w The Old CUIor Mill. I Rllei'H liave nuid nd 1 say It ytt, That If I timid bo yminu twin Kiir tlt'tffiiujluiiH-3, 1M niakc u bee-line Tu thf old mill hidden by tun tried "iiie, Where the apples were idled in heaps around, Keil, veller. fnd streaked, all over the tftuund. '.'"id the old, sleepy bo$s wed round 'ud round, 'Nd drew the wheel that the upples ground. tniiytit fur that -nltf eide r null I would start, With iltrht ban feet nd a llirhter heart. With a suiiliii' tine In an old Btruw hat, 'Nd hiim-iuade brllchea, 'ml all that, 'Nd when I trot Ihur I would take a peep, 'I'u see II " ridei-MIII John was asleep: Then it' lie was, I'd w liutil in' around, 'Till a good, biff, long- rye Mraw I t'ouud. Then I'd etruddle a bar'l 'ud qulek begin, Tu till rlfrhtup with juice tu my chin. With the straw a Nirter connect in' link Twlxt It 'nd me, 'nd rtiilty think That the happiest boy you ever mw Would be al the end of that rye Htraw, So lontr as hit) power o' Miction Mood The strain 'nd the elder lusted good. old an 1 am 1 cun sliet my even, d see the jailer Jacket 'nd tiles Hwarinin' around the Juley cheese d btuitf-holeH, drlnklu' us much as they pleuse; an see the rich, sweet elder How -oin underthe press tu the tub below, d fleam in' up Into my old nose mies the swell a elder mill only knows, on may tell all uboutyrr flue Old Trow, "t shauipuii", sherry, 'ud si 'ud so, d anyibin' else 1'mrn the press or still, ut irimme the Juice from that old mill, lih a straw, 'nd a small I toy's suction power, 4d appetite., fur a (jmirterot' 'n hour, Nd I will t'orejro tiirevermoro .11 lickers known on this airthly shore. WHIiurn Kilwiird Venney, REPENTED L TIME. As the sun was slowing sinking le--oucl the western hills, Fred Floyd Ionised for n few moments at the gate of a house half concealed amid ivy and twining roses. A fairy-like form hastened down the gravel walk to meet him. Fred Floyd was the post-office clerk of Booueslnrg, and the only support of a. widowed mother. Next to his aged parent, he loved Ethel Wayson better than anyone on earth. His love was pure, and the beautiful girl leaning upon the gate ga.ed into his manly face, as Fred stood for a few seconds to converse with her. "I can't stop but a few moments," he said. "Mother is ill, you know, anil I try to spend as much limit with her as 1 possibly can; but the duties of the ulllce keep me in town most of the day." "Mabel Sanders is going to have a birthday party, Fred, and you and I are invited," said Ethel. "Very well; if mother is better, I will be only too glad to go," replied Fred. At that instant Mabel Sanders rode by upon her favorite horse, and smiled at the young folks at the gate, who watched the fair equestrienne as she urged her steed forward. Suddenly the shrill scream of the np Ir.iin sounded close at hand, as the ex press glided up to the station. Mabel's horse suddenly reared in alarm, and dashed away at full speed. The fair rider, unable to check him in his mad career, merely eluug to the pommel, expecting each moment to bo thrown headlong from the flying animal. Suddenly a passenger from the train ran, toward the coming horse, and dropping his small valise, bounded out into the road, ami sprang forward hi time to seize the rains and throw the ""animartack upon his haunches, and at the same time receive the senseless form of the beautiful rider in his out stretched arms. Friends soon gathered near, aud Mabel, after recovering her senses, ac cepted a seat in a carriage and re turned home, while the stranger leisure ly proceeded l the hotel. Thi incident w:i soon the town talk, anil the sliimgiT :. ted the invita tion to call and ivni , e i In thanks of Mi.ss Sanders. 'Ibis secured him a passiiort into I he society of Hoonesburg, aud he was the lion of the hour, lie gave the name of Harry Tracy, and it was soon riiinni'cil that bc.was rich and, his visit to tiie town was merely to pass a few weeks' vacation during the warm wealliei'. He soon became a regular visitor at the home nf the Sanders. The evening of the birthday party finally arrived, and of course Fred anil Kthel were among the guests. Harry Tracy obtained an introduction to Kthel, who looked unusually charm ing, and he paid a great deal of atten tion to her, and secured an invitation to call upon her. While returning home that evening, Fred learned from her conversation that Kthel seemed much impressed with the handsome stranger. Poor Fred, he began, to hate the uewcomer. Ho was but a poor clerk, ill-paid, and with a widowed mother looking to him for support, while this new arrival was reported rich. He could see that Ethel was dazzled by the witty remarks and glib tongue of Tracy, atid a great load settled upon the young clerk's mind as he communed with himself. Next evening, as lie called to see Ethel, her mother came forward smil ing to greot him, and Informed him that Ethel had gone riding with Mr. Tracy. Fred clutched at the gate-poot for support. He felt his heart sinking, and a great lump arose in his throat. Slowly, and as if in a dream, he walked to the office. The hours seemed to drag by wearily until the mail was distributed, and the office closed for the night. He carefully avoided passing by the dwelling of the Waysons, but reached home by an other road. Disturlmil by his bitter thoughts, he scarcely ate the supper placed before him. This, then, was the extent of her love - this her con stancy. Another day of torture came aud passed, Fred returned from the office, and, ere he knew it, he was close to the Wayson dwelling. A musical voice souuded in his ears, aud Ethel called to him. "Why, Fred, what ails you? Where have you been?" Fred mumbled some excuse, as he leaned against the gate and gazed in to her face. Was it possible she could be so fickle? Fred, I have news for you. You know Mr. Tracy. Well, what do you think? he has asked me to marry bim. and 1 have parti v consented, provid ing mamma's willing, you know. He's such a nice gentleman rich too." Fred vraited to. beat no more, and turned to go. lie felt sick at heart, and his head swam. "Why, Fred, why are you so paleP" said Ethel, alarmed at the young man's appearance. "Nothing, nothing." he faintly re plied. "And and do you love this man?" he feebly asked: "Well, I don t know; I might learn to love him," replied Ethel. She knew that the words were cruel, and each word sank like a dart into the heart ot the palo ligure before her. "If we should have a wedding, you'll be sure to attend, won't you, Fred?" Ktliel scarcely knew what possessed her to speak so cruelly to Fred, nor did she seek to detain him as he slowly walked from her toward his hiunblu home. 'Well, it's best," she mused. "I'd have to tell him any way, and now it' done. Poor Fred! I feel sorry for bin) but I couldn't be a clerk's wife." And the vain girl entered the house, not deigning to look after the form of the one she had professed to love scarcely a few weeks before. The flirtation between Ethel and Tracy had caused a great deal of talk, and Mabel Sanders felt quite piqued to think that affairs had taken such a turn, for she had introduced Tracy, aud felt sure she would tiring iiim to tier feet; but the gay stranger had devoted bis time to her rival in beautv and wealth Ethel Wayson. She pitied F'red. and sought to console him. Mabel sent out invitations for an other party, and urged Fred to accspt one. The evening of the party came, and sounds of music issued from the rooms as the gay throng mingled in the mazy waltz. Mabel looked lovely, and Ethel never seemed fairer. Fred sat near Mabel and tried hard to keep his eyes from wandering over to where Ethel sat listoning enraptured to the voice of Tracy. Suddenly they arose and mingled in the dance, but had taken only a few turns about the room, when a confused sound of voices was heard in the hall way and several strangers appeared, preceded by a constable. "Sorry to interrupt the festivities, ladies aud gentlemen, but business is bnsiness, you know, and we beg to be excused while we merely do our duty," said one of the strangers. Instantly every person in the room paused, and a death-like stillness pre vailed as the constable drew forth a document and proceeded: "I have a warrant for the arrest ol Charles Sawyer, on the charge of forgery and robbery. The person has been traced to this'town, and to this very house." "What sir!" exclaimed Mr. Sanders. "To this house? There is no one here by the name of Charles Sawyer." "No perhaps not; but he may be known by the alias of Harry Tracy!" Had a thunderbolt fallen at the feet of the daucers it could not have pro duced such consternation. Tracy offered no explanation, but merely held out his bauds to receive the manacles that the officer produced from his pocket, and accompanied him from the room. F'red bowed bis head, but a pair ol soft arms twined around his neck aud a tremulous voice whispered: "Fred, take me home, please." It was Kthel, aud she looked wist fully into the upturned face of the man whose earnest honest love she had cast aside. Once, under the shadows of the elms, she turned and feebly said: "F'red, 1 have wronged you! Kur give me if you can. I was blind and about to take a step that I should have regretted to my dying hour. Forgive me, F'red, aud and " Ere she could linish the sentence she was clasped to his manly breast, and tears tlowed down her "cheeks as he whispered: "I love you, Ethel, and forgive you!" A liuliacli IMuntalioii. The work of gathering and drying the buhach blossoms is iu full blast at the buhach plantation, says the Merced (Cal.) Star. About oue hundred men are scattered through the fields pick ing the blossoms. As fast as they are picked they are stowed away about two inches deep iu wooden boxes, the boxes being two aud one-half feet square. Wagons are employed in hauling the boxes to the drying'house. Probably it is called a drying house because it is alongside of the spot where the drying is done. Certainly no arti ficial heat is needed at the buhach plantation to drv anything at this time of tho year. The sun's rays come down within the inclosure of big popular trees with a force that makes it pleasaut to stand from under. The trays are allowed to lie there, the blossoms being stirred uo by a force of men mail they, the blossoms, are fairly cured. Afterward they are placed on a large platform about sixty feet square, where they remain until dry, and then are sent to the reduction works, where they are ground Into dust. This is done by men who aro proof against sneezing, otherwise it could not be doue at all. Whether or uot it makes Hies aud mosquitoes sneeze we dou't know, but it is cer tainly the best preventive iu use to keep those insects at a distance. The Kaklino. ' Ueeent writers on Greenland say the Eskimo have become so crossed bv fre quent intermarriage with the Danes that Scandinavian faces are as fre quently met as Eskimo in the native huts. At the present rate the native race of Greenland bids fair to disap pear entirely withiu the ue.xt century, uuless it is preserved in its purity by the isolated people of Smith's sound or the east coast. Vienna Chimney-Sweep. Vienna is in danger of becoming as grimy and as sooty as London: for the journeymen, chimney-sweepers have begun a general strike, and it is im possible to tluJ any oue possessing the qualifications necessary for the per formance of their duties Indeed, 'the geography of the old Vienna chimneys is so iuricate and wonderful that it re quires years of appenticeship to be come even an ordiuary sweep. WIT AND 11LIM0K. Ma. POIITKK'S little list. What Is our lilf' Where ilo you live? Wliiil. do von ilrltik for ten - -"r ' Who is your Biotherr V i.u la your Ciotbeir lien ilo ) ou go to sear WMiliilo you 1'avoiihe Fluyeri ur League? How wilt you vote nexl yenr? What do you lake lor u Jumping tootbudiifl1 Wlmt do you pay tor beti? Hew ilo vorl live on a thousand a year? vv hat do ou think of our mayor'? How old 111 you I'u Iu the year till? Ilo you wear your own natural hair? How many teeth have you (iol Iu your head? When do you pare your nails? What's your cheBt-ineueure when boxlutf for l leasure? Do you attend bai'tfalu sales? What do you piy for tho red on your cheeks? VV hat. do you pay for u shine? lo you lako mustard along Willi your cus tard? Doyounsli vttli auet or a lino? ... What do you say when you call on your Klrl? Are you stuck ou hn Oee-whlzf Come off, or I II holler hey I li'iwo my collar! Hememher ll's "ifoveniinent biz!" . - N. Y, KveniiiK Bun. A game law "Three of a kind beat two pairs." Washington Post. Those who get through the world by making the worst of it work hard for poor pay. St. Louis Trader. Man was made to mourn, but he has fixed things so that his wife has taken the job off his ntnh. llinghamtim Leader. "Have you a good cook?"- '.'She's very good goes to churcl(.f' ; iiesv a week. She can't cook.Mlioiigli." JMltimore Herald. "The man's a brute. He threatened to put a head on me." "And you let the opportunity slip? You foolish boy." -V. Y. Hun. Wibblo "How hard it is for a poor man to be honest." Wabble "Maybe; but it's no job at all for an honest man to be poor." Terre Haute Express. "We are going to have a picnic,!' said Mamie to her brother, "So am I," said he. "How?" "By staving at home from vour picnic," Washington Post. "Clara," said he,' Clara " "Thom as," she whispered, "I do love vou; but aren't you a little mistaken? This is Friday night, and I am Sarah." Harper's bazar. It is all up with tno baby when he takes a notion to cry at " miduiglit. Perhaps it is necessary to state that it refers to the household in general. Terre Haute Express. The time passed very pltsantly in the parlor and it was uot till the clock and the neighboring bells struck one that the lateness of the hour struck two. Philadelphia Times. Western Man "Now, candidly, sir, what kind of a country is New En gland?" Boston Man (enthusiastical ly) "It's (iod's own country, but (sadly) the devil's own climate." Weeks "A town out West has dis covered a brand-new wrinkle iu the faith philosophy." -Simpson "In deed!" Weeks "Yes; they're curing hams by prayer!" A meriean Urorer. Wife "John Jones, you'ivs a fool!" Husband "You didn't seem lo think so wheu I was single." Wife -"No, you never showed what u big fool you were until you married me. W'tr "That's the porcupine, Isn't itf What an ugly-lookiug creature!" "Yes. It isn't what you would call an attract ive animal. "Still it has a great many tine poiuts about it." Chicago Tn bune. "This egg, madam," said the pro fessor, with asperity, "is not fresh," "Sir," said the landlady, graciously, "it was laid just one week after you made your last payment." Harper'i Bazar. "Get under that ball!" yelled the captain, as the batter knocked a high fly to center field. "All right!" replied the fielder, running forward and then stopping, "I under-stand." Harvard Lampoon. Husband "You say I passed you on the street without speaking?" Wife "Yes." Husband "I assure you I didn't see you." Wife "I sup pose not; I am not somebody else's wife." Light. Charlie "What an intelligent dog Wildfire is, Miss De Witt, factually believe he knows as much as I do." Miss DeWitt "Yes, indeed; I wouldn't wondor if he knew more than that Mr. Featherbrane." Dostonian. A man's capacity for endurance in some respects change after marriage. The lover that never grumbled at hold ing a 130-pound girl for hours grum bles if he lias to hold a ten-pound baby two minutes. Philadelphia Timet. Young Peduncle (trying to be agree able) "So you've resigned, have you? You are not the President of the Shakerag Literary Circle any longer, but just plain Miss Kajones." Miss Kajones. "Sir!" Chicago Tribune. "Maria, you will please start the him," called, out the carsoiv Jvainhfl. stairway at 11 p. m., snd yoTiug Doodely, who had accompanied the parson s daughter home from church, took the hint and left. N. Y. Herald. Mudge "I was robbed of my good name this morning." Yabsley "Who did it?" Mudge "The census taker, of course." Yabsley "Well, he will get two cents on it, and tbat is more than you could do." 2Vrre Haute Ex prsss. "O, dear!" said the lump of dough, "I declare to goodness if 1 ain't most worked to death!" "Yes; 1 see you were kneaded," replied the oven; "but come rest in ray ardent embrace and presently you cau loaf." Richmowl tfecordtr. Deacon Goodenough "What do you think of our new pastor?" Tribula tion Jones "I helped him take down his stove yesterday, and he never used a single cuss-word." Deacon Good enough "Let's try him with a foun tain pen." Boslonian. Crowd (in elevator) "How soon does this elevator go up. boy?" Ele vator Boy (reading) "Jet as soon as I find out if the gal who leaped from the cliU was caught by her feller, who stood on the rocks oue thousand feet below." Harper' WctUj. Jarrett "Ptterson is absolutely the meanest man, I ever.inet! Do too know what that leiiow did when" iio was married?" Garrett "What? De clined to fee the minister?" Jitrrett "Fee the minister! Why, sir, the ushers took up a collection at the wed diug." Life. Opposed to Ground Floors Broker (persuasively ) it's a splendid op portuuity, tuul remember you get iu on the ground Moor." Capitalist "Dnu't want it. East time 1 was let in on the ground floor I dropped right through into a sub-cellar, and I've been there ever since. No, you'll have to let mo off." Texas Mlin'ii. Theatre Manager "Some fool in the gallery jelled 'Fire!' at the top of his lungs, during the performance, to night." Friend "You don't say! Wus there a panic?" Theatre Mana ger "No. Luckily there were lifteen theatre-parties in the house, and the cry was mil heard." Texas t.'artoon. It not infrequently happens that physicians base their advice to patients, al least in part, upon the bitter's fi nancial condition. A case iu point. A friend tells nie that his daughter consulted a plivsiciau the other day. and the latter, having satisfied himself as lo the difficulty, suggested a trip to the Yosemite. "But my father cau not afford liiat, ' said the young iiuiy. "In that case," the doctor replied, "ask him to buy you a pony and a village cart and take a long drive every day." "1 am afraid," said his patient, "that papa could not afford that either." The doctor was equal to the occasion. "Then take a good long ride on an open horse-car every day," he said." My friend's daughter is now engaged in exploring the suburbs by opeu itreet-cars and is improving rapidly under this 1 treatment." which costs iust 10 cents daily. Huston I'ust. MEN'S SUNDAY DRESS. Is It (Jooit Farm to WHr it llreHK Coat V.vrry Mulil? Points of etiiptet interest tho public from time lo time, and iu this country, where rules are nut laid down with great force or wilh any hope that they will be consistent ly earned out, questions of what it is right and what it is not right to do are often topics of animated discussion. There is not so much tn ipiarrel over in regard to cveninir ilrc-s. anil still a quiet litigation is always lining ou as to whether men are tn wear it Sun day evening or nut. Some men un doubtedly think it a li:irilshi to get into a swallow-tail coat every evening of the week. When the age for swallow tails arrives the young man who dons it has most decided scruples about appearing in anjlhing else, but those men are rare in America who keep up the custom year in anil yea out. One sees young married people begin their housekeeping with string i'iit rules in this regard, hut it does not take long for them lo alter their views, and iu respect to Sunday evening most of all. The subject came up at the Sunday evening supper-table of a society lady not long ago. There were four young men present, one of whom was iu eve ning dress. The others were not, and after the party bad warmed up to the subject under the gentle iiitluenee of t'hablis with creamed lobster prepared at table by the mistress of the house in a silver dialing dish, reasons were given for aud against. One man said that he had enough of formal things during the week and he never accepted invitations for Sunday evening where he knew ho wpuld have to dress, An other said that he was brought up iu New England, where church-going was the order of the day and evening and he never felt quite so comfortable iu his dress suit on Sunday night. The third agreed with the first, aud thought that Sunday was a dav when formality could be put aside, ft was the man ivho was in evening dress who really had the best of the argument. He said he would no more think of not dress ing on Sunday than on any other day. His family dined at night on that day, s they always did on every other, and he could not see any reason for omit ting wearing evening dress. There's the solution of the matter. It is the dining iu the middle of the day, as so many New Yorkers do, which produces the informality in most houses. The lack of uniformity in this regard prevents a rule from be ing established. formerly there was oue very strong reason for uot wearing eveui'g dress. The churches held cveuing service, and it being the proper thing to go, the custom did uot admit of the otherwise daily formality of dressing. There is undoubtedly another reason to be found why men do not find it necessary to change their dress on Suuday eve ning, in the fact that they are care fully dressed on Sunday for dinner, even supposing that meal to take place in the middle of the day. Our leisure class is so small that it is not worth while to consi. -r it, aud it may be taken for granted that on we days Tven spend their time in the different If isiuess pursuits,, aud that they are glad when evening comes to get out of the clothes they have been wearing all day into something else. Why should it not be the dress suit? But Sunday, being already dressed in the 'Sunday-go-to-meeting" garments, they find it unnecessary to make a change. p Concerning the Hand. Oue of the most common signs of want of good breeding is a sort of un comfortable consciouness of the hands, tn obvious ignorance of w hat to do with them, aud a painful awkwardness in their adjustment. The hands of a gentleman seem perfectly at home without being occupied; they are habituated to elegant repose, or if they ipontaneously move it is attractively. Some of Queen Elizabeth's courtiers uade playing with their sword hilt an iccomplishment, and the most efficient reapoh of the Spanish coquette is her :an. Strength in the fingers is a sure :oken of mental aptitude. When Uutiuj burned his band off before the yes of bis captors he gave the most in lubitable proof we can imagine of for itude, and it was natural that amid .he ferocious bravery of feudal times a iloody hand in the center of an es :utcheon should become the badge of a jaronct of Enzland. ALLISON, 55 AND 57 FIRST ST. Road-carts, ISuygies, Siirintc Wag ons, Mowers, Hinders, teed Cutters. rumps, Etc. WE CARRY A LARUE VARIETY ( F liiiflffles, CarrlHtfes ami Hprintc Wagon , inaimtttctHreri KYt'KKSSLV for tlie 1'aoitio Cotutt Trude Write for Special Catalogue VI o have made arrariionie?itR to liamlle tho s. and will (lUivtse of our stock of GALE PLOWS at reduced raft- II will Fay you to Write fur WHCFS. ALLISON, NEFF i CO., 55 & 57 FIRST ST., SA FRANCISCO. NOW, WHAT'S THE MATTER DON'T COMPLAIN ABOUT DULL TIMES Loolc about you ; reduce your expenses, Hve cheaper, pay cash as you go, learn now others do it. Smith's Catalogue, the Homb Circle," will give you many valuable hints. It goes by mail every month to over 8000 regular customers, and con tains the lowest cash selling price of over ten thousand articles, all carried in stock, and bought at first market price. Goods sold by mail order sys tem all over the world. Largest trade of any house on the Coast. Jobbing prices lower than ever known. Goods retailed and sold in any quantity direct to consumers at wholesale rates. a Packing, boxing and drayage free. Best of care given all orders. Try us once. ftaTtiend postal :ard Tor Catalogue. SMITH'S CASH STORE, I a FRONT 8TRCET1 SAN FRANCISCO. STRANCE EXPERIENCE. A Totttln M1M1 Lives ThroiiffW an Age In Thirty Herandti. A Toledo Ike mail was sitting in au ollico on Adam street recently chatting with the occupant, a well-known young lawyer, when the conversation turned to dreams and the rapidity with which the brain worked during sleep. "Yes," remarked tho legal guutleinan, "the brain is a marvelous eontrivauce. If that fact ever skipped my memory it was brought forcibly to my mind sev eral days since. I will tell you how it happened. I was sufl'ering with a thumping toothache, and resolved to have the offender out. Accordingly I made for the nearest dentist's whilo my determination was strong, and, dropping into a dental chair answered to his 'Will you take gas?' in the af lirimitive. It was my initial expe rience with the 11 1 1 1 1 1 , but 1 inhaled it without experiencing any . peculiar sensation at lirst. "I noticed presently, however, that the ollice clock ticked abnormally loud; in fact, it soon was pounding away like one of Krupp's giant hammers. Finally I drifted away into, another state and found myself in a h trail ire city. Several inont lis passed and num erous trivial things happened which I remember vividly, even the minutest details. Somehow or other I got in with a fast crowd of young men. and oue night, during a quarrel over a game of poker. 1 shot and fatally wounded one of my companions. 'I was arrested, and after the usual preliminary proceedings my case camu up for trial in the Court "of 'Common Pleas. The trial was a long one. I remember well the district attorney's summing up and the strong defense my attorney made iu my lhalf, but without avail, for the court sentenced me to be executed by electricity, a strange and fearful death. My law yer got a stay of execution of the sen tence, and the ease was carried to the Circuit court. Another lengthy trial ensued, concluding by the judge con firming the decision of the lower court, and I again beeamo reconciled to the thought of being executed. My law yer was untiring, and finally made an other attempt to save my life, carry ing the case to the Supreme court. I think something like a year and a half elapsed before the case came to trial for the third time. "However, Its conclusion bore no fruit lo my liking, for I was again sentenced to an electrical execution. I spent many weary days in prison, ami it was a relief when the dav set apart for my death came around. I awoke early, bathed, ate a hearty meal, and at 10 o'clock when the turn key beckoned me to follow him to the death-room I was wholly Drepared to depart this lift;. I scaled myself in the somewhat clumsy chair and my arms and legs were strapped tightly down. A dampened sponge was placed on my bead, and although 1 didn't look up I knew well that the connec tion was made that would soon make me a human conductor. I closed my eyes, but opened them jut iu time to seethe jailer drop a white handker chief. At the same instant the cur rent was turned on. A dreadful wrenching burning pain shot through my svstem and then and then I came to. 'The tooth bad just been pulled. I was under the influence of gas just thirty seconds. Yes, the human braiu U a rapid w orker." V Itlg I ii. I l.zia l..'. eh :i fanner ni Newton j Jountv. .Mi-wiip,i. discovered 10,OX) n gold while' d. idling iu hiiield a few I lav ai'o. NEFF & CO. SAN FRANCISCO. CAL. -AND- INSTRUMENTS Httory Building 738 M Aliv r NT. Sin Franclicc T 1 BUSINESS COLLEGE, 2ft POST STREET. SAN FRANCISCO, ( AL Established nearly 27 years. This college in cludes more than Is offered by auy other tvltool Iu America under oue Ultlon tee. Changed to tmit the times. Full Buslneei Course, for six months $75. This Includes Bhorthaud, Type writing, Telegraphy, Hlngle and Double Entry Bookkeeping, us applied to all department of bUHluens; Commercial Arithmetic, business Pon maiiHhip, Mercantile Law, Business Correspond ence, Lectures on Law, Business Forms, Actual Business Practice, Kallroadlug, Brokerage and Banking, English Branches, Drawing and In stt notion In French, German and Hpaulfeh. Send for Circular. K. 1. IIKALD, Pres. V. S. HA LEV, Sec. PACIFIC IiOLL PAPER CO- Kvery variety of ( ROLL PAPER, PAPER HAGS TU INK. All kinds of Manilla, News and Building Paper. Agt'iils Pacific Coast for the Hpklngs Holders and Cutters, ittt ft lt'2 First tit., Han Francisco. BLAKE, MOJTITT L TOWE 1M1'.ikti.i:s ANII IIV.V1.K11S IN BOOK, NEWS, WltiriNQ ArviU WRAPPING PAP ERG Card Stock, tlltuv a:ul l.idora- !:oui-l K-tifiiL M.ii-liini-1, ei.lt. 512 t. .".hi iineriMllimtn :! . !' VN 1'IU.iUS.V, PACIFIC STATES Printers' Complete SUPPLYHOUSE. HAWKS & SHATTUCK 409 Washington St, Sim Francisco. A NNOVNCE A Ki t.!. STOCK OF EVKKYTHINA rtiuirtl hi NewHptiier mill Juli Priming, ami many HNM4ftltln uuv kupl liy utlier UmtMn. FACirlC 00 AMI AOENTD FOR Coiinrr'iv TT. S. 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