARKET Steam Power and prepared to exchange at all times. BARLEY ROLLS IN CONNECTION LEXINGTON, - -.' - OREGON ARTISAN Lodge Meets every Satur day night at 7 o'clock, up stairs in Arti hall E. M. Beach, R. B. Wilcox, M. A. Sec. I. O. O. F. Lexington lodge No. 168. Meets every Wednesday evening at 7 p. m. W. E. Pointer- . E.D. McMillan xTxzzzxxxxxxxxzxxxizxzMfrTzxzxKzzzircxxzzxzzxxxxxxzxz M M 9 THE NEW BARBER SHOP fj HAIRCUTTING, SHAVING AND SHAMPOOING g m EXPERT MASSAGEING M 3 ONE DOOR NORTH LEXINGTON BANK g rt n Oregon XXXXXXXXZXXXZZZZZXZX.4ZXXX;JZZZX;JZZXX1ZXXXXXXXZXXXXXXX m Lexington, This space will be occupied by McMillan & Benge LUMBER YARD Jree ScholarsiL ip AT Pendleton l casern '9 The Wheatfield will give to some boy or girl a scholarship in the Pendleton Academy. This achool is recognized as one of the best on the coast. The graduate of Pendleton Academy is within five of graduation from the classical course of Harvard University, without further entrance examination. CONDITIONS The only conditions attached being that the one elected must be one who has completed at least the Seventh grade in the Oregon course of study. ' Commencing today, November 16, and continu ing until December 20, 1905, -each dollar paid on subscription will entitle you to cast 100 votes for some boy or girl whom you desire to see capture this unequaled prize. The only cost to party se lected, will be for board, the tuition being all ar ranged for. Subscribe fearlij and Often TERM BEGINS JAN. 2, '06 CONTEST GL0SES DECEMBER 20, 1905. Address all communications to THE WHEATFIELD, , Lexington, Oregon. Sec, N. G.