LEXINGTON WHEATF1ELD S. A. THOMAS, Publisher LEXINGTON .OREGON NEWS OFTHE WEEK In a Condensed Form for Oar Busy Readers. A Resume of the Less Important but Not Less Interesting Events of the Past Week. The canvass of the New York elec tion shows gains for Hearst. California politicians are now be coming involved in the insurance scan dal. The strike in Poland is believed to have been broken and the country is settling down. Indications are thatl a new register of the Lewiston land office will not be named for some time. Secretary Boot is preparing to initi ate negotiations for the settlement of all pending disputes with Canada. Many women are going to Panama to work as servants in the various campB along the route of the canal. A prairie fire near Aberdeen, S. D., caused a loss of livestock, grain and farm buildings estimated at $500,000. A fire which started in a Knoxville, Tenn., paint store destroyed $200,000 worth of property before extinguished. European nations are not pulling to gether in their demonstration against Turkey and the sultan doesn't seem badly scared. The contributions for the relief of the Russian Jews totals $740,000 from all parts of the world Of this $370,000 came from the United States. All of Mayor Dunne's plans for im mediate municipal ownership of the Chicago street railways have been shattered by the council reaching an agreement with the companies placing the time ten years hence. Speaker Cnnon has declared against tariff revision. The new king of Norway will receive a salary of $200,000 annually. Governor Folk, of Missouri, says the reform movement now on will last. The president has removed Register West, of the Lewiston, Idaho, land office. More than 300,000 has been raised in the United Sttes for the relief of the Russiaan Jews. Austria fears her Polish subjects will revolt of Russian Poland is successful in securing autonomy. The Riverside Bridge works, at Mar tin's Ferry, Ohio, has burned. The loss will reach $100,000 Many Russian capitalists are selling their government and other securities and leaving the country. Democratic and Republican mem bers of the house will each hold cau cus December 2 to nominate house offi cers. President Mellen, of the New York, New Haven & Hartford railroad, has declared himself in favor of railroad rate legislation. The board of canvassers working on the returns of the New York election have found many places where the tally sheets and returns do not agree. Germany denies she will interfere in Poland. Thomas Lawson has been arrested for libel. Balfour threatens to resign if follow ers don't unite. Russian workmen have ordered a new general Btrike. Garfield iB at the head of an inquiry into rebates on oil. Burke, a mining town in West Vir ginia, has been entirely destroyed by fire. Advices from Singapore, China, says the anti-American boycott is strong there. London proposes to establish its own electric lighting system at a cost of $40,000,000. The State department knows nothing of the proposed Anglo-Japanese canal at Nicaragua. New York has had its first snow storm of the winter. Secretary Root is working on the new treaty with Germany. Washington's congressional delega tion will work for an appropriation for the mouth of the Columbia. American residents o the Isle of Pines will Bend a delegation to congress to pi vent ratification of a treaty con veying the the island to Cuba. Riots are occurring in Vladivostok. The American Mining congress is in session at 1 Paso, Texas. CASTRO REFUSES TO PAY MORE Keeps Back Second Installment on Plumley Award. Paris, Nov. 17 The foreign office iB advised that President Castro yesterday refused to pay the second installment of the Plumley arbitration award. The arbitration covered damages sustained by French citizens in Venezuela during the revolutionary periods prior to 1903. Judge Frank Plumley, of Northfield, Vermont, was president of the arbitra tion committee, which met at North field last year. The judgment was in favor of France, which was awarded about $650,000, and President Castro paid the first installment of the award three months ago. The second pay ment was due yesterday, but was not paid. Apparently the Venezuelan Presi dent's failure to pay the installment was on the ground that diplomatic re lations between France and Venezuela are interrupted. The officials here de cline to admit that this justified Presi dent Castro in not paying the install ment. The incident is considered to be a further provocation. CZAR HELPS PEASANTS. Remits Millions Due on Lands and Makes Purchase Easy. London, Nov. 17. A dispatch from St. Petersburg to Reuter's Telegram agency says that an imperial manifesto granting land concessions to the peas ants was issued this morning. By its terms the land redemption tax pay ments from January 14, 1906, will be reduced by one-half, and from January 14, 1907, the payments will be totally abolished. At the same time the capital of the Peasant bank is increased and the bank is granted additional loan privileges with the' object of facilitating to the utmost the purchase of lands by peas ants. It is estimated that the amount of taxation thus lifted from the peasants by the manifesto will aggregate $40, 000,000, while the extension of the field of operations of the Peasants' bank will enable vast tracts of crown and private lands gradually to become the property of the peasants. PRETENDER LEADS PEASANTS. Army of 50,000 Supports Usurper's Claim to Czardom. St. Petersburg, Nov. 17. A false emperor has suddenly made his appear ance near Penza, and already his fol lowers number 50,000. This is the startling report received this afternoon in a dispatch from Simbrisk. Penza is in the heart of the vast region extend ing westward from the Volga, where agrarian uprisings on a large scale have occurred, and if the report turns out to be true that the pretender to the throne has placed himself at the head of the peasantry, the government will soon face, besides its other troubles, a form idable agrarian rebellion. It required a year to suppress the famous rebellion led by PugatichefJ, who impersonated the dethroned and murdered Peter III in the time of Catherine II. That up rising was started in the Bame region on the banks of the Volga. STORM CLOUD IN AFRICA. Germany Protests Aeainsf an Anglo French Agreement in Liberia. Washington, Nov. 17. The State de partment has learned that Germany has protested to Great Britain and France against the conclusion of certain negotiations now on foot between those two governments and the government of Liberia. Liberia wished to borrow some money and is willing to hypothe cate certain territory as security. Ger many sees in this proposition a threat of undue expansion of British and French influence in that quarter of Africa. The State department has not felt called upon bo far to take any ac tion in this matter, and in fact regards the communication merely as informa tion. Anarchy at Vladivostok. St. Petersburg, Nov. 17. The latest reports from Vladivostok indicate that the rioting has not yet been suppressed. Both sailors and fortress artillerymen particapated in the outbreak.' The commandant lost his head, the situa tion got beyond control, and energetic measures were not taken until a large part of the city had been destroyed. The population iB still seeking refuge on the vessels in the harbor. Accord ing to one report from Vladivostok, 300 rioters, mostly Bailors and artillerymen, were killed or wounded. Standard Oil's Big Dividend New York, Nov. 17. The Standard Oil company has declared a quarterly dividend of $10 a share. The previous dividend was $6 a Bhare and the divi dend at this time last year was $7 a share. Today's declaration brings the total dividends focr the year to $40 a share. Last year it was $36. APPROVE PROJECTS Hitchcock Will Reverse Himself on Irrigation. TO THE BENEFIT OF NORTHWEST Had Taken Bad Advice Walcott Re moves Objections to Umatilla, Okanogan and Sunnyside. Washington, Nov. 18. Secretary Hitchcock is preparing to reverse hira Belf and approve the Umatilla irriga tion project in Eastern Oregon, as well as one or more projects in Washing ton. This, at least, is the inference to be drawn from an authorized state ment made at his office today to the effect that action on the Umatilla pro ject would be taken some time next week which would be satisfactory to the people of Oregon, and that similar action was to be looked for on one or more Washington projects. It is not known at this time what Washington projects will be approved, further than that the choice will lie among the Tie ton, Okanogan and Sunnyside schemes, all of which have been favorably re commended by the Reclamation Bervice. This announcement from the secre tary's office was made after a confer ence between Mr. Hitchcock and Di rector Walcott, of the Geological sur vey, who is the intermediary between the secretary and the Reclamation ser vice. This afternoon Mr. Walcott re turned to the secretary all papers bear ing on the Umatilla, Okanogan and Tieton projects and, in addition to the original recommendations, submitted unanswerable arguments showing that all these projects are not only feasible and desirable, but that there is no feat ure about them to which objection can be legitimately raised. In point of fact, Mr. Hitchcock, shortly after taking adverse action on the Umatilla, Tieton and Okanogan projects, saw that he had acted on bad advice, and realized that his position would become untenable. He saw that he had made a blunder which would have to be rectified, and he has cau tiously been feeling his way back to aolid ground. He is not yet ready to make the final leap, but is preparing for it and, when he does, Oregon and Washington will benefit. Incidentally it might be mentioned that the men who gave the secretary bad counsel have heard from it, and have been warned to display more intelligence and common sense in future ONLY AMERICANS AS CONSULS. Root Will Not Appoint Foreigners if He Can Help It. Washington, Nov. 18. Not a single foreigner has been appointed to the American consular service abroad since Secretary Root assumed office. He feels that it is his duty to "put none but Americans on guard." Aside from the fact that a foreigner naturally might be expected to take less interest than an American in the development of our trade abroad, it is felt that in time of political stress, wherein rela tions might become strained, no such test should be placed upon the loyalty of a foreign consular agent to his na tive country as would be imposed by requiring him to do vhis full duty to the country which merely employed him. So. although a number of vacancies have occurred in these posts since Sec retary Root assumed office, he has held consistently to the policy above laid down, and where it has not been possi ble to find Americans to fill the vacan cies, the offices have been allowed to remain vacant. Of course, the vacan cies cannot continue indefinitely, but the secretary hopes that, with the pressure of the business world behind it, congress will yield to his appeal for more liberal compensation for these small posts, so as to enable him to send out American officials. Ballot Reform in New York. New York, Nov. 18. At a confer ence yesterday between representatives of organizations interested in ballot re form, a resolution was adopted declar ing that ballot reform in New York should proceed on the lines of the Aus tralian ballot as in use in Massachu setts. As the representative of the Corrupt Practices association, D. Cady Herrick asked the support of the con ferees for a bill which his organization intends to present to the legislature and which he said would be drawn so as to do away with election corruption. Plan International Parliament. Paris, Nov. 18. Representatives of the parliaments of the principal na tions will assemble bere November 18 to consider the American appeal for a permanent international parliament and a general arbitration treaty, as presented at the Brussels parliamentary congress by Congressman Richard Bar tholdt, of Missouri, who represented the United States at the congress. IRRIGATION MUDDLE. Oregon and Washington Suffer From "Too Many Cooks." v Washington, Nov. 15. "The Mal heur irrigation project in Eastern Ore gon is reeking with graft," said a high official of the Inter inr department to day, "and until this graft has beon eliminated the government will not adopt and build the project which the Reclamation service lias prepared. The government does not propose to be held up." This statement was made by an offi cial very close to Secretary Hitchcock, and he, apparently, knows whereof he speaks, for he but recently returned from Malheur county, where he made careful investigation into the entire ir rigation situation, and found such con ditions as warranted him in recom mending against the immediate con struction of that project. It is hie candid opinion that the time is remote when the government will undertake the construction of the Malheur project ; indeed, he has doubts whether that project will ever be built by govern ment aid. There is no just reason why the Umatilla project should be delayed one day. It has been demonstrated that there is money available; the technical objection is trivial and ought to be waived. The Maxwell company mere ly asks to retain 300 acres, with water right, but Mr. Hitchcock rules - that, under the law, this company can have but 160 acres, with water right, over looking the fact that the three members of the Maxwell company, should they mak entry individually, could each hold 160 acres, or 480 acreB in all with water rights attached. The same thing is true of the Sunny side project in the, Yakima valley, in Washington. The Sunnyside canal owners are willing to sell out for $1, 500,000, but they ask to retain more than 160 acres of the land they now own, with water right attached, and the secretary is unwilling to grant them this privilege. So he holds up that project, which in the opinion of the re clamation engineers is very attractive and can be acquired to advantage at this time. Representative Jones, through his secretary, today made inquiry as to why Mr. Hitchcock refused to approve the Tietan and Okanogan projects, and found, as previously stated, that both were sidetracked "because there is no money." Neany a year ago Mr. Hitch cock allotted $2,800,000 for the con struction of the Palouse project, but the reclamation engineers recommended indefinite postponement of this under taking, and it has been temporarily abandoned because of excessive cost. It has been decided to withdraw this allotment, which contains enough money to build the Tietan and Okanog an projects, and purchase the Sunny side canal as well, yet the department still cries "no money." There is much quibbling among officials over the exact status of irrigation projects in Oregon and Washington, but the situation is as represented : There is money enough in both states for immediate work, but Mr. Hitchcock refuses to authorize its expenditure. Bargain in Irrigation Works. Washington, Nov. 15. A nonpartis an delegation from New Mexico called on the president to discuss with him the proposed sale to the government of an irrigation project which has been built to irrigate the Pecos valley. The dam and its contingent system were constructed by private individuals at a cost of $750,000. Last spring a flood carried away a part of the dam and left the reservoir practically dry. The farms, orchards and gardens, which were irrigated by the Bystem, are threatened with total destruction unless the dam is rebuilt. The delegation proposes to sell the entire plant to the government for $150,000. The presi dent promised to give full consideration to the proposition. Unrest Still Prevails in Odessa. Odessa, Nov. 15. Considerable un rest continues to pervade this city. Looting and attacks on individuals are reported to have occurerd in various quarters. The new prefect up to the present time has not taken any drastic measures and in cconsequence the peo ple fear to leave their homes after nightfall. The university opened today. A number of policemen have resigned, and it is openly asserted that they secured sufficient plunder during the disturbances to make them inde pendent. Mutiny at Vladivostok. St. Petersburg, Nov. 15. The latest adviceB from Vladivostok, received at an early hour this morning, state that the mutiny there is now under, semi control, although the danger is by no means over. The Chinese quarter has been entirely destroyed by fire, and the loss of life is reported to be very large but, owing to the strict censorship, it is impossible to secure details. STORM STOPS RIOTS Russian Capital Held in Grasp oL Fierce Blizzard. FOREIGNERS TERROR STRICKEN, Fear Escape May Be Cut Off Are. Advised to Leave Country Without Delay. St. Petersburg, Nov. 16. A fierce northeast blizzard and snow, which blew down on St. Petersburg tonight, prevented bloodshed in the Russian capital. The bitter cold, by forcing: the strikers to remain indoors, did more to preserve order than all the Cossack cavalry patroling the streets. Heavy military reserves are stationed in all the industrial districts, but up to midnight ' there was no rioting. There were rumors of collisions in different parts of the city, but on in vestigation they turned out to be false. The Social Democrats had an impres sive response on the part of all organiz ations of workmen to their Buminona for a general political strike to de monstrate their solidarity with the struggle of their Polish comrades for autonomy, and to protest against the execution of . the mutinous sailors at Cronstadt. The situation has caused a renewal of the panicky feeling among the inhab itants, whose nerves were already shat tered by the events of the lust fort night, and hundreds of persons who had just returned a'e again leaving for Finland. The foreign residents are be coming more arid more alarmed, and many of them are hastily preparing to go abroad for the winter. In case the Finnish Socialists should join their Russian comrades and tie up the Finn ish railroad, the only egress would be by wt.ter, and the freezing of the gulf of Finland a fortnight hence would' close the last exit. MAY BUY OUT THE SETTLER Possible Compromise, as War Depart ment Committed Itself. Washington, Nov. 16. Senor Que sada, the Cuban minister here, called at the State department today and' seemed to be considerably agitated over the news of the movement in the Isle of Pines to oppose the formal transfer of the island to Cuba. The contention of the American resi dents is that, as they own in fee simple five-sixthB of the ground, and as the re maining one-sixth is in the hands of one or two Spanish families", the 1,200' native residents being non-property owners, they should have a right to be heard by this gvernment. A sugges tion has been made here that is known to have received serious official consid eration to the effect that, in view of the fact that the War department act ually did at one time give ground for a, belief on the part of some persons that the Isle of Pines was American, it would be only just for this government to pay these settlers for the land. TAFT IN WASHINGTON AGAIN Denies Story He Will Transfer CanaU Affairs to Root. Washington, Nov. 16. Secretary Taft arrived in Washington from Hampton Roads at 7 o'clock this morn ing. Immediately after he called at the executive office and saw the president when the latter came to the office. Secretary Taft made it clear today that he had no intention of relinquish ing supervision of Philippine affairs. During his temporary absence in Pan ama it was reported that matters relat ing to the Philippines were to be trans ferred to the State department and: hereafter be under the direction of Sec retary Root. "That story," said Secretary Taft,. "originated in the mind of the man who wrote it. There is absolutely no foundation for it, whatever." v Colorado is Dammed. Los Angeles, Nov. 16. Local South ern Pacific officials state today that the engineers and riprappers who have been at work for months past at Salton sea, in an effort to check the flow of water from the Colorado liver, have been successful and that the waters are now practically under control. Exper iment after experiment has proved un successful, and the railroad company has been compelled to build several" successive pew tracks to get away from the encroaching waters, at a heavy expense. Battleship Oregon Ordered Home Washington, Nov. 16. Orders have been given by the Navy department for the return of the battleship Oregon from the Philippines to the United States at an early date. Two cruisers of the Denver class will be sent to the Philippines later on. The Oregon will bring back a crew of men whose enlist ments are about to expire. ' t