THEWHEATIELD Published Every Thursday at LEXINGTON, OREGON S. A. THOMAS, Editor and Proprietor. OFFICIAL PAPER TOWN OF LEXINfiTSN Subscription, per year, - $1.00 Advertising rates on Application . Entered as second-class .matter October 6, 1905, at the post office at Lexington, Or egon, under the Act cf Congress of March 3, 1879. , THURSDAY NOVEMBER 16, 1905. LEXINGTON'S FUTCKK cation. As it now stands most of the country children are compelled to at tend the country schools. I fully reaiize what a good school, lav and order, means In our country towns Desiring to give my children a good education, I have been compelled to send my family to a distant town for the past 10 years, at an annual cost of $1000 yer year, and, above all, I sad ly miss, during these long and dreary years, the absence of my beloved wife and children from our home. I sadly feel the loss of enjoyment, contentment, happiness and . pleasures that only my sacred hearth can render. To quote John Howard Payne's words, "Home, Sweet Home, there is no place like home," but home without the beloved members of one's family, is dreary and lonesome. Home undr such conditions is a mere abode of existence, without love, cheer, happi ness and contentment. I realize the neccessity of a more perfect code of morals, ethics and law In our town, and I believe the time has come and the present is face to face with the problem .of elevating our town upon a higher moral plane. I have seen every town in Eastern Oregon laid out and built up, except The Dalles and Prineville. .1 have al so, reference to every town in the valley except Portland, and have fol lowed their-1 evolution, growth and and prosperity. , . The time has come, when the con ditions pertaining to towns, when, the inexorable laws of their evolution must be greatly modified in order to obtain good results. The newcomers in the county as well as other classes of peo ple demand a higher code of morals. "The wild and wooly west" will re main in the annals of historical records the Indians have been subdued and placed on reservations, the cow boy will soon be compelled to seek other te Titory or employment. The cattle an 1 horse rustlers are;, of short dura tion, as a concentrated effort to sub due this lawlessness has lately been emerged in Morrow county. The OREGON SiiOIrLlNE akdUMOHPACIHC -TO Salt Lake, Denver, Kansas City, Chicago, St-Louis, New York. , . .Ocean Stenmnn for HmiKrHiclm lenvc -Tr.i-Huii.l nt K V. M. vr fifth flHV. . flukta to and from all point of the Unit- ' , '' " ed State and Kurope. ' Trains. Leave Lexington, Dally, ex ; cent Sunday, - 9:25 A. M. "Wraijw Arrive at Lexington, Dally, ex- ceptSuhday .. - 5:10 P.M. ff grains Connect at .J-Ieppner Junction V v with Main Lini trains for all ) - points East and West. V". A. L. CRAIG, G:P. A. stock" mer will soon 'realize a good profit on their products. ' With those outlined changes in our county such as, better schools, a high ethical plane of living, the people will move, during the fall and winter, to town to school their children and in this manner build up small' towns to large and prosperous towns. The prosperity of our towns is de pendent upon the prosperity of the farmers and stock raisers. . , Consequently the business men, me chanics, the farmers and the newspa papers of the various towns should unite in a hearty and co-operative ef fort to bring forth the desired condi tions. " ' ' Help the farmer and stockmen to rid the county of horse thieves Let everybody do his part in bringing the outlaws before the bars of justice' so that adequate puniihment can be met ed out to them for their, crimes. Don't sign any pardon after . the time of conviction of a criminal by the court and prevtous to the time of said criminals incarceration.. Dear Editor, kindly Inform us whet her or not there is any law in regard to the obnoxious Russian thistles. If there Is no law to that efiect, kindly assist us In getting a law passed, a law when enforced that will stop ' the spreading of the dreadfull Russian thistles. The neglected extermination of Russian thistles on our lands will soon greatly diminish the intrinsic value of the same, about one- half. Therefore, I ask the assistance of the represent atives of our county and the co-operation of the various towns and news papers of our county.' Are we asking to much or are we entitled to your hearty co-operation In our effort to rid the county of Russian thistles? Since 1 have grown up, I have never seen any town that outgrew . its sur rounding country. Therefore, let us unite and co operate in our effort to bring forth the best results. Let us arry our mental policies Into practi cal execution; and then, and then only shall we be triumphant and reap the just rewards of our honest toil and labor. Let our motto be: "Prove all things. Hold fast that which Is good. ' v B. F. Swaggart. We will endeavor to answer the writer later. Ed. COUNCIL PKOCKUlING9. Lexington, Oregon, Nov. 8, 1905. Adjourned meeting of town council, present Mayor, W. F.. Barne't, Coun- cilmen, W. P. McMillan, E. D. Mc Millan, W. E. Leach, Recorder E. D. Leach. Absent Councilman, W. R. Munkers, Treasurer, E. A. Pointer. Petition of A. J. Lane and A. D. Inskeep for license to sell liquors in less quantities than orte gallon was presented and on motion was granted. On motion council adjourned' sub ject to the call of the Mayor. E. D. Leach, Recorder Lexington, Oregon, Nov. 13, 1905 Adjourned meeting of town council present, Mayor, W. F. Barnett, Coun cllmen, W. E. Leach, E. D. McMill an, W. P. McMillan, Recorder, E. D. Leach, absent, Councilman W. R. Munkers, Treasurer, E. A. Pointer. C. R. McAHster and 'Rev. T. P. Gra ham were appointed Clerks and E. R. Beach, A. D. Bechtel and J. B. De Long Judges of election for the com ing town election. Oath of office administered to S. A. Thomas as Town Marshal. On motion council adjourned sub ject to the call of the Mayor. E. D. Leach, Recorder NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS Notice Is hereby given that bids will be received until November 15th, 1905, by the School Board of District No. 18, for the erection of a School House, according to plans and specifications to be prepared by said School Board. Address all communications and inquir ies to B. F. Thompson, School Clerk, . Strawberry, Oregon. i w- i B CO S THANKSGIVING Is fast drawing nigh so come and get your Groceries from our well selected stock, i And also your table is not com- plete without fine linens and napkins neat. You will find 2 we have a nice line of Table Linens ranging in price from 50 cents to $1 .25 per yard. O rJrnrorffffinTTTTHTff ' ! ' ft sssS ....STOVES.... A new line of Heaters now opened up and i ' are selling at special prices. We now have in stock the well known Charter Oak Range. Call and see us before purchasing None better than a Charter Oak O O Ladies ready to wear skirts, latest styles ! and very best ; .quality; ,Zf i. t 1 . . Prices $1.75 to $10.00 M i:. Call on us for Tinware, Paints, Oils, Etc. We can please you on quality and price. O LEXINGTON, OREGON D MSjaSSSOSSSllCBaiBSaii P Mswati fflarMnwMCMKrarMiwft ljtf J The opening chapters of "A Wife's Secret" or "A Bitter Reckoning" ap pears on the inside pages of this issue of The Wheatfield. This serial story is by Charlotte M. Braeme and is one of the best productions of this famous author. For the benefit of new sub scribers we will keep a limited supply of this issue so they may have the first chapters. Subscribe now so that you may not miss the begining of this interesting story. DRESSMAKING I have secured rooms in the Doherty Hotel building and am prepared to do all kinds of needle work and Dressmaking at reasonable charges. ' Mrs. Elisa Totzauer Lexington, Oregon. Christenson Brothers CONTRACTORS&BUILDERS Plans and Estimates furnished See us before building LEXINGTON, OREGON. THE WHEATFIELD ' " PRINTS' THE NEWS X L J. H. CHAPMAN & CO., Props. ES, LIQUORS AND CIGARS. FRESH BEER ALWAYS ON DRAUGHT r GOOD POOL TABLE IN CONNECTION LEXINGTON, OREGON JUM1N . WHllb I GENERAL BLACKSMITHING HORSESHOEING A SPECIALTY Work Neatly Executed LEXINGTON, OREGON. Charges Reasonable 2 J 4 7