( i OREGON STATE ITEMS OF INTEREST PORTAGE ROAD WILL PAY. Low Water In River Ha Interfered With Its Traffic. Balem 'That the Portage railway will be self sustaining when regular traffic has been established, there is no doubt," said Superintendent L. 8. Cook, of the Celilo Portage railway, when in Salem to attend a meeting of the Portage commission. "For various reasons we have not been getting the business we should have had at the start, but present difficulties will be re moved and avoided in the future. "Low water has made it impossible for the boats on the upper river to take on wheat at some placet to bring it down to Celilo. For example, at Quentin there was 12,000 sacks of wheat piled up on the shore, but the water was so low the boats could not : get near enough to load. Some 160,000 acks of grain along the Upper Colum bia have been shipped out by rail, when under normal conditions of water, it would have come down by boat and the portage road. "I cannot, give exact figures at pres ent concerning the expenditure and in come, because we have not made settle ments with transportation companies when the charges are collected by one line and the amount apportioned. In round numbers I should say that it costs us $800 a month to operate the road and our income is about $000 a month. If we were getting all the traffic that is available and naturally tributary to the portage road, we would have an income of $1,900 a month and an expense of perhapB $1,000. We have handled 10,000 to 15,000 sacks of wheat this month, whereas we would have handled much more if the boats could havo reached it." WAN T WATER FOR CANAL. Deschutes Irrigation & Power Com pany Files on Water Rights. Salem The Deschutes Irrigation & . Power company has made two water filings to secure new sources of water supply for its extensive irrigation sys tem near Bend. The present source of supply is about two miles above the town of Bend, hut it is understood that the land upon which the headgate is located is owned or controlled by A. M Drake. The Deschutes con pany has now made a filing for 1,000 cubic feet of water per second about three miles further up the stream. The filing is for the purpose of securing water for the Central Oregon canal. The other filing is for 1,500 cubic inches per second at a point about 10 miles above Bend, at Beham falls. The filing is for the purpose of securing water for the Benham falls canal, which will ex tend eastward and northward a distance of SO to 40 miles, bringing the water to Prineville and irrigating large areas of land north of the canal. The Portland Irrigation company, Tepresented by Edwin Mays, of Port land, has filed on 15,000 inches of water in Chewaucan creek, Lake coun ty, the point of diversion being in sec tion 84, township S3 south, range 18 ast. Fruit Drier Closes Down. Freewater J. P. McMinn, proprie tor of the large fruit drier north of Freewater, has closed for the season, after a very short run, owing to the scacrity of prune and the active de mand and high price paid forthe green fruit, 75,000 pounds being the output this year as compared with 200,000 pounds last year. Heretofore he has shipped his .prunes east, disposing of the same in the large cities at prices from S to 3a cent a pound. He has sold half of this year's output at 6 cents a pound to Pendleton and Walla Walla merchants. Sandlaka May Talk. Cloverdale The Cloverdale Tele phone company this week completed ten miles of new telephone line to Sandlake. The company has also late ly completed its line to Dolph. This gives Tillamook City telephone connec tion with every voting precinct in the south part of the county. There is ' hardly a farm house from Tillamook to Blab creek that has not telephone , son nection, and it iB hoped next year will see the system extended to the valley by way of Willamina. The system now embraces over 60 miles of wire. s Winter Irrigation a Success. Milton W. T. Shaw, the well known Hudson bay rancher, was in the city recently and reports that irrigation on the line of -the Hudson Bay ditch is increasing. This ditch uses the sur plus water of the Walla Walla river, and as a result it can only irrigate when the ordinary irrigation season ends. Car Shortage Felt. Freewater Owing to the scarcity of cars on this division the Peacock apd Eagle mills are working at a great dis advantage on account of storage capaci " ty being blocked with millstuffs ready to ship. Manager J. H. Hall advises he has 20 cars of flour and feed ready to move and can get but one car a day. NEED NOT VACCINATE. Children Cannot Be Forced to Take Precautionary Measures. Salem In answer to an inquiry from State Health Officer Robert C. Yenney, of Portland, Attorney General Craw- lord has rendered a decision holding that the State Board of Health has no authority to require that children shall be vaccinated before gaining admission to the public schools. The attorney general quotes from the law ci eating the board of health, show ing that the board has general super vision of the health of the state and power to establish quarantines. The vaccination rule would not be in the nature of a quarantine; hence' the board cannot find its authority in that provision. Neither does Mr. Crawford think the clause giving the board general super vision will authorize them to establish a new qualification for admission to the public schools unlesB there is apparent danger of an epidemic of smallpox. AIDS THE CATALOGUE HOUSES. Baker City Merchants Protest Against Numbering of Rural Boxes. Baker City The merchants of Baker City are circulating a petition asking the postmaster general to withdraw his order to the effect that all rural mail boxes must be numbered in consecutive order. In thn work they have asked the aid of all the merchants from Boise to Spokane, and petitions have been sent to these towns for circulation. The merchants allege that the num bering of the mail boxes on the rural free delivery routes would give the cat alogue houses in the large cities like New York, Chicago and St. Louis a great advantage, as these big concerns would be enabled to send out their cat alogues and other literature to every patron along every rural free delivery route without knowing the names of the parties, as the literature could be addressed to Box 24, or any number, and reach its destination. 'Start Free Library. Baker City Baker City now has a free public li orary, the council having ratified the appointment of the library commission as named by Mayor C. A. Johns. A special library tax will be voted on the the next June election, and in the meantime Andrew Carnegie will be asked to renew the offer of $1,000 made about a year ago for the establishment of a library in this city. The present library was instituted by a private library association and con ducted for the benefit of the public at a small membership fee. Nucleus of Permanent Exhibit. Ontario The Malheur county exhib it returned from the fair at Portland is being installed in the office of Don Carlos Boyd. It is to be made the nu cleus of a permanent exhibit of the products of the county. PORTLAND MARKETS. Wheat Club, 73c per bushel; blue stem, 75c; valley, 7475c; red, 69c. Oats No. 1 white feed, $26; gray, $26 per ton. ( Barley Feed, $21.5022 per ton; brewing, $2222.50; rolled, $22.50 23.50. Rye $1.501.60 per cental. Hay Eastern Oregon timothy, $15 16 per ton; valley timothy, $1112; clover, $89; grain, $89. Fruits Apples, $11.50 per box; huckleberries, 7c per pound; pears, $1.251.50 per box; grapes, $1.50 1.75 per box; Concord, 15o per basket; quinces, $1 per box. Vegetables BeanB, wax, 1012c per pound; cabbage, lljc per pound; cauliflower, $1.752.25 per dozen; cel ery, 75c per dozen ; cucumbers, 5060c per dozen; pumpkins, Mlc per pound ; tomatoes, $1 per crate ; sprouts, 7cper pound; squash, lc per pound; turnips, 90c$l per sack; car rots, 6575c per sack; beets, 85c$l per lack. Onions Oregon yellow Danvers, $1.25 per sack. Potatoes Fancy graded Burbanks, 75 80c per sack; ordinary, 5560c; Merced sweets, sacks, $190; crates, $2.15. Butter Fancy creamery, 2527)c per pound. Eggs Oregon ranch, 3235c per dozen. - Poultry Average old hens, ll12c per pound; young roosters, 910c; springs, 11 12c; dressed chickens, 1214c; turkeys, live, 17(1 18c; geese, live, 810c; ducks, 1415c. HopB Oregon, 1905, choice, 9llc; olds, 710c. Wool Eastern Oregon average best, 1921c; lower grades down to 15c, ac cording to shrinkage; valley, 2527c per pound; mohair, choicej 30c. Beef Dressed bulls,' l2c- per pouni; cowb, S4c; country steers, 44)c. Veal Dressed, 87c per pound. Mutton Dressed, fancy, 77c per pound; ordinary, 45c: lambs, 78c. Pork Dressed, 67Jc per pound. SELL ADULTERATED SEED. Agricultural Department Blacklists a Long List of Dealers. Washington, Nov. 14. While the air in full of talk about graft, Secretary Wilson, of the department of Agricul ture, is going ahead quietly puncturing one form of graft that is imposed upon the farmers of the country that oper ated by the fraudulent seed men. Un der a special act of congress Mr. Wil son's department makes an examina tion and analysis of seed sent in by farmers who are suspicious that dealers are selling them adulterated goods. As a result of investigations recently made, the Agricultural department has issued a warning to farmers against buying red clover or alfalfa seed from a number of dealers who have been found disposing of adulterated seed. The dealers named on the list are: W. W. Bawson & Co., Boston; Ross Bros., Worcester Mass.; W. H. Small & Co., Evansville, Ind.; The W. E. Barrett Company, Providence, E. I.; Barteldes & Co., Denver, Colo; Cross- man Bros., Rochester, N. Y.; W. E. Dailwig, Milwaukee; J. A. Everett, Indianapolis; James Gregory & Son, Marblehead, Mass.; W. Crossman, Pe tersburg, Va.; Hamilton Bros., Cedar Rapids, la. ; Huntington & Paige, In- dianapoliB; Jacob F. Kirchner, Pitts- field, Mass.; McMillan Seed Company, Atlanta, Ga.; B. E. Martin, Salem, 111.; L. L. May & Son, St. Paul, Minn; National Seed Company, Louis ville, Ky.; The Frank S. Piatt Co., New Haven ; Rush Park Seed Com pany, Independence, la. ; Steckler Seed Company, New Orleans, and Young & Halstead, Troy, N. Y. The names of these dealers are pub licly posted by the department, in reality they are blacklisted. This note is a warning to farmers who are in the market for red clover or alfalfa need. ITS WORK A FIASCO. Committee on Public Printing Does Not Fix Blame for Waste. Washington, Nov. 14. Judging by results so far obtained by the "joint committee on printing," the public printing graft is not going to be checked by congress this winter, aa President Roosevelt had hoped. After giving hearings to officials of the government printing office, officials in charge of senate and house documents and some of the men in charge of publications in the various departments, the committee arrives at the conclusion that there has been waste. It iB not able to analyze the waste; it iB not able to point out the manner in which the waste can be checked ; it is not able to fix the re sponsibility. In short, the committee has brought to light nothing new. And now it has taken an indefinite recess. But this class of investigation iB typ ical. It iB about as effective as' the average congressional inquiry. It is parallel to the inquiry held in, the last congress for the purpose of clearing senators and representatives of charges made against them in the famous Bris tow postal report. NO BILL, SAYS BURION. Congressional Appropriations Must Be Kept at Lowest Figure. Washington, Nov. 14. The Post tomorrow will say: No general river and harbor bill will be passed by congress at the approach ing session. This forecast was made by Representative Burton, of Ohio, chair man of the river and harbor committee, before he left Washington for Hot Springs, Va., for a short vacation. There are two cogent reasons for not enacting such legislation next winter, according to Representative Burton first, because a large bill passed last session carried appropriations for all projects deserving of immediate atten tion from congress ; second, the neces sity of holding down appropriations to the lowset figure to prevent, if possible, another deficit in the treasury. Boycott is a Bugaboo. Washington, Nov. 14. "The Chi nese boycott on American goods cer tainly cannot be carried to the extent of seriously affecting our commerce in the Orient," d clared Charles Denby, the new chief clerk in the State depart ment, today. He recently completed a 20-year official residence in China, and has arrived in Washington to as sume his new duties. "When I left Pekin last Marh, there was no apparent dissatisfaction over the exclusion law, and there was no talk of a boyott," he said. Buy Mountain of Iron. El Paso, Tex., Nov. 14. News has come from Mexico tnt the United States Steel company has purchased the famous Solid Iron mountain, the rich est of its kind in the world, at Du- rango. POINTS OF MESSAGE Measures President Will Recom mend to Congress. RATE QUESTION FIRST ON LIST Will Be the Longest and Most Re markable of President Roose velt's State Papers. Washington, Nov. 14. The proofs of the message that President Roosevelt will send to congress on the first Mon day in December are now in his hands for final revision. It is said by those members of bis cabinet who have heaid portions of it read that it will be the longest and most remarkable document that has been written by President Roosevelt. Among other topics that have been treated in a striking manner are the following: Correction of the rebate evil and the regulation of railroad rates Telling what has been done toward building tLe Panama canal and advo eating legislation that will expedite the work. Urging the reorganization of the dip lomatic and consular service. Advocating moderation in Chinese exclusion laws. Suggesting methods for cementing up the cracks in the immigration laws. r.eeommenaing administrative re forms in governmental departments and the adoption of business methods in operating the government. Urging the ratification of the Santo Domingo treaty. Recommending better tariff relations with the Philippines and'Porto Rico. Explaining the government's right to inquire into corporations engaged in interstate commerce. Pointing to the benefits of a greater navy. Preservation of Niagara Falls from the encroachments of commerce. Statehood for territories. Federal supervision of insurance companies greatly desired. Other topics touched upon are : Treaty of Portsmouth, trade in the Orient, treasury deficiencies, public lands, forest reservations, rights of la bor, Venezuela and economy in govern ments expenditures. AGAINST THE RAILROADS. Washington State Commission Up holds All Complaints. Colfax, Wash., Nov. 14. "Found guilty as charged on each count of the indictment." This is the verdict of the State Railroad commission rendered yesterday evening in the State Railroad commission vs. the O. R. & N. Co., the Great Northern Railroad company and the Northern Pacific Railroad com' pany. Shipments from Puget sound for points on the O. R. & N. in Eastern Washington must not be routed via Portland unless requested by the ship per. Coal rates from Roslyn to points on the O. K. & N. in Eastern Washing con must be lowered to that existing before the cancellation of the joint rates January 1, 1902, and joint rates must be re-established between all the railroads of Washington. In fact, the railroads have lost every point, and the commission has arbitrarily announced its intent to fix the rates to favor Puget sound at the expense of Portland. The O. R. & N. Co., by its attorney James Wilson, announced just before adjournment of the commission, after all the testimony had been taken, that it would grant a rate of $2.55 on Ros lyn coal from Wallula to Colfax, mak ing the total rate on both roads of $4.45, thus placing Roslyn coal on an equal basis with Wyoming coal. Commissioner McMillan asked if the O. R. & N. and Northern Pacific would make the same rate on Roslyn coal to Colfax that the Northern Pacific makes to Garfield ani Pullman. Mr. Wilson stated he has no authority to make such a rate. Concessions to Peasants. St. Petersburg, Nov. 14. The gov ernment has decided to make an appeal to the peasants. With the workmen of the cities completely estranged and Liberals refusing to aid the authorities, there iB nothing left but to turn to the peasants, and the emperor has approved a ukase informing them that measures for the amelioration of their condition will receive immediate consideration. The discontent of the peasants and the danger of the spread of the agrarian movement largely contributed to the government's decision. Reviving a Dead Scheme. Mexico City, Nov. 14. The Mexican Herald p-ints a story claiming it has information that the governments of Great Britain and Japan have practical ly decided to construct a ship canal of their own across Nicaragua, practically on the lines of the plan rejected by the American government, Great Britain to furnish the capital and Japan the labor. 1 BLOW AT IRRIGATION. litchcock Refuses to Approve Pro jects in the Northwest. Washington, Nov. 13. Following close upon Secretary Taft's refusal to recommend an appropriation for con tinuing the improvement of the mouth of the Columbia river comes Secretary Hitchcock's refusal to approve the Umatilla irrigation project in Oregon, and the Okanogan and Tietan projects, in Washington, all of which bare been pronounced feasible by the reclamation engineers, and all of which were re cently submitted to Mr. Hitchcock for hia approval. Lack of funds is given as his reason for turning down all three projects. Mr. Hitchcock finds that he has al lotted all the money in the reclamation fund and about $3,000,000 in excess. He concludes that it is time to check these allotments, and is determined to accumulate a surplus before more work is undertaken. He therefore intends to hold back on new projects until July 1, at which time, it is estimated, there will be a surplus on hand of about $3, 000,000. Mr. Hitchcock finds nothing wrong with the engineering features of these projects, but he is entering upon a new policy of distributing money out of the reclamation fund, and his reform is put in force just at the time when Oregon and Washington were in line for recognition. Another thing that develops in con nection with the refusal to approve the Umatilla, Okanogan and Tietan projects is the determination of the secretary to hereafter confine allotments of reclama tion funds to 51 per cent of the amount contributed by the various states and territories. It is unfortunate for Ore gon and Washington that this rule is adopted at this late day, but, if it be lived up to strictly, the secretary should at once expend $2,500,000 in Oregon and more than $1,500,000 in Washington. As a matter of fact, not a dollar of the reclamation fund has been expended on any irrigation work in Washington, and the only benefit Oregon seems likely to receive for some time is her share of the $1,000,000 which has been set aside for Klamath. ONLY HERRICK IS BEATEN. Republicans Carry Most of Ohio Elec tion Legislature Doubtful. Columbus, O., Nov. 13. Today's developments have cleared up the post election situation in Ohio considerably. Practically complete returns on the en tire state ticket show that all the Re publican candidates except for governor have been elected by substantial plu ralities. The figures given out by Chairman Dick, of the Republican State committee, show a range from 27,000 plurality on lieuteuant governor to 39,000 on state treasurer. Leads Houck, Democratic candidate, for lieu tenant governor, before leaving for his home at Mount Vernon tonight, ad mitted his defeat. Chairman Garber, of the Democratic State committee, was expected to give out a etatement tonight, but did not. Both parties continue to claim a ma jority in both branches of the legis lature. The majority in either branch will be small, possibly not more than two or three for the party that controls. LET ROOT MANAGE BIG CANAL. Plan to Relieve Taft of Panama Mat ters Again Discussed. Washington, Nov. 13. An echo of the suggestion that the Isthmian canal should be placed under the State de partment has been heard in a rumor of the possibility that the Insular bureau, which grew up under the direction of Secretary Root when he was at the head of the War department, may be transferred to the State department. The discussion of the matter has not taken any concrete form, but it is one of the suggestions made to relieve the secretary of war of heavy responsibili ties which now rest upon him in ad ministering not only the affairs of the army, but the Philippines, the Panama canal and other island interests. It would take legislation to bring about the change, as the Insular bureau was legislated into the War depart ment when the Philippine government act was passed. Extra Session In Pennsylvania. Harrisburg, Pa., Nov. 13. Governor Pennyacker issued a roclamation today calling an extra session of the legisla ture for January 15 to consider reform legislation. Bills to enable contiguous cities in the same counties to be united into one municipality; to reapportion the state into senatorial and represent ative districts; to provide for the per sonal registration of voters, and for the government of cities' first class, and the proper distribution of the power exer cised by such municipalities are to be considered at the extra session. Dunne Will Return to Charge. Chicago, Nov. 13 Mayor Dunne announced today that he will present another message and ordinance to the city council, in which the purchase of the present street car lines and the ownership by the citv of all the present system of lines will bo Bought.