PAT'S BARBER SHOP P. A. PATTERSON, Proprietor. ' FIRST CLASS SHAVING AND HAIRCUTTING Agent for Cresetit Steam Laundry Shop one door west Lexington Bank LEXINGTON, - - OREGON. si This Space Reserved For W. G. SCOTT & CO. I (9 j Lexington, Oregon. si si w.p. McMillan 3) rugs Stationery (Confections School Supplies ... Joilet Articles Si Qtc. Gc. fl LEXINGTON,' OREGON e o OIZ30E Xi3eal Estate o 672 nsurance I have all the best land in this vicinity on my lists. Prices range from $10.00 to $20:00 per acre. Write or call on me for further information. Life Insurance written for the Massachusetts Mutual o s o A. M. MACNAB LEXINGTON, OREGON ( J4 OEiOEaoEaop LOCAL NEWS WV O. Scott was a Heppner visitor Tuesday. See W. F. Barnett & Co's new ad In this Issue. Ray McAIIster has been on the sick list this week. Bert S. Clark was a Vheatfleld caller yesterday. Dr Chick made a business trip to Heppner yesterday. Rev. Graham held services at But ter Creek last Sunday. J. M. White made a business trip to Heppner last Saturday. WANTED Live cnickens. En quire at the Beymer Hotel. Only one more week left if the Ex position closes on schedule time. Joseph Eskelson and wife returned from Portland Tuesday evening. Mrs. H. N. Burchell, who has been attending the Portland Exposition re turned Tuesday. Chrlstenson Bros., contractors and builders, take space In this Issue of The Wheatfield t A. Andrews, of Heppner, ex-sheriff of .Morrow county, was a Lexington visitor yesterday. Mrs. J. M. White and daughter, Miss Rowena, returned from Arling ton last Thursday. C. W. Garrison, who has charge of the new Barber shop, left last Monday for a few days at lone. . J. V. Grimes and wife are attend ing the Portland Exposition having left for there last Thursday. . The dance In Artisan hall last Fri day ' was considered a success by those in attendance as all enjoyed themselves. Andrew Raney, one of Morrows prominent farmers, was in Lexington yesterday making preprations for seed ing his upland ranch. .The Wheatfield wants a corespon dent from each section of the county. Come in and see us about ,It and see what inducements we offer. Miss Ada M. Byers, of Independ ence, the new teacher in our . school, arrived last Tuesday evening and as sumed her duties Wednesday. Most of the Lexington people have returned frorh the Fair and all report a good time and say they are well pleased wtth the Exposition in general. If the secretaries of the different sesret organizations will furnish us the neccessary information we will publish their lodge notices free for six months. Work will commence today on A. K. Fullers new residence. We un derstand that his residence on the ranch will be torn down and removed to the site of the new one. LOST On Tuesday evening, a ladies black purse containing a $20 gold coin and a small piece of paper beaing dates. Finder will please return to Mrs. E. J. McAIIster and be rewarded. J. H. Chapman and wife went to Portland last week. Mr, ' Chapman returned last Tuesday, his wife going to Goldendale to visit her .parents a few days before returning to Lex ington.. The Wheatfield Is in receipt of a letter frorri John B. White, at Marion ville, Mo., stating that his daughter was greatly improved and he expected to start home with his family about the 1 5th of this month. Mrs. Frazier, state president of the Daughters of Rebecca, was in Lexing ton Tuesday evening. A meeting of the local lodge was held after which those present enjoyed a sumptuous re past, given In honor of their disting uished guest. . Howard Lane and Miss Eva Fuller wsre married last Monday evening. Justice Leach officiating. The con tracting parties are well and favorably known by all here. The Wheatfield joins In wishing them a long and hap py wedded life. John Parkins and son, of the upper O. T. FERGUSON FURNITURE WALL PAPER WINDOWSHAD AND CABINET HARDWARE LEXINGTON, OREGON, f5 'AYS skK. (brie Jinde earen PAINTER PAPER HANGER AND DECORATER' Cexincfton, a reaon I LEXINGTON MEAT MARKET t LEACH '& GRIMKS, Props. H FRESH AND I SALT l MEATS ' SAUSAGES 1 AND LARD t j FISH IN SEASON. LEXINGTON, OREGON. V John Day country were in Lexington Monday buying their winter supplies. They state they can save money by coming to Lexington to trade and hauling their goods about 100 miles over the mountains. The building for The Wheatfield was not large enough an addition 10 x 22 is being added on the south side of the building. This part will be used for press room. Cpncrete foun dations will be put in for the cylinder press and gasoline engine. We grow too. . 1 County Surveyor McGee, of Hep pner, is in Lexington this week sur veying the A. K. Fuller and W. B. 'McAIIster additions near the school house. Several lots have been spoken for in these additions and the work of building residences will soon com mence. Carl Parkins, a former resident of Lexington, but now of Ritter, and Miss Vina McNary, of this city, were married in Heppner yesterday after noon. The young couple have a host of friends here whom The Wheatfield joins In wishing them prosperty and happiness. The Wheatfield has just completed arrangements with the Oregon Journal whereby we are able to furnish the Oregon Daily Journal, Including the Sunday Issue, and The Wheatfield, one year $7. The Daily Journaland Wheatfield one year $5. The Semi Weekly Journal and The Wheatfield one year for $1.75 Uncle Ell Summers was in Lexing ton last Saturday and paid this office a pleasant call. Uncle Eli will cele brate his 85th birthday on the 20th of this month. He Is an old settler In Oregon, having came to the state In 1853, settling in the Willamette Val ley, where he remained but a few years and then came to Eastern Ore gon, where he has since made his home. He is hale and hearty and reads newspapers without the aid of glasses. C. C. CHICK, M. D. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Diseases of Women and Children a spec ialty. Calls answered promptly Day or Night. " Office in Drug Store. Residence in Boothby property. LEXINGTON, - OREGON F. H. ROBINSON ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW NOTARY PI'BLIC Practice in all Courts. Legal business given prompt and careful attention. Land Contests, Probate Work and Conveyanc ing a specialty. OREGON IONE, B. M. BOOHER PROMPT SERVICE REASONABLE CHARGES LEXINGTON, OREGON Chas. HBreshears DEALER IN WOOD AND POSTS YARDS AT DEPOT LEXINGTON, - OREGON W.J.DAVIS CONTRACIER & BUILDER Estimates Furnished Lexington, - Oregon Congregational Church Preaching service at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. every third and fifth Sunday of each month. Sunday School 2.30 p. m. every Sunday. Rev. J. L. Jones, Pastor. Get Your Name on The Wheatfield List